Read A Touch of Spice Online

Authors: Helena Maeve

A Touch of Spice (8 page)

Tony reached for her hips and, with a jolt of force, hoisted her up into his arms right there in the foyer. Her back hit the wall, one shoe slipping off her foot to clatter gracelessly to the floor. She would have circled his back with her legs, but she didn’t get the chance—Marten was already there, kissing Tony’s neck as he unbuttoned his own shirt. The smell of his cologne was all around them, but it wasn’t Marten that Jackie found herself kissing, it was Tony. Her hands hooked around his shoulders, the blood red of her fingernails scoring welts in taut muscles as he struggled to hold her up against the inexorable pull of gravity.

“Bed,” she muttered. “Bed, now.”

Tony tried to disengage, but the moment he tried to slip away and carry Jackie into the master bedroom, Marten tackled them both to the couch. Jackie landed on her back, trapped between the weight of Tony’s broad, muscular body and the cushions, the breath knocked out of her not by the fall but by the look in his eyes. He seemed more than surprised—he looked a little dazed. She brushed her fingers through his hair, the grip just enough to pull him down and into her arms.

“You like that,” Jackie breathed. “Us pushing you around… You get off on it.” She felt him nod against her clavicle and a shiver of
slithered through her bones, culminating in a rush of liquid heat between her legs.

“You have no idea,” Tony groaned, which wasn’t quite true. She could feel him rutting against her thigh, his hardness a little more than a mere suggestion.

The sight of Marten unbuttoning his slacks curbed her thirst for questions and answers. He had already made short work of his shirt and was halfway through finishing the job when Jackie stopped him with a shake of the head. “Let Tony do it.”

“Let Tony do—
!” Tony trailed off, turning his head to see. She felt him shudder. “Yeah, okay. Good idea.” His absence left her feeling a little abandoned, but not enough that she recanted. The sight of Tony dropping to his knees before her boyfriend was breathtaking. They made a gorgeous contrast of pale skin against dark, Tony’s beard and Marten’s clean-shaven jaw like antitheses confirming once and for all that not only did she not have a type, she didn’t really have a preference. They were both gorgeous men.

Marten caught her eye and smiled. “Enjoying the show?”

“You bet.” Not enough that she was going to touch herself again, not yet, but with Tony gently easing Marten out of his briefs and ducking his head to lick at his cock, that was likely to change. Marten’s fingers stroked over the ginger fuzz on his scalp and Tony made a small, needy sound in the back of his throat, fingers clenching a little on Marten’s thighs. The Dutch national obsession with biking had gifted Jackie’s boyfriend with strong legs, even if the rest of him was a little soft, worn down through too many hours in the office. It obviously pleased Tony to have something to grab onto.

“He likes that,” Jackie heard herself mutter, “when you card your fingers through his hair. Do that again.” She was surprised at the sureness in her voice. A couple of hours ago she had been a mess of nerves and anticipation, but having Tony at their mercy helped ground her. There was something about this man that inspired a need to take care of him. It should have been ridiculous—he was broader in the shoulders than Marten and his fists looked like miniature wrecking balls—but it was true. Those same shoulders slumped so beautifully when Marten took him by the nape or guided him down his member. Tony’s long lashes fluttered shut as Marten surrendered to his attentions.

‘You didn’t say you were into dominance stuff,’
he’d said and Jackie had panicked a little because she didn’t want him to feel like he’d been taken in. On second thought, a bit of D/s play seemed like just the thing for him. He keened so prettily when she ran her nylon-sheathed foot down his spine that Marten’s head snapped up, whiplash fast, to catch her eyes.

Maybe Tony wasn’t so wrong. Maybe they were into ‘dominance stuff’ and Jackie just hadn’t noticed it before because they were both coming at it from the same end. 

Jackie licked her lips. This was the time to stop and discuss things like limits and what they were looking to get out of this, but she had never been very good about minding the fine print. She watched as Marten helped Tony to his feet and planted a brutal kiss on his lips, and every thought that wasn’t rooted in giving pleasure to these two beautiful men fled from her mind. They weren’t missed.

Eventually, the three of them did make it to the bed and Marten slid his hands down the length of her body while Tony undressed, all sharp elbows and a dizzy, unfocused look in his eyes. He’d never looked like this in his videos. He was always handsome, but never so…overcome. It didn’t stop him crawling towards them on hands and knees when he had finished taking off his clothes, skin warm where it brushed theirs. As much as she’d expected it, by now familiar with his oral talents, Jackie still arched as Tony took her pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucked. Marten claimed her lips in a slow, wet kiss before she could cry out.

“I could fuck you like this,” he murmured, the sweet, affectionate cadences of his voice at odds with the crassness of the words. “Would you like that?”

“Why not him?” Jackie asked, curious and excited. She wouldn’t say no to having her boyfriend inside her while Tony tended to them both, but she could feel the tremor in him when Marten touched his head or murmured encouragement. It didn’t take much to imagine how he’d react to Marten filling him up.

In the videos they’d watched, Tony wasn’t shy about anal sex. One memorable clip had him taking a partner’s strap-on, his face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Jackie would be lying if she said she’d never fantasised about that particular scene. She doubted that Marten knew, though. The few times they’d dabbled in anal sex, he’d been firmly in the driver’s seat and while she hadn’t minded letting him take her like that, she couldn’t help wondering what it might be like to switch it up.

Tony breathed out against the curve of her breast. “Fuck, are you two trying to kill me over here?”

“Do you want that?” Marten pressed him and Jackie was pretty sure they weren’t talking about killing. Her boyfriend slid his fingers down the length of Tony’s spine, catching on the irregular, speed bump rise of his vertebrae. “Do you want
like that?”

There was only a moment’s hesitation. “You’ve got lube?”

Jackie reached for the bedside drawer. She had never done this for anyone but herself and the sense of control was both heady and frightening. Tony might not have felt that way. He laid himself out on his back, with Marten lazily stroking his hard cock, and spread his legs. “You like this, don’t you?” she asked, slicking her hands and rubbing them together to warm the lubricant. The first time she’d done it with Marten, it had been the temperature of the lube that had put her off, not the burn in her sphincter or the fullness of Marten’s dick spearing her open.

Tony nodded. He liked it, obviously. And why not? His tight, puckered entrance quivered at the first touch of her fingers, his whole body jerking at the contact as if electrified.

“Easy,” Marten cautioned. “We’ll make this so good for you, I promise.”

“Let me in, baby.” It wasn’t her request that did it, but Tony did seem to relax a little as Marten kissed his mouth. Jackie circled his asshole one last time before pressing in with just the one finger. Amply slicked, it slid in past the first knuckle without much effort. She withdrew it and tried again, still slowly, still just testing the waters. Tony’s videos often skipped right to the main event, but she wanted to see him come undone at the touch of her hands even if Marten’s erection flagged a little from a lack of attention in the meantime. Besides, it only took the touch of Tony’s hand to revive his passions. By the time she had two fingers buried deep into him and could feel Tony rolling his hips to take more than she was ready to give him, Marten was already so hard he was leaking pre-seminal fluid over Tony’s fist.

Jackie pressed a kiss to Tony’s knee. “One more,” she insisted, and felt him jump a little as she thrust too deeply. His muscles clenched, gripping tightly at her hand. “Did I hurt you?”

Tony shook his head, eyes scrunched up tight. “Do that—”


“Do that, again, fuck—”

She did and watched his whole body tremble as she fingered him. It wasn’t long before he was riding her digits, so desperate for his own pleasure that he’d stopped considering Marten’s. Jackie couldn’t let that happen and, though it pained her to do it, she withdrew to make room for her boyfriend. “Go easy,” she told him, “he’s so tight.”

Marten choked on his breath, halfway to acquiescence, and nodded. Jackie decided she trusted him enough to let him take matters into his own hands. He hadn’t hurt her yet and wouldn’t do so with Tony, either. She wiped her fingers hastily on the sheets before taking hold of Tony’s dick, stroking him as he grabbed hold of his knees and spread himself wider.

“God, if you could see yourself,” Jackie cooed. “If you had any idea how hot you look right now, you’d come just like that…”

Tony opened glazed eyes to meet her gaze. “You, too.” Then he was keening, his breath leaving him in a rush that wasn’t quite a plea as Marten began pressing his condom-sheathed length into his body.

Jackie felt like a voyeur, like a witch playing this beautiful man to her every whim, but Tony wasn’t fighting off her grip in the slightest. If anything, he seemed to be nudging his way closer to her with small, aborted shimmies of his broad limbs. His splayed thigh brushed against her hip, more than accidental.

She settled beside him, the long line of her body bracketing his as he lay there, exposed, at Marten’s mercy. Her boyfriend was looking down at them both, red-faced as he tried to keep himself to a slow, guarded rhythm. He was waiting for permission, Jackie realised, and much as it should have, it wasn’t going to come from Tony. “Give it to him, baby. Come on now…” she urged.

And Marten did. It started slowly, a build-up worthy of the moans spilling from Tony’s lips, Marten’s hips pumping like pistons and his slick cock ploughing into him again and again until Tony could only cling and stare at the man dominating him with wide-eyed wonderment. There was no let-up, not when his dick began to twitch in Jackie’s grasp and not when Marten’s fierce thrusts dislodged her hold. Marten grasped Tony by the hips then, using him like he’d never dared to use Jackie before, and Tony was keening, moaning, losing his mind—erupting in a breathless orgasm with barely a touch of Marten’s fingers to his swollen dick.

His release triggered Marten’s own and with a few sharp, staccato bursts of effort, Jackie watched as her boyfriend collapsed, spent, onto their lover’s body. Tony wound his legs around Marten’s hips, pulling him down and forcing him to stay there as tremors racked through them both. Jackie stroked her fingers over Marten’s spine. She should have been green with envy, yet instead she was warm and flushed and more in love with him than ever.

She was almost afraid to touch herself for fear of coming at the barest brush of her fingertips, but did anyway, too keyed-up to stop. It wasn’t quite like igniting a match, but close. She got in maybe a handful of hasty strokes before she found her climax under Marten’s tender gaze. He kissed her as she came down, slowly shifting his weight so he wasn’t bearing Tony down into the bed but rather giving him room to breathe. Their lover chose to take that space and use it to cuddle close to Jackie’s side, a heavy arm tossed carelessly over her waist to pin her down.

“Sex and wine,” he murmured. “What a terrible combination…”

Jackie couldn’t help a huff of laughter. “You looked like you were having fun.”

“I was.” His beard tickled her shoulder as he nodded. “Loads of fun. Wake me up later and we can have some more.” He sounded too beat for much else, not that Jackie could have imagined going another round right now, either.

Marten kissed her cheek, dropping heavily to Tony’s other side once he’d disposed of the condom. “This is becoming a habit of ours, isn’t it?”

“Mhm,” Jackie agreed. “Any complaints?”

No one spoke up.

Chapter Seven




Waking up cocooned between two men was a novel experience for Jackie, but she found it easy to get used to after the first night. Marten wasn’t in the habit of clinging, so there could be no doubt that the arm thrown haphazardly across her belly was Tony’s or that the fingers curled loose and lazy around the swell of her breast belonged to him. He shifted out of the way easily enough if she needed to go to the bathroom or change her position, but he woke up if either she or Marten were gone too long. One night around two in the morning, three days into their oddly regular string of one-night stands, Jackie padded back into the bedroom to find him sitting up in bed and scrubbing at his eyes. Her boyfriend slept soundly beside him.

“Everything okay?” she asked, voice hushed so as not to wake Marten. Barring the whirring of a plane’s engines overhead, her boyfriend’s soft snores were the only soundtrack in the quiet bedroom.

Tony nodded. “Yeah. Didn’t know where you’d gone, is all…” He reached for her as she slipped back underneath the covers, tugging the duvet high to cover her shoulders.

“It would be a little hard to run out on you,” Jackie teased, “seeing as how we’re in my apartment.” Not that she imagined many people did that to a guy like Tony. He was a generous lover and being with him had done wonders for Jackie’s sex drive.

“I wasn’t thinking of that,” said Tony. He went pliant as Jackie burrowed closer under the sheets, her arms winding around his waist to pull him down.

“Sure you weren’t.”

“No one likes a know-it-all, you know.”

Jackie hummed. “So I’ve heard. Now hush and let me sleep.”

She wasn’t prepared for the thrum of pleasure that snaked through her when Tony puffed out a “Yes, ma’am” against her collarbone, nuzzling her lightly with his lips as he relaxed into her arms.

In the mornings, the frantic rush to get to work left little room for romance or sex. They’d tried messing around in the shower, but there was barely enough room to fit three people and Jackie nearly missed her bus as a result. They were happiest in bed, in the evenings, when there was plenty of time to spare and nowhere to be, or stretched out on the couch, Marten’s hand leisurely stroking Tony to full hardness while Jackie poured the wine.

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