Read All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Online

Authors: Marie Wathen

Tags: #suspense, #true love, #sexy, #angst, #new adult, #college age, #hot twins, #law enforcement goth, #love contemporary romance

All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) (36 page)

Are you alright?” he asks

I think so. I guess I had too much
to drink.” I lie, clutching my hand to my stomach to emphasize my

You don’t look old enough to drink
and it looks like you’ve been crying. Who did you come here

He stares attentively at me with warm, hazel
eyes oozing honesty and goodness. I really want to trust what I am
reading in his expression, but I am not sure if I have confidence
in myself anymore.

Actually,” I sigh relenting,
hoping that I am not making a huge mistake. “I work here. I need to
go tell my boss that I don’t feel well and I need to go home. Maybe
she won’t fire me.”

What’s your name?” He leans down
looking at me closely, like really observing me and I quickly
regret saying a damn thing. “Wait a minute, I know you,” he says

Grabbing my hand he forces me back into the
bathroom with him then slams the door shut blocking it with his
massive frame. Shaking my head vigorously, I cannot believe that
this is happening. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and swiftly
calls someone.

Hey, get your ass to the employee
bathroom on the upper level now. I found the girl,” he snarls into
the phone just before pressing the end call button and cussing
under his breath.

Panicking, I do the only thing I can think of,
I barter for my safety. “Please, I think you have me confused with
someone else. I–I just moved here and I really don’t want to cause
any trouble, but… my boyfriend is here and he will freak out if I
don’t show up in one minute,” I say finishing with determination
and hoping that he buys my load of crap.

I’m not confused in the least
. I hope your boyfriend does freak out. I’m counting
on it.”

I watch his face as it twists in an odd
expression. It resembles pleasure and pride, but I cannot wrap my
mind around what he could be proud of at the moment. If he is part
of the group that is hired to kill me then turning me over to
whoever he called must mean a large paycheck. It makes me sick to
have to use Marcus and the Walker family, but at this point what
choice do I have, I must deal with this guy and hope that someone
from Marcus’ team will notice my extended absence.

If it’s money you want in exchange
for me, I can get you whatever amount you ask for. Just don’t do
this, please,” I beg softly.

You don’t have to worry about an
exchange. No one is getting their hands on you while I’m around,”
he replies sternly.

What in the hell is that supposed
to mean?” I stand here completely confused by his response. “Didn’t
you just call someone to come get me?”

The corners of his mouth turn up into a sly
grin while his eyes roam over my face and then down my body. I
shift uncomfortably, averting my eyes hoping to avoid seeing his
suggestive look when he reaches them again.

You really don’t look anything
like yourself dressed this way,” he says incredulously.

He isn’t unattractive, but being locked in a
bathroom with a total stranger, who implies he is turning me over
to some unknown person who is looking for me, makes him one of the
vilest creatures alive.

Heavy knocking on the door startles me causing
me to yelp and my hands tremble uncontrollably. Fear streaks
through every pore in my body as I watch my captor reach to unlock
the door.

Wait, please. I am begging you,
don’t do this. They are going to kill me,” I confess, tears
slipping down my cheeks. I mentally scold myself for allowing him
to see my weakness, but apparently my life doesn’t matter to him.
He slides the lock open ignoring my pleas and pulls the door open.
He steps out of the doorway before turning to stare at

What the hell is going on?” Marcus
says seriously, rushing through the door with a stern look
plastered on his face.

Horror seizes me and my breath stills in my
chest. I shift my eyes back to the man standing behind the door,
hoping to alert Marcus to his presence, but all he can focus on is
me. He reaches a hand out in my direction, but the guy’s large hand
lands on his shoulder stopping him before we make

Wait a minute,” my captor
threatens, slamming the door shut behind him.

Jerking around, Marcus grabs the guy’s arm,
twisting it painfully and using it as leverage. He forces the guy’s
body to follow as he pushes him against the wall. Marcus jams him
roughly against it, releases him then steps several feet away,
blocking him from me.

Dammit,” rage flares in Marcus’
eyes as he growls at the guy, “Don’t you ever do that shit

Spinning back around to face us, the large guy
chuckles while smoothing his hand over the arm Marcus assaulted.
Staring completely confused and still scared half to death, I grab
Marcus’ arm, clutching it tightly.

Hey, sorry,” Marcus cups my face.
“Are you alright?”

No, I’m not alright. This guy
called someone to come up here and get me.” I point at the guy,
still partially standing behind the door. “Then you show up and
nearly ripped his arm off, but you act as if you know him. Why
don’t you explain to me what the hell is going on?” I demand,
releasing my hold on him.

Okay,” Marcus answers before
turning to the guy, “What did you do to her?”

I kept her from running out of
here and exposing her identity after she cried most of her makeup
off.” The guy barks angrily, pointing an accusing finger in my
direction. He steps up only inches away from Marcus. “You should be
thanking me. It only took me a brief moment to figure out who she
was. If I wanted her dead as bad as those thugs do, I would have
spotted her the second she crossed the threshold back into the bar,
and you wouldn’t be having this sweet little reunion

Marcus?” I whisper. Beguiled by
the strange situations tonight, I stare between them not
understanding a damn thing.

It’s okay Breesan.” Grasping my
hand again, Marcus speaks softly, “You remember me telling you
about the guy who Rhys brought in to track down the shooters,
right?” I nod agreeably. “This is Tac. He’s back from his last
mission and is here to help us with the stakeout.”

Looking back at Tac, I study his face noticing
the kindness in his eyes returning. He still looks menacing as hell
with his massive frame, standing three inches over Marcus with a
large chest and biceps covered by a thin black tee-shirt. His hair
is almost black and his rich, hazel eyes, with flecks of green
throughout, seem to sparkle with humor as he watches me studying

Letting out a ragged breath, I speak directly
to Tac, “Did you have to go all commando and scare the living shit
out of me? It was totally unnecessary to call Marcus up here. You
could have just told me who you are.”

Yes, I could have. Because of my
job, it’s just second nature for me to act first and ask questions
later,” Tac explains honestly. “Forgive me, Breesan. You’re not
just some case that I’m working and I should have handled it

Are you going to tell me what
happened and why you are crying?” Marcus asks.

Averting my attention back to him, I continue
to calm myself, working out the nervousness and guilt created from
the past twenty minutes. “One of my tables is occupied by Waverly’s

Ah, baby,” he whispers.
Understanding immediately, Marcus draws my body against his
tenderly. One arm wraps around me fully, splaying his hand against
the small of my back while the other hand clasps around the back of
my neck. He kisses the top of my head, while his thumb grazes just
under my jaw line, soothing my near fragile state.

Do you want to leave now?” Marcus
asks and I nod.

I don’t think I can go back out
there looking like this,” I say, gesturing toward my destroyed

Speaking to Tac, Marcus says, “We’re going
back to Rhys. Let the others know.”

The back access stairs are adjacent to the
employee bathroom and we descend hand in hand quickly, expecting to
avoid the majority of tonight’s crowd. Reaching the back parking
lot, we only get a few feet away from Marcus’ Jeep when a familiar
voice calls out behind us.

Beatrice.” Stilling as the deep
voice calls my name, I glance over to Marcus who is already turned
facing the man beckoning my attention. Marcus drops my hand
instantly, clenching his fists tightly, and pressing them against
his thighs.

Hey fellas,” Marcus’ mood does not
match his vibrant tone when he speaks, “some other time, alright?
She’s not feeling well so I’m getting her out of here.”

Hearing the approaching shuffling of two sets
of feet, I exhale sharply before turning around to face my most
recent condemnation. I slip my hand around Marcus squeezed fist and
he accepts it, lacing our fingers together and glancing down at

I’m okay,” I whisper courageously
and he nods.

You ran off so fast I didn’t get
to apologize for mine and my dick head brother’s shitty attitude.
I’m Ian and the big oaf here is Jack,” Ian says apologetically,
truth radiating from his sweet smirk. “We shouldn’t have taken that
shit out on you. I’m sorry.”

Nodding my head accepting his apology, I
glance at Jack, who does not seem nearly as remorseful, before
replying, “I’m sorry, too.”

Jack!” Ian barks, facing the
glowering eyes of his brother trained on me.

Remembering the night I first saw Jack with
Morgan at the castle, I begin to fidget nervously with my wig using
it as a drape to cover my face partially. Jack behaved as if he was
Morgan’s personal bodyguard and he watched me closely that night.
There is no doubt in my mind that he will recognize me any

Jack? Ian?” Morgan’s voice invades
our conversation as he approaches with Tac, Kole, Rhys and Sam,
successfully drawing Jack’s scrutiny away from me. The look he was
just giving me was a spark compared to the seething flames he has
turning toward Morgan.

You Sonuvabitch.” Jack lurches
forward, like an emaciated beast attacking a crumb of food,
gathering Morgan by the collar of his leather duster and drawing
him close to his face. “I should beat your ass for the way you
treated her.”

Damn right you should,” Morgan
agrees, keeping his tone cool and body relaxed.

She is too fucking, good for the
likes of your sorry Walker ass. I can’t believe I didn’t see it
before. I vow to you, as long as I’m alive, you will never again
lay your hands on my sister.”

Jack shoves Morgan roughly into Kole, stalks
past them with Ian shrugging and lifting his hands. Guilty eyes
land on me and I offer Morgan an understanding smile. It is not my
place to judge him for his contemporary relationship. His
daringness to carry on salaciously with Waverly behind her less
than lenient brother’s backs is his own personal jail. I won’t
condemn him too.

I continue watching the brother’s charge away
from us and then climb into a blazing red, late model Camaro,
before turning around to my group. Finding Marcus starring daggers
at his sibling, I snake my arm around his waist and like clockwork
his attention shifts to me. His dark eyes transform to vibrant
beams, lighting up like the spark you get from crossing two live

Tac bumps my shoulder with his arm. “Enough
drama for one night?” He asks, flashing a devilish grin revealing
amazing white teeth, made positively brighter against his olive
skin tone.

His playfulness and warm smile is contagious.
It’s only a moment before my cheeks are hurting from countering his
expression. I have a feeling that our horrible meeting will not
impede the development of a good friendship. Tac is absolutely
right, tonight’s drama is more than enough for me; but as nuts as
it is right now, I’m assured that the amount the future holds will
be overflowing before it is finally finished.



Ohgod,” Breesan whines dismally,
pulling her hand away from mine in front of Morgan and the rest of
my team splayed out around Rhys’ living room. “You have got to be

I glance down at the sad pout on her lips and
know that I can’t offer her an ounce of comfort. No sooner than we
crossed the threshold of Rhys’ house, Kole informs me that there is
a lead on Dr. A and Julia. Apparently, the previous report we
received about them heading to the Virgin Islands was bad
information. About an hour ago an undercover agent working in the
Keys provided zoomed in pictures of the Catching A’rea via text
message, complete with embedded geotags, proving his exact
location. Our department head sent down orders for me and Sam to
leave tonight.

Come upstairs with me while I

Breesan nods. Her eyes remain downcast and
arms cinched around her waist before following me. Continuing to
remain quiet and desperately avoiding looking at me, she sits
perched on the edge of the bed, legs dangling while staring at a
thin silver toe-ring clasped on her foot. Shoving enough clothes
for a week into my suitcase, I zip it closed and sit it on the
floor at the foot of the bed. I scoot back over in front of her and
stand with my thighs pressed against her knees.

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