Read All Of You (Only You) Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

All Of You (Only You) (12 page)

Putting on a wounded air, Ryan said, "Do I at least get to eat the food?"

"You don't think I'm gonna eat that shit, do ya?"

His brother dumped the contents of the bag onto the desk in front of him. Luckily for Ryan, Brett chose to place the drinks down with more care than he had afforded the food, although that might have had something to do with his own morning usual wedged into the holder next to Ryan's.

"I see your lack of sleep means our paperwork is up to date."

"Yep, even filed them away." Ryan took a sip of his coffee before pulling a bacon and egg muffin from the bag. "What's on today's agenda?"

"Internal walls. The ceilings were finished last night, so all is going to plan. The inside will be ready for painting later this week. What time are you planning to bail today?"

Ryan's gaze darted up to meet Brett's. "How'd you know I was going to leave early?"

"I know you. Besides, you've got that look that tells me you finally have all your i's dotted and your t's crossed. Almost makes me want to ring Claire and warn her you're coming."

"She's expecting me."


"Well, no, but from the latest batch of messages, I think she'll be pleased to see me."


"Yes." Ryan's confidence had grown in the last few hours. Not from anything in particular Claire had said, but from his own belief that they'd work things out. "I'll head out after lunch. That won't mess up too much here, will it?"

"No. We're ahead now thanks to your many hours this week, so you can take off earlier if you want."

"Nah, around two is fine."

"What have you got planned?" Brett held up his hand. "No, don't answer. I don't think I want to know after all."

Ryan just grinned and took a bite out of his breakfast.




Claire was stalling. She'd shuffled the same papers over and over for the last thirty minutes. Dropping them back on her desk, she stared at the phone and dared it to ring. It wasn't that she didn't want to go home and face Ryan—she did—but the fear of what would happen when she saw him held her in the office until after five. There was nothing left to do but go home. Why was it she never behaved normally where Ryan was concerned?

With a sigh, Claire straightened the pile on her desk and reached down for her purse. The sound of her door opening signaled the arrival of the cleaners.

"Won't be a second, and I'll be out of your hair."

"I hope not."

Startled, Claire jerked upright and bashed her head on the edge of her desk. "Ouch." Rubbing the sore spot, she turned to face the man who'd just scared the life out of her. "Ryan." His name whispered across her lips.

"Hello, Claire."

Claire stared at Ryan. She soaked in the sight of him—the smell. God, she'd missed his scent. Missed seeing him every day. He leaned against the closed door, his body hidden from view by the jeans and shirt he wore. Claire wanted to tear every scrap of fabric off him and feast her eyes on all those muscles she knew lay beneath. Her body pulsed to life. Blood heated and swished through her veins to flood delicate tissue with a pounding beat that drove her a step closer.

"You're here." The stupidity of her words wasn't lost on her, but she didn't care as long as he didn't leave.

"You wanted to talk."

Claire took a deep breath and another step. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

He wasn't going to make this easy, but then she didn't really deserve easy. "For not trusting in us."

Ryan's eyes widened, and he pushed off the door. "What didn't you trust about us?"

"What I was feeling. What you were feeling."

He took a step. "And what was it we were feeling, Claire?"

She swallowed over the lump in her throat. Her mouth dry and her hands shaking she moved closer. "Love. I love you, Ryan." Claire couldn't believe how easily those words came. It was the first time she'd voiced them out loud, and the sound of them on her tongue made her smile.

Ryan closed his eyes. His nostrils flared as he sucked in a breath. He stood still, and Claire's breath caught in her chest. Would he reject her?

He opened his eyes and held out his hand. "Come here."

Claire launched herself at him, spanning the distance between them in less than a second. She clung to him like a burr. Arms and legs wrapped around him, she buried her face in his neck and breathed deep. "I missed you so much."

"Missed you, too." He squeezed her tighter. "I don't ever want to be apart for that long again."

"Me either."

"Good. Now do I get all of you?"

Claire pulled her head back to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"I want it all, Claire. Body, heart, and soul, remember?"

She nodded.

"Yes, you remember or yes I get all of you?"

"Both. But it goes both ways. I want all of you, too."

"Oh, Claire, you've had me from the second I saw you walk out your door."

Claire didn't get to reply. Ryan wove his fingers through her hair and tugged her mouth to his. The kiss started slow, just a press of lips on lips, a gentle touch testing something new. And it was new. The rules of the game had changed, and she reveled in the softer caress of desire. From one heartbeat to the next it wasn't enough. Their tongues came into play. Wet strokes of heat and desire painting demand and need. Each brush of flesh pushed them closer to the fire blazing to life between them.

She held on, her legs and arms keeping her wrapped around his body while his hands began to roam. Her skirt had hitched up when she'd jumped on him, and it gave him perfect access to her pussy. Ryan wasted no time. He slid his hands beneath the thin cotton of her panties and drove two fingers deep inside her core. His thumb stoked her clit, the contact just enough to drive her mad with need but not send her over the edge.

Sensations washed over her, and she bucked against him. Her nipples puckered, her breasts swollen and throbbing as they came together in a crushing embrace. Tongues dueled, teeth nipped, and hands groped in their mad dash to the top. Ryan tore his mouth from hers to kiss a path of fire down her neck. He sucked at the pounding hollow in her throat before moving over to the sensitive spot below her ear.

"I want you." He nipped at her earlobe. "Now. Here."

"Yes. God, yes." Lost in the excitement of finally being back in Ryan's arms, Claire forgot they were in her office until Ryan spoke.

"Your desk."

Ryan spun on his heel with Claire still wrapped around him. He sat her on the edge and she shivered as the cold surface met her hot skin. With nimble fingers, he worked her blouse buttons free. One by one, he slipped them through the holes until the two sides fell apart, revealing her heaving breasts. She wanted him naked too and quickly went to work on removing his T-shirt, but he was too busy exploring her exposed torso to help. Frustrated with her lack of success, she brushed his hands aside and stripped out of her top and bra.

"Take your shirt off," she demanded.

Crossing his arms, he grabbed the hem and pulled his shirt over his head while Claire popped the button on his jeans. His hands covered hers when she started on his zipper.


Fingers entwined, they lowered the metal tab together. As the front of his pants separated, Ryan's erection sprang free, and Claire discovered the reason for his concern. He was commando. She loved that he felt comfortable enough to go bare under his clothes. The idea of him walking around naked but for one layer of cloth never failed to turn her on. Eager to feel his skin beneath hers, she encircled his cock with her hand and stroked the hard length in a firm grip.

He thrust into her hand, rocking his hips back and forth faster with each lunge. A bead of come glistened on the head and Claire flicked her thumb over it. The slick liquid spread over the crown as more seeped from the slit. Her mouth watered for a taste, and she bent at the waist to lap at his essence with her tongue. Ryan's hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her away.

"Jeez, no. After a week without you that mouth of yours will finish me off before we start." He shoved her back on the desk. "Let's get rid of these."

Ryan curled his fingers in the waistband of her skirt, the clasp and zip opening effortlessly in his sure grip. He dragged the fabric over her hips, taking her underwear as well. Claire soon found herself splayed out naked on her desk. His eyes flashed with lust as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her mound. He nuzzled between her legs, his tongue darting out to lick and probe at her wet folds. He stabbed at her opening, circled the edge before going back to suck her clit into his mouth.

Claire's orgasm took them both by surprise, the powerful wave swamping her as she thrashed under Ryan's talented mouth. He didn't back off, didn't let her catch her breath. Her second climax roared to life when he buried two fingers in her pussy. Seizing muscles locked around the invasion, rippling along their length, trying to draw them deeper. Ryan kept her on the razor edge of her second release for what felt like hours. Need clawed at her, made her buck under his hands and mouth.

His mouth lifted from her pussy, but his fingers kept up their assault, kept her poised on the brink.

"Don't come." He fumbled to push his jeans down his thighs. "I want to be inside you when you do."

Every nerve screamed for relief. Her body bowed off the desk, her hips seeking more of his hand. Foil tore and Claire watched through narrowed eyes as Ryan sheathed his erection. In one motion he removed his hand, stepped forward, and rammed his cock to the hilt. The pleasure and pain his swift action delivered ripped a cry from her throat, and he leaned over to cover her mouth with his. He thrust his tongue inside with force and withdrew only to surge back in again.

He powered into her, his cock and tongue invading in a duel attack that laid siege to her senses, his rhythm fast and hard. Claire clung to him, held on as he rode them both into oblivion. Bringing her legs up, she wrapped them around his waist, locking them behind his back. She tightened her thighs and raised her hips, pulled them closer together and brought her engorged clit in contact with his cock. She shattered.

Ryan swallowed her cry as her orgasm exploded. Her pussy squeezed the shaft driving into her, the contractions sucking Ryan's release from his body. He jerked inside her, his groan bursting between her lips when he came. She trembled all over as he emptied himself deep inside her clenching core, the latex sheath the only thing separating them. Their mouths pulled apart, the need for oxygen too great to deny any longer. Gasping for air, they slumped on the desk.

Her heart pounded in her ears and thumped in her chest. Or was that Ryan's heart? It was too hard for her sex-hazed mind to tell where she ended and he began. He shifted above her, moved slightly to the side, and his cock pulsed against her tender pussy walls. The last ripples of her release fluttered away and Claire floated back to earth. She ran her hands down his back, his hot flesh damp with sweat quickly cooling in the air-conditioned room.

The whir of a vacuum cleaner brought Claire crashing back to reality. Oh, God. They were in her office. Naked, sprawled across her desk for anyone to see.

"Relax. I locked the door when I came in."

Ryan spoke against her neck, his lips brushing her skin and sending shivers skittering off throughout her body. The idea of getting caught titillated and terrified her. That he'd thought to lock the door didn't surprise her; it was just one of the many things she loved about him. He was always taking care of her.

"I can't believe we just did that."

He laughed. "We're still doing it." Ryan flexed his hips, his softening cock still buried inside her.


"Hell, no. After that I think I'm out of commission for at least an hour." His cock jerked, growing harder and making a liar out of him.

Claire smiled. "I'm not so sure about that."

"I am. I want you home and in my bed when we make love again." He pushed up to rest on his elbows. "I love you."

Tears misted her eyes, her emotions clogging the back of her throat. "I love you, too."

"This doesn't settle everything. We've still got a long road to travel, and I'm sure there will be bumps along the way, but all I need is you beside me to make the journey." He brushed away a tear as it slipped from the corner of her eye. "Are you with me?"

She bit her lip to stop from crying. Her words strangled before she could voice them clearly. Nodding, she swallowed and forced a watery word passed her lips. "Yes."

"Good. And I'm choosing to believe those are happy tears." He brushed a kiss on each eye, wiping away the moisture.

"Happy tears. Definitely happy tears."

Ryan pulled from her body, her muscles clenched hard to stop his retreat, and they moaned. He helped her up and handed her some of her clothes. Heated looks passed between them as they quickly dressed. When they were both fully clothed Ryan opened the door and held out his hand to her.

"Let's go home."

Claire stepped forward and placed her hand in his.

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