Read An Indecent Proposition Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Sports & Outdoors

An Indecent Proposition (11 page)

“...going to make her…doesn’t know what…how could he…”

She recognized Alli’s voice and, though she couldn’t make out exactly what she was saying, she could tell Alli was pissed.

What would the woman say if she discovered Jules and Keegan bare-assed and doing the deed only a few feet away?

Another woman spoke, her voice lower and undistinguishable. Then their voices were silenced completely as they entered the bathroom.

She was on the verge of coming. Her body ached for it. If she didn’t orgasm soon, she was going to scream.

Turning her head, she dislodged his hand and pulled his head down so she could put her lips directly on his ear. “Move. Now.”

His cock pulsed and she felt the level of control he was exerting over his body as he held himself still.

“Are you sure?”

She bit his earlobe and it wasn’t a nip. It was hard enough to make him wince. “If you don’t, I’m going to lose it and everyone’s going to know where we are and what we’re doing.”

“I don’t give a fuck about anyone else, Jules.” He punctuated his words with a slow withdrawal then a fast, hard thrust. “I only care about you.”

Then he began to move again, slower this time, as if that would keep her quiet.

It only made her want to scream at him to move faster, fuck her harder. Turning her face into his neck, she opened her mouth on his skin to stifle any noise she made.

Already she felt her pussy tightening around him, clutching at him. Her heels dug into his ass, urging him on. Her hands found their way into his hair again and she wound the soft strands around her fingers and tugged.

Keegan’s labored breathing sounded in her ear, and she thrilled at the desperate sound. His hips began to move faster until he hit the pace he’d been at before.

And hit the spot inside her body that lit her up like an electrical current.

She clutched at him, her body tightening until she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore.

And then she came, so hard her entire body shuddered.

She couldn’t quite stop the moan that emerged from her mouth and Keegan twisted his head to slam his lips over hers and shut her up.

Even so, she couldn’t stop the guttural sound as her body convulsed around him, sucking him deep and dragging him along with her.

In seconds, she felt his cock swell then pulse inside her.

As aftershocks wracked their bodies, they remained there for several minutes until her legs began to shake.

Keegan’s arms loosened and he lowered her to her feet, pulling down her skirt before turning her to the side and easing her onto the small bench along the side wall.

Still surrounded by so much darkness, she felt disoriented and off-center, sated but still so damn horny.

“Jules, are you okay?”

Was she? Hell if she knew.

“I need to get back to work.”

It was the first thing that came to mind. And it was true. People would be wondering where she was. Someone would eventually come looking for her.


She barely heard Keegan’s muttered curse but she did hear him zip his pants before he sat down beside her.


“No.” She popped off the bench, trying to stem the tide of emotion that wanted to swamp her. What the hell had she done? “I have to go.”

“We need to talk.”

She shook her head. “No, I need to get out of here before someone comes looking for me.”

She couldn’t be seen with Keegan. Everyone would know what she’d been doing. And when they saw Keegan, they’d know
she’d been doing.

And why do you care

“Damn it, Jules—”

Running her hands down her skirt to make sure it covered everything it needed to, she turned and practically ran out of the alcove. She’d almost made it up the hall before she heard Keegan come up behind her.

“Wait, Jules. Just listen—”

“No.” She sliced her hand in front of her, not quite meeting his eyes. “I can’t. Not now.”

“Then come—”

“Sorry to interrupt. Hello again, Keegan. I didn’t realize you knew Julianne.”

Alli stood behind them, her expression leaving no doubt that she knew what was going on between Jules and Keegan. And she wasn’t happy about it.

Damn it. She’d forgotten about the women in the bathroom.

Had Alli heard her and Keegan in the alcove? Or had she come out of the bathroom now?

Jules didn’t give one shit what this woman thought about her. She never had, not in high school, not now.

But she had enough brain cells left to realize Alli could make things awkward for Keegan and Erik, who traveled in the same, small circles.

She didn’t want to get caught up in all this bullshit. Didn’t want to be at the center of someone else’s drama again.

But you’d love to be in the middle of Keegan and Erik again, wouldn’t you

Keegan barely glanced at Alli as he stepped closer to Jules, allowing Alli more room to pass them. Completely blowing off the other woman.

“Jules, we need to talk.”

God, she wanted to. But it wasn’t going to happen.

Turning away from him was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

Walking away without a backward glance nearly killed her.


Keegan watched Jules walk away, her back ramrod straight.

Damn it, he’d cocked that up for damn sure.

He wanted to go after her, wanted to throw her over his shoulder, shove her into his car and take her the hell away from here. Back to Erik’s. Back to where this obsession had started.

“Sorry. Did I interrupt something?”

He turned toward Alli, whose tone suggested she knew exactly what she’d interrupted. And that she didn’t like it.

And he didn’t give one flying fuck about that.

He wanted to tell her, yes, she had interrupted and to get lost, but he couldn’t do that to Jules. Apparently Allison knew Jules. He wouldn’t put it past Allison to make Jules pay for any slight from Keegan.

If these people ever found out that he and Erik had paid Jules a half-million dollars to have sex with them, Jules would never stay in the area. She’d pack up and leave.

And he wanted her to stay.

He forced a smile. “No. Are you ready to go back to the party? I’m afraid I have to leave in a few minutes. Late conference call.”

He started to walk up the hall, not waiting to see if Allison followed.

“Sounds like business is good.”

Business was booming. TinMan Biometrics had more than they could handle and they were scrambling to screen and hire technicians, which was harder than it should be. They’d already weeded out one applicant who’d been hired by a rival firm to spy. Corporate espionage was an unavoidable fact of business.

“It is,” he answered, not really wanting to get into a conversation with Allison but unable to simply walk away. He knew she wouldn’t take the slight well and he didn’t want her to go after Jules for any reason.

“Which is great for local business.” Allison stayed by his side as they made their way across the room. He tried not to make it obvious as he searched for Jules. But she was nowhere to be found.

“We try to keep as much as we can local. Good for everyone.”

And that was the God’s honest truth and something Keegan totally believed in. At any other time, he’d be happy to tell anyone who asked how important it was to build a strong base of operations.

But right now, all he wanted to do was find Jules, apologize for practically forcing her to do him in that closet then convince her to come with him. He couldn’t leave it like this.

He had to tell her he hadn’t meant for that scene in the closet to happen. Jesus, the more this situation progressed, the worse it got.

Allison continued to try to draw him into conversation as they walked across the floor to the bar where her friends continued to hold court. But as soon as she was safely back in that circle of hell, Keegan made his excuses and got the fuck out of Dodge.

He wanted to head straight for the kitchen but Allison and her friends were watching. He’d never get there unnoticed.

God damn, he was an idiot. Erik had said as much. Then again, Erik was being a prick so he guessed they were even.

Frustration made him want to climb the walls so he decided to get some air. Grabbing his coat from the coat check, he stalked out to the parking lot. The frigid January air hit him like a blow to the face and he buttoned his coat and shoved his hands into his pocket for the walk to his car.

Throwing open the door to his new Challenger, he threw himself in the front seat and considered his options.


He pulled out his phone.

“I told you not to go. You struck out, didn’t you?”

Erik didn’t bother to say hello.

“Fuck you.”

Erik grunted. “Did you honestly think it’d be that easy? That she’d just say, ‘Oh, Keegan, thank God you’re here. I’ve missed you so much. Take me away from all this.’”

Anger warred with frustration. “At least I fucking tried. You’re too much of a pussy to leave the fucking house.”

“I’m at the lab, dickwad, so I have left the house.”

“You can hide just as easily there.”

“I’m not hiding. I’m working.”

Keegan bit his tongue on the words crowding his throat. Yes, he was pissed and yes, he was taking it out on the one guy who didn’t deserve it. But it was the one guy who could take it.

“Fuck.” Keegan blew out a breath. “I screwed up.”

“I take it you saw her.”


Erik paused. “How bad did you screw this up? Hell, how could you fuck this up even more?”

Shit. Did he tell Erik he’d fucked her up against a goddamn wall? Had he broken their unwritten code? No fucking the object of the other guy’s obsession. But what happened when the woman was the object of both of their fantasies?

When he didn’t answer for more than a minute, Keegan heard Erik take a deep breath. “Jesus, Keegan. What the fuck did you do?”

He slammed his hand against the steering wheel, not as hard as he wanted because he didn’t want to damage the car but hard enough to send pain radiating up his arm.


“Oh hell. You sonovabitch. What did you do?”

Through the open line, Erik’s rough, angry breathing came through loud and clear. Keegan tried to think of a way to tell Erik exactly what had happened without coming off like a douche.

“What the
, Keegan. I told you not to go. How bad is it? Did you make her cry? I’m gonna bust your head open, you stupid—”

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