Read Bad Apple Online

Authors: Wren Michaels

Bad Apple (3 page)

I'm so sorry, Snow.” His large hands stroke my hair
and down my back.

ping of regret and fear stab at my heart. Was it not any good?

Did I do it wrong?” I ask
doing everything I can to hold back a wash of tears pooling in my eyes.

slides his hands against either side of my cheeks. A smile curls at the edges
of his lips. “God no, Snow! You were prefect and beautiful. It was me.” He
shakes his head.

I stare at him as if he were mad. I still ache to have him back inside me. My
body rings with sensations and adrenaline wanting more. How could he have done
something wrong?

I swore to take it slow with you. I promised myself
I would give you pleasure. And at the first sign of you stroking me I slam into
you like a whore. I'm ashamed. You deserved better.” His head droops, and he
presses his hands against the wall behind me.

Darien,” I whisper as words fail to make it past my
lips. They cannot express the multitude of emotions rampaging through my head
and heart. “You did give me pleasure. You brought out things in me I've never
experienced before. I've never been with a man. I had no idea I could feel like

presses against me, and heat floods my belly again as if it were the first
time. Shock hits me that I want more of him. That I ache to have his hands rake
my body the way they did minutes ago.

Snow,” he whispers against my lips before sliding
his tongue between them.

kiss swallows me whole, and suddenly his warm fingers part my legs, diving into
my folds. A fire burns inside me, and I rock my hips against his hand. Whimpers
bubble up from my chest with each of his strokes. My arousal mixed with his
seed seeps down my legs, and the scent of our sex floods my nostrils. It makes
me want him more.

a fury I launch myself at him, thrusting my hips over his hand as I paw at him
like some wild animal. He pins me to the wall, stroking me harder and faster
until my world spirals and dizziness overcomes me. My nails dig into the flesh
of his muscular shoulders as I release a primal scream, drowning in the waves
of an orgasm so strong it sucks the air from my lungs.

buries my scream with his mouth, punishing my tongue for making such noises.
Yet his kisses breathe life into me, and I cannot get enough of them. It can't
end. I pray he never stops touching me. I forget where I end and he begins.

soft laugh ripples through our kiss and he pulls back, hovering over my mouth.
“Snow, you'll get us caught.” Embarrassment rushes my cheeks. A foolish grin
pops over my lips as I try and turn away. He catches my chin with his
fingertips and locks onto my eyes. “But I hope that made up for my earlier
enthusiasm, stealing your pleasure from you.”

surrounds us, except for the heavy breaths panting from our chests. Darien
peeks through the crack over my shoulder. “I think they've passed out.” His
gaze makes its way back to mine. “Will you let me escort you to your room?”

bite my lip and give him a nod.



blazes into the room shouting at me to wake from my slumber. I roll with a
groan, and soreness attacks my
. Memories of
last night with Darien jumble through my head, a mix of embarrassment and
excitement. In a fool judgment, I made my best effort to convince him to spend
the night in my bed. But being the gentleman that he is, he refused, saying he
didn't want to tarnish my reputation should the castle awake before us and find
him coming from my bed chamber.

hand slips under the covers, roaming my nakedness. I touch the source of the
soreness and cringe at the sensitivity, yet hunger for those rush of tingles
and zings that swallow me whole. Images of Darien standing before me in only
his flesh flood my mind. Broad shoulders and a strong muscular torso shielded
me, protecting me as I wandered into unexplored territory. Soft curls of dark
hair dotted his chest, leading a trail of treasure to his cock.

dawns on me then, while I'd held it in my hands, stroked its length and
indulged in the throb of it against my fingers, I'd never actually looked upon
it. The darkness in the tunnel all but swallowed us, save for the seeping light
in the wall. An ache wells in my belly as I picture Marcus' cock in his stead,
and a need to see Darien's fuels me. But I fear the soreness rampaging through
my region should we engage again.

I can provide him with some pleasure, as Rose did for Marcus when she placed
her mouth on his. Perhaps that is how I can do for Darien as he did for me last

toss back the covers and ring for the ladies in waiting to pour a bath.
Normally I would take it upon myself to do such a thing, but Darien insisted
that as long as I stay in the castle I am to be waited on, and not wait on
anyone else.

the water washes away the last remnants of Darien, I think about who I've
become. No longer am I the Snow White everyone thinks virtuous. Sadness fills a
small hole in my heart for that innocence lost. All the years instilled in me
of the sins of the flesh and the honor in remaining pure.

I could blame the wine from the feast. But inside my heart of hearts, the
to find love, and urges of the flesh, have
always filled my thoughts. From the moment I laid eyes upon Darien, impure
thoughts inundated my head. I longed for him to look at me as Marcus does to
Rose. And last night, as if in a dream, he came to me. He freed me.

soul longs to join with him again, and even as sore as I am I yearn to have him
back inside me. I must find him. I must have more.

slip a finger along my aching clit, sliding through the hot water.
Where once this action elicited arousal for me, it now pales in
comparison to Darien's touch.
I can no longer make myself feel as Darien
does. Only his strokes can release me.

hop out of the tub, braving winter's breath that fills the air in my room.
Scurrying about, I throw on a shift and fight the laces of my overdress. As I
reach for the door, a thought hits me—how will I face Rose and Marcus ever

they were far too swept up in their own lovemaking to hear mine and Darien's,
the fact still remains burned into my mind that I watched theirs. And I liked
it. Shame pitches and rolls in my stomach. Perhaps I can manage to avoid them
for a few days. Surely they'll be locked up in their bed chamber enjoying their

make my way to the dining hall, hoping I didn't sleep through breakfast. My
stomach rumbles, churning the embarrassment from my actions last night. As I
enter the grand archway, Darien's eyes lock onto mine from across the room.
Flutters attack my heart, and my lips long to join with his. Inhaling a deep breath,
I force myself to remain calm and erase the deviant thoughts from my head. I
must fall back into Snow White.

rises from the long solid oak table, sliding out from a heavy-backed dining
chair. With long strides of his firm thighs and muscular calves, he crosses the
room to greet me.

Snow, good morning,” he says with an outstretched
arm. “I didn't want to wake you. I fear you did much celebrating last eve and
needed your rest. Come, are you hungry?”

nod and accept his hand as he guides me to a chair next to his at the table.

sitting, I drop to a curtsy before Queen Miriam. “Good morning, your highness.”

Good morning, Snow White. You may rise.” She dots
her mouth with a napkin, staring at me with remarkable violet eyes. “I trust
you enjoyed yourself last eve?”

heart plunges to my stomach, and bile singes my throat. Does she know?

nod. “Y—Yes ma'am.”

squeezes my hand under the table. “Snow went to bed early last night. I fear
the excitement got the best of her. I did my best to get her to have one more
dance with me. But alas, she resisted my charms.” He tosses me a wink.

Miriam's lips form a half-grin. “Not many that can resist the charms of my

eyes capture mine in a cunning stare. A lump wedges itself in the back of my
throat, blocking all my words. Did Darien have many women? Unease fills my
head, dripping through my limbs like a poison, filling me with doubt. Darien
traces along the back of my hand with his fingertip.

Mother far exaggerates. It was always Marcus with
the women. I thought none could ever tame him. But I see he finally met his
match in Rose Red.” He nods to his brother and my sister who enter the dining
hall hand in hand, not breaking eye contact with each other.

hunger for food turns into hunger for Darien as I picture Marcus and Rose
wrapped in each other's arms making love. Instead of shame as I thought I'd
feel upon seeing them this morning, a voracious need blazes in my loins. I can
only think of Darien and the sensation of him inside me.
in my chair, my hips rock in an effort to ease the lust burning through me.

tilts his head, a sly grin spreading across his face as he takes a sip from his
chalice. I ease my hand out of his grasp, sliding it along the inside of his
thigh. His eyes dart to the corner, tossing me a side glance. I find him
already hardening against my touch as my fingertips grace his length tucked
under garments of clothing. An urge wells in me to set him free. As I sweep
another stroke over his shaft, he chokes on his drink and sets down his cup, a
little harder than necessary. I massage my fingertips against him, enjoying the
throb of his muscle against my hand. With each pass over his length, he stabs
at his meat with his fork, slamming it against his plate.

Something wrong, dear?”
Queen Miriam asks.

No,” Darien chokes out. “Good....meat.”

giggle escapes me, and I jerk back my hand. I pray he takes that as an
invitation after breakfast.

Snow White, I have arranged for a carriage to take
you back to your cottage this eve. While we've enjoyed having you here for the
last few weeks, I would imagine you're ready to get back home now that your
sister is take care of.” Queen Miriam gives me a smile shrouded in apathy.

whips his head in the direction of his mother.
“So soon?
The wedding only happened yesterday. Surely Snow wouldn't mind staying a few
more days as things settle down? Plus all the fanfare that Marcus and Rose will
have to do with the Kingdom now that he will be accepting the throne. The
people will expect Rose's sister to be at her side as she becomes queen.”

Miriam glares at Darien. Disgust fills her eyes, and it thrusts me back against
my seat as they penetrate my soul. “Marcus has decided to abdicate the throne.
Rose will not be queen.”

looks from his mother to his brother with wide eyes. “Is this true, Marcus?”

glances up from his plate, stopping mid-shovel of eggs into his mouth.
“Um, yes.”

But why?”
Darien shakes his head. “The people love you. You
would make a great king. I thought this is what you wanted.”

drops his fork to his plate, letting out a long sigh. “I thought we weren't
going to discuss this until after the honeymoon, mother.”

Miriam fidgets in her seat, folding her hands across her lap.
“Now's the perfect time, dear son.
We do need to let the
people know I will be continuing as their ruler. Since you married a commoner,
you cannot take the throne. Only if you marry of royal blood are you allowed to
be king.”

in a gasp and dart my gaze around the room. Darien's
eyes fill with confusion, drowning his ice-blue eyes in dull gray. Marcus'
blaze with
and Rose places a hand on his
shoulder to calm him.

sneers at Queen Miriam. “You will never address my wife as a commoner, mother.
She is my wife. Rose Red. And there's nothing common about her.”

looks to me from across the table, and a hopeful smile curls at the ends of her
lips. “Actually, Snow, I wanted to talk to you about the cottage.”

What about it?” My breakfast sits in my stomach like
a rock, waves of nausea splashing against it like a churning storm.

tosses a glance to Marcus before returning her gaze to me. “Marcus and I would
like to live there. Neither of us
right living
here in the castle. We'd like a nice, quiet life back at the edge of the woods,
where we feel at home.”

washes through me, and the swelling storm in my stomach eases.
“Of course!
I would be happy to have you both live there
with me.”

bites her lip with pause. “That's the thing, Snow. I think it would be best if
we live there....alone.”

Oh.” My lashes flutter as I blink back the sting of
tears. “I see.”

thrusts her arm across the table and clutches my hand in hers. “You are more
than welcome to live there with us until you find a new place. I just think it
would be better for us to live there, than here in the castle. And that cottage
would be far too much for just you to live in by yourself. You'd do nothing but
clean all day and talk to your plethora of wild life. You need to get out. See
the world, Snow. Perhaps we could help you find a nice house here in the

choke back my breakfast doing its best to make a resurgence. “That....sounds

places a hand on my shoulder. “Snow, why don't you stay here in the castle?”

tuck my head, not wanting either of them to see my tears. “I...I don't know if
that's a good idea.” A multitude of thoughts barrage my head—from my lost
innocence to the ever growing urges and need to be with Darien, to my sister
thrusting me from my home to be with her husband.
“If you'll
excuse me.”

dart from the table. A clatter rings out behind me as Rose and Darien rush

Snow, wait!” Darien calls out. Rose juts to his
side, but is held back by his arm. “Please, let me try and talk to her?”

nods and heads back into the dining hall. I force down the bile singeing my
throat as I stare at him, unable to hold back the tears any longer. He slides a
hand along my cheek, brushing away the tears.

Snow, I was serious when I made the offer. Don't go.
I want you to stay,” he whispers, locking onto my gaze.

grab him by the shirt with both hands and yank his face to mine. Our lips mash
together before I part them with my tongue in search of his. I need him. I need
reassurance of his feelings for me. His return kiss swallows me whole as he
thrusts his hands into my hair. An ache wells between my legs, and I press
myself against him, fumbling my hands down his chest to find his cock. Slipping
my hand into his trousers, his hardness greets me as I brush my fingertips over
my prize.

gasps into our kiss, separating our union as he pulls back. “Snow, we're in the
hallway. Someone will see us.”

I don't care. Take me there, Darien. Take me to that
place where nothing else matters but you and I joined together as one. Fill
me.” I stare into his bewildered eyes.

shakes his head. “You amaze me, Snow. You're nothing like I thought you would

jerk back my hand and drop my head. “You don't want me?”

clutches my face with both of his hands. “I want you like I've wanted no other
before. We just can't do it here, out in the open in the light of day. Let me
take you properly in my bed and make love to you until you're spent.”

I can't wait that long.” I slip from his grasp and yank
his cock from his trousers. He is stunning. Erect and throbbing, his penis is
even more beautiful than Marcus'. And I want it. Dropping to my knees, I wrap
my mouth around it.

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