Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

Blue Moon (37 page)

“I’m sorry Den,” I tell him with tears falling gently down my cheeks.

“Yeah, me too,” He says with tears of his own.

His arm laces over my
shoulder, pulling me in close, while my arms wrap around his waist.

“You love him more then you did me?” He mutters.

“Don’t Den,” I tell him, knowing that he is trying to make me double think what I have with Ruk.

“When did you stop loving me babe?”

“You mean when I stopped being
in love
with you. It was when you gave up on me Den, why did you give up on me, why were you so spiteful with your words?”

“I was jealous, I have always been jealous, but I thought that when I got there, I would tell you how I really feel for you. Then I saw you with Richard, Parrise and... Uh, I was a prick; I should have listened to what was going on. Will you give me a chance Zara, love me again like you did before, but more?” He asks in desperation.

“I can’t Den; I have to let you go. I love Ruk, I’m in love with Ruk, more than I thought possible to love a man.”

“You’re scared, let me kiss you and make love to you, gave us a real chance at being together, I could be The One.” He tells me believing himself.

Honestly, he is right, I am scared that I will fall in love with Den, then I would find myself in the same position I was in with Parrise and Sallack. I won’t do it, I don’t want Den, I want Ruk, he
fulfills every dream I have in life.

“Den, I’m going to be mated with Ruk, I have and will give myself wholly to him. But I need you with me; you are my family, my life. Please don’t leave us, we can and will get through this.”

“I won’t leave you babe. I will leave you and Ruk in peace, but you will be mine one day. I have dreamt of it my whole life, you, me, here in Nickel town, ever since I was a boy. I never told you, I was scared, I know you don’t believe me babe, but you will be mine.”

“It's just a dream Den, not all dreams come true,” I tell him sympathetically.

“Yeah, they do babe. I won’t wind Ruk up anymore, I will stop looking at you when you’re not watching, with respect for your choice, just know that I
will always be waiting
,” He tells me with a sparkle in his eye.

“Come on Den, let’s get back, Ruk will be freaking out. Please, let’s get back to normal, I have missed you so much,” I tell him wiping away the fresh tears.

“Me too.”


Arriving back at our home, Den holds me tightly to his chest as we see 6 large, and damn right scary looking men speaking to the Brothers’ and Dallah.

Ruk and I lock eyes as he walks away from the
men and right up to me with a snarl on his face.


“Take your hands off her!” Ruk spits at Den.

“Fuck you man!”

“Ruk! Why are these men here?” I ask him, whilst looking him in the eye.

“Thomas sent his men to give a message. Den, join the others,” Ruk tells him before he takes me in his arms and gazes down at me with a look of sadness.

Den jogs away from us and to the
Brothers’ wanting to know why these men are at our home.

“Thomas has found out that Demitri plans to come for you in one month, and when I say plan, that's all it is. We will fight him and his men, no man or woman will lay a finger on you why I have breath in my body.” He tells me with a choked tone, as if the thought of me being taken pains him horribly.

“I know, and I will never leave again. I will never leave you Ruk, ever,”

He smiles down at me so intently that fire ignites in my belly, and the hairs on my arms and neck stand on end.

              “That’s my girl,” He caresses my cheek, “I fucking love you baby.”

“Good, cos I fucking love you,” I tell him with a wink, before I jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my fingers in his hair while I kiss him like it will be the last, but really, it’s the first, the beginning.





Thank you for purchasing ‘Blue Moon’, I hope you enjoyed Zara’s journey, along with her family. There will be a third book in ‘The Charmer’ series, and I look forward to writing it. Both books in the series were so much fun to write, to let go of reality as pen hits paper.


If you liked this second instalment of The Charmer, then please leave a review if you have time, I would also love to hear from you, all messages will get a reply. Thank you again. Danielle x


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