Boys in Blue 03 - Dangerous Distraction (3 page)

Nate stifled a groan. It didn’t stop him from thinking about spread ass cheeks, and flexed muscles. God, he’d like to see Rook do that without pants on. Preferably because he was preparing to take Nate’s cock. His dick thickened at the thought.

Like before, Rook checked the victim’s neck for ligature marks then gently pressed her chin and nudged aside her tongue. “She’s fresh.”


“An hour or two max.”


“You bust up the deal?” Rook asked.


“Yeah,” Nate answered. “He’s escalating. There’s no way my guy isn’t involved in your case.”




“I don’t get why he’s doing them on site with his deals, though. Seems like a big risk,” Rook said, gaining his feet and returning to Nate’s side.


“You’re the detective, detective. Detect something.”


“What the fuck is your problem, Giamanti ?” Rook thundered.


“Hey! Take it outside,” Derrick yelled, forcefully splitting them apart.


“I’m done,” Nate said.


“No you aren’t. Take it outside, now,” Derrick countered. “You both have burrs up your asses and until you pass the sonsofbitches , we won’t get anything done.”


Rook led the way. Nate sent a warning look to Derrick, but Derrick shook his head. Clearly his partner was pissed over the juvenile drama they were creating on the scene. He had every right to be.


They hit the first floor and Rook kept going, taking them to the basement. Rook glanced around and went through another door, holding it for Nate.


“We’re surrounded by concrete. Do you want our argument to echo?” Rook asked.

Nate passed through and Rook shut the door behind him after pulling a light cord. The bare bulb swung freely, lengthening and shortening the shadows of an ancient furnace mechanism and dark, gated storage units. Not the first place Nate would have wanted to be alone with Rook.

“What’s your problem with me?” Rook snapped.

Rook’s eyes flickered between forlorn shadow and highlighted angles. Nate rooted to his spot. If he moved, he’d do something stupid. Something Rook didn’t want to explore publicly. Nate had done that before and vowed never to live through that kind of emotional pain again. When he opened up to someone, he wanted to know that man wasn’t going to try to shove him back in the closet, hide him, deny him when they went out.

Rook didn’t seem to feel moving presented a problem. He moved until they both stood under the light.


“We need to talk about what’s going on between us,” Rook said.


There was that vibe again. It amped Nate up, got him horny. “You aren’t ready to talk about us,” Nate managed to answer. His throat felt as though it was closing and breath had become scarce.


“What happened a week ago when you went from hot to cold?” Rook asked.

He felt a dry smile pull his lips. Hadn’t
been the pursuer then? Rook seemed to have taken the lead the minute Nate stepped off.
“I tried to get in your pants,” he answered. “You panicked.” He brought a finger up and poked Rook in the chest. “Don’t worry. I got the message and you’re safe. I don’t fuck men who can’t own up to who they are.” He huffed dry amusement. “You’re off the hook, pal, so how about we go back upstairs and finish the evidence collection?”

Rook grabbed his finger and shoved him against the nearest wall. Cold, hard cement smacked his back and iced his spine. Rook followed, pinning their chests together. Trapped between roughened, unforgiving wall and warm, breathing male, Nate knew he was a goner.

* * * *

David reached low between them and found a handful of hard cock. Nate moaned, his eyes slitting with barely concealed lust. That was more like it. Hard cock and moaning man meant Nate could deny all he wanted, but David knew the man wanted him.

Satisfied, he released Nate’s cock and smirked.


“I said I got the message. I didn’t say nothin ’ about not wanting to fuck your ass,” Nate growled.


The confession tumbled David’s stomach into a tight spin. “Why don’t you?” he asked.


“I’m not a masochist. You want my dick, not a relationship.”

David didn’t have a response to that. He definitely wanted Nate’s dick. He wanted Nate, too. He could envision quiet evenings together and sipping hot coffee over breakfast the next day. He could see them competing for the Sunday paper and arguing over who did the last load of laundry.

It sounded like a relationship. He wanted all those things, but couldn’t they keep their lives away from everyone else? Pretend they were roommates? With the doors closed, no one would have to know they were together. It wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs, anyway. Why the fuck did it matter?

“I definitely want your dick,” David said, finally.


Nate’s gaze skipped away. “That’s what I thought.”

“I want your dick. I want your lips. I want your tongue against mine. I want to hear you say my name when you come. I want your knees to go weak like mine do whenever you enter the room. I want to see you every day whether or not our cases collide. It’s not a fucking commitment but that’s what I want.”

He grabbed Nate’s jaw roughly and held him still. He kissed him, tasting Nate’s immediate reluctance and revelling when he relaxed to invite David in. He dragged his free hand down Nate’s tightly packed side to his hip. When Nate retaliated by grabbing David’s ass and squeezing, he nearly came in his pants. He hadn’t wanted anyone this bad in a long, long time.

He released Nate’s jaw to fumble with his zipper, abandoned it to unbuckle his belt, then attacked the zipper when the heavy belt hit the floor and clattered. They tangled tongues between ragged breaths and tender cussing. The pants loosened and David took Nate’s cock in a firm stroke from root to moist tip. He cupped Nate’s scrotum and gently rolled it, sliding a finger behind on the tender hidden flesh he’d rather be kissing.

Nate groaned loudly. David swallowed the sound and stroked him again. Suddenly Nate’s hands were on his shoulders pushing. David complied, kneeling. He looked up, waiting for permission.


“Suck it,” Nate said, his voice demanding and gravelly with need. “You want my cock, and I have to feel your mouth on me,”

From distant to passionate, David couldn’t help the swell of pride in his chest. He was one step closer to having Nate where he wanted him. Where he could suck Nate off whenever he felt like it. A fuck buddy, local, would benefit them both. Once he convinced Nate of it, they could quit dancing around the sexual chemistry and take advantage of it.

David inhaled sharply, memorising Nate’s scent. His cock was longer than David’s, a little slimmer but not by much. His colour tended more towards tan than David’s plum coloured crown. He liked the way it felt in his hand, and his mouth watered to know what it would feel like rubbing firmly over his lips.

He kissed the plump, glistening tip, taking it in his mouth. He hummed when the first salty tang teased his taste buds. David concentrated on the underside of the flared rim, his own favourite spot, while pumping his fist up and down Nate’s swollen shaft.

Nate’s hips lifted. He grabbed fistfuls of David’s hair as though trying to make him swallow more, but David held the other man in check. He only took a little, making Nate’s pleasure draw out with the highest level of intensity. He worked like mad, using the tip of his tongue to press and flick the sweet spot.

Nate’s guttural cries and hip thrusting demand escalated to pulling David’s hair with shaking fingers. “Let me in,” he gasped.

Instead, David focused on the sensitive head and snaked his finger between ass cheeks to tease the spot hidden from view. David’s own cock twitched with appreciation for the tight clench. Next time, he thought, he’d fill it with the shaft currently aching between his thighs.

Nate swore, seeming torn between thrusting into David’s mouth and tipping his hips to get David’s finger inside. Sexiest damn thing he’d ever seen. Nate on the verge of coming, turned into a slutty sonofabitch . God, his dick ached to take him. He deserved a reward for this kind of restraint.

David chuckled. Glancing up, he could see the darkened strands of matted hair on Nate’s temples as he began to sweat. His finger teased Nate’s puckered hole with butterfly flicks and light wiggles against the desperate opening. He drew Nate in a little farther, working his mouth up and down the other man’s thickened shaft in slick tandem with his pumping fist.

Pre-cum dampened David’s snug boxer briefs, wetted it enough that the smallest movements caused his cockhead to slide within the confines of cotton. It sensitised the engorged head, making the fabric feel abrasive in a twisted combination of pleasure and discomfort.

Nails bit into David’s scalp, and he pressed his tongue over the slit, delving in with the same tickles he used on Nate’s hole. David’s breathing quickened. Nate was close. God, so close.

David’s balls drew up and causing a sensation like goose bumps to ride his nerve endings. Nate had the sexiest way of losing himself. Fucking himself with David’s mouth.
to fuck himself with David’s mouth, he mentally corrected. Nate may not be driven with passion on the outside, but he sure as fuck hid an inner nympho .

Nate yelled, frustration and David holding him on the wrong side of orgasm.

Now, he was ready, David decided. He relaxed, taking Nate as deep as he could. With the tip of his tormenting finger, he slipped into Nate’s hole, curled the end digit and popped the tight ring of muscle, repeatedly.

Nate bucked, slammed his hips forward. David hollowed his cheeks on the draw. With a long shout, Nate came, his seed spurting thickly down David’s throat. Even as his hips slowed, David continued to suck him off, watching Nate’s clenched eyes, his gritted teeth through which his breath hushed on urgent panted grunts. He revelled in the slow single drip of sweat tracking Nate’s temple.

David slipped the spent cock from his mouth and stood to crowd Nate’s space. Cupping the other man’s balls, he leaned into him. “God, you’re the sluttiest thing to ride my mouth in a long time. You pretend to be in control, but these,” he said, gently rolling Nate’s silky sac, “rule you.”

A look akin to fear and lust darkened Nate’s eyes. His rapid breathing hadn’t yet slowed to normal. He shook his head, but it only made David grin more confidently. Even in his denial, Nate had to know he’d given up his poker hand.

David rubbed his hips against Nate’s still naked cock, showing him how hard he was. “Turn around, sexy.”


Nate licked his lips. “Here?”


“Hell, yeah.”David pulled a condom out of his wallet. He tore it open with his teeth and rolled it down his shaft.

Nate’s bare ass gleamed in the harsh light. David slapped it, pleased to see him flex his cheek and the skin turn pink. Holding the globes of his ass apart, he spat onto his fingers to lube Nate up. He suspected he liked a little roughness. The saliva wouldn’t do much to ease the friction, but he had some consideration for the discomfort Nate would take from him entering unprepped .

David positioned himself on the gorgeous pink ring he’d only touched until now. Then with all the restraint he could muster, he slid in, sinking the tip of his dick past the mushroomed flare. Nate grunted, stiffened on a shudder as his forehead touched the cement wall.

It was enough. Just what David needed to send his aching cock through the sex spasms he’d been craving. Trapped with his sensitive cockhead in the furnace of Nate’s body, and the cooler basement air on his shaft, David held himself back from fucking him.

Hauling back, he slapped Nate’s white cheeks. He felt the reverberation all the way up his dick. A sexy blush pinked his already rosy flesh and Nate gasped. David resisted every impulse to bury his cock balls-deep. The denial of his most base needs began the cascade of bliss. Looking down at himself , he saw his dick pulse, felt the urgent jets leave his head and shoot into Nate’s body.

David groaned, rolled his balls to get the last spurts out, and extracted himself. “Thought you were going to fuck me,” Nate said.


Was that disappointment?


He leaned against Nate and pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck. “When we’ve got the time to do it right, I will.”

Nate turned, pulling his pants into place and re-tucking his shirt. He was looking down as he worked, and David thought he saw him checking out David’s package, which he’d mostly put away. “You’re assuming there will be a next time.” He bent to retrieve his belt and strapped it back into place.

Uncertainty speared his chest. “You have needs. It’s safe to say that I satisfy them.”


“This time,” Nate said, noncommittally. He raised his brows, his expression completely under control, again. “You give surprisingly good head for a guy who got lost in his dark little closet.”


“That’s it?” David asked.

Nate finished dressing. He walked to the door and left it open as he put his foot on the first step. “Oh,” he said, as though just realising something important. “
you, detective, for the superb suck-off.” He made a gesture like a salute, gave a half smile and a wink before be climbed out of sight.

David ground his teeth. “ Giamanti!”

He ran for the stairs, gripping the iron banister when he got there and stared up the well. Nate had already disappeared. How had it flipped? He’d gone from dominating their encounter to being the obedient bitch.
What the fuck

“Oh, Rook!” Nate called. “Checkmate.”


* * * *


“Checkmate,” Nate muttered. He couldn’t think of anything better to say after Rook emotionally undressed him. Right there in the fucking basement of the damn bust.


His tread echoed hollowly with each step.

Stripped.Shit. David Rook was too cocky by half. He knew he had skills with technique like that.
Then what? He fucking stuck his cockhead in, slapped my ass around like a strung out bitch, and uploaded his goddamn cum
. Like his ass was nothing more than a warm glory hole and Nate the two-dollar gigolo who’d serviced him.

He was pissed at himself. He’d known Rook couldn’t do a relationship. A quick fuck hadn’t been in the plan either. One night stands were for kids, the newly initiated, and undisciplined
closet monkeys
. Nate had sewn his wild oats years ago. He’d come through the fire of recriminations and had made it out the other side.
He paced to the window, ignoring the sideways looks from Derrick.

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