Boys in Blue 03 - Dangerous Distraction (7 page)


“Leave the sock. It’s not your ankle I’m fucking.” He plied David with another finger, tugging the tight ring, sliding in and out in a way that made David hot and cold all over.


He stretched out, lifted his knees to give Nate better access. He closed his eyes, enjoying the electric sensations until Nate surprised him again with seductive licks and light bites to his ass cheeks. “God!”


“That’s me,” Nate murmured.


David’s laugh caught when pumping fingers were joined with an enthusiastic suck to his cockhead. “Jesus


“Him, too,” Nate quipped. He grabbed David’s ankle and in one swift move, covered the other man with his body while bringing his leg up over Nate’s shoulder. He sank balls deep.

Looking into Nate’s tightly controlled face, David wasn’t sure he’d seen a more beautiful sight than the man he loved, loving him with as much care as he could. They were both anxious, and the declaration of love between them only fuelled their desire.

“Don’t stop,” David pleaded. “Need you.”


He grunted affirmation. “Want this to be perfect.”


“There’s no other way this
be,” David assured.

Nate withdrew languorously, wringing a moan from both. Then gathering himself, he plunged forward. David’s eyes closed as sensation swamped him. There was truth to the saying that sex was better with someone you loved. They’d just started, and already his heart felt like it would burst and his cock throbbed for release.

Nate reached for David’s hand and brought it to David’s weeping shaft. Together they pumped in time to Nate’s possession. He had to see his lover’s face when he came. David trained his eyes on Nate, watching his face contort with ecstasy as they drove each other higher. Colour flushed his cheekbones and David felt the similar rush of awareness as his balls tightened.

“I love you,” Nate whispered, slowing to kiss David. David cried out as orgasm consumed him, streaking up his cock and spilling his seed. Nate pressed their chests together, slicking them with David’s cum. His hips bucked hard and sharp against David’s ass as Nate soon followed in tremulous release.

Still linked, David lowered his leg and wrapped himself around Nate’s waist. “I love you, too.”


Nate blushed. “Was that sappy?”


“It was perfect. I’ll show you how perfect once I catch my breath.”


David squirmed, wrapping his fingers on a small cylinder at his hip, bringing it around to see what had insistently chafed him to the point of bruising during their lovemaking.


A tube of cherry Lifesavers glowed in the dim firelight. David and Nate clashed gazes with dawning horror.


“Get dressed,” David whispered.


* * * *


“We went through the house. No one’s here,” Nate whispered. He jerked on his pants, ignoring the sickly crawl along his spine.


“Inside or out, Jasper’s here, and you’re his target.”

David zipped his jeans, reached for his gun and cell. He checked the magazine, then tucked it at the small of his back before checking Nate’s gun. Slapping the magazine in with the butt of his hand, he flipped Nate’s out to him.

Nate took it and picked up his house phone. The line was silent. Dread solidified like cold lard in his stomach. He shook his head. David paled and woke his cell.

“This is Detective Rook with the Seventh. I’m at fifty-one-oh-four Hemlock requesting immediate assistance. Two-seventeen in progress. Agent Giamanti with the ATF is here. We’re armed. Phone lines cut. Evidence of a four-oh-six. Come with sirens.”

Nate readied his firearm, 911 had what they needed. A homicide attempt was in progress with evidence of a break in. With nothing more to light their way than fading firelight, they moved throughout the house.


“Clear,” David called.


“Clear,” Nate answered.


Adrenaline pumped through Nate’s veins, shook his hands. Silently, they righted the coffee table. It sagged at one corner where the leg had broken in their tumble.

David’s gaze met Nate’s. His expression was grim. Suddenly, David grabbed Nate in a bear hug. His heart tattooed a rhythm as urgent as Nate’s. Words weren’t needed. He felt the same way. He wasn’t going to let anyone hurt David, and David’s silent embrace told him the same message.

Rapid fire zips through breaking glass urged them to the floor. The outside door creaked as it swung on its hinges. A red laser danced around the room at chest level from the kitchen. Nate grabbed and squeezed David’s hand through their ragged breathing. Then letting go, he crawled to the edge of the couch, using it as a barrier. David did the same at the other end.

“Give it up, Jasper. Cizone ratted you out,” David called.


“The police are on the way,” Nate added.

Nate trained his gun on the kitchen and closed bar shutters. He noted the broken glass panes in the swinging outside door. Creeping forward, he ignored David’s signal to stop. No way he’d let David take a bullet for him.

Hell, guns were


“Why the girls, Jasper?”David yelled.


There was a thick chuckle. “Stress relief,” presumably Jasper, answered.


“Dealing arms getting stressful?”Nate taunted.


“Not for long, Giamanti . I’m about…to exterminate…the problem.” A red dot centred on Nate’s chest.


“Nate!” David yelled, leapt, and tackled him to the ground as the zip-pop of bullet splitting wall reached him.


“Where are the fucking sirens?” Nate snapped, quietly.


Red light slid over them as Jasper’s dark shape loomed in the kitchen passage, bigger and broader than he expected. David rolled to his feet between Nate and Jasper, his gun steady on the intruder.


“Don’t you fucking get shot, Rook!”


Sirens wailed, distracting Jasper long enough for David to fire off a shot. Jasper’s right shoulder jerked sharply. “ Sonofa


“Freeze motherfucker!”


Attention swung to the open door. A young man, legs spread, arms raised, had Jasper in his sights. There would be no missing from the ten foot divide.


“Who the fuck are you?” Jasper said, swinging his firearm.


“My new partner,” David said. “I just decided.”


Jasper tensed. Nate didn’t think, he took aim and clipped the asshole’s gun hand.


David and the other guy pounced, taking the bleeding, screaming man down as cops swarmed through the back and now busted front doors. Lights flared to life.


Nate hauled David off Jasper once he was secured by several cops. He pulled David into his arms, kissing him. David kissed back, his arms circling Nate.


“It’s about fucking time,” Derrick said, stepping over broken glass. He tipped his head. “Who’s that?”


The young, dark-haired cop stepped forward, “Knight. His new partner,” he said nodding at David.


“Rook and Knight?You’re fucking kidding me,” Derrick barked.


David grinned at Nate. Derrick faded away while Nate had David in his arms.


David hugged him tighter. “ Wannasee a guy about a ring tomorrow?”


“After you recheck my measurements,” Nate answered.


“God, get a room,” Derrick muttered.


“Great idea.Hurry up and take my statement.” David took Nate’s hand, interlocking their fingers.


Someone snickered gleefully. Someone else whistled.


Looked like David would never stop being his dangerous distraction, Nate thought with a smile.


About the Author

Mia makes her home in Minneapolis , Minnesota , where she divides her time between a job and spying on people. Mia enjoys long walks in Como Park , daisies, dancing in the snow ...(Delete prior sentence, meant for personal ad)...

Mr. Perfect may apply in person for a thorough evaluation and trial. All others will be towed.


Email:[email protected]


Mia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at .


Also by Mia Watts


Bad Boys, Bad Boys


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