Buried Secrets (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES) (7 page)

     Leesha vaguely heard Keisha scream in a loud voice, “Take it off Leesh…!”
     Fuck it, Leesha said to herself. Hell, she wanted to see it too. She tugged on the string until it came untied. As she went to remove her hands, he grabbed them and brought them back, letting her know that she wasn’t finished yet. Biting her lip again, she slowly began dragging the waistband down, but suddenly recoiled as if a snake had bitten her when her fingertips came in contact with his erection.
     Grinning at her, Marcus pushed her back in the chair. Lifting her leg up, he placed it on the arm of the chair. With his pants showing half of his ass to the frenzied audience, he bent and rested his hands on the chair and moved close between her thighs. He began to simulate fucking her, thrusting his dick against her in slow, lazy strokes.
     Because the women were screaming so loudly, they didn’t hear her moan, but Marcus did. If possible, the sound aroused him even more. Pushing her leg further back, he scooted her butt down closer to the edge of the seat so that his erection grazed her clit before rhythmically pushing against it. The only thing preventing them from actually having sex was the thin material of his pants and the soft fabric of her shorts. Marcus felt the heat from her pussy the same way he had last night. The crotch of her shorts was warm and damp from her excitement.

     Aleesha briefly closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the chair, trying to concentrate and not let her hips answer the invitation his dick was sending out. Her pussy was so wet. She was sure he was aware of it, especially when he closed his own eyes and moaned her name in her ear. The sexiness of this man was crazy, and Aleesha felt herself weakening.
     Seeing her struggle, Marcus took pity on her and moved back, but her relief was short lived. He brought her other leg up so that she was wide open for him before kneeling down and lightly kissing up the inside of her thigh. He stopped just before he reached her pussy then moved to the opposite leg and gave it the same treatment. 
     The women screamed their pleasure at the exhibition they were witnessing and had almost forgotten this was a performance. The chemistry clearly evident between these two was erotic as hell.
     Out of the corner of his eye, Marcus saw someone stand up. Raising his head, he glanced over at Jerra who looked like she had gone into protective mode. He gently lowered Aleesha’s legs back to the chair. Helping her up, his eyes silently promised her they would finish this later. Leaning down, he gave her a kiss before leading her back to her chair.
     Hands shot up in the audience begging to be next. Shooting them one of his now familiar sexy grins, Marcus teased them by contemplating pulling his pants all the way off. Then shaking his head, he pulled them up. Giving Aleesha one last look, he walked backwards a few steps before turning around to go to the bedroom.
     As he passed Jerra, she glared daggers at him. Undaunted he stared right back. He understood she was only trying to protect her friend, but Aleesha was a big girl and he didn’t answer to anybody. If she didn’t like what she’d just seen, tough. She’d have to deal with it.
     “Damn, he sure look like he could put a hurtin’ on the pussy,” one of the females excitedly told Aleesha. “Girl, good thing that was only an act. I bet that dick is so good that if he broke you off some, Amir could probably just hang it up.”
     Aleesha weakly laughed and treated the comment as a joke even though the other woman seemed serious as a heart attack. Grabbing her glass off of the table, she downed the rest of her drink before standing up to quickly walk out of the room. She needed a minute to get herself together before she rejoined the party. As soon as she closed the bedroom door behind her, Jerra and Keisha opened it and came rushing in behind her.
     “You didn’t have to encourage her Keisha! ‘Take it off Leesh’….” Jerra glared at Keisha as she mimicked her words.
     Keisha sharply exhaled. “It’s all in good fun, Jerra. Damn, lighten up. The way you glowered at the man, you would think they’d actually had sex.”
     “Well if I hadn’t done something, who knows what would’ve happened!”
     “Will you two please stop? Jerra, I appreciate the concern, and I know you’re only looking out for me but….”
     “You’re welcome, Leesh. That’s what a maid of honor is supposed to do when the other maid of honor loses her got damn mind,” she said, giving Keisha another look. 
     Aleesha continued as if Jerra hadn’t spoken. “...but I’m going to fuck him tonight.” Jerra stared at her as if she was speaking a foreign language, and for the first time that any of them could remember, Keisha was rendered speechless.


Chapter 7
     “What?!” Jerra sputtered. “You’re going to do what?!  Aleesha, you can’t! You’re getting married in less than three weeks, not to mention the fact that you just met this…this…stripper…last night!!”
     “I wasn’t asking your permission, only letting you know so you wouldn’t worry about me. Now can we please drop it?"
     Before either of the women could answer her, there was a knock on the door. One of their friends yelled out, “Come on ladies. The men are all out ‘mingling,’” she laughed.
     Walking past them, Aleesha left the room without another word of explanation. Once she rejoined the party, Aleesha sensed the sexual tension was already thick. The strippers had changed and were looking sexier than ever. Now that her girls had seen what they were working with, it was going down tonight.
     Aleesha noticed how Darrell’s eyes were immediately drawn to Jerra. She sent her a teasing smile before searching for Marcus in the crowd. She found him right away, as if he were a beacon relaying its signal to her senses. He was bending down listening to something one of her friends was whispering in his ear. The smile he gave her was polite as he shook his head in response to the question. Aleesha was almost positive it was a proposition of sorts. Aleesha’s friend shrugged then moved on to the bartender.

     Marcus leaned his shoulder against the wall as if waiting for someone. When he spotted Aleesha staring at him from across the room, he straightened up and directed a scorching gaze her way. Instead of walking towards her, he just stood there, not wanting to give anyone reason to gossip.
     Jerra glanced over her shoulder and glared at Keisha. Was everyone going crazy except her? As she watched Aleesha and the stripper practically undress one another with their eyes, she decided to try and get through to her one more time before she did something she’d regret. She stepped in front of Aleesha to block her view of Marcus.

     “Think about what you're doing. You can't just throw away what you and Amir have for a one night fling with a...a…stripper."

     "First of all, I'm not ‘throwing away anything. And secondly, stop saying the word ‘stripper’ as if it's a disease. Damn Jerra, lawyer or not, you're such a snob. Now, I really don't want to discuss this with you, alright?" Looking behind Jerra, she saw Darrell, aka Eclipse, approaching them. "Anyway, it looks like you have something you need to deal with yourself."

     Aleesha left her standing there with a confused look on her face as she casually walked over to Marcus. The hungry gleam in his eyes made her body temperature rise with every passing second.  
     Jerra, unaware that she was being observed, folded her arms and watched Aleesha with a slight frown. She didn’t notice the man standing behind her coveting her as if she were the nourishment he so badly needed to make it through the night.
     “You know that causes wrinkles, right?” 
     Jerra turned towards the voice. “Excuse me?” 
     “You’re frowning. I’ve been told that causes wrinkles. You’re far too beautiful to mess up your skin like that,” he said with a smile that normally caused female thighs to part as if he were Moses commanding the Red Sea.
     Although her face remained expressionless, Jerra’s heartbeat increased at the sight of the sexy stripper who went by the stage name Eclipse. She’d actually met him briefly when she’d flown to Vegas weeks before to finalize arrangements for Aleesha’s bachelorette party. To her chagrin, his performance was seared into her memory. The length of his dick fully erect was something Jerra knew she’d never forget. Before she could stop herself, she zeroed in on the front of his pants. She quickly returned her gaze to his face then cut her eyes away from the knowing glimmer in his.

     Clearing her throat, she tried to take her mind off of what was tucked inside his jeans. “I’m sure you’re used to women falling all over themselves, but if you didn’t get the message when we first met, let me break it down to you in language you’ll understand: I’m not interested in fucking you.” Jerra was aware many people took her blunt nature for rudeness, but she knew no other way to be. Her eyes traveled over him in an unconscious expression of disdain. “You’re not my type. So why don’t you move on to someone more willing. Something tells me they’ll gladly open their legs for you, because mine are staying firmly closed.” 
     Turning on her heel, she walked away leaving him staring after her with a look of surprise. What the fuck? The panties should’ve been in his pocket by now.
     Darrell was gorgeous, and he knew it. Over six feet with caramel coloring, he’d lost count of the times he’d been told he resembled that actor Allen Payne - only better looking. With the occupation he was in, keeping his body on point was a full time job in itself.  His chest, arms and thighs were hard with defined muscles, and his abs were practically ripped works of art. In fact, his six pac had graced the covers of several fitness magazines, so the pressure to stay in shape was a personal choice as well as a professional necessity. 
     He remained standing where he was as he thoughtfully studied Jerra. If the saying about the eyes being the window to the soul was true, in Darrell’s case, they represented the universe. His eyes changed colors according to his moods. When he became angry or emotional, they turned a dark, stormy gray. When he was lighthearted and all was right with his world, they were clear like skies right after a light summer rain moments before the sun broke through.

     At the moment, a storm was brewing and they reflected that fact… 
     Running his hand over the short, black curls of his hair, his look turned to one of confusion. What in the hell had he done for her to dislike him so? 
     When she’d come by earlier to sign the contract with Club Ecstasy, he’d noticed her right away. Benny, the club’s manager, had been going over the paperwork with her, but there had been no need. Jerra was a lawyer, and had already thoroughly gone over the documents. She outlined a few revisions she wanted made, and after that the only thing needed was her signature. 
   Darrell had watched her on the security monitor in his office. He’d felt a sharp twinge of excitement he hadn’t experienced in a long time. Her curvaceous figure was shaped like a coke bottle he was dying to take a sip from.  
     Moments later, he’d walked into Benny’s office with the smile that was famous in Vegas. His eyes remained riveted to Jerra St. James’ face, and the jolt of electricity which hit him made him realize the attraction he’d felt wasn’t just a trick of the cameras. Apparently, she didn’t feel the same way. After giving him the once over, she’d immediately dismissed him and turned back to business.     Glancing over at her now, Darrell realized her position concerning him hadn’t changed, even after witnessing his performance earlier. Shrugging his shoulders, he came to the conclusion that she was just one of those stuck up women with their ass on their back. Darrell grinned. She probably wore sensible cotton panties and bras and thought that was a turn on. No doubt Jerra was a beautiful woman, but that didn’t mean she knew how to fuck. 
     “Wow, I’m gonna have to mark this in my calendar. The mighty lover ‘Eclipse’ was shot down,” a voice laughed behind him. “Now that’s a sight I’ve never seen before as long as I’ve known you.” 
     Turning his head, he grinned wryly at his friend, Keith, who’d performed under the stage moniker Chocolate Fantasy. He had a honey under each arm, and Darrell knew that Keith would be fucking both of them. 
     “Hey, she’s just playin’ hard to get. I could tap that if I wanted to.” Darrell shrugged. “Don’t feel like putting out that much effort tonight.” 
     “Nah, man, I’on know about that. She didn’t exactly look thrilled when she walked away from you. I'm sure you’re not familiar with it, but the term is called ‘rejection’. Would you like me to give you one of mine?” Chocolate teasingly nodded towards the two women on either side of him.  
     Darrell slid him a look that clearly said ‘fuck you’. “I’ve never in my life needed charity pussy, man. I don’t need you to ‘find’ pussy for me.” 
     The thick sista on Chocolate’s left commented, “Well, if Jerra is the one you tryin’ to kick it with tonight, you can hang it up. She goes for the boring, professional types, what with her being a lawyer and all.” Looking at Darrell’s crouch, she licked her lips and said. “She wouldn’t know what to do with you, baby.” 
     Darrell looked at Jerra again. She was starting to organize the room and settle things with the staff who’d attended the bachelorette party. His eyes went over her from the top of her pretty little head to the bottom of her sexy stiletto enclosed feet. Her thick, black hair was pulled back in a tight bun which sat on the nape of her neck, almost taunting Darrell to free the silky strands and let them cascade like a flowing waterfall through his fingers.

     Her complexion was creamy chocolate and looked unbelievably smooth. Eyeing her curves in the short, black dress, he couldn’t help but notice how it fit her like a second skin. Darrell shook his head. Such a waste to have a body like that and not know what to do with it. 
     Once again dismissing that situation, Darrell decided to find someone eager to have a good time tonight. He was horny as hell and intended to get laid. Out of town pussy would be just perfect - no drama in the morning. Before he had taken two steps, he heard Chocolate say, “I bet you three C notes you can’t hit that.” 
     Darrell froze, then stepped backwards until he was staring in Chocolate‘s face. “You must want to lose all that money you made tonight, right? You know I always win the bets,” he grinned. 
     “You scared this might be the one you actually lose?” Chocolate issued the challenge. 
     Never being one to back down, Darrell’s gray eyes darkened as he picked up the gauntlet. “Ai‘ight - but double it just for doubting me and you got a deal.” Chocolate grinned before he stuck his hand out to shake on the bet.
     Moving his eyes over Jerra again, Darrell knew he’d have to work a little bit to hit it, but he didn’t doubt for a moment he could fuck her if he wanted to. Afterwards, he’d just have to get a real woman to satisfy his appetite tonight because he doubted very seriously if Jerra’s frigid ass would be able to douse the blaze burning like wildfire in his loins.

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