Read Burn My Soul Part 1 Online

Authors: Holly Newhouse

Tags: #New Adult Paranormal Romance

Burn My Soul Part 1 (10 page)

"There's no way you could have seen that. I just don't understand. How could you?" He whispers to himself, so I don't feel the need to answer. I know I have to take his mind out of whatever dark place it has sunk into.

I walk over and stand before him. Shyly, I bend over and grab the hem of my dress. Ever so slowly and as seductively as I can manage, I slide it upward over my body, showing each new piece of my body as if it's a gift for him and him alone.

Senefru, as I know him, hating the name Franklin, slowly lifts his head from his hands. He sits back and his hands grip the arms of the chair so tightly they turn white.

He gasps and I see his breathing speed up, his eyes once again turn into a dark crimson color. It turns me on and makes me feel sexy and desirable, helping me overcome my shyness.

I continue to slide my dress upward over my hips, baring my thong panties, my stomach, my breasts, and finally slide it up off my head and throw it to the side.

I stand there in only my sexy thong underwear, garter belt, pantyhose and high heels with my hands upon my hips.

"Hellfire woman, you make me hard as hell. Come here...." He growls. I slowly walk toward him, my hips swaying sexily, and stop only when I'm standing between his legs.

He leans forward, his hands on my hips. I watch as his mouth plays with my belly button piercing. The hot wet warmth of his mouth sucking my piercing in, pulling on it, while his tongue circles it, causes me to moan aloud huskily. The feelings mingle with the seductive sight.

How can I not be turned on by a man as graceful and lethal as a panther with the powerful build of a body builder?

As he rakes my body once again from head to toe, I whimper in need as he looks at me like a delicious dessert he wants to eat right now.

I slowly back up. My heart pounds with anticipation and a slight bit of fear as I see the demon in him so close to the surface.

He stalks toward me slowly but surely. He's determined to make me scream in ecstacy, to make me his, to claim me as his mate. It's incredibly arousing.

", what are you doing?" I pant, my large chest heaving before me, heavy and achy.

The look on his face alone creates a flood of warmth between my legs. I watch as his nostrils flare as he inhales my scent.

"I'm coming to devour you my sexy prey. I'm going to make you mine for all time. I'm going to ruin you for all other men. I'm going to make you cum again and again around my cock. I'm going to make you scream my name and mine alone. I'm going to set your body on fire. It's going to blister with passion, want, and need. That's what I'm doing sweetheart." He growls deeply at me.

I gulp. I'm completely speechless. My nipples tighten even more as the apex of my thighs throbs out of control needing his touch so badly. I don't completely understand it.

I'm so new at this, I don't know what to think, or feel at the moment and so, just give myself over to the blissful sensations I've only felt in dreams.

I hit the bed with the back of my legs, falling backward hard upon the bed. Senefru chooses that moment to pounce, making the impossible leap from across the room to standing proudly on the top step, his legs nestled between mine. I'm now afraid I've opened a can of worms I can't control.

"Please...." I whimper as I stare up at his magnificent body not knowing exactly what I need only knowing I need something. I watch as he gives me a secretive and devilish smile clad only in his jeans. He unbuttons the top button keeping his eyes on me. He brushes his hand up the length of his huge straining erection, moaning loudly. I reach out for his zipper, suddenly on fire to the point I can't stand it another second. His hand immediately captures mine.

"No. It's my turn." He whispers breathlessly.

I lay back, propped up on my elbows and stare wide eyed as his hand reaches for the zipper and slowly slides it down, taking his sweet time to build my anticipation to a feverish pitch.

Once the zipper is down, he steps back down to the floor with his hand covering his erection. Suddenly he removes his hand. His large erection springs forth, reaching for me, wanting to be buried inside my wet warmth.

I gasp at the sheer size of it. I'm afraid he'll never fit inside of me. Afraid he'll rip me to shreds.

He just smiles his knowing secretive smile. The pants fall of their own accord down his muscular thighs to land at his feet. He steps out of them slowly naked and proud.

He continues once again to advance on me as my breath hitches in my throat.
I can do this, oh hell who am I kidding, I'm too afraid to do this!

"Do not be afraid my love. I promise to be as gentle as is needed your first time. Just trust me." He growls as he stands on the top step and reaches down to release my garter belt from around my waist, pulling it down my long legs, throwing it to the side then does the same with my lacy panties.

That's easy for him to say, he's not the one about to be impaled with that massive thing.

"I love your scent when you're incredibly aroused and bared wide open to me with your little landing strip. You smell like vanilla and I do love vanilla."

Senefru kneels on the bed over me, slowly lowering himself, sliding half of his weight to the side. Lowering his lips to mine, he keeps my gaze locked within his until I can't stand it anymore and my eyes to flutter closed.

I feel him gently place my arms above my head growling to keep them there. I can't help but whimper in great need as the feeling of his weight gently descends. The magnificent feeling of his soft naked skin rubbing against mine is out of this world.

His lips brush against mine leaving tiny electric shocks of wildfire, scorching me, building the fire even more from the inside out as my back arches against him. I desperately need to feel more of him.

I'm impatient to find out what makes so many women glow while secretive smiles take away their words when sex is mentioned.

I gasp loudly as my body bucking against his when I feel his fingers slide down my body and brush against the slick bud of throbbing nerves. I cry out his name softly and shyly at first.

"Baby, you're so ready for me. You're positively soaked and it's such a damn turn on." Senefru growls into my ear as he gets to his hands and knees above me. His knees spread my legs wide.

I can't help it as another whimper escapes my lips again. I don't fully understand what I need. I only know I need something....more.

As if he can read my mind, he assaults my senses. His lips and tongue blister mine in a positively searing kiss. His left hand cups one breast and alternates between rolling my nipple between his fingers and sucking on it.

The other rubs gently against my face and hair. His lower body rubs and rocks ever so gently against my bud throbbing like crazy.

I feel him commanding my body, playing it like a fine instrument. Then, I can't think anymore, only feel.

Suddenly, I feel a rippling beginning in my core, spreading outward as my body pushes against his in wild abandon, out of control.


"Shhh. Just relax love and let your body soar to the heavens." He whispers huskily and breathlessly in my ear just before his mouth descends on my breasts one at a time again, pushing me right over the cliff into the unknown.

I do as he says and let go as the sensation builds and builds until I explode and scream his name at the top of my lungs. My body pushes against his as if reaching for the heavens.

As I slowly come back from soaring so high, I feel myself blushing hotly in the afterglow of my very first orgasm.

Senefru eyes flare with such delight. He inhales deeply, breathing in my scent, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Jinny love, you were made for me. For my touch, my command, my kisses blistering you, making you writhe with need and want. Your body is made for incredible pleasure, it's so sensitive.

You're incredibly beautiful when you scream out my name in your passion. Never before have I seen anything more beautiful."

" that....wrong, to be so loud and passionate?"

"No love, it's as natural as can be. Making love is meant to be twice as passionate and exciting when you're with your destined mate. Love, your pleasure on this night has only just begun."

His answer only makes me feel even more loved and cherished by him. I want him to be mine forever. That's the last thought I have as his mouth and tongue once again assault my senses. His hands weave a spell of love and worship upon my body that I fear I'll never get enough of.

Only when I feel the head of his manhood slide gently between my soaked lips just a little do I tense up tighter than a drum.

"Relax darling. There's only a brief moment of pain the first time. Then, I'll make it feel so much pleasure you won't be able to stand it, I promise. " I force myself to relax little by little with his gentle reassuring words.

The moment my whole body relaxes, his fingers rub against my slick bud. My breath hitches again as my body begins to move against his hand. Only when I orgasm for the second time does he shove hard and fast past my virginal seal and doesn't stop until he's deeply seated within me.

It's quite uncomfortable. I feel a twinge of pain it the feeling of completely fullness that has my body unconsciously trying to pull away from him.

He instantly grabs my hips to hold me still and growls deeply, "No love. Don't move, just try to relax those muscles and let your body get used to the feeling of me inside of you. You're so damn tight and I want this to be perfect for you. If you move, I won't last another second."

I try to relax and need more of my body to touch his. I slowly and gently wrap my legs around his hips which surprisingly helps me to relax a little.

I love the exquisite feeling of his weight pushing me down into my soft bed.

When he starts to pull out, I feel a slight twinge of pain again but, it's very brief, so brief, it's not worth mentioning.

His rhythm stays slow and easy as I get used to him inside of me, down there. The incredible heat begins to build up in my body as he angles his body, brushing the base of his manhood gently against my bud. It causes my insides to shudder and ripple of their own accord.

My whimpers quickly turn into panting of incredible pleasure as the wonder of our joining travels all through me. An inferno of pure wicked pleasure assaults every cell of my being.

Before long, I feel my body building up for another orgasm but, it strangely feels vastly different this time.

Further and further he pushes me toward the edge of that cliff and right into incredible bliss. I finally reach it and swear I see stars as I scream his name at the top of my lungs over and over again.

He soon growls my name at the top of his while my body is still soaring, still seeing stars, waiting for him to meet me there.

In each other's arms, we drift slowly back down together. We gaze into each other's half lidded eyes and smile. He brushes my sweat soaked hair back from my face, and kisses me tenderly and lovingly.

"Are you alright love?"

"Mm, I'm more than alright. That shattering, soul shattering even." I say as I stretch like a cat, hearing just how hoarse my voice is and feel my face and chest heating up one more.

"Don't be embarrassed. It pleases me to bring you such incredible pleasure your first time. It only gets better and better from here on out, love. Now, you stay right here and let me take care of you" He smiles at me with tremendous love and adoration in his eyes. It takes my breath away.

I hear the shower running as he comes back to me and carries me gently to the shower then, proceeds to gently wash my body all over. I do the same for him and before we know it, things get so heated up that we're reduced to mindless primal animals, mating as we're meant to.

The moment he bit my neck after I forced him to let his inner demon take over, it surprisingly didn't hurt. It drove me madly insane instead. I could not hold myself back from scratching and biting him right back drawing his blood even as he drew mine. In essence, we made love as demons, both of us.

Afterward, he gently dries me off, and hisses when he sees all the bite and scratch marks on my body, cursing himself.

I laugh and calm him down. Then, I push him in front of my triple full length mirrors back in my bedroom and laugh at his look of shock.

"I'm clearly not the only one sporting bite marks and scratches dear and I'm not sorry, not one bit. Now, let's go to bed."

"You're sure I haven't hurt you?"

"No hon. Actually, seeing them on both of us just turns me on again." I chuckle at his massive smirk of pleasure.

Only briefly do I wonder why Shadow never showed up as I fall into a deep and dreamless sleep, safe within the embrace of my lovers arms.



Chapter 7


THE NEXT MORNING, I wake up early as always. Taking a second to watch my lover sleep so peacefully before I gently kiss his brow and sneak out of bed.

I'll let him sleep until breakfast is done then bring it to him in bed. Oh no, that won't work as his friend Demonicus is coming over this morning!

I quickly throw on a silk pajama top and matching shorts. Then set out a pair of men's brand new sweats that I purchased last year, to be prepared for a situation like this.

I could stand and stare at his magnificent body all day but, I'm starving and know he will be too when he wakes up. So I sneak out of the room and down to the kitchen, turn on my favorite tunes, and start breakfast for three.

I'm in the middle of my usual routine at breakfast time, dancing around my kitchen, head banging in time with the beat of Billy Idol's song, white wedding, letting my waist length long hair fly around, using the spatula as my microphone as I sing along, when I feel the burning sensation in my back between my shoulder blades again.

Franklin had just let Demonicus in after he telepathically woke him up then teleported here. Franklin had already checked in on Jinny, watched her for a brief moment fondly then answered the door clad only in the new sweatpants Jinny had left out for him, understanding the significance.

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