Read Burn My Soul Part 1 Online

Authors: Holly Newhouse

Tags: #New Adult Paranormal Romance

Burn My Soul Part 1 (6 page)

Madi smirks as she stands beside me.

"I told you that dress combined with some light makeup would make you every man's fantasy come true." She walks away whistling to get herself dressed and ready.

While Madi's getting ready, I need some fresh air, and hope to see my sweet Shadow out on the grounds.

I walk outside onto back patio and gaze at the full moon and stars. They're like a beautiful pearl in an endless ocean of onyx with tiny twinkling diamonds. With my eyes on the beautiful poetry written in the sky, I sit on the bench in the beautiful fragrant garden just below the patio. I become lost in my own thoughts, unconsciously speaking them out loud absentmindedly.

Here I am all dressed up feeling beautiful and sexy. Ready to go clubbing at a place named, of all things, Club Demonic. Yet, to be honest with myself, I bought and wore this dress in the hopes I'll see
once again. I sigh deeply as I utter his name. I fell in love at first sight with hottest and sexiest man in the world. A man, who most likely has tons of women vying for his attention. And yet here I am, hoping against hope that by some odd twist of fate he'll be there and that I can try to convince him to come home with me for at least, one night of fantasy driven, hot as hellfire, mind shattering sex.

God help me, I just can't stop thinking about him. His sexy bedroom voice or his exquisite body exactly as I fantasized it. It feels like he just up and walked right out of six years of nightly fantasies with the purpose of being my sexual paramour in real life forever more.

I sigh wistfully, and once again feel the ever present achy throbbing arousal between my thighs that's always there when I think about Senefru which is all the damn time these days. I try crossing my legs and squeeze my thighs together but, not no avail.

Little do I know, the very object and cause of the heat radiating between my thighs has found a way to mask his presence from me. He's sitting along the top of the border wall, hidden well by the palm tree soldiers.

Senefru who now goes by the name of Franklin, has almost fallen head first right off the wall not once but, twice. He's fighting against the straining pull toward Jinny. He hates having to stay away from her in his human form.

She looks exceptionally beautiful, sensuous, and hot damn, even better than his current or past fantasies of her.

Those scandalous words coming out of her beautiful innocent mouth shock the hell out of him and yet, they heat up his cold heart and body. It's been too long since he's felt that kind of warmth inside. He forces himself to keep his distance from her even though it's killing him.

He's fearful of scaring her so badly she might pass out on him again. He doesn't understand that his body, words, and mind blowing kiss are all what really caused her to pass out.

He can't stay away from her, drawn back time and time again. He'd snuck in her house earlier tonight, surprised to see her artistic interpretation of him painted on canvas. He never knew she saw him like that, like a God she worshipped. It was truly enlightening.

Thinking back to that day at Madi's house, he'd been overjoyed, his soul light, once he realized exactly who she was and had been in their past lives together. After she died in Hell, he knew he'd never again look upon her gentle beautiful face ever again. Yet, here she is, Ra-Amun sent her back to him one again, to finish a destiny that had been taken away from them by Satan.

What shocked him even more, was when she gasped in complete recognition. He'd tried to calm her down then and there, before she remembered exactly how she knew him. A part of him desperately wants her to remember but, an even greater part of him, just wants them to have a new fresh start.

The biggest shock though had come as his lips lightly brushed against hers in such electric chemistry that he felt as if he'd died the true death and had gone to Heaven at last. And, that was before she called him by his true name and said it with such love and want in her voice, it shook him to the core.

There's no way she should have known that. She shouldn't even remember him or what happened that day and with such clarity too. Somehow, his curse of memory loss had failed, and that was near impossible!

He sent a silent prayer up to Ra-Amun for the blessing he knew he didn't deserve in having Harekini back in his life once again.

Then it dawned on him, what she just said aloud a moment ago. She's been having nightly fantasies about him for five years now? Hellfire and damnation!

He now desperately wishes to know what happens between them in these fantasies of hers. Feeling his blood rush to his loins, he quickly adjusts the jeans around his large and hard erection that's straining to be free, straining for her touch.

Around any other woman, his manhood remains as limp as a wet noodle. At least, now he knows there was nothing wrong with it or him.

Franklin inhales deeply, almost falling off the wall for the third time, as the vanilla scent of her arousal drifts to him on the gentle breeze, stronger than ever. He growls deeply yet quietly as he feels her heated body even from this distance, with his enhanced senses. He knows in an instant, his mate's in heat and will only accept him.

Franklin wants nothing more at that moment than to jump off the wall, stalk to her, throw her over his shoulder like a caveman, take her straight to bed, claim and mate her like the demon he is. He rubs his erection imagining for a moment it's her hand stroking him through his jeans. It's been centuries since their last sexual encounter and yet, it always felt like the first time, every time they were together.

He quiets himself down by biting his hand hard enough to draw blood Praying the pain will overcome the insane need to claim and mate with her. His erection's rock hard and becoming painful at the thought of mating. He hears the voice of an angel speaking again. She does it so absentmindedly and yet, he's thankful she does.

"I'm going crazy. I swear I've seen him around town looking so keenly at me, almost as if he can eat me up all night long, and still have enough left to consider it dessert. Yet, when I try to approach, he's gone. I'm left wondering time and time again, if I'm going insane." I sigh heavily once again wondering if I'll ever see him again. I stand and slide my hands down my hips and outer thighs, smoothing the dress back down where it belongs after it has risen dangerously high.

Franklin's eyes are mesmerizingly trapped as he watches her hands slide over her body, desperately wishing with all his heart, they were his. He knows he's going to kill anyone who so much as smiles at her!

"As you wish, my beautiful and sensuous mate, you will see me tonight. No one had better dare to claim to you, or your soul, or I will have them burned for all eternity in the liquid vat of hellfire!" Franklin growls fiercely under his breath as he watches her beautiful backside swaying and taunting him as she disappears from his sight.

Franklin jumps off the wall like a graceful but lethal predatory panther seeking out its prey. He enters the mansion only to find Damien inside, laughing at him.

Ignoring Damien's laughter, Franklin heatedly explains where the girls are heading. Damien's smirk gets even bigger anticipating what Franklin's really saying. He chuckles as he calls the club, leaving instructions for all of his demons working that night. Then gives specific instructions to Xavier, his most trusted demon doorman and bouncer for the club.

"Hurry up and get yourself all pretty already. We wouldn't want to let your sexy lady down. Speaking of down, unless you want every demoness in the club chasing you around, you might want to take care of that as well." Damien chuckles at the bulge Franklin's sporting along with the instant heat creeping up on his face.

Hell, Jinny looks so fine tonight, I think I'll ask her for a very slow and sensual dance." Damien laughs evilly, intentionally provoking Franklin until he choke slams him into the nearest wall. Franklin's eyes are the deepest red he's ever seen them in a rage such as he is now.

"Go near her or even look at her body and Prince or not, I'll kill you myself right where you stand!" Franklin growls menacingly just before he lets Damien go. He paces back and forth like a caged animal just waiting to attack the hand that feeds him.

"Touchy, touchy! Yes, she definitely
your soul mate come back from the dead. I can clearly see that now. I suggest then, that you mark her innocent, juicy, body before myself or another does it." Prince Damien says, with calm nonchalance and smirks when Franklin allows his inner demon full reign at the thought of another touching his woman,

"I wondered if it really was her. The possibility of her being reborn, so many centuries after her final death is exceptionally rare. And yet, watching your reactions, my doubts have ceased. It certainly explains why you've been completely out of sorts these past twenty one years." Damien ponders.

"What do you mean?" Franklin growls again.

"Your soul must have felt the connection and pull to hers the moment she was born on some unconscious level. I've only seen you act this demonic twice before. Both times, it was because of her and the deep connection between you both. One I've never understood that is, until I met Madi."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes. I do. It further explains why you've been almost constantly aroused since Monday when other women's attentions over the centuries have made you literally sick. Man, you do the math." Damien smirks again at his best friend.

They both take a few moments to get dressed then teleport to the club in record time. They both chuckle as they see how shocked, their employees are at their presence. They are all under Damien's protection. It's a known fact that in their species, owners of clubs rarely show up to enjoy the places they own. Especially, when one of them, just so happens to be the prince of their species.



Chapter 4


"YOU KNOW THEY'RE gonna make us wait in line Madi, just like everyone else has to."

"Bullshit they will! Just watch and learn, my innocent adopted sister!" Madi laughs seductively with an air of superiority as I step out of her cherry red Lamborghini across the street from the club having stolen the spot from another couple waiting to take it.

Madi opens her door and slowly slides her long slender tan legs out, as her skirt rides dangerously high.

I roll my eyes when I notice the handsome, large body builder of a doorman staring at Madi with a smoldering heat in his eyes as he ignores everything and everyone around him He stands there with his arms crossed over his massive chest in front of the entrance door.

Good lord, here we go again!
I chuckle, as Madi finally notices him and gives her come hither look, making her eyes smolder with seductive passion. She then gives him that trademark look of hers saying,
Boy, I'm going to eat you up!
My chuckle turns into a small laugh as I in turn, watch the doorman visibly gulp.

Xavier could not pry his eyes off of the seductive sensuous beauties wearing barely there, sexy as sin, I'm on the prowl dresses.

Holy hellfire! I can see now why Damien and Franklin claim these ladies as their mates, not to be touched by any demon or demoness on the promise of the vat of liquid hellfire. They're both hotter than two squirrels making love in a wool sock!

Xavier whistles softly as the two women walk gracefully and sensuously toward him. Their beautiful chests in the lead, feet pointed forward, an extra sway in their hips as their long hair gently sways behind them.

Hellfire! What I wouldn't give to be the hair that brushes against those asses right now!
He's growing aroused by the second. He instantly knows that the first one with the sexy smirk is Prince Damien's girl. Her walk is strong, powerful, overconfident, and has an air of superiority to it.

Now, the other woman, she walks with high energy and a bounce in her step. She has complete freedom of movement that signifies both sensuality and confidence and yet, the most intriguing part is that she's completely oblivious to just how sexy she is. She's perfect for Franklin, who is a true southern gentleman.

The people waiting in line to get into the new exclusive club, yell and curse at us as we walk right by the roped off waiting area. I feel myself flinching quite visibly from the cruel threats and feel the massive wave of pure anger emanating from the crowd.

When Madi and I reach the doorman's side, I want to just crawl under a rock and stay there.

Thankfully, the doorman blocks our view of the crowd as he turns and growls angrily. His voice carries far without him even having to raise it.

"Shut the Hell up! Right now! Or, I swear, you'll stand there and rot until the flesh falls off your bones or until the demons inside eat it off piece by piece, you got it!" The crowd falls immediately silent and terrified. So much so, you can drop a pin and hear it's tinny clang upon the concrete.

When Xavier turns back to Madi and I, even I'm a bit afraid but, feel the insane need to thank him just the same.

"Thank you so much sir, for coming to our aid. It was very kind and gentlemanly of you." I say softly, still a bit intimidated.

Xavier briefly closes his eyes in pure pleasure. Jinny's voice is so sweet and musical, it sounds like angels singing. He immediately bows in respect.

"It's my pleasure beautiful angel with your voice sounding like angels singing on high."

Her mere presence, is like a ray of sunshine lighting up, and freeing my dark soul from Hell.

He chuckles, when my face fully heats up at the unexpected, but deeply appreciated compliment. Xavier turns to Madi next, knowing somehow that she expects a compliment as well. She always does.

"Damn woman, I could eat you up. You look so damn hot and sexy tonight!" Xavier says to Madi in his deep smoky and gravelly voice.

"Why, thank you sir" Madi bats her eyes at him. She's in full flirtation mode already.

Madi's voice reminds him of a fine red wine, beautiful and perfect in its simplicity, but, have too much of it and it makes you insane, or sick. He silently wished Damien well. Madi's going to be his future queen and he knows how much Damien loves her type.

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