Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files) (22 page)

“By the time this scene ends, your words will flow together nicely,” Connor said, his promise ringing through the air.  “
Now, I’ll ask once again to give you more practice.  Have you ever experienced the pleasure of a plug?”

Lauren’s breath caught as she felt his finger brush over her tight ring.  In a whoosh of air, her words came rushing out. 
She’d never been touched there by a man.

Sir, I haven’t.”

“Now, see, wasn’t that easier?” Connor asked.  She heard the familiar click of the tube, knowing he’d flicked it open with his thumb.
  “Ask me to place the lube onto your tight hole.”

It was one thing to answer him, but something else entirely to ask for something so
wanton.  Lauren knew before the words ever flowed out of her mouth that this was another turning point in her journey.  With each command that fell from his lips, it was as if a section of her mind and soul were expanding.  She licked her lips.

“W-would you please put
some lube on my h-hole, Sir?” Lauren whispered, sparking something inside of her that was close to irritation.  She was a strong-willed woman who never stuttered in her entire life.  She wasn’t about to start now.  In a louder voice, she repeated, “Please put lube on my anus, Master.”

Connor chuckled, as if knowing she was gritting her teeth.  As the cool gel touched such an intimate area, Lauren lost her frustration in exchange for her arousal being reignited.  Not that she ever lost it, but it spiked at an amazing rate.  She couldn’t suppress a moan, especially when she felt his thumb rub it around her ring.  He didn’t utter a word, just repeatedly brushed over and over her sphincter until she was pushing back.

“Would you like something, Red?”

He was reducing her into a massive puddle of need.  Lauren’s hips were undulating on their own and her brain refused to function.  He didn’t let up, eventually causing her to cry out in desperation to know what it would feel like if he were to breach her there.  She needed to know.

“Please, Sir, I want you to put the plug in my ass.”

“Your words are flowing now,
Red,” Connor said, approval lacing his tone and making her feel a warmth spread out inside of her.  The outside of her body was ready to catch fire.  “My pleasure.”

With those two words, he removed his finger and she held her breath.  This was it.  Would it feel good?  Would she feel full, like she did when her pussy was filled?  Would it hurt?  Lauren felt the tip of the plug and as it parted her sphincter, her mouth mimicked the action.  The second the stinging sensation electrified throughout her ring, she moved her hand
s and tried to lean up.


“Did I say you could move?”

Sir, but —” Lauren felt the air whoosh out of her once more as he smacked her other cheek.  Heat blossomed once more.  “It stings.”

Lauren felt him lean over her, his chest to her back.  A different warmth effused her.  She felt Connor’s fingers entangle in her ponytail and bring her head back.  His lips touched her ear. 

“You moved your hands, Red,” Connor whispered, his disapproval evident.  “Now, I want them back where I told you to place them.  Those ties around your wrist are to signify bonds.  Do you feel them, Lauren?  Do you feel them wrapped around your skin and holding them where I desire?  I won’t tell you again.  You are not the only one who can halt a scene.  It would do you well to remember that.”

Connor slowly released his hold on her, but it took a moment for her to move. 
Had he just threatened to stop what they were doing should she not listen to him?  Were Dominants allowed to do that?  She guessed it didn’t matter.  He said he would and she believed him.  The question Lauren had to ask herself was how badly did she want this scene to continue?

Lauren slowly eased her shoulders back down on
to the mattress and stretched out her arms.  The ties around her wrists seemed to make their presence known now that he brought attention to them and a sliver of unease went through her.  The kind she got when she felt like she was being closed in.  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to alleviate her anxiety.

“Good girl,
but keep your eyes open,” Connor said, but it was those two words that had more of an affect on her than she would have ever imagined.  “Now, where were we?”

With that question
, Lauren felt the tip being replaced on her tight ring.  She inhaled and waited for that initial sting, knowing it was coming.  She waited, but nothing happened. 

“I want you to count your breathing.  One.”

Lauren inhaled and then exhaled.


She did it again and slowly felt him insert the plug.


Repeating the action, the sting made itself known and the air shuddered out of her lungs.  Her fingers tightened in the blanket. 

“Do you know the amazing thing about the human body?” Connor asked.  The plug held her in place, though she was certain it wasn’t too far inside of her.  Why was he asking her questions now?  Lauren was to the point
where she wished he would just shove it in or take it out.  “It knows better of what we enjoy and desire than our mind.”

She felt his finger travel through her folds and felt the unmistakable moisture trail behind him.  She was drenched and knew that Connor was right.  He had stopped when the sting had truly begun, but now that he’d allowed her time to adjust, Lauren felt pleasure and pain mix.  Her body truly enjoyed it, while it took her mind a moment to catch up.  The ties around her wrist felt as if they no longer existed.

“Shall we continue?”

Sir,” Lauren murmured, snuggling into the softness of the blanket beneath her.  She would do this for him.  He had earned her trust and she wouldn’t let him down. “Please.”

“Breathe,” Connor ordered, at the precise moment he pushed the plug in farther. 

A deep-seated burn set in as her sphincter opened further and allowed the plug entrance.  As it sank deeper inside of her, Lauren heard a guttural groan and knew it was her.  Her ring finally closed around the ridge.  She was afraid to shift, not knowing if the slightest movement would make it hurt worse.  Burning embers seemed to engulf that area.

“Let it morph with the pleasure,” Connor murmured.

She heard his words over the rush of blood in her ears and knew instantly what he meant when she felt his finger slide into her pussy.  Lauren would have thought it impossible.  It was as if it were the first time anything had been inserted inside her pussy, for the nerves had been awakened in a different sense.  If Connor had pulled out his finger, she had no doubt she would have come instantly.  Instead, she felt him massage the inside of her sheath and keep her hanging on the edge.

“Are you to move your hands from where I tell you to place them?” Connor asked, as if this were a normal situation.  She knew what was coming and it ratcheted up her arousal, if that was even possible.

“No, Sir,” Lauren exclaimed. 


“Ah!” Lauren cried, fisting the comforter even tighter within her grip.  He’d delivered his slap with his other hand, keeping his finger inside of her.  She wanted to come.  She needed to come.  The necessity to come was overwhelming.  “Please.”

“You mark beautifully.”  Connor lightly rubbed the area that was throbbing.  “The pink contrasts with your skin to show exactly who you belong to.  Which begs another question.  Are you my submissive now?”

“Yes, Sir,” Lauren replied, figuring out she would have said anything at this point to have him continue.

Smack!  Smack!  Smack!  Smack!

“Now there’s the shade of pink I like to see,” Connor murmured, using his hand to brush over her heated skin.  He pulled his finger out so slowly that she whimpered.  Having lost all contact with him seemed unbearable.  She’d rather be spanked than have him do nothing.  She heard the tear of a wrapper and held her breath.  “Would you like to come?”

“Yes, Sir,” Lauren replied softly, when what she really wanted to do was scream her answer. 

“Keeping position with your shoulders on the bed, give me your right hand,” Connor ordered.  His tone brooked no argument, and when she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance, the thought of disobeying him never crossed her mind.  She forced herself to release the blanket and pulled her arm back.  His fingers enclosed around her wrist and settled their connection on her lower back, setting her heart racing faster.  She jerked to get it back.  “It’s just for me to hold on to for leverage.”

Lauren’s mind was in a war with her body.  She knew that his grip on her wrist wasn’t for leverage, yet she didn’t have time to dwell on it when he started to enter her slowly.  The feel of his cock sliding inside of her was unlike anything she’d felt before.  It was as if he was contending for room in her body and didn’t intend to lose.  His fingers tightened, but before she could pull away, he jerked her toward him.  Connor’s cock sunk balls deep into her pussy, causing her to cry out.  It felt euphoric.


“I’m leaving the choice up to you,
Red,” Connor said, his voice coming across hoarse.  It gave her little satisfaction to know he was just as affected as her.  Lauren was too caught up hanging from the proverbial cliff to understand what he meant.  He made it clearer for her in the next sentence.  “Hand me your other wrist and I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll see stars.  If you choose not to, I’ll fuck you slowly until I obtain release…”

His meaning was clear.  Connor wouldn’t allow her to orgasm unless
she gave him her wrist.  She knew that he would grip her as if she was bound, but he was leaving the choice up to her.  It wasn’t really an option though, was it?  She
to come.  All of her senses were in overdrive, and as she pulled her left arm back, essentially making her defenseless against the bed, Lauren mentally prepared herself for the panic attack that was about to take place and ruin this entire scene.  It never came.

Lauren cried out as he wrapped his fingers around both wrists and used them as his anchor.  Over and over Connor drove his cock into her, shoving all thought aside.  All she could do was feel and experience exactly what he said she would.  Pinpricks of light flashed in her vision as the first spasm tore through her. 


The orgasm rocked her hard.  Lauren’s ass clamped down on the plug and his cock felt enormous.  Her toes curled and she dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, riding wave after wave of pleasure.  She felt his shaft swell, mostly due to the fact that the plug had made for tighter space, and heard him shout his release.  It still didn’t stop his onslaught as he continued to thrust in and out of her. 

Finally, although her pussy was still experiencing small spasms, Connor gently released her.  Not caring if she had no grace, Lauren stretched herself out on the comforter, but moaned as the action caused his cock to slip from her pussy.  All she could hear echo throughout the room was their breathing.

Stay where you are,” Connor ordered in a low voice.

Did he think she was going anywhere?  Lauren broke into a smile as she lay there, listening to him enter the bathroom.  She heard the sounds of the toilet flushing and running water.  Within minutes, he’d returned and placed a warm cloth on her pussy.  The heat took her by surprise and she inhaled sharply.

“Push out,” Connor said, as she felt him take ahold of the base of the plug. 

“What?” Lauren said, starting to pull her legs up so that she could crawl up to where her pillow was.  “That’s okay.  I’ll get it.”

“Lauren, that wasn’t a suggestion.”  Connor didn’t release his hold on the plug.  She could still hear the tone that he used when in a scene and realized that this was still a part of it.  “If you’re worried about the cleanup, don’t be.  After everything we’ve done, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.  It’s my responsibility to see to your aftercare.  You won’t deprive me of that.”

“Yes, Sir,” Lauren whispered, immediately finding herself falling somewhat
into that zone.  She pushed out, and as he pulled felt the plug slip from her body.  Instantly the warm cloth was drawn through her crevice.  Since one leg was bent slightly, Connor was able to clean her thoroughly.  She buried her face in the covers, unable to get over this type of discomfort.  She wasn’t quite sure what to say, so she resorted to the standard, “Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re most welcome,
Red,” Connor replied, although she could tell that he was smiling.  “Trust me, you’ll sleep better without the plug.  However, there might be times I will order you to have it inside of you just so that I can claim your ass in the morning.  There’s nothing like a tight ass on my cock first thing at dawn.”

Lauren moaned at the thought of his dick in her ass.  The plug
had felt as if it was going to split her in two.  She couldn’t imagine what his cock would feel like there.  Connor gave a small tap of her ass, indicating she was free to scoot up on the mattress.  She took advantage and crawled to where her pillow was situated.  The coolness of the pillowcase felt wonderful against her cheek.

“I’ll be right back,” Connor said, his voice fading as he went back into the bathroom. 
She wasn’t sure if she dozed or not, for the next moment he was back and wrapping his arms around her.  “Feeling good?”

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