Read Command and Control Online

Authors: Shelli Stevens

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Command and Control (3 page)

Trevor moved his hands lower again, catching the edge of her suit skirt and dragging it up to her hips. He slid his hand between her legs, finding the soaked lace covering her pussy.

The whimper Megan let out was the exact one he’d been waiting to hear. Too long.

He tugged aside the silky panties she wore and brushed his knuckles over the wet, swollen folds of her pussy. His cock lurched against his jeans and he hissed out a breath between clenched teeth, trying to keep himself from just taking her here and now. She deserved more than that.

Megan’s mouth slid from his, her head falling back as she gasped, and her hips thrusting into his touch.

Trevor’s gaze slid to the pulse in her throat that pounded with arousal. The furious beating mimicked the blood raging through his veins. With a groan, he lowered his head to the curve of her neck and shoulders and flicked his tongue over her, tasting her sweet flesh.

Megan, Megan, Megan.

He pressed a finger slowly into her heat, felt the wet grip of her pussy around him and just about came on the spot.

Megan did come. She let out a choked scream, her nails dragging down the back of his neck as her body jerked against him.

Trevor’s mouth curved in a small smile of dismay as he buried his face into the curve of her breasts above her top, breathing in her perfume and perspiration as she continued to tremble.

She’d always been so damn responsive, but she’d never come that fast. Usually she needed her clit played with, liked lots of foreplay before she climaxed.

Part of him hoped like hell she’d been saving it all up for him. That the tension had been building and not just anybody could’ve made her orgasm like this.

But what were the chances she hadn’t slept with anyone in a year? He cursed himself again for ever letting her go in the first place.

Trevor gradually became aware of the tension that seeped into Megan’s body. She wasn’t clinging to him anymore, but it almost seemed like she was trying to sink through the wall behind her.

Lifting his head, he stared down at her and his heart clenched at the dismay and regret in her eyes. Then her thick, black lashes swept down, shielding her gaze.

“Could you please move off me,” she asked tightly, her tone void of expression.

Fuck. She hid it well, but Megan’s emotional retreat was as methodical and rapid as any unit backing out of an ambush.

Trevor bit back a sigh and pulled her panties back into place, lowering her skirt again. Disappointment clogged thick in his throat as his cock throbbed against the denim of his jeans.

He wouldn’t be sleeping with Megan. Not today anyway. But he would have her again. The way she’d melted into him just a few moments ago lit a small spark of hope in his heart. Fragile, but strong enough that he knew he had to fight like hell to get her back.

Stepping away from her, he shook his head. “I didn’t mean for it to get that out of hand, angel.”

Her lashes swept up, the anger in them brilliant. “The hell you didn’t. You knew exactly what you intended the moment you walked in here, Trevor Wyatt.”

Maybe he had. But he hadn’t let himself hope for one moment she’d be that responsive.

“I won’t apologize, Megan,” he said quietly. “I can’t. Not for something that’s so right.”

“It’s not right anymore, Trevor. Don’t you get that?” she almost shouted, frustration causing her brows to draw together. “You don’t have a right to touch me. I stopped being your fiancée last year.”

“Maybe I want you back.”

Megan went rigid, the shock in her eyes twice what it had been a minute ago.

“Get out,” she whispered. “Get the hell out of my office and don’t come back.”

Trevor’s jaw clenched. What the fuck had made him make that declaration aloud, without any finesse or plan in his head? Megan had every right to be livid.

“I should go,” he agreed with a nod and headed toward the door. “I’ll see you tonight at dinner.”

“I am not having dinner with you!”

“Yes, Megan, you are. With me and with the rest of my family. So you’d better call that Henry guy back and tell him your date is off.” He stopped at the entrance and turned to give her a tight smile. “Ellie asked me to drop by and remind you. She thought you might’ve forgotten. Guess it’s a good thing I stopped by. For more reasons than one.”

“Oh, you son of a—”

Trevor slipped out the door, shutting it again before he could hear the rest of her curse. Amusement slid through him, and for the first time in a while he felt a genuine smile slip across his face. Megan had always been sexy as hell when she got pissed.

He strode past the window, feeling her glare on him until he disappeared to where his car was parked on the corner.

He climbed into his truck and slammed the door, let his head fall back against the headrest. His dick was hard as a rock, but he felt better than he had all year.

Tyson was right. He needed to try and get Megan back. Because a lifetime was just too long to live with the regrets if he didn’t.

Chapter Four

Megan stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel folded neatly on the toilet.

She’d been in there for almost a half hour, trying to scrub away the smoldering encounter with Trevor this afternoon. Good God, how had she lost all control around him? How was it that he simply had to decide
wanted her again and she was a puddle at his feet?

It was like Pavlov’s dog. Only she wasn’t a dog and there was no damn bell. Just a sexy soldier who would always have her heart.

Which made her wonder how she was going to ever get through this week. Having to finalize the details of Tyson and Ellie’s wedding with Trevor standing by? But she had to get through. Had to keep her head on straight and not get involved with Trevor again. It had been over a year since they’d broken up, and she was finally making steps to get over him.

Tears stung her eyes as she brutally scrubbed her body dry with the towel.

She wanted Trevor to be happy, really she did. She’d been praying for his heart, mind and body to heal since that day she’d received that horrific call from Afghanistan that he’d been hurt.

Just thinking about it now had the ability to make her stomach contents roll and her head spin with terror. She dropped the towel and gripped the counter, shaking her head as she sucked in a great big lungful of air.

Trevor’s body had eventually healed, but his heart and mind had never seemed to fully recover. They’d never kept secrets from each other before. But when he’d returned, everything about him had been different. There’d been nothing
secrets. And even though the sex between them had still been incredible, she’d always felt like he was holding back. That he was fighting demons while making love to her.

She’d begged him to open up. Begged him to get help. Because they hadn’t been a couple anymore, they’d become two people who only came together to have sex. But he’d refused to seek help, to even talk about it. He’d even stopped any planning of their wedding. Retreating more into himself until that chasm between them became so great that not even amazing sex could bridge it. And that’s when she’d left. Because staying would’ve only destroyed her and the love she’d always hold for him.

Megan crossed the bathroom that was still full of steam, and reached for her dress hanging on the door. She slipped into it and then her heels, then made quick time drying her hair and putting on makeup.

When she finally climbed into the convertible, there wasn’t enough time to appreciate the summer sun beating down. How the hell had she forgotten about dinner tonight? She’d promised Ellie last week she’d be there.

It was Trevor. He’d returned to town and thrown her entire life for a loop. She wasn’t stupid, she knew why he’d tried to seduce her today. The phenomenal sex and chemistry between them had always offered him that brief distraction, moments of happiness where he could just forget. But the price to her heart and own sanity was just too expensive…

By the time she arrived at the local Italian restaurant, the Wyatt clan was already there.

Megan strode to the back of the dim restaurant, inhaling the delicious smell of garlic and olive oil. She kept her head high and avoided looking at Trevor, who sat with the small group of people at the table. Though she knew exactly where his muscled frame was furled into a chair in the back corner.

“Megan,” Ellie called out and rushed to her feet. “I thought you might’ve forgotten. So good to see you.”

“You too.” Megan embraced the other woman briefly then gave a small smile. “Don’t you just look fabulous? Must be that pre-newlywed glow.”

She really did look great, Megan thought, taking her seat. Ellie’s eyes were full of love and laughter, so unlike the woman Megan had first met over a month ago when Ellie had come to Wyattsville to disappear from a trial she was subpoenaed to testify on.

“Thank you. We’re so excited,” Ellie said sitting back down and sipping a glass of wine. “And we can’t thank all of you enough for helping out and arranging your schedules to be here. Especially you, Trevor. I know the army doesn’t just let you run off any time you want.”

Tension slid through Megan’s muscles and she couldn’t help herself from lifting her gaze to the other end of the table. Trevor was already watching her. Their gazes locked and Megan felt the air leave the room.

“No worries,” Trevor replied to Ellie without looking away. “I already had the two week leave scheduled for my vacation. So you and Tyson picked a fine weekend to have the wedding. Glad to be here to help.”

Megan wanted to look away from him, knew everyone was watching them with open curiosity, but it was impossible.

“Well I’m so glad you said that, Trevor,” Ellie went on cheerfully. “Because I’m putting you and Megan in charge of food.”

?” Megan snapped her gaze back to Ellie and Tyson, whose arm was draped around her. She felt the blood draining from her face. “You want—”

“Well, we’re divvying up all the areas that need tending to,” Tyson explained lightly. “Since we’re keeping this a simple, small wedding with just the big barbeque for the reception. We were hoping to trust you and Trevor to plan an easy menu and then make a Costco run a few days before.”

“They put me in charge of the alcohol.” Todd, the youngest Wyatt brother, grinned from where he sat in the middle of the table and lifted his beer. “Hell

Megan’s teeth snapped together. Costco was like two hours away! Spending that much time alone with Trevor in a car? Planning the menu with him?

She let her gaze slide around all the people at the table. Tyson and Ellie were doing their best to look innocent enough, but she didn’t miss the spark of mischief in Tyson’s eyes.

Sharon and Dan Wyatt, the brothers’ parents, were avoiding looking at her. Instead they studied the restaurant’s menu as if this was the first time they’d seen it. Which was ridiculous seeing as they ate here at least once a week.

And then there was Kate, not family, but going to be a bridesmaid in the wedding. She was making no attempt to appear unconcerned, but kept shifting her wide gaze back and forth between Trevor and Megan like they were in some tennis death match.

“I have no problem with that,” Trevor said finally, his tone casual.

Right. And if I say I
have a problem with it, I’ll be written off as a hard bitch.
Though with her reputation in the legal field, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“No problem at all,” Megan agreed with a forced smile. “Seriously, anything we can do to make this easier on you guys. I’m just surprised you wouldn’t want to pick out your own food for the reception.”

Ellie waved her hand and laughed. “This is all going to be so casual. I’m sure whatever normal type of barbeque foods you choose will be fine. Besides, I picked the only thing I care about.

“Nice.” Todd ripped a slice of bread off the loaf in the middle of the table, grinning over at Kate. “Kate’s of course?”

Kate laughed and rolled her eyes. “Umm, I’d have to hurt someone if they didn’t go through me.”

“As if there’s anybody else I’d choose,” Ellie scoffed. “You make
baked goods. You hooked me with those damn cinnamon rolls.”

Kate tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and smiled. “Thank you. Those do seem to sell pretty well, too. And the cupcakes. Though my cakes are still what keep me in business.”

“I’d come to your place for cupcakes any day of the week, baby.” Todd winked and took another swig of beer.

Megan watched as Kate’s cheeks filled with color and she resisted the urge to kick Todd under the table. Poor Kate had been nursing a crush on the youngest Wyatt brother for years. Everyone seemed to know
Todd. And it didn’t help that Todd flirted with every female within fifty miles of Wyattsville.

With a sigh, Megan shifted her gaze and cursed when it connected with Trevor’s again. He lifted his beer in a salute and then gave her a slow smile. Probably making a little toast to their unwanted partnership.

Her stomach danced with butterflies and she resisted the urge to press her hand against it to ease the sensation.

Damn Ellie and Tyson for their matchmaking. Didn’t they realize how much this was going to just about kill her?

Tyson cleared his throat. “Now as for dinner tonight, what are you all getting? And remember, Ellie and I are paying. It’s the least we can do to thank you all.”

There were a few token protests, but Tyson waved them away.

Megan glanced down at her menu, knowing she had to keep her wits about her. Now more than ever.

Trevor ate his dinner in silence, speaking when needed, but happy to remain more of a silent observer on the planning of the upcoming wedding and reception.

It was pretty much what he was used to now, though. Lingering back in the shadows, trying to disappear and be alone with his thoughts.

By the time dinner had arrived everyone had been assigned their tasks, and most of the wedding and reception details had been finalized. It really was a small wedding, which was exactly what Tyson and Ellie had wanted. And Trevor couldn’t blame them. It’s what he and Megan had once wanted too. Though their dream had always been a quiet ceremony on a beach.

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