Contractual Obligation: The Trilogy (6 page)

Chapter 10

Work called him away for the next few days, and dinner was pushed off. Maybe it was for the best. It gave him time to think, to clear his head. Did he want to get involved with her? Did he want to marry her for his career, or did he want to be free to make his own choices?

The conversation they shared, the moments while he was away faded once he was back home. Work kept him busy, and he wasn’t as lonely with a full plate. He’d know when he saw her, know if he was still drawn to her in the same way.

Arranging to have dinner on the weekend, Michael decided to trust his gut
. He’d wait to see her. His thoughts were clouded with too many variables.

Natalie didn’t know what she wanted anymore. She wanted to spend time with Michael, but not as his wife. They kept trying to connect, but having
this arrangement hanging over their heads was weird.

Yes, she’d signed the contract. Yes, she’d follow through and take the job, but she wanted something real. She hadn’t felt this kind of chemistry in ages, and what if that stupid contract ruined things? It forced her hand, and the pressure of knowing they’d be locked into this overwhelmed her.

It was great if things worked out between them, but what happens if the chemistry fizzles, or they can’t stand to be around each other? He made it clear that monogamy wasn’t part of the deal, and the thought of getting involved with somebody with that sitting on the back burner turned her off.

She couldn’t get involved with others. She needed to look the part, and that meant looking like an adoring wife. Being seen with other people wouldn’t do, not that she had anybody in mind. She wanted this to work if she’d be stuck in the marriage. Five years felt like forever.

On seeing him, she’d know – she’d have to trust her gut. It was all she could do at this point.

Natalie chose a short black skirt with sexy heels, and a black camisole layered with a lacey sleeveless shirt. She’d give it one last shot tonight, and see how it went. If nothing happened, she’d take it as a sign that she needed to keep things platonic.

Michael dressed for their date, slipping on jeans and a white button-down shirt. They’d decided to go to a small corner tavern that was known for their amazing fondue. He needed to make a decision, because this back and forth wasn’t working for him. They’d either move forward as a couple, or he’d keep things platonic.

Calling for a car, he went to pick up Natalie. On seeing her, his jaw dropped. She looked insanely hot, not that she didn’t always. She’d played up her sex appeal, and it more than made an impact.

“Wow, you look incredible,” he said, barely able to take his eyes off of her.

Natalie blushed. “Thank you.” She didn’t need to tell him what was on her mind, her outfit more than spoke for itself. She wanted a reaction, and she got it.

Michael stood, unmoving. “There’s a car downstairs, and the fondue at Manny’s Pub is top notch, but I’m not sure I’m ready to leave.”

teased. “You don’t want to show me off?”

“What I want to do is strip your clothes off and…”

Her grin told him what he needed to hear.

“One second,” he said, dialing. “I
don’t need the car to wait.” Hanging up, he turned to Natalie.

One look… it took one look, and he couldn’t help himself. “I can’t wait any longer.”

Natalie swallowed hard, and then nodded.

Michael pulled her into his arms, unable to control his urges. His large hands rested on her lower back, and then slid lower. Their mouths came together in a heated kiss. The scent of his cologne aroused her as the spiced cinnamon scent teased her.

Natalie felt safe in his strong arms and loved how powerful he was, his hands gripping her, knowing exactly what he wanted. One of his hands slid down the length of her short skirt and played with the edge of the material, before sliding beneath it and resting on her bottom. A finger crept along the elastic of her panties, and slipping below, Michael squeezed her bare flesh.

Natalie’s heart raced with excitement, her body tingling with electricity. His kisses were full of desire and need. His mouth moved from her lips to her neck. Tipping her head to the side, she let him have full access. Moving her hair aside, he traced kisses along the length of her neck, and then milked her skin, pulling soft moans out of her.

His hands worked diligently as he kissed her, and were shifting the material of her skirt up over her hips. Natalie pulled back, looking at Michael, and started to unbutton his shirt, her gaze locked on his.

Each button undone revealed more of his muscular chest. She wanted to run her hands over his hard body, feel his shoulders, his arms, and that wall of muscle on his chest.

Michael’s hands were taking liberties as they worked the elastic of her panties, and he slid them down to her ankles. Natalie stepped out of them, and kicked off her heels. She wouldn’t need them tonight.

“Your shirt,” he whispered. “Take it off.”

Natalie’s eyes never left Michael as she lifted the layered camisole and lace top up over her head. A satin black bra covered her breasts. Slipping her hands up behind her, Natalie unhooked it, letting it sag on her shoulders. Leaning forward, she let it drop off.

Lust and desire rushed through her body, as his eyes took her in, drinking her beauty.

Reaching down, he unzipped his jeans and slid out of them after stepping out of his shoes, standing in only his boxer-briefs and socks. Peeling them off, he stood naked before her, his arousal obvious. 

“Take me to bed,” she whispered.

Scooping her up, he carried her the few paces to the bed and laid her down gently. Climbing beside Natalie, Michael needed to taste her body, every bit of it. His lips led a trail of kisses from her collarbone to her breasts. He stopped only long enough to play with a nipple. It was pert and erect. He wrapped his lips around it as she arched her body. Small sighs escaped her lips.

Treasuring every bit of her, Michael layered her skin with kisses and tender caresses. He was a generous lover, wanting to make sure her needs were met. His lips moved lower, and as he slipped between her legs, Natalie Cooper’s light sighs turned to passionate moans.

Wrapping her legs around him, she couldn’t stop the wave of pleasure that rushed through her. “Oh, Michael,” she cried out.

He was desperate to enter her, to feel her, to be with her. He was more than ready. Climbing out of bed for just a moment, he grabbed a condom from his wallet.

“Let me,” she said, watching him. He was massive and hard for her, and tearing the foil packet, he stood before her, watching her roll the sheath on him.

Leaning back onto the bed, Michael entered her. Groaning at the warm sensation, the couple made love. Slipping his hands under her back, he rolled with her, pulling her on top. “I want to look at you,” he growled, as she moved with him.

He ached deep inside, and as the feeling built up, he knew he couldn’t hold back much longer. Looking up at Natalie, her body moving on him, her breasts swaying with each movement, her long hair framing her gorgeous face… before he could stop himself, the orgasm gripped him.

Michael moaned loudly, pleasure rushing through him at warp speed. He knew they weren’t done here – he’d need to make love to her again.

Collapsing onto him, Natalie pressed her body to his, as he regained his composure. “You’ve got an amazing body,” she smiled, her fingers tracing the curve of his bicep.

“And you’re deliciously sexy,” he said.

She pressed her ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “Thank-you.”

Michael wrapped his arms up and over the woman above him, holding her tight.

Rolling over, the couple made love again. Michael drove hard and fast, needing to get deeper and more intimate, wanting to capture the essence of Natalie letting go. He knew he should have broken free, grabbed another condom out of his wallet, but all he could think about was being inside of her. As she called out into the night, Natalie’s orgasm ricocheted through her body. Her hips arched, as her thighs clasped tightly around her lover. Michael’s own release followed closely behind Natalie’s.

The couple snuggled in, pressed together. Everything felt right, and she knew that they’d be fine. This was meant to happen. There was magic between them.

After lingering in bed, she finally climbed out, going to get a drink. Pulling his shirt on, she padded to the refrigerator. Pulling out two bottles of water, she returned to Michael’s side.

“I seem to have worked up an appetite.”
He smiled. Thanking her for the water, he stood up and started to dress. Pulling on his jeans, he looked at Natalie. “Maybe we could just order pizza. I don’t think I’m ready to leave yet. Come sit with me,” he said, pulling her back to him. “You look sexy in my shirt.” His kisses said he was ready for more.

The night was one long session of kisses and orgasms, and as the couple collapsed into each other’s arms, exhausted and worn, Natalie’s heart was full. They spent the moments between talking and sharing, growing closer with each passing hour.

When morning arrived, Michael needed to head to work. Grabbing a quick shower, he left for the office. Natalie was all he could think about.

She was a nice girl. He truly liked her, and wanted to spend time with her, but did she deserve to be tied into some silly contract? Maybe they could create a real relationship, do things the traditional way…he hadn’t felt this way for a woman before.
There was something there, something genuine.

He should set her free, void the contract, and let her live her life. If she chose to stay, so be it; and if she chose to leave, he’d know she was only playing a part.

Only, the thought of letting her go was too painful. He selfishly wanted more time with her, and keeping her in the contract guaranteed she’d be nearby. Besides, what if she ended up pregnant? They forgot to use a condom the second time. He couldn’t let her go until he knew there wasn’t a child involved. It was really the right thing to do, keeping her tied into the contract, at least until he knew they were in the clear. He should have grabbed a condom the second time, but maybe it was for the best. Tied together, a signed piece of paper would keep her close. He wasn’t ready to let go of control just yet.

Natalie wrapped the sheet around her, thinking of her night with Michael and grinning. Maybe they could work this out. Maybe it could be something special. She couldn’t deny her attraction any longer. And then it hit her…they’d forgotten a condom the second time. She should have insisted, but he felt so good inside of her. Shit, she wasn’t ready to be a mother, and that wasn’t part of the deal. She’d need to be more careful.
It was so careless of her. She’d insist from now on, because let’s face it, a child was not part of the bargain, and she was in no way ready to start a family with a man she was only getting to know. She just wanted to get through the five years. She’d figure out the rest later.

Michael smiled, thinking of Natalie. He’d keep her close, and quite frankly
, the idea of a child didn’t horrify him. He wasn’t ready yet, but maybe one day. She’d signed, it was ironclad, and she’d be his for the next five years. Michael Davidson decided to keep it that way. They’d be getting engaged soon, and marriage wouldn’t be far behind. It was part of the deal, after all. She would be his. He liked being in charge.

Contractual Obligation: Closing the Deal (Book 2)


Chapter 1

Staring out the window, the city sprawled into the distance. Michael ran his hand through his hair and paced. This couldn’t be happening. He hadn’t planned for something like this. How could he? Disgusted, his nostrils flared, wondering how it had gotten this far. When the news broke there was nothing he could do, and the lack of action turned his stomach. If they could do something, anything, he’d at least feel like it was a fair fight. Only this time he’d have to stand with his hands tied behind his back. Spiraling out of control, Bowman Industries was about to go down.

Kent Davidson’s world was crumbling. His guy swore the books were clean, even though they kept a second set of books. They were careful, overly cautious about paper trails, but the IRS wasn’t fooling around. Kent Davidson was being investigated for tax evasion, and he owed millions of dollars. It had been a perfect plan, had worked smoothly the last six years, never a trace, never a question – so why now? What was the leak? How did they find out?

Having to share the truth with his son was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He may be seen as a cold man, but there was nobody in the world he loved more than his son. Now Michael didn’t even want to talk to him. It felt like somebody had dug his heart out with a spoon and threw it to the ground, and yet he brought it on himself.

With their assets frozen, the company at risk, and his son’s loss of respect, Kent knew there were exactly two things he could do – stay and face the charges or run away and try to live a normal life in another country. The amount of money he owed the government was staggering and could easily break him. As much as he wanted to believe he could take off, the thought of not seeing his son was too much. He’d stay and face the charges, and hope that Michael could salvage the company when it was all said and done.

A good lawyer could fix this, could get him a reduced fee or sentence. When it came down to it, Kent Davidson’s life would never be the same and he did it to himself. He was a greedy bastard that let success go to his head. Without love, well…since Michael’s mother died, he hadn’t experienced true love, and all that was left was work. Sure he remarried, but he never loved any of those women.

The consequences would run deep, and having to give Michael the news was heartbreaking. The look in his face, the respect draining like bathwater in a tub, and the realization that the entire company was at risk was all too much.

Michael paced, shaking his head, angry that his father had lied to him for years. How could he throw away the company and everything they worked so hard for, for what, some extra money? When would he learn there was more to life than cash? Now everything they’d worked for, all the hours, the growth, all the employees that would be touched, all frozen in time.

How do you do business as usual when you don’t have the money to pay the bills? He growled with anger, not even sure what to do or what this would mean. Would his father serve time or just have a massive bill to pay, and what of Michael’s career, his family’s company? They were just breaking into the international market – the growth would have been incredible. Only now he didn’t know if they’d be left with two nickels to rub together, their company burned to the ground out of his father’s greed.

Dropping to his chair, Michael pressed his forehead to the desk. There were no easy answers
. Each scenario was worse than the next. He wanted to throw a temper tantrum like a small child, to shove everything off of his desk, but that wouldn’t solve anything. He hated feeling out of control. There was no worse feeling in the world.

He’d only just left Natalie’s bed the night before, and in such a short time his entire world shifted on its axis. Up until his father’s news
, Natalie was the only thing he could think of, and right now he’d give anything in the world to be able to focus on her in place of this monstrosity.

He wanted to remember milking her porcelain skin with his lips, running his fingers through her lush hair, and treasure in the memories of their naked bodies tangled together
. But all of that was slipping away, and what remained was his father’s error in judgment fogging his brain.

How would he tell her? It’s not like he could drag her through the mud with them. There would be bad publicity; their name along with the company would be smeared through the media, and the thought of forcing her to stay along for the ride left him cold. He’d need to let her go;
he couldn’t afford to pay her anyway if all the accounts were frozen. He’d trusted his father’s guy with his investments, and every account associated to them would be useless. They were tied into the company. His assets, his home, the cars, the company, it would all be locked and he wouldn’t hold the key. Who would pay the bills with the government freezing their accounts?

His father swore it would only be him touched by it all. It was personal and corporate tax evasion, and as owner of the company, his actions were being questioned and he had to face the fire. The problem was that Michael had all of his personal investments tied to the growth of the company
, and his accounts would be frozen as well.

His anger was mounting again, his frustration bitter, and he was spitting at the bit wanting to yell, shout, or hit something, anything. His father was taking them all down with him, whether he intended to or not.

Things were going to get ugly, and it was only starting. Just when he thought his life was getting better, just when he’d met an incredible woman, just when he thought he could fall in love and live a fulfilling life, it all came crashing down. He’d be left with nothing but scars and the pain of his father’s truth.

Michael unbuttoned his collar. He was suffocating, unable to breathe as the news grew in his mind. This was real, not just some make believe shit. He had no idea what it meant for his future, but he’d be damn sure he wouldn’t drown in the process. If his father was going down, he’d brought it on himself and there was no way Michael was taking the fall with him.

His shoulders tensed. Michael rubbed his neck, his fingers digging into his flesh, trying to hit a pressure point that would loosen the pain of overly tight muscles. The stress was settling into his body and bones already, and he knew it was just the beginning.

Standing, he kicked his trashcan over, knowing it was a childish thing to do, but without a proper way to vent he wasn’t sure
where to put his anger. If he had time to get a workout in, he’d sweat it out, but it would have to wait. There were too many questions that needed answers.

Michael pressed his hands to the glass of the window, staring out at the city, and tried to calm himself. Closing his eyes, he pictured himself over Natalie, her body naked and beautiful, the way she looked at him as he penetrated her, her soft whispers and moans of pleasure…

The knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. Spinning, he saw his father entering. He had nothing left to say, or maybe he did.

“What do you want? To tell me more lies? Haven’t ruined my life enough yet?”

His father stared. “A little compassion maybe,” he started. “Your old man may end up in jail or financially ruined.”

“And you’ll drag us all down with you,” Michael shot out.

His father looked away. Kent Davidson’s silver hair was perfectly in place until his hand ran up through it. “Look, kid, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“What, get caught?”

Kent looked down. “I just wanted you to know what’s going on,” he said, his normal cocky demeanor sullen.

“I know what’s going on. You cheated and lied, and now we’ll all suffer. What the hell were you thinking?”

“I wasn’t.”


The two men looked at one another. “Anyway, I’m sorry,” Kent offered.

“Little too late,” Michael spat out. “Our entire world is about to crumble.”

“We can rebuild.”

“With you behind bars?”

“I should go.” His father turned around and walked out.

Michael couldn’t find sympathy.
He was too angry he’d been lied to all these years.

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