Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) (10 page)

It was a strange feeling, but he didn't want to fight it. His instincts on the field led him to be one of the top players on the team, so he was used to going with what he felt in the moment. Why should this be any different?

He broke the kiss and pulled back so he could look down into her upturned face. Her eyes fluttered open. They were a warm dark brown, pupils dilated, lids heavy. He smiled. “Do you have a lot of homework?”

She blinked a couple times. “What? Oh, right. Homework. I just have some reading for tomorrow.”

Chris straightened up and took a small step back. Megan seemed to take a deeper breath and her eyes came into sharper focus. His smile grew a little wider. “Why don't you get started and then we'll go out for lunch later, maybe catch a movie after. Sound good?”

Her eyes remained fixed on his, but she nodded. He moved to the side, out of the way, so she could get past. She moved slowly at first, holding his gaze as she stepped away from the counter, then faster as she gained ground and moved farther away from him.

He went back to his room to take a quick shower and change clothes. He grabbed one of his textbooks to take out to the living room for the pretense of doing homework. He probably did have homework. Maybe he should find a syllabus to check and see what he needed to do for any of his classes. But that would require remembering where he'd put that stuff.

He couldn't be bothered to care since he wouldn’t be coming back next semester. His hopes of going pro, or even doing something like arena football, didn't look like they were going to pan out. This was his last chance. He went to classes. Some of the time, anyway. But why bother doing homework when your GPA didn't matter anymore? When you weren't planning on graduating anyway? He only went to class as much as he did to keep the coach off his ass.

The living room was empty. What the hell? Where was Megan? Her bedroom door was closed. He went over and rapped his knuckles against the wood and waited. A minute later Megan opened the door. Her curls were everywhere like she'd just shoved her hand through her hair and not bothered to make sure they landed back in place. He smiled, reaching out a hand to touch her hair.

She dodged his hand, and he pulled his eyes back to her face. “What do you want, Chris? I thought you were going to let me do my homework first.”

He held up his textbook. “I thought we could study together.”

She eyed him with a wary expression. “You want to do homework together?”

“You do homework with Matt all the time.” He couldn't help the defensiveness that crept into his voice.

“That's different. I'm tutoring Matt and we have classes together. I don't even know what your major is.”

“Exercise Science. And anyway, we're both just reading. You don't have to help me. You read your stuff, and I'll read mine. Come sit on the couch with me.”

Megan's eyes searched his face like she might be expecting him to start laughing that she'd believed a practical joke. When he didn't say anything else she finally nodded. “Okay.”

Chris waited while she gathered her book, notebook, pen, and highlighters. This chick took her reading seriously. She followed him out to the couch. He sat down on one end. When she went to the other end to sit he shook his head and patted the middle cushion. “Sit here. Next to me.”

She looked at him again like she was trying to figure him out. After a minute she shrugged and sat down, setting her notebook on the couch next to her.

He put his feet up on the coffee table, ankles crossed, his textbook open on his lap. Megan sat cross legged on the couch, her book open across her legs, her notebook next to her. She kept her highlighter in the gutter of the book and her pen in her hand. She chewed on the cap while she read.

Chris stretched his arm out along the back of the couch behind her. She was so intent on her reading that she didn't notice. Or at least she pretended not to. Every so often Chris would turn a page. He'd picked a chapter at random. He stared at the pages, sometimes reading the bold faced headings and the captions under the images. He'd apparently grabbed an anatomy book and was now looking through the chapter on arm and shoulder muscles.

Time passed. Megan shifted. Her left leg was still curled up under her, the right was down. Every so often she'd write something in her notebook or highlight something in the text.

Chris found himself watching her study more than he pretended to read his own book. He wanted to touch her. To run his hand over the curve of her back where she sat forward over her book. Or, better yet, pull her over so she could relax against him, his arm around her instead of along the back of the couch. It would be even better if they were watching a movie instead of studying—or pretending to, in his case.

“Enjoying yourself?” Megan's words pulled him out of his thoughts of what he'd like to happen once the hypothetical movie was over. She was still looking at her book, highlighting something.

He shifted in his seat, making room in his shorts for his semi that was well on its way to becoming more. “What?”

She turned her head to look at him and put the cap back on her highlighter with a click. “I can't help but notice that you're studying me instead of that.” She nodded toward the book in his lap.

He closed the book. No point keeping up the pretense. “I don't really need to study. I was just using it as an excuse.”

He had her full attention now. She'd put her pen and highlighter down and closed her book. “You don't need to study? At all?”

He shrugged. “I’m not coming back next semester, so why bother? My GPA doesn't matter anymore.”

She frowned at him, her brows drawn together. “Why wouldn't you come back next semester?”

He shrugged. “What's the point?”

“Uh, so you can finish your degree.”

He made a noncommittal sound in response, not wanting to talk about this. Instead, he did what he'd been wanting to do and ran his hand down her back, then up and around the nape of her neck, until coming to a stop cupping the back of her head, his fingers tangled in her curls. He sat forward and brought his mouth to hers. She kissed him back right away this time. There was none of the hesitation from earlier this morning. That seemed like a good sign. He pulled back. “Are you done studying?”

She nodded. “Yeah. You're too distracting.”

He couldn't suppress a triumphant grin. “Good.” He leaned down to kiss her again, and she turned into him, her hands going to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her against him and onto his lap, and leaned back so they could be more comfortable.

After a moment Megan sat up and looked around. “Where's Matt?”

“Who cares?” He pressed up against her so she could feel what was really on his mind.

She grinned down at him. “Well, I doubt he'd want to walk in on us. Is he even here? I haven't seen him all day.”

“No. I think he left this morning. No idea where he went.”

The grin faded from her face and she looked a little concerned. “I heard you guys talking this morning. Did you tell him about us?”

“He'd figured it out on his own. Matt's not stupid.”

Megan nodded, the furrow still between her eyebrows.

His hands went to her hips and he pushed her down, sliding her against him some more, wanting to distract her and get her focus back where he wanted it. Fuck, that felt good. Not as good as the real thing, though. “Is that a problem?”

Megan's eyes closed and she sighed. He was getting to her. Good. “I don't know. Was he okay with it?”

“He seemed fine. Do you really want to talk about Matt right now?”

She shook her head. “Not right now.”

He pulled her head back down to his, tangling his tongue with hers once more. She groaned into his mouth. He loved hearing those sexy sounds from her. It was his turn to groan when she broke away again. Only his groan was frustration, not arousal.

She laid her head on his shoulder. “Chris, I'm, um, a little sore.” Her voice was a whisper.

He pulled his head back a little so he could look at her face. “Sore?”

Her cheeks looked a little pink. “From last night. It's been a while, and we did it twice.”

“It's been a while? But I thought—”

She cut him off. “Yeah, I can guess what you thought. Don't believe everything you hear.”

He studied her face. “Okay.” He pulled her in for another kiss and let his hands roam over her back and then up under her shirt. She pulled back again, and he growled.

“I’m serious, Chris. I'm not up for sex right now. My lady bits need a break.”

“It's okay. I just want to make you feel good. If anything hurts, I'll stop. I promise.” He ground his pelvis against her again, watching her eyelids flutter in response, and that breathy sigh escape her lips. “Does that hurt?”


He smiled, pure male satisfaction. “Good. But you're right. We should probably move this out of the living room.”

He stood her up and started to lead her by the hand toward his bedroom, stopping when she tugged at his hand. He looked back to see why she'd stopped. She tilted her head toward her own room. “Let's use my room. I have my own bathroom.”

He nodded, allowing her to lead the way now. He felt a little weird coming in here to get naked with someone. In some part of his mind this was still Lance's room, and he never would've done this while Lance still lived here.

Once inside, though, all thoughts of it being Lance's room vanished. It looked so different. There was only a twin bed, for one thing, that Megan had moved with her from her tiny apartment. The furniture was different—Lance had taken his old stuff when he’d moved in with Abby. And there were pictures on the walls—framed art prints of famous works, what looked like original paintings in some places, and framed photos of friends and family on top of her dresser.

The twin bed wasn't ideal. On the plus side, it meant they'd have to stay very close together. That wasn't such a bad thing.

Chris closed the door behind him, then drew Megan to him by their connected hands. She came willingly, no hesitation, desire making her pupils large and her eyelids heavy. He cupped her face with his free hand and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before he slid his tongue along her lower lip and deepened the kiss. She responded, pressing her body against his, her tongue seeking out his, sliding and tangling. His hand slid from her cheek to tangle in her curls and tilted her head back so he could plunder her mouth more thoroughly. Her soft moan had his cock swelling even more, pressing against her through their clothes.

He released his hold on her hair and brought his hands down her back to run over her ass before sliding under and lifting. Megan broke their kiss, her eyes widened in surprise, but she wrapped her legs around his waist and her hands clutched his shoulders. He gave her a cocky grin and carried her over to the bed where he sat with her in his lap once more.

Not wasting time, he slid his hands under her shirt and lifted it up. Megan raised her arms, perfectly understanding his intentions. He tossed the shirt somewhere, not paying attention where, his eyes now focused on her breasts. She wore a simple pink cotton bra, but it might as well have been the sexiest lingerie the way his mouth watered. He'd seen her breasts last night. He already knew how they filled his hands just right, and the way her dusky nipples peaked when he teased them with his tongue. Seeing them in the daylight that filtered through her curtains was even better than in the lamplight in his room last night. He tugged the cups out of the way so that her breasts were propped up like an offering just for him. With her on his lap, her breasts were at the perfect height. He took one nipple in his mouth immediately, sucking hard to draw it in and flick his tongue across the tip until it grew puckered and hard in his mouth. Megan's hands gripped his hair, holding him in place while she threw her head back and moaned. He pulled back, sucking on her nipple until it released with a pop, then turned his attention to the other one.

He went back and forth between her breasts for a while. He felt like he could almost stay there forever. When she was grinding her hips against him, letting out the sexiest sighs and moans he'd ever heard, he shifted, turning so he could lay her down on the bed. He kissed each nipple one last time before he drew his tongue down her torso in a line to the top of her jeans. He looked her in the eye while he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, tugging them down along with her panties. She lifted her hips to help him, and he stood up to strip them all the way off and toss them away like her shirt.

Concern flashed on Megan's face. “Chris, I—”

“Shh.” He ran his hands over her skin, and leaned down for a kiss. “I know. I promise to just make you feel good.” She nodded and kissed him again. He broke away to look down at her spread out on the bed for him, her breasts still offered up by her bra, her skin smooth and soft. He ran his hands over her breasts, tweaking her nipples, eliciting a gasp from her. Then he moved them down over her hips, on the outside of her legs, down to her knees, and slid back up between her thighs. He settled himself there, his hands spreading her legs to make room for his shoulders.

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