Read Copping To It Online

Authors: Ava Meyers

Tags: #erotic romance, #erotica, #menage, #suspense

Copping To It (3 page)

“Oh, she’ll swallow,” Jed said. “Suck,
swallow, and any other damn thing we want her to do.”

With one last piercing stare into Claire’s
wide eyes, one he hoped but doubted would reassure her, Ty
straightened. “Get her the hell out of here. I don’t want her.”

He turned and started to walk away.

“Then I’ll have her for myself. The bitch
needs to be taught a lesson.”

Ty froze at Jed’s next words and closed his

This was bad. Very bad.

Because no way was he letting anyone — be it
Jed or the town’s most law-abiding citizen — touch her.

He clenched his fists, wondering how he was
going to take Tom and Jed down while keeping her out of harm’s way.
He —

“I don’t want you. I want him,” he heard
from behind him.


In disbelief, he slowly turned around.

A wide grin split Tom’s face. With a side
look at Jed, he shoved her toward Ty. He caught her as she stumbled
into him, his fingers gently wrapping around her soft skin to
steady her. “Don’t —” he muttered, wanting to warn her. Explain.

Claire swallowed hard, but the knowledge was
already there in her eyes. Knowledge and determination. She knew
what was going on. What was about to go down.

He didn’t want her, however. Not like

“I want you,” she whispered, her fingers
suddenly lowering to the fly of his jeans. “Not him. Not —” Her
voice broke. Her face was flushed, partially obscured by her fall
of honey brown hair, and she was staring at his throat rather than
his eyes. Her fingers were shaking, but she licked her lips and
seemingly forced herself to say, “Please. I’ll do anything you want
me to. Anything.” Slipping her hand inside his pants, she cupped
him with her hand and rubbed him over the material of his briefs.
“J—just please don’t hurt me.”

His eyes widened and his brain seemed to
short circuit.

Her plea at the end had sounded convincing,
but the fear that had overwhelmed her minutes ago had ebbed. Her
expression radiated desire and anticipation.

And, damn, it blew his mind.

It was like every fantasy he’d ever had come
to life. He loved Claire’s prissy side. Her femininity. Ambition.
Kindness. But to have all that and this, too? To know she wanted
him so much that the danger of the situation wasn’t enough to
dampen her arousal? His dick swelled to painful proportions,
eagerly announcing it was ready, willing, and don’t-hold-me-back
eager to give her what she wanted. She must have felt it, because
her eyes dropped lower, and with a small whimper, she pushed her
hand past the front placket of his briefs and gripped his cock.

He closed his eyes and bit back a groan.

In a flash, he envisioned her long bare legs
wrapped around his hips. Her nipples in his mouth. His dick shoved
deep inside her.

His blood boiled and surged to his cock,
making him grind his teeth at the combined pleasure and pain.

Her breath hitched, causing his eyes to fly

She was still looking down, and his gaze
followed. Her small fingers didn’t quite fit around him. The pale,
delicate digits contrasted so beautifully with his heavily-veined
blood-infused organ that he wanted to get on his knees and beg her
to never let go.

Impossibly, she must have read his

That, or she’d decided in the face of his
silence to press her advantage. Because as he stood there, so
stunned that his brain had virtually shut down, she whispered, for
his ears alone, “I want you to come in
mouth this time.

And then she fell to her knees before



Claire’s world had turned into a forbidden
fantasy, one she’d never thought to make reality. The other men in
the room vanished. Staring up into Ty’s shuttered brown eyes, she
tried to see the real him underneath the trappings of his
undercover disguise. Three months had brought many changes, all
deliberate of course. Whereas he’d always been clean shaven, his
jaw was now shadowed with stubble, his hair almost touching his
shoulders. And instead of the pants and sweater he’d worn on their
date, his jeans were decidedly more worn and his white tank
revealed pumped muscles and a new tattoo that surprised her by

It was nothing like the Celtic knot on his
bicep, which she’d loved the moment she’d seen it. Yet, the skull
and crossbones definitely made him look overtly dangerous. Unlike
Randall or the other man who’d left bruises on her arms, however,
the air of danger only enhanced his good looks rather than made her
leery of him.

She knew she was in serious trouble. His
body still called to hers, making her respond and long for his
touch even more than before. It was why she’d called things off so
soon. She’d known how addictive he could become to her — how
essential — and he was an honorable cop who dealt with darkness on
the job. He didn’t need to deal with the dark, twisted needs that
sometimes caused her to seek sex with…more….

More danger. More thrills. Just more. When
she’d been younger, she’d let guilt guide her actions. She’d
catered to the opinions of others, especially those of her first
lover, who’d enjoyed ridiculing her for her desires or calling her
a “bad girl” while he punished her in ways that hadn’t been
arousing at all, but rather humiliating and painful. She’d learned
her lesson. Knew that in order to protect herself and still satisfy
her sexual needs, she had to keep her sexual assignations brief and

With Ty, she’d known immediately he wouldn’t
settle for brief or casual. As for her part, she was too leery of
the power he held over her to trust in anything long term. Her
feelings for him and their possible ramifications had seemed too
complicated. So she’d ended it. Now, here she was, literally thrust
into his arms, with the perfect once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
have him exactly the way she’d always wanted him but had been too
embarrassed to admit.

His fingers wrapped gently around her upper
arms to pull her up. Then he tried to push her away.

No! She couldn’t let that happen. It didn’t
matter how titillating it had been watching Randall screw the woman
outside. She wouldn’t risk Randall touching her. It was Ty she
wanted. And, she added honestly, she wouldn’t risk letting another
woman touch him again. She wouldn’t give up this chance.

Not even if it meant nothing to him. Not
even if it was just a way to keep the gang’s trust. Reluctantly
abandoning the straining flesh in his pants, she wrapped her arms
around his neck and desperately mashed her lips against his.

His lips remained hard. Closed. She licked
the seam, begging him to allow her entry, breathing in his scent as
she did so. “Please,” she whispered against his lips when he
remained motionless. “Kiss me.”

This time, when she pressed her open mouth
against his, he groaned and the hands gripping her arms lowered to
cup her hips, pressing her into his bulging erection. She rejoiced
in his response. He’d been going to reject her out of a misplaced
sense of honor, but his body couldn’t lie. He still wanted her.

But this kiss was no gentle seduction. No
heated claiming either. It was a show for those watching. And
possibly a message for her. Because with his hands still gripping
her hips, he backed her up to slam her against a wall, pressing his
body against hers while his mouth ate at her and his hips thrust
crudely. She didn’t fight him, just tried to hold on for dear life.
He ripped his mouth from hers. “So you want me to fuck you while my
brothers watch? Are you that hard up?”

“I—I want you,” she whispered, trying to get
through to him.

“Well, I don’t want you.”

Her eyes narrowed. “The bulge against my
stomach tells me different.”

The men in the room hooted.

He lowered his head to kiss her throat and
nip her ear, whispering, “Stop this. I’ll get you out.” She gasped
when he nipped her ear again. Harder.

Her gaze sought his, but then she shook her
head. “Get me off instead,” she whispered.

He looked surprised.

“Looks like she’ll give you what you want,
brother. What’s your answer?” Randall pressed. “Is she going to get
you, or am I going to give her what she deserves?”

In her periphery, she sensed bodies
re-entering the room. Claire kept her gaze on Ty’s, her sole focus
on him and him alone.

“Fine,” he finally said. “I’ll give her what
she’s got coming to her. And a whole lot more.”


Even though she’d had her hands all over
him, even though she’d been begging him, Ty was still surprised
that he’d given in. He told himself that this couldn’t be
happening. That Claire didn’t really want to go down on him in this
trashy warehouse with a bunch of druggies and parolees watching it
happen. That she was just scared. Afraid he wouldn’t help her
because she’d —

He hissed when her fingers dragged down his
jeans and his briefs along with them. Her gaze immediately honed in
on his cock, which bobbed in front of her face with the enthusiasm
of a stallion at a racetrack starting gate. A drop of pre-cum oozed
out of the slit as he watched and — damn! — she licked her lips as
if her mouth was watering to lick it off.

With a muttered curse, he buried his hands
in her hair, and her gaze immediately jumped to his. When she
licked her lips again, this time as a deliberate tease, he narrowed
his eyes and tightened his fingers in her hair.

“Don’t fuck with me, Ms. Fullerton. My cock
is too big for most women to take comfortably, but if you’re going
to do this, you’re going to do it all the way. That means me in
your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. That means you sucking
the cum out of my body and swallowing every last drop. Do you
understand that?”

Her eyes widened slightly as he talked, but
her pupils also dilated with passion. Her breathing was loud and
broken, making him fear for half-a-second that she was going to
hyperventilate. But damn it, she had to know what she was getting
into by playing this dangerous game.

Seizing on her silence, he released her and
looked at Jed, whose eyes were locked on the two of them. “See? She
looks like she’s going to pass out. Hell, she’ll probably cut me
with her teeth if I—“

His words cut off with a strangled groan
when he felt the warm, suctioning heat of Claire’s mouth swallow
the head of his dick. His eyes closed immediately, relishing the
soft flex of her cheeks and the delicate flicker of her tongue as
it swiped up the moisture from the slit.

It was as if Brea had never touched him. As
if he hadn’t released in another woman’s mouth less than a
half-hour before. The pleasure was so staggering, his eyes damn
near rolled back in his head.

Despite the heaviness of their previous make
out session, they hadn’t gotten anywhere close to this. He’d
pictured Claire as a post-6
-date blow-job girl at the
very least, but despite a slight awkwardness in her movements, she
was giving every real indication of loving what she was doing.

When he heard a small buzzing sound that
echoed in a slight tightening against his engorged flesh, his eyes
flew open and zoomed down. She’d closed her eyes and was humming,
as if she’d forgotten where they were, and had simply immersed
herself in the moment and what she was giving him.

The sight almost undid him, and he gritted
his teeth to stop himself from jamming his entire length into her
vulnerable mouth. Sweat popped out on his forehead, and he swore
her mouth was heaven, welcoming his dick inside the pearly gates
with a determined ferocity that left him weak-kneed and

Hesitantly, he reached out and lightly
cupped her head in his palms. A quick glance at Jed confirmed that
the man’s attention was focused solely on what Claire was doing to
him with her mouth. He wanted to shove the man out of the room
along with the half-dozen others that now watched them, but that
would mean risking Claire’s well-being. And hell, who was he
kidding? It would also mean risking the end of the mind-blowing
pleasure she was giving him and the chance to give her the

She’d won.

He wasn’t going to call an end to this.

He couldn’t fight the gang, his own extreme
response to her, and Claire, too.

He gasped when her mouth widened slightly
and she tentatively swallowed a few more inches of him. His hands
tightened in her hair and, before he could stop himself, he thrust
forward, feeding her more of him. She gagged in surprise, but
quickly recovered, increasing the pressure of her sucks until his
eyes practically began to water and he almost cried out for

Closing his eyes, he gave himself over to
the feel of her mouth.

It might have been awhile since she’d had
sex with anyone, and her mouth might have moved a little awkwardly
when she’d first begun the hummer she now graced him with, but
Claire was quickly proving herself to be an expert when it came to
giving head. It wasn’t her technique so much as the sheer focus and
enthusiasm she brought to the act. It was like sucking his dick was
actually making her feel the same type of pleasure he was, only he
was feeling so damn good he wasn’t sure how that could be remotely
possible. His body trembled with the effort of holding still. Of
letting her set the pace. But then someone in the crowd moaned in
sexual excitement and Claire flinched, her eyes shifting to the
side in search of the person who’d made the sound.

Her mouth stilled, and he caught his breath
as the underside of his cock hovered over the slick, smooth surface
of her tongue. He felt the moment apprehension seized her and,
knowing there was no backing out now, he slid his fingers down to
cup her jaw and tilted her face up to his.

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