Read Cowgirl Up Online

Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Cowgirl Up (29 page)

She shimmied her hips, sending another spark of pleasure to his quickly
rebounding shaft.

He knew
she’d reached climax, but her expression and reply solidified his understanding
of her gratification in his arms. Considering this was her first time, he could
only hope she not only found sex to be blissful, but hungered for more. Judging
by her response, he’d hit the bull’s eye on his goal. His ego skyrocketed.

“Can we
do that again? Now?” She arched her back and milked his cock with her core.

He bracketed her hips and held her still, lest he give in to the nearly
overwhelming temptation to roll her over and fuck her until she screamed his
name in rapture.

arched an eyebrow.

smiled in amusement. “I’d like nothing more, but I need a minute to recuperate
first. Not to mention a small task or two.”

tilted her head. “Such as?”

“Up you
go.” Cody lifted her, gritting his teeth when she shuddered in his arms. She
was still wired for more. He’d give her as much as she needed afterward. First
things first.

rolled to the side of the bed, quickly removed the condom and tied up the end
as he walked to the bathroom. There, he tossed it in the trash, found a
washcloth, and cleaned up. Grabbing another one, he wet it with warm water,
then retraced his steps, his gaze locked on Trinity each step of the way.

turned to her side, rested her chin on her hand, and watched him with a spark
of lust and appreciation in her eyes.

climbed back on the bed and made a made a circular motion with his finger.
“Roll over. On your back. Let me wash you.”

bright pink tint appeared on her cheeks. “No. I can…” She started to get up.

stopped her with a hand on her stomach, gently pressing until she lay back
again. “Do you trust me?”

nodded. “I wouldn’t have had sex with you if I hadn’t.”

Then just relax and let me care for you.” He waited for her legs to part, then
ran the cloth over her tender flesh with gentle strokes.

“Did I
hurt you?’

blush brightened. “No.”

“Not at
all?” He studied her face.

“Just a
pinch. Really.” She met his gaze, then glanced away.

embarrassment touched him as did her generous gift. She’d chosen him to be her
And only.

sentiment stuck. Even after having her, he craved her again. Never would he get
enough of Trinity, her loving, her sweetness, her optimism, and giving nature.
Whether she knew it right now or not, she’d become more important to him than
his own life. Making love only solidified the fact.

love. Not just loose sex. He’d played around most of his adult life and knew
the difference to the marrow of his bones. In taking Trinity, he discovered a
previously undiscovered treasure, one he planned on plundering for years to

with his task, he left the bed again, tossed the stained cloth in the sink,
then returned to her. He stretched out, wrapped her in his embrace, then
spooned her snug against his body. Lazily, he pressed butterfly kisses to her
nape. “Thank you.”

twisted in order to look up at him. “For what?”

brushed his lips over her shoulder. “For accepting me, scars and all. For
trusting me. For giving me your virginity.” The quiet words, filled with
emotion, carried easily between them. “I’m honored. Humbled. And pretty damn
happy right now.”

grinned. “That makes two of us.” Settling on her back, she brushed a lock of
hair out of his face. “Thank you for sticking by me, for being there when I
needed you the most. For being so kind, sweet, and gentle.”

pleasure.” He nuzzled her cheek, then pressed his lips briefly against her
upper breast.



“I love

lifted enough to peer down into her twinkling eyes. “I love you too, Trin.” He
matched her smile and his heart skipped a beat.

chuckled, then yawned big. “I think you’ve worn me out.”

“Me? I
believe you were the one holding the reins.”

Her eyes began to close.

kissed her cheek. “Go to sleep, Trin. I’ll be right here.”

She drifted off in his arms.

stayed awake for a long time just watching her rest and counting his lucky


woke chilly. Odd since he should be toasty with the combined body heat of two
people. He rolled onto his side, reached for Trinity, and found her spot
vacant. Cracking open his eyes, he frowned at her absence. They had made sweet
love hours ago, now she’d slipped from the bed. Sitting up, he scrubbed his
hands over his face, yawned, and listened. Since no sounds carried from the
bathroom, he quickly ruled that room out.

left one other option.

concerned, he pondered why she would wake up and leave. He had intentions of
snuggling, kissing her awake, then exploring more of her delicious body.
Instead, she slipped out while he still slept.

what to think about the situation, he decided to not make a mountain out of a
mole hill. After all, Trinity just lost her virginity a few hours ago. Nerves
and a bit of shyness were to be expected. More than likely, she woke up,
decided to let him sleep, and headed out to tend to the horses in her barn. She
wasn’t running, just following habits.

At least
he hoped that was the case. She’d found pleasure in his arms, he made sure of
it. Hell, they nearly set the sheets on fire with their passion. Trinity might
be a bit unsure right now, but she wouldn’t run. Not her style.

girl cowgirl upped more than anyone else he’d ever known. Including her male

He slid
out of bed, tugged on his jeans and socks before pulling on his jacket. Not
bothering with his shirt, he headed to the door, opened it, and stepped
through. The sight before him stole his breath.

stood in Victory’s stall, brushing his big body, as he stood relatively still
despite the absence of crossties. As Cody watched, Victory turned his head,
clamped his lips over the finishing cloth stuffed in her jean’s pocket, then tugged
it out. He waved the piece of material, then released it to drop to the ground.

giggle carried to his ears, making him smile.

picked up the cloth, shoved it back in her pocket, and had barely started
brushing Victory again before the stud repeated the act, obviously enjoying
their game.

entertained and amused. Cody leaned against the doorway and took pleasure in
watching the interplay of horse and woman.

jeans she wore outlined her curves, while her long, blonde hair swayed in her
ever present ponytail. Each arm motion drew her long-sleeved T-shirt snug,
giving him a nice view of her perky breasts.


always thought Trinity radiated natural beauty, but today she shined brighter
than ever. Her immense joy in playing with Victory only added to her
prettiness. To everyone else, the hot-tempered stud remained elusive and
snippy. For Trinity, he turned into a humorous pet, his silliness contagious.

laughed once more, the melodic sound sending a warm sensation thorough him.

She belongs here. With the
horses she adores.

realization took hold and solidified. To take her away would leave an empty
hole in her heart. It wasn’t just about Legacy, it was about Victory and the
others too. They all shared a special

wanted Trinity. She needed Kentucky. This farm. Her temperamental, gorgeous
thoroughbred stallions.

Looks like I’m packing up and
heading east.

surged at the idea. Not as much as taking Trinity back to bed and showing her a
few more decadent tricks, but definitely more than he’d experienced since he’d
obtained his veterinary license and started searching for a new career and a
way to leave his old life in the past.

would work out the details later, but he knew he’d come home.

with his decision, he crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled to himself
as Victory stole the cloth once more, then bobbed his head as if to draw
attention to his accomplishment and resulting prize.

such a goose, Victory.” Trinity laughed, reclaimed the cloth once more, then
returned it to her pocket.

predicted, Victory immediately took it back.

shook her head and kept brushing, running the soft bristles over his spine
before working on his rump. She glanced over, met Cody’s eyes, and smiled
warmly. “Good afternoon.”

stepped forward, not stopping until he stood at the door of the large stall. “I
missed you in bed,” he answered quietly.

“I was
wide awake. You needed rest after being up all night and running yourself ragged
at the finals. Besides, you’re pretty cute when you’re sleeping.” She continued
on with her grooming, sure hands going over every inch of Victory’s dappled

stallion nodded again, making the cloth flap in the process.

sticks his nose up in the air when given a jolly ball, but loves to steal the
grooming cloth. Go figure.” Jolly balls were plastic balls with a handle, a
horse toy, used often with thoroughbreds and other breeds of horses who spend a
lot of time in their stalls to help alleviate boredom and give them a way to
exert some of their bundled up energy.

shook his head. “He’s a character all right. Amazing to watch him like this
considering his scouting report of running both hot and cold, throwing temper
tantrums, and disliking the majority of the human race.”

mellowed over the years.” Trinity finished with the brush and stepped in front
of the stallion. “Okay, Victory. Hand over the cloth.” She latched onto the end
and tugged lightly.

held tight.

good grief.” Digging into her pocket, she pulled out a small piece of hard
candy. “Trade you.” She made a big production of removing the plastic wrap.

Victory dropped the material, stretched out his neck, and snatched the treat
from her fingers. He crunched twice, snuffled her pocket once more, then dashed
back into his paddock with a piercing whinny.

bent over to pick up the discarded piece of linen. Her jeans molded her
perfectly heart shaped rear.

eyes narrowed as a sharp jolt of arousal zinged through him. His breath caught
and his cock hardened immediately. Erotic images flashed through his mind at
the picture she presented. He would bend her over the bed and sink into her
hot, tight body, taking her like a stallion mounted a mare. Or, perhaps, get
her on hands and knees, then cover her as he thrust hard and deep. She’d moan,
push back, lower her shoulders to the mattress, and offer herself up for his


sound of his name jostled him out of the daydream. “Hmm?”

arched an eyebrow. “You have that look again.”

look is that?”

“The one where I’m a side of beef and you’ve been living on
seaweed for months.”

chuckled at the spot on analogy. Except his hunger didn’t revolve around his
stomach. “What can I say? You inspire me.”

“I can
live with that.” She shot him a saucy grin.

to come in?”


He saw
the mischievous spark in her eyes mixed with sultry heat. His cock hardened all
the more.

forward, he caught her hand, and tugged. “I’ll make it worth your while.”


He enjoyed the sensual bantering, the longing on her face, the teasing sway of
her hips with every step she took.

Talked me into it.”

laughed and led her back inside, securing the door behind them. “Glad to know
I’m persuasive.”

peered up at him with longing. “If it’s anything like earlier, I’m all yours.”

I’m all yours.
The words struck a chord in his
heart. Possessiveness rushed to the fore. She was his and he wasn’t dumb enough
to screw things up.

bracketed her head and drew her in for a kiss, sweet and tender at first before
turning white hot with released passion. The moment she responded with gusto,
he caught fire. Yanking on her clothes, he freed them as much as possible in
between tongue dueling and foraging with deep kisses. Each one fed the fire and
compelled him to do more. So much more.

managed to shove her jeans down, immediately cupping her folds when she stepped
out of the shackling puddle at her feet. Wetness met his probing touch as he
latched his mouth onto one rosy nipple.

Cody.” Trinity held his head to her breast with one hand and stroked his sides,
flank, and back with the other. “You make me burn.”

lifted his head. “I’m right there with you. We’ll catch fire together.” An idea
blossomed. He shucked his clothing in record time before sitting down on the
floor at her feet.

stared at him with a perplexed expression on her face.

smiled wolfishly, already running his hands up her long legs. “I can’t get the
idea out of my mind. Ever since you bent over to retrieve that damn finishing
cloth and stuck that perfect ass in the air.”

caressed her flesh, the soft skin beneath his fingers covering firm muscles.
More than a turn-on.

still, baby. I need a taste.” He tugged her closer until her thighs bracketed
his shoulders with his mouth poised right against her cleft. As soon as she was
balanced, he used his fingers to spread her folds a bit more, then pushed his
tongue into her channel.

squealed and jumped. He repeated the motion before edging back marginally,
enough to lick along the cleft and buzz her straining clit along the way. He
felt tremors flow through her.

the feedback, he repeated the caress, then stiffened his tongue and pressed into
her entrance, hungrily licking up every drop of her sweet nectar along the way.

cries drove him onward, encouraging him to fondle and feast. Reaching around,
he grabbed her butt cheeks and held on tight as he centered his attention on
her taut nub. He flicked his tongue over her clit, then lapped in earnest.

whimpered and writhed against his snug hold. “Yes. Oh, yes. Cody, please.” She
began to pant before bending over to brace herself with fingers that dug into
his shoulders.

slight sting spurred Cody all the more. He needed to jack up her pleasure, then
get behind her and sink balls deep into her tight slit. Make love to her like
there’s no tomorrow. Send her flying to the stars and screaming out his name in

and over again, he worked her clit, holding her still while he lavished
caresses to her pleasure button.

breath caught, muscles tightened to the point of breaking. She moaned, then
yelped. Still he relentlessly licked.

first spasms rippled through her body like high tide waves, strong and
continuous. He lapped furiously, then quickly tapered off as he noted her
orgasm fading. With one more brief touch with his tongue, he turned his head
and pressed kisses to her upper thighs.

her breathing slowed as her body relaxed. Cody took advantage of her recovery
time to stand up and wrap her protectively in his arms. He soothed her with
slow rocking motions and sweet nothings whispered in her ear, helping her ease
back down to earth. She melted into him, an action that touched his very soul.

she lifted her head and stepped back. Color splotched her cheeks, whether from
the exertion, the aftermath of passion, or an intense desire for more. He
couldn’t decide which.

full of surprises.”

He grinned.
“Yep. You ready for another one?”

She blinked
and peered down at his aching shaft. “Think you’re up for it?”

there any doubt?” He withstood her appraisal easily. The appreciation and
longing he detected in her eyes ratcheted up his ego all the more. He’d brought
her pleasure with his mouth. Now, he’d do the same with his cock.


barked harshly, dug through his clothes and found a condom. Rolling it on, he
reached for Trinity once more.

roamed her body, reacquainting himself with every hill, valley, and sexy curve.
Sealing his lips over her nipple, he drew gently, heard her gasp, and repeated
the action. His entire goal revolved around Trinity reaching orgasm as many
times as possible. If she screamed out his name at the same time, he’d consider
that bonus points.

dipped one hand southward, found her slit, then pressed his index finger
inside. “Sore?” He tested her depths, watching closely for any signs of


word rang with truth. “Just the same, we’ll take this slow and easy, like


arched an eyebrow. “Why do I get the impression you intend to drive me crazy?”

grinned wickedly. “Because I am?”

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