Read Craving You (TBX #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Christin

Craving You (TBX #2) (8 page)

“Not that it matters to you, but yeah. Colt got me on the cover with him.” My reply is in a shitty tone, but right now, I don’t care.

“Okay, asshole, well congrats.” I can still taste her in my mouth, but the sweet flavor is fading, and I’m not strong enough to resist her with the look of pride – for me, on her beautiful face.

“I’ll be at the box if you guys need me.” Nodding my head to her once, I decide to distance myself from her.





“Who pissed in his oatmeal?” Tim jokes as Parker storms out of the room. His eyes completely shut me out just now. What’s his deal? He says I’m either sweet or sour; well, he’s either hot or cold. No in-between.

“I’ll be right back.” My feet pound the dirt down the same path I know Parker is taking to the box. I shouldn’t care that he thinks I don’t care, but I do. I’m so proud that he’ll be on the cover as well. He works just as hard as Colt does.

“Parker!” The bastard doesn’t turn around. Jogging up behind him, I jump on his back. “Hey, asshole!” Still he keeps walking not saying a damn word. Just a brooding face, but he does grab a hold of my thighs holding me to his back while my arms dangle around his neck and down onto his chest as he carries me silently toward the box.

“If I let you fuck me right here, would it make you talk to me?” I whisper seductively in his ear. Parker pulls my arms away from his neck, untying me from his body in a jolt, and my feet slide to the ground with a slight thud. He whirls around on me with his eyes burning of annoyance.

“That’s kind of slutty, don’t you think? Fuckin’ me during the day and then Derek at night.” His comment catches me while I have my guard down. It’s a direct blow to my heart. I physically feel the pain he’s inflicting on me twisting and grinding against my chest.

“Oh, fuck you!” My finger aimed in anger toward his face. I don’t need to explain to him that
I haven’t
had sex with Derek. That the only guy I care to be with is him, no matter how hard I fight it.

“You already have.” He grips my hips pulling me into him. My hands press firmly against his solid chest pushing him away from me, unsuccessfully.

“You know he can’t give you what I can. You’ll be back beggin’ and I won’t be waitin’.”

“I don’t need you to wait! I just need you to leave me the fuck alone!” This time, my push to his chest is successful. Turning on my heel, I run back to the house as fast as possible and before the tears fall.
Fuck him.
Fuck him right in his fuckin’ gorgeous face. We had sex. Thart’s all. That’s all it was. Why is he making this so damn complicated? He has sex with girls all the time.

Shit, has he had sex with anyone else since me?
I haven’t.



I don’t know what’s holding Derek up. After my fight with Parker, I called him. Like the slore I am. I need my mind off of Parker. Derek can at least distract me somewhat. We had plans for him to come over tonight and watch a movie, but it’s been thirty minutes since he was supposed to arrive. At that thought, my phone text alert dings.

Shit, I didn’t know you were fucking Parker Taylor. I can’t see you anymore. – Derek

I swear. Honestly, I try not to lose my shit. I try not to become that crazy psycho bitch that guys always accuse us of being when we flip our bitch switch, but at this moment, I could be committed. Who the hell does Parker Taylor think he is? I could run out and find him, demand he’s the asshole we already know he is … or … or I could hit him where it really hurts, his preppy-ass appearance, and I have the perfect three-step plan. My evil side laughs and laughs while I make my way to the bathroom. I know I have it in here somewhere …

Digging under the sink, I toss bottles of lotion out of my way until reaching the bomb I plan to use. Setting it on the counter, I then dig through the shower to find Parker’s Dove body wash. Pulling the cap off, I tip the bottle toward the drain of the bathroom sink and at the same time flip the hot water on to wash it down.

Step one complete.

Once the bottle is empty, I grab the container of Nair from the counter, unscrew the top, and slowly pour its contents into the Dove bottle. A loud noise causes me to pause, my ears perking up listening for the slightest sound. Once I’m sure it was nothing, I finish the task.

Step two complete.

I place the body wash back in its exact spot when I hear Parker’s bedroom door open.
Where has he been?
Hopefully riding so he will shower soon. Step three will play out later, and it’ll be fucking glorious.

Game on.





Imagine my surprise running into
in my front yard after I finished my workout. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that much of a surprise.

“Hey man, how’s it going?” A nervous quiver to his voice.
Tsk, tsk, don’t show weakness, my foe.

“It’d be going a lot better if you’d back the fuck off my girl.” My stance firm on the patio.

“Wha-what? Your girl? I’m confused, man. I thought she was single.”

“Well, she’s fuckin’ my dick every night. I don’t know how that adds up in your head, but to me it means she’s mine.” I’m fully aware that I just laid claim to Kelsey. That girl drives me insane.

“Damn. Are you serious? I’m sorry, dude, I had no clue. Can’t believe the bitch lied to me. She talked so much shit about you –”

“Shut. The. Fuck up. Get the hell off my lawn, and if I hear you call her a bitch again, you’ll be sorry.”

Derek throws his hands in the air surrendering while he backs away. “Okay, okay.” I turn my back to him and make my way in the house to see Colt and Brealynn cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.

Walking up the stairs and through the open game room, I stub my toe on the pool table, but by the sound you’d think I lost a leg.
That damn table
. I had to run off some tension. It was either that or shut my eyes and chose a number from my phone. I couldn’t get her off my mind. The whole three miles I thought of
. I know I care about her. I get that, and I’ve accepted it.
I think.
I’m just not sure how to handle these feelings. I don’t want anyone else
but her
. Stripping off my workout clothes while I walk into the bathroom, I lock the joining door between Kelsey and me. It’s hard enough to resist her with my clothes on. Once the shower is ready, I pull back the curtain and step inside as the warm water beats down on the worn muscles of my body. Kelsey is going to be pissed when Derek tells her that I told him she was mine.

She is mine

She just doesn’t know it yet. Grabbing my shampoo, a thick lather coats my scalp before I grab the bottle of Dove. I’ve worked out extra hard tonight, so I cover my body with the soap suds covering everything and letting it set a bit longer than usual. Once it begins to tingle, I figure it's time to wash it off, must be the mint in the cleanser. Water falls over my body and my scalp while I wash away all the soap. Wrapping my body in a towel, I exit the shower.

Patting myself dry in all the right places, I remove the towel to admire myself. Don’t even act like you don’t do it too- WHAT THE FUCK! Where’s my hair! The hair on my head is still there
thank fuck
! Lifting my arms, I see all the hair from my armpits are gone, as well as my happy trail and EVERYTHING else below it! How does this happen? How’s hair there one minute and then gone the next? Jerky hands grab my Dove bottle again to smell it. It smells different; there is no mint in it.
. I open the cabinets under the sink and dig around in there for some fucking lotion to put on my now bare body. It’s then I come across an empty bottle of Nair. Everything clicks into place, and I’m pissed as much as I’m impressed. Derek must have told her quicker than I’d imagined.

Opening the door to Kelsey’s room, it jams, and then I remember to unlock it. Throwing the door open, I see her lounging on her bed, legs crossed at the ankle while she reads with a smirk on her face. When her eyes rise from the e-book, she looks me up and down and then bursts into laughter. I stalk toward her bed naked and, thanks to her, bare as the day I was born.

“Is this what you like, bald eagles?” My hands sinking into the mattress as my body leans toward her. “You like hairless men?” She moves to the end of the bed to bypass me, and she stands, eyes landing on my dick. I know she likes what she sees when she bites down on her lip. Striding toward her like I’m stalking my prey, she’s frozen in place. Crowding her space, I run my hands up and down her arms. “I don’t care anymore. I crave you too damn much, and I need a taste, sweetness.” The run did nothing to curb my addiction.

She shudders with need in my arms. Slowly, her eyes meet mine. “Parker…” With my name on her lips, I touch mine to hers with a nibble. Her hands press against my chest to push me away,
what she’s good at

“Why?” I know what she is referring to.

“Because even though you don’t know it yet, you’re mine. I don’t
to need you, Kelsey, but I do, and it takes everything in me to resist you.”

She shakes her head, but her arms grip my biceps and pull me closer to her. “How’s that working out for you now?” When she looks up into my eyes, I see more than lust shining back at me. It’s a small glimpse of something new that fuels me.




Step three
is complete, and it’s magnificent in all its glory. Bare Parker is just as handsome as ever. He always keeps himself well groomed, but to see him completely uncovered is sexy. I don’t know how to handle his confession. I don’t belong to anyone
. I can’t
. It would never work out. He’ll get bored with me soon enough; maybe I can just ride it out until then?
Or ride him until then?
See what I did there

Parker pulls me in tight against him. His hard length pressing into my stomach, and I fail at staying away from him. Tonight, I don’t want to.

“I just need a little taste, a nibble.” A smile takes over his handsome face while he bends down to pick me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I’m deposited back on my bed.

“Clothes off, now.” Making quick work, my pajamas are tossed off my body, my tank top not far behind. Scooting back on the bed in nothing but a blue bra and panty set, my eyes lock on the smoldering brown eyes of the man I can’t quit for the life of me.

“If I’m bare, you better pray you are.” Before I can process his statement, he pulls down my panties exposing me.

“Mmmm, I’m not disappointed.” A predatory look shining in his eyes, he leans over me until I’m pressed against the bed. “Do you have any condoms?”

“I’m on birth control. As long as you haven’t fucked any strange since the last time we were together, we’re good.” My joke is also a test. Has he fucked anyone else?

“I said you’re mine. That goes both ways.” I don’t have the heart to tell him that I kissed Derek or that I can’t let this be anything more than what it is, a quick fuck. My need for him is consuming me more than any rational thought.

“Okay,” falls from my lips with a soft breath, and at my acceptance, he pushes into me. Every time we connect it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It feels like he’s where he belongs, which is foolish I know. Slowly, he slides in and out of me making me rise higher and higher. When we’re together like this, he makes me feel things I’ve never felt. Wholeness, confidence, safety, wanted, and for the briefest of movements at just the right peak of time, loved.

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