Dalton, Tymber - Fire and Ice [A Triple Trouble Prequel] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)


Rick’s fingers dug into her ass, holding her still and spreading her wide. “Tell us,” he ordered in the sexy Alpha tone that always melted her.

“I want your cock in my ass, Jan!” she gasped. “I want you both fucking me!” She already felt more pleasant tingles in her clit as she tried to rub it against Rick’s body. Hot and cool, she knew the contrasting sensations would send her skyrocketing into another powerful orgasm without any assistance from a tongue, finger, or battery-operated boyfriend.

“Hold on, I’m working on it,” Jan said. He slowly pressed forward, hesitating as his cock passed through her tight ring of muscle.

She moaned against Rick’s chest. “Do it! Please, fuck me!”

“Better do it,” Rick teased. “She sounds serious.”

She tried to hump their cocks, but Jan pressed a hand down in the middle of her back, holding her still. “Just wait, baby. Give me a minute.” He slowly worked his cock in deeper. She loved the sensation of one of them in her ass. Being impaled between them was a delicious sensation she wished she’d indulged in sooner.

When he bottomed out inside her tight ass, he sat up and grabbed her hips. “You feel so good!” He gasped as he took a long, slow stroke.

She moaned, squirming between them, wanting more, wanting to be fucked hard and fast.

Beneath her, Rick started thrusting, picking up a rhythm that hit her clit perfectly every time as he drove his cock hard and deep inside her pussy. Lina felt time slow and stretch. It felt like every nerve ending in her body had lit up.

As her climax approached, she threw her head back and moaned. “Yes!” When the first tingles started, her vision went blue.

Suddenly, she was no longer in bed with Rick and Jan. She was standing in the doorway of a small shop on a narrow, cobbled village street. She couldn’t read the signs around her, but they looked like they were in French.

A heavyset, older man wearing a dour expression emerged from one of the shops on the other side of the street. She couldn’t clearly see his face due to the hat smashed down on his head. He headed off down the sidewalk. Lina knew she had to follow him, but didn’t know why. As she stepped down from the sidewalk to cross the street, her climax slammed into her, ripping her from the vision and pulling her back into her body.

“That’s our girl,” Rick said with a grunt as he picked up the pace. Above her, Jan pounded into her, drawing out her orgasm until she finally collapsed on top of Rick, feeling like a puddle of melted flesh.

Rick came first. Lina shivered at the delicious sensation of his hot seed filling her. When Jan came, she shivered again at feeling him empty his coolly soothing load in her ass.

As they all lay there catching their breath, Jan leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck. “You still alive, lovely?”

“Mm hmm. I had another vision.”

“We make her see stars,” Rick joked.

“No, I’m serious.” She lifted her head. “I had another vision. I saw an older guy in some foreign city.”

Rick frowned. “I’m not sure I like triggering that in you. I’m afraid it might hurt you.”

She shook her head. “No, don’t feel like that. I like it. It’s like it’s allowing me to open a different energy channel.” She reached behind her and patted Jan’s side. “Not to mention it feels sooo good.”

Jan carefully withdrew from her and went to the bathroom to clean up. He returned with a warm, wet washcloth and a towel, cleaning her up before she rolled off Rick.

“Feeling a little better?” Jan asked her.

She nodded as she wiggled into a comfortable position next to Rick. “Definitely. I needed that.”

Jan returned to bed. “Rick has a point. We need to be careful. I would hate to trigger something in you that you can’t control that harms you.”

She grabbed his arm and laced her fingers through his. “Don’t worry about it. What Goddess says goes, right?”

Rick snorted with amusement. “Right. That’s probably safest for everyone involved.”

Chapter Twelve

Physically sated and totally exhausted, Lina crashed into sleep snuggled safely between her two men. It felt good to be home, in her own bed. A little normalcy in a wacked-out week. She just wished she had definite proof of who killed Kael’s parents, and Bertholde.

Alas, she opened her eyes in a forest clearing.


She immediately knew this had to be another…well, she didn’t know what the fuck to call them. The visions made her sight go blue. This was different, like replaying the things she saw from the past while with Baba Yaga.

A well-trodden path led from the clearing. She suspected this was the way she had to go, although every cell in her body told her she wouldn’t like what she found on the other end. She reached out to touch a tree alongside the path and her hand brushed right through it, although to her, she looked solid.

Alllrighty, then.

The path wound through the woods, ending at another clearing that opened onto a pasture behind a small stone house with a wood-shingled roof. Next to it was parked an old pickup truck. Well, it looked new, but vintage. A gravel drive led down to a dirt road about a quarter mile away. She watched as an old-fashioned milk truck drove past.

Okay, so I’m in the past.
The front door of the house was closed, but that didn’t stop Lina. She walked right through it.

She wished she hadn’t. Inside, three robed, hooded figures had the occupants tied up. A man, a woman…

And a young girl.

Panic set in. Lina raced over to the captives and tried to untie the ropes, her efforts futile. Two of the robed figures turned from where they’d been kneeling in front of the hearth. They dragged the man, who started screaming, over to the hearth. Lina tried to free him from their grip, but her hands passed through the attackers with no effect. Two of the figures held his arms down while the third plunged a knife into the struggling man’s neck.

The woman and little girl screamed, crying for him. His eyes went wide then glazed over as the killer pulled the knife from the victim’s neck. One of the other figures held a pewter goblet under the man’s neck to catch the flow of blood as the killer shed his robe, revealing him to be naked underneath.


Lina watched as he drank from the goblet. Then, reciting a spell she couldn’t understand, he smeared his body with the dead man’s blood.

Repulsed, Lina looked away.

That’s when she got a good look at the knife lying on the floor next to the victim. The ornate handle was the same as the two knives from Yellowstone. Trying to avoid looking at the victim, who was now in the process of being eviscerated with Edgar’s bare hands, she realized the other two killers also had knives tucked into the rope belting their robes shut. As best she could tell, they bore the same pattern of engraving on this one.

Okay, at least it’s proof.

She still couldn’t make out the other two killers’ faces. When they finished with the man, they pulled him away from the hearth and discarded his body in the corner. Edgar stood, smiling in evil glee and stretching as he pulled his robe on.

Anger surged within her. She rushed him, screaming, and tried to hit him. Except for a flicker across his expression, her efforts proved useless.

Meanwhile, the other two men dragged the screaming, struggling woman over to the hearth as the little girl plaintively cried for her. The second attacker, who turned out to be Lenny, repeated with her what Edgar had done to her husband as Lina screamed and cried, helpless to stop it, helpless to look away.

When it came time for them to kill the little girl, Lina felt like her sanity would come unglued. She recognized the older man who raised the knife, even though in real life she had never seen him before.

He was the man from her earlier vision, the man she saw in the street. Only he looked a little younger and a lot thinner.

Lina tried placing herself between him and the little girl, and his hands plunged through her without effect. But when he raised the goblet to his lips to drink, Lina screamed at him, swatting at the goblet.

To her shock and his, the goblet flew from his hands, blood spraying from it in a ruby arc, splattering the wall while the goblet bounced off an old-fashioned floor radio and hit the hardwood floor with a clang.

Lina froze, as did the three men.

Edgar and Lenny proved to be as spineless and self-centered in the past as they were when she knew them. “We need to leave. Now,” Edgar said.

“But the ritual!” the third man complained. She detected a slight accent in his voice, but wasn’t sure what.

“Forget it!” Lenny said. “It wouldn’t have worked anyway! She was just a child. We needed the son. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to fool the dragons or the wolves like we do. Let’s get out of here!”

They gathered up their stuff, including the spell book from Yellowstone. They cleared out, leaving a sobbing Lina kneeling over the girl’s body. The child looked so much like Kael.

“I’ll figure it out,” she promised the little girl. “I will, I swear.” She reached out, even knowing she couldn’t touch the child, to close her eyes.

To Lina’s shock, she could feel her. When she lifted her hand, she realized it was now covered with the girl’s blood. Lina started to scream when Jan shifted in his sleep next to her, accidentally bumping her with his elbow and startling her awake.

As she tried to calm her racing pulse, she looked at her hand.


With tears drying on her face and her heartbeat slowing, she settled between her men tried to go back to sleep.

* * * *

The next morning, Lina stumbled downstairs while her men still slept. Zack was already in the kitchen, the delicious aroma of coffee brewing making her sigh with relief. She plopped down at the table without a word while Zack poured her a mug, fixed it the way she loved, and slid it in front of her.

“Thank you,” she said with a content sigh. She wrapped her fingers around the warm mug and lifted it to her lips for a sip.

“Of course, sugar.” He joined her at the table with a mug of his own. “Anything wrong?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“What’s got you frowning, girl?”

“This seems so unreal.” She looked at him. “How does your mom handle all of this?”

“All of what?”

“All the prophecy crap?”

He laughed. “Honey, she doesn’t know.”

“But before Edgar attacked us at my house last year, you said you came from a long line!”

He nodded. “I did. Just because we’re a long line, doesn’t mean she knows anything about it. I’m the one with the memories, not her.” He tapped his temple with one finger. “Now, you have your memories, too. The boys up there still don’t remember shit, but you know as well as I do they are the spitting image of what they used to look like.”

“How is your mom, anyway?” Soon after Lina had met her men, Zack’s mom had gotten a promotion and taken a transfer to Los Angeles, a dream job for her.

“She’s fine, Little Miss Avoiding-the-Subject.” He arched an eyebrow at her.

Lina felt heat flood her face. She suddenly found her coffee mug very interesting.

“Well?” he asked.

“Well what?”

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