Dancing With A Dom: A BBW Romance (3 page)

This shouldn’t be that hard. Normally, I wouldn’t care what a man thought of me. I knew I was big boned, with an added layer of Micky D induced extra curves. And I didn’t care. I liked to eat. Usually. But this handsome man, with the perfect body and the low, sexy voice, was looking at me in a way that almost said “desired.” There was no way . But just in case there was even the teensiest bit of attraction there, I didn’t want to disgust him with my eating habits. You can learn a lot about a person by watching what they eat.

He probably ate lean poultry, rice, beans, and lightly sautéed vegetables with a hint of seasoning. There’s no way that body was made from trans-fats, hydrogenated oils, and stuff cooked in a frying pan. Mine was. And I usually didn’t care. At least until my ex. He must have really done a number on my psyche because I was flipping back over to the salad side. Again.

I should order a salad, fake a headache, and go home.

The server came back and gave us a warm smile before pulling out her small notepad.

I nodded for Dane to go first. I just needed one more look at the salads. Was there one with a hamburger hidden in the middle so I could at least pretend to be civilized?

“Two cheeseburgers, everything on the side, two orders of french fries with spicy ketchup, and a root beer in a frozen mug, please.”

Oh no, the man did not just order my food did he? My tummy rumbling hid the low growl that threatened to escape. I was going to have to put him in his place. I don’t care how good looking he was. If he thought I was the type of woman who needed her food ordered for her, he had another think coming.

“What are you going to have, Macy?” He leaned in and flipped my menu back over to the “real food” side.

I couldn’t stop the relieved giggle from escaping. “I’ll have the same, please.” For the second time today, this man caught me off guard. And I liked it.




“You have
many sisters?” The wide-eyed look she gave him, made Dane chuckle.

“It’s true. Three older, three younger, and I was right in the middle. God, they tortured me, growing up.” He ran another fry through the spicy ketchup cup and popped it in his mouth. “You?”

Her brow furrowed and she leaned down to inspect the remains of her meal, shrugging before giving him a tight smile. “Just one. Haley is two years younger than me. Kind, generous, beautiful, smart…she’s perfect. You’d love her. Everyone does.” She shrugged and slowly chewed the last bit of her second burger.

“Do you?”

Her eyes blazed. “Of course I do. But it’s hard to compete with someone like that.”

“Why compete with your sister?” He leaned into his hands and met her gaze squarely.

“I have to compete with everyone. I am not like everyone else.”

“I like you.”

“Okay, let’s cut the crap.” She balled up her napkin and threw it on the table. “Why are you being so nice to me? Did you lose a bet? Are you one of those types who gets off on saving the most pitiful souls? Because I’ll tell you something.” Her fists clenched, she leaned over the table to glare at him. “I am not pitiful. I don’t need saving. And for the record, this…” She pointed at her empty plate. “This is how I like to eat. Okay?”

“Who hurt you?”

Her lips trembled and she looked away for a moment. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me, little girl. No, look at me.”

She blinked and her eyes widened as she tilted her head up to really meet his gaze. Her eyes were haunted, tired. He would put the light back in those gorgeous eyes if it killed him.

“For the record, I am not the largest person in my family. My father is six foot eight, my mother is six foot two. My sisters, with the exception of one tiny little runt, who I lovingly call the Tasmanian devil, are all either big boned, or above what society calls average weight. A few are even overweight, and I am not talking about large, well-toned, with a low BMI. I’m talking about

He took her chin in his hands. “Do you know what would happen if a man dared to talk down to one of my sisters because of their weight?”

She shook her head lightly and gave a nervous laugh. “You’d kick the guy’s ass?”

He gave her an evil grin and gripped her more firmly. “I wouldn’t get a chance, little girl. Those women would stomp him into the ground so thoroughly, I’d get to clean up the mess.” He smiled and released her. “They are loud. Really loud. They laugh at some of the dumbest things I have ever heard. But, man, they know they are special. They don’t hide their curves. They flaunt their beauty. Before my oldest sister, Nina, got married, they would all go out to the bars dressed in some of the tightest clothing I had ever seen. Guess who got all the men buying them drinks? The thin women, trying to hide every imperfection? It was my sisters. The loudmouthed, bad talking, in your face, large women.”

“I think I would like them.”

“I think you would, too. They’re amazing. And you remind me of them. You want to know why I’m being so nice to you? Because when I saw you on the tryouts day, and watched you fall flat on your gorgeous ass not once, but several times, you gave a look of such fierce determination, my heart stopped. You have something very special going on. And whoever hurt you…” He growled and shook his head. “I saw the spark in your eye, and it reminded me of the women I love. I don’t want to see that spark go away.”

“How come you’re not overweight?” She squinted her eyes. “Are you compensating?”

“I don’t compensate for anything, sweetheart.” He got up and took a seat next to her, towering over her smaller frame.

She finally seemed to get her bearings and grinned up at him. “Do you always eat like this? How do you stay so…in shape?”

“Lean meats, fresh fruit and vegetables—“

“I knew it!”

He placed a finger on her mouth to shush her, winking. “I also eat what I want, when I want, in moderation. If I want a few burgers, I have them. I know, if I deny myself, I’ll just want it more.” He made a point of looking up and down her gorgeous body, and she shivered. “I also walk upstairs and park in the farthest spot in the parking lots.”

“That’s because you have a shiny car.”

“It’s a Mustang.”

She shrugged with a teasing smile and a glint in her eyes. “They’re all the same to me.”

“I’ll have to teach you about cars someday, but we have some unfinished business to take care of first, don’t we?” He picked up the bill and reached out to take Macy’s hand.

Her breaths had quickened and pink tinged her cheeks.

“Macy, do you want me to teach you how to be nicer to your dance partners?”

“Yes, sir?” she whispered.

He arched an eyebrow and pulled her from her seat.

“Let’s go, naughty girl.”


Chapter Three


He shouldn’t be doing this. It went against every dictate he had set for himself for the last eight months. No dancing, no safe words, no holding a woman by her hair while he fucked her mouth. And absolutely no bending a beautiful woman with a curvy ass over his knee to spank her bare bottom with his hand, while getting hard in anticipation of fucking her raw. Yeah. None of that. Not after Sveta.

But Macy called to him in a way he hadn’t felt before. She had become quite human again—humorous, intelligent, and pleasant to be around—as soon as he had gotten her something to eat. Dane didn’t bow down to an enraged woman, though. He had other ways of helping her calm down. And he was about to partake in his favorite activity.

He shouldn’t bare her ass and paddle her. But the way her eyes had sparked, her breathing had quickened, and her cheeks had flushed… He couldn’t get it out of his head. He had to see his handprints decorating her ass.

Escorting Macy into the studio, he locked the doors, and confirmed everyone was gone for the day. If he still had what it took, they would both get something out of this.

“Do you know what a safe word is?”

“I’ve read about them.” She nodded.

“What kind of books do you read?” He tilted her chin up toward him.

She shrugged, her eyes darting to the far corner of the room. “Erotic romance.”

“Tell me about these erotic stories. Which parts turn you on the most?”

Her soft whimper echoed through the room as she shuffled over to play with the wooden bar. “I like the dirty talk and the spankings.” She bit her lower lip and grasped the bar, focusing on it as she fidgeted in place. “But I’m…” Her face contorted with something between fear and revulsion.

“Where did you go just then? What were you thinking?”

“I’ve never done anything like this in my life. I want to try it but I can’t. It’s too much.” Panic flared in her eyes as she appeared to gauge the distance to the door.

“Macy. Macy,” he spoke louder commanding her attention again. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Come. Talk to me.” He sat down, leaned against the mirror, and patted the floor next to him.

Her breathing gradually slowed, and she took a deep inhale before sitting down. Furrowing her brow, she cleared her throat. “I told you about my ex.”

“He’s a dickless idiot,” he growled, making her giggle.

“I agree with your assessment, but there are things—some
he may have been correct about.” She fiddled with a lock of her hair and her brows knitted.

“Tell me.”

“Well, look at me.” Her eyes flashed. “We can both agree I’m not exactly thin.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“I’m fat.”

“You’re curvy.”

Her lips thinned, and the color drained out of her face. “I’m frigid.”

“What do you mean by frigid?”

“What the hell do you think it means?” She bolted to her feet, waving her hands wildly. “Why do you think he cheated on me? Why did he choose two other women to fuck on Valentine’s Day? Because he knew I wouldn’t be receptive. Because…” She sagged to the floor, defeated. “I’m frigid.”

If he could kill the bastard himself, he would. Who the fuck treated a woman that way? Especially a stunning woman who couldn’t see her own worth. “Come to me,” he commanded.

She trudged toward him, her eyes blazing with defiance, her lips pursed, her hands on her hips. She was coming all right. But she didn’t want to.

“You are a beautiful woman. You are not cold. And I am going to prove it to you.” He stood and pulled his MP3 player from his pocket. “Right now.” Scrolling through his favorites’ list, he clicked on the slow, smooth rumba, with calm rhythms, and held out his hand for her to take. She accepted, and he brought her in close to his chest. Swaying back and forth, in and out, he memorized the lines around her eyes—those were laugh lines—meaning she had been happy at one point. The flecks of pale gold in her eyes enchanted him—so expressive, so wide, so full of life. He could see every emotion play out in them He turned her so she was in full view of the mirror, and stood behind her, rocking back and forth. “Your eyes are like a dewy meadow, kissed by the sun’s early rays. They shine with specks of gold and they tell me every single emotion you have. I like that,” he whispered.

“Your hair is the most intense color I have ever seen, with lovely copper curls dancing untamed, above your shoulders.”

She giggled and leaned against him. “You’re not like any of the Doms I read about.”

“I’m a bit of a romantic. I like every kind of dancing,” he said massaging her tight shoulders. “Verbal, physical…sexual.”

She shuddered.

He inhaled deeply. “You smell like crisp mountain air.” Stroking the back of her arm, he watched her shiver. “Have you ever caressed the smooth skin of a peach, right from the tree? So smooth. Soft fuzz. Light blemishes adding to the overall perfection. And the taste…” He darted his tongue over her smooth wrist and pressed a soft kiss to it, smiling at her sigh. “You overwhelm my senses and make me want to hold you close and never let you go.”

“But I’m still fat.”

He snaked a hand around to smack her bottom.


“We’ll get to your luscious ass next. But, first, your beautiful breasts.” He pulled her back to his chest so her breasts stood out, firm and proud, straining against her tight, black tank top. Trailing his hand down her soft cheek, across her neck, the center of her chest, he placed his palms under her breasts. “These are exquisite.” He lifted them. “I adore firm breasts almost as much as a full, curved bottom. May I touch them?”

“Mmhmm.” She thrust her chest out for him, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

“Watch me stroke your perfect flesh.” He grasped both, lightly squeezing and pulling. He ran the pad of his fingers across her nipples as they peaked into firm buds.

She groaned, grinding her hips as she swayed with the music. Closing her eyes, she melted into his embrace as he moved, rubbed, squeezed, and played.

“You are so responsive, my beautiful little girl.” He caressed her neck and swayed with her. “If I spanked you right now, do you think you would come?”

She shuddered in his tight grip.

“Bend at the waist.”

As she obeyed, he watched with awe her gorgeous round globes stretching her black yoga pants. “You have a lovely ass.” He squeezed the right cheek. “Begging to be spanked. Would you like me to spank you, Macy?”

She groaned.

He changed the music. The fast beat of the rhythms added to his anticipation as he stroked and slapped each buttock. He smacked one cheek, watching it wiggle. Then the other, picking up the pace with the music. A fire built in him as his cock strained in his pants. “How are you doing?” When he stopped, she groaned loudly.


“Stand up, grab the bar, and bend over with your back straight and your ass out. I’m taking your pants down, now, beautiful girl. I want to feel your flesh against the palm of my hand.”

She whimpered and obeyed, grabbing the bar in a tight fist as she hung her head.

He pulled down her yoga pants and white cotton panties and paddled her ass fast and hard, changing and alternating with the rhythms of the jungle music. Her cheeks reddened quickly as they bounced and jiggled at each firm slap. It was as perfect as he had envisioned. The curves of her cheeks begged to be rubbed, squeezed, whipped, fucked… He hadn’t felt this way in such a long time.

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