Read Dangerous Master Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #General, #Fiction

Dangerous Master (19 page)

She trembled. “I can’t argue with that statement.”
“So, when you’re being fucked, what do you imagine?”
“I imagine ...” Her face flushed. Was she really going to admit something so silly? “I saw this movie once. It was about a woman who was in a foreign country, in the Middle East somewhere. She went to jail and somehow ended up in a king’s harem.”
“Ah, then you’d like to be kidnapped?”
“Not in real life, no. But in my imagination, it’s scary and sexy.”
She felt something hard, not the flogger, touch her labia. She flinched, then relaxed. Being in this position, so helpless, unable to see what he was about to do, was so exciting. The thing nudged at her wet slit. Whatever it was, she wanted it inside her.
“Tell me more,” Zane said.
Growing breathless, Mandy continued. “The woman was forced to become his wife. She was prepared for him.”
“Bathed by his other wives.”
“Touched by them?”
The toy, a dildo, inched inside her cunt. Only the tip. It wasn’t deep enough.
“What else?”
“They dressed her in a beautiful gown, translucent, sexy. The whole preparation was so exciting.”
“Yes, building up the tension. That’s what turns you on, doesn’t it, baby?” He pushed the toy deeper inside.
Still, it wasn’t deep enough. Not even close.
“She went to the king. She was scared. She didn’t know if he’d be cruel or gentle.”
“Like me.”
“Yes,” she admitted in a soft voice.
“I’m your king.” He pushed the toy a little deeper.
A wave of erotic heat rippled through her body.
She gulped in a deep breath. Her inner muscles clenched around the toy, holding it inside. Trying to draw it deeper. “Yes.”
“What happens next?”
“He tells her to undress. She’s terrified but at the same time, he’s a handsome man. His clothes don’t hide the fact that his body is beautifully formed. His eyes are assessing as he looks at her.”
“She likes it.”
Zane pushed the toy deeper still. It was almost there. Not quite deep enough.
“What happens next?”
“He touches her for the first time.”
“And ...?”
“Her body reacts.”
He pushed the toy all the way in, and Mandy shuddered. A charge of sensual energy buzzed up to her scalp and down to her toes.
“Like that?” he asked.
He touched her anus. “Hold my cock in your pussy. Hold it tight.”
“Yessss.” Her inner walls clamped tight, and another wave of pleasure buzzed through her body.
“Damn, your cunt is so tight. So pretty.” His fingertip circled her labia, brushing lightly over her clit.
Instinctively, she rocked her hips forward, trying to press her clit against his hand.
“Oh, no. I’m the one in control now. The story isn’t over yet. I can’t let you come until it is.” That wicked finger traveled back, toward her anus. It stopped there, and the ring of muscles clenched. Her pussy tightened, too. Another wave, this one bigger, hotter, washed through her body. “What happens next?”
She could barely think, let alone keep track of a story line. A big toy was planted deep inside her throbbing pussy. And Zane’s lubed finger was now circling her anus. She knew what was coming next in this scene. But in the story... ?
“Think, Amanda.”
A growl of frustration slipped between her lips. “You’re not making this easy.”
“I know.” He pushed a fingertip into her ass.
Instantly, her body gripped it. Her pussy clasped the toy. A huge, almost overpowering surge of erotic need blazed through her body.
“Oh, God.”
“Finish the story, Amanda.”
She fought to remember. “He takes her to the bed and makes her lie down.”
“You like to be on your back when you fuck? Submissive? Powerless. Open.”
“Mmmm. You look pretty lying on your back, your legs spread for me.”
God, just the way he’d said that almost made her come. “Please?”
“Please what?” He added some more lube to his finger before pushing it deeper into her ass.
She bit back a whimper. “Please fuck me. Like that.”
“The story isn’t over yet.”
“The king fucked his new bride,” she snapped. “The end.”
“Nice try.”
He pushed his finger deeper into her ass. The man was far crueler than she’d ever imagined.
“Tell me what happens next or I’ll take out the toy and that will be ‘the end’ for you, too.”
He chuckled. It was an evil-sounding laugh. Not scary-evil. Sexy-evil.
Her hips started rocking back and forth to the thumping pulses of heat rushing through her body. “He parts her pussy lips with one hand and slowly pushes two fingers inside.”
“Mmmm.” Zane withdrew his finger, but only to add a second. The tips of the fingers slipped past the tight ring of muscles, sliding deep inside.
Mandy cried out from the pleasure. “Oh, God, Zane.”
“Tell me the rest.”
“I c-can’t.”
“You must.”
She quivered. Her legs were shaking. Her body was coiling into a hard, tight knot. She could feel her orgasm building, the heat rumbling through her body like distant thunder. “He takes her. On a dais. In front of everyone. Claims her. Makes her his, with everyone watching.”
“Now, that is some story.”
Zane withdrew the toy, but just as Mandy whimpered, he thrust it back in. In and out, the dildo glided. Harder, faster. It was easy for Mandy to close her eyes and imagine it was Zane’s cock stroking her into oblivion while a room full of people watched.
“I am your king,” Zane murmured. “And I claim you, Amanda. You are mine. Let them all watch, witness, as I make you mine.”
As he said that last word, Mandy tumbled over the edge, falling into a powerful orgasm. She quaked and spasmed, breath-stealing electrical charges blasting through her body, zooming up and down her spine. All thoughts vanished as sensation overtook her. Tastes. Smells. Sounds. She licked her lips, drawing in the flavor of Zane’s kiss. She pulled in a gasp, swallowing the scent of her own need, heavy in the air. She heard Zane’s distant voice, murmuring soothing words as she slowly drifted out of the churning, wild mire of sensation.
“Oh, God,” she mumbled when she could finally speak again.
“I’m going to make your fantasy come true. Every single detail of it,” Zane whispered breathlessly as he unfastened the cuffs holding her wrists.
“Including ... ?”
“Yes, including that. I’m going to fuck you so slowly, so sweetly you’ll beg for release.” He helped her sit up. Sitting on the floor, he pulled her onto his lap. He brushed her hair out of her face. “Friday night. I’ll tell you when and where later, after all the details are arranged.”
She kissed him. “I’m looking forward to it.” Pulling out of his arms, she rose up onto her knees. Her legs were still shaky. Arms, too.
“Where are you going?”
“I have a job interview. Remember?”
“Oh. Damn. I forgot.”
She checked the clock hanging on the wall. “No worries. I can still make it.”
He wrapped a thick arm around her waist, pulling her back down. “Do you want to make it?”
He nibbled on her shoulder, and a fresh coat of goose bumps prickled her skin.
“Sure.” She didn’t sound so sure, even to her own ears.
“You owe me nothing. If you don’t want the job, you don’t have to take it.”
“In that case, I’d rather stay here a little longer.”
Falling onto his back, he pulled her down with him, until she was lying on top of him. He tucked her hair behind her ears. “That’s probably a good idea. With that head injury, you could use some bed rest. You’re looking a little pale yet.” Logrolling, he flipped her over onto her back, wedging his hips between her thighs. “Let’s see if we can bring a little color back to that beautiful face of yours.” His hand slid between her thighs, and sure enough, she felt her face pinking up nicely.
he following Friday night, Mandy stood nude, her body tense, while lavender-and-vanilla-scented steam wafted over her body. At exactly seven, a limo had picked her up, transporting her to a building—what seemed to be a private residence—built to resemble a medieval castle. At the moment, she was standing in a large room, stone tiles gleaming. The flickering light of dozens of candles reflected off the still, clear water in the built-in swimming pool. Off to one side, a hot tub was overflowing with white, fragrant frothy foam. It was quite a setting.
But that wasn’t the least of it. Three women, all of them stunningly beautiful, surrounded her. They were nude as well, with the exception of beaded chains hanging from their nipple rings, draping gracefully across their toned bodies. A third chain joined them at the center, hanging down the middle of flat, tanned stomachs, the other end disappearing into labial folds.
One of them, the tallest, motioned to the hot tub. “My queen,” she said, extending a hand to Mandy.
Mandy accepted her hand as she stepped down into the water. One step, two, three and she was waist-deep in hot but not scalding water. The women, all three of them, filed in after her. Slightly uncertain about the idea of living out this particular part of her fantasy, Mandy moved to the back of the tub to give them room. She’d never touched another woman intimately. Hell, she’d never been in the same room with another nude woman. If it wasn’t for the fact that her pussy was thrumming, she might have thought this was a very bad idea.
Recalling what she’d said had happened next, her tingling pussy clamped tighter.
They were going to touch her. Everywhere.
Still standing, arms crossed over her body, Mandy pressed her thighs together.
“His Majesty’s instructions were very specific,” the tall one said, moving toward Mandy.
“They were?” Mandy forced her gaze down, to the point where the woman’s suntanned skin disappeared into the thick blanket of white foam. “What are your names?” Mandy asked.
“Jennifer,” the tallest one said as she circled around Mandy, stopping directly behind her. “The blonde is Rachel. And the brunette Lindsay.”
Jennifer gathered Mandy’s hair in her hands, gently coiling it onto the top of her head. Rachel and Lindsay each took one of Mandy’s hands in theirs and massaged her palms.
This was nice.
Up, Rachel and Lindsay worked, massaging, washing her wrists, her arms. Meanwhile, Jennifer kneaded the tension out of Mandy’s neck and shoulders. Oh, yes, this was very nice. She closed her eyes. It was easy to forget those were women’s hands lightly caressing her arms, rubbing away the day’s aches from her upper back.
Until Rachel and Lindsay reached the top of her arms and their fingertips drew small circles along her collarbones. Then her eyelids fluttered open and she became painfully aware of the fact that those soft touches were coming from women. Sexy women. Sexy women standing extremely close to her.
A little shiver of unease buzzed through her body.
“We are here to give you pleasure,” Jennifer said, her voice rich and smooth, satiny. “And to prepare you for our king.”
A fingertip skimmed down the cleft between Mandy’s breasts. She shuddered and squeezed her eyelids closed. Easier to relax if she didn’t think about who was ... Ohmygod, one of them was lifting a breast.
Mandy jerked, and her boob slipped out of the woman’s hand. Her ass brushed against Jennifer, standing behind her. That sent another current of electricity humming through her body. The sensation was part good, part bad. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.
Once again, a soft hand cupped under her breast. Mandy’s body tightened as it lifted her breast, weighing it. Fingers pinched her nipple, tugging it slightly, sending little stabbing blades of pleasure-pain along her sizzling nerves.
“Relax,” Jennifer said, her hands gliding down Mandy’s back. “Remember, this was at the request of your king.” Those hands, which up to this point hadn’t strayed from safe territory, moved south, over the globes of her ass. They tightened. Fingertips pulled them apart. Mandy’s spine straightened. “We must clean you.”
She’d done a fine job of that for years, thank you very much.
A hand slid between her ass cheeks, dragging sudsy bubbles up and down the crevice. A fingertip circled her anus. Of course, she clenched it. More hands worked down her front, over her stomach, lower, to her mound.
Oh, God, they were touching her pussy.
Slick fingers slid between her labia. Someone pulled her back, easing her down onto a seat. Mandy let her head fall back, closing her eyes, eagerly letting a world of swirling colors take her away from the embarrassment, the discomfort. Someone lifted her hips until her body floated on top of the water, legs dangling at the knees in the warm water.
More touches on her pussy, parting her labia. More touches to her breasts, kneading them, pinching her nipples, rolling them until they were aching points.
Slowly, gradually, all those touches started to feel good. Then they started to feel really good. Her blood warmed. Her nerves tingled. Her pussy pulsed. Her body became hot and tight and trembly. Those touches explored deeper, invading her most intimate places, her clenching pussy, her anus. They slid in and out, in and out, until she was on the verge of orgasm. Breathless. Dizzy. Caught up in decadent pleasure.
A pair of soft lips brushed over hers. A tongue traced the seam of Mandy’s mouth, and without a second thought, she parted her lips. The kiss deepened. Tongues stroked, shyly at first, growing bolder with every thumping heartbeat.
It seemed like she was being touched everywhere, that there wasn’t a part of her body that wasn’t being stroked or kissed or fondled. And, ohmygod, she was going to come so hard.
Her spine arched. A waft of cool air gusted over her nipples. She sucked in a gasp, rocked her hips against the hand cupped over her mound, and surrendered.
Her pussy spasmed. Her anus contracted. It was one of the strongest orgasms of her life.
The hands left her.
She sank back onto the seat and fought to catch her breath. When she opened her eyes, she discovered Jennifer, Rachel, and Lindsay were standing next to the tub. A huge swath of fluffy cotton terry cloth stretched between two of them.
She stood and they wrapped her up.
“This way.” Jennifer indicated the hallway. Mandy followed. Rachel and Lindsay trailed behind her.
They entered a gorgeous bedroom. The bed was huge. A canopy of luxurious silk hung from an ornately carved frame overhead. The bed itself was dressed in shimmering, rich fabrics. This place was unbelievable, like out of some kind of fairy tale. Mandy had never imagined such a place existed so close to where she lived.
Immediately, the ladies went to work. They smoothed fragrant oils onto Mandy’s skin until she was tingly and warm. Then they helped her into a long, frothy gown of gold. Then, while she sat on a padded stool, Jennifer curled her hair while Rachel and Lindsay painted intricate, swirling designs on her hands and feet with henna.
By the time the henna paste had dried, Mandy had been pampered from head to toe. She felt so smooth and soft and. Jennifer escorted her to a full-length mirror... . Was that really her?
“Oh, w-wow,” Mandy stammered as her gaze swept up and down her reflection.
It was amazing what a little bit of pampering, by some talented people, could do for a girl’s looks. She was sexier, more beautiful, than she’d ever looked.
She couldn’t stop staring.
The gown fit her perfectly, emphasizing all the bits she liked while gracefully flowing over the ones she wasn’t so proud of. Her hair was a tumble of silky curls. It was sexy and gorgeous. “Can you ladies dress me every day?” Mandy joked.
“Sure,” Jennifer said, smiling. She combed her fingers through Mandy’s hair, pulling the curls forward so they cascaded down the front of her chest. “You like what we’ve done?”
“It hardly looks like me. And it isn’t like I don’t normally do my hair and makeup.”
Mandy turned to the side, noticing how her mysteriously bronzed skin shimmered. The darker shade looked fabulous with the gold gown. “Look at me, I’m suntanned. I take it you used some kind of self-tanner?”
“We thought it would complement the gown.”
“It does. Perfectly.” She turned to her miracle workers. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Jennifer extended a hand. “It’s time now.”
Mandy took her hand and let herself be led out of the room. Down the hall they went, down a sweeping flight of stairs. Below, she could hear the distant echo of music.
The four of them stopped outside a pair of double doors.
“He waits,” Jennifer said.
Mandy’s sex clenched.
Already, this had been the most unsettling and erotic experience of her life. And it was about to get even more erotic. Probably unsettling, too.
Zane was finally going to fuck her. He’d promised. She’d waited so long for this moment. Just that alone made her breathing and heart rate speed up.
Not only was he finally going to fuck her, but also he was going to fuck her in public.
She curled her fingers into fists, then unfurled them, shaking them out to release the tension. In her mind’s eye, she saw Zane sitting at the head of the room, on an ornate throne. He was wearing a pair of tight-fitting pants, no shirt. His hair was hanging around his face in sexy waves. The image did nothing to relieve her overwound nerves.
“Are you ready?” Jennifer asked.
After one final deep breath, Mandy nodded. “Yes. I’m ready now.”
Rachel pushed open the door, stepping inside to make room for Mandy to pass through the doorway. Mandy froze. The room went silent. The candlelit space was packed full of people. Strangers. Probably a hundred of them. Men and women. All the women were wearing embroidered and jewel-encrusted sa-rees. Everyone was looking at her expectantly. Mandy’s gaze lurched from one face to another. Male assessing eyes. Female assessing eyes. She felt naked, exposed. Alone.
Something moved up ahead. At the far end of the room.
Mandy’s gaze jumped.
He was standing on a raised platform. A wooden trellis stood behind him. It was swathed in translucent fabric, and flowers and vines had been wound around the vertical supports.
He stepped forward and extended a hand.
The crowd between them parted.
Mandy walked to him, the polished wooden floor cold beneath her bare feet. Zane’s expression darkened slightly as she stepped up to him. It wasn’t an expression of displeasure but of hard male hunger. “I have been waiting for this moment.”
“So have I.”
He helped her up the steps to the raised platform, which was completely cushioned, like one huge pillow-top mattress. It was covered in silky cotton and piled with silk-covered pillows. “Are you ready for me?” he murmured. Still holding her hand as they stood side by side on the dais, he brushed his free hand down her body, letting his palm skim over her breasts, her stomach. It cupped her mound. “Mmmm. Warm.” Not bothering to move the thin material aside, he fingered her slick labia. “Wet.”
She could hardly believe she was standing here, in front of all these people, letting Zane finger her. But she was. And, ohmygod, she was melting.
Feeling like her face might blister, she stared straight ahead, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. She was afraid to meet a stranger’s eyes while Zane explored her body like this. It would be too intimate.
“I’m going to fuck you, Amanda,” he whispered in her ear. “In front of all these people.”
Her heart literally skipped a beat. “Now?”
“Soon.” He was one cruel son of a bitch. “This is your fantasy. I wouldn’t want to cheat you out of one single minute of it.” He pointed out, indicating the crowd of people who were standing silent, watching every move they made. “Those are your people. You are about to become my queen. See how they wait? They want to see you surrender to me.” He grazed the side of her neck with his teeth. She shivered. Her entire body became covered with goose bumps. He pushed a finger inside her pussy. The whisper-thin material of her gown rasped against her burning tissues as it was pushed deep inside her body.
“You’ve ... gone to a great deal of trouble. The house. It looks so castlelike. The people. With their costumes. I didn’t expect so much. It feels so ... real.”
“Good.” He cupped one of her breasts, lifting it. He teased a nipple through the fabric.
Her gaze swept across the room. Everyone was transfixed, focused on her. A man in the second row licked his lips. His expression was pure, unrestrained carnal hunger. Mandy shuddered against Zane.
Zane released her. He took a step back. “Remove your dress.”
Her sex clenched again. Her face burned. She started to turn around, but Zane stopped her with a firm, “No.”

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