Read Dark's Descent Online

Authors: Basil Bacorn

Dark's Descent (7 page)

Out With The Old And In With The New


      The next day, everyone went to school as normally. The only thing different was that they had an assembly first period.

      Okay, maybe it wasn't completely normal. Susan was called at 3 in the morning for an emergency board meeting. Neither Susan, nor Cassie knew what it was about.

      After they were informed of the assembly, Cassie asked Charlie what he thought it was about. “I don't know,” he shrugged, “I guess we'll have to wait to find out.” Charlie swished his hair to the side.

      When the bell rang, they all got up to go to the auditorium. “Charlie!” Sky yelled, “Wait for me!” Cassie and Charlie stopped. Skyler gave Charlie a quick kiss.

      What was it with all these girls kissing him? Not that Charlie was complaining.

      They all sat together. To their surprise, Cassie's mom walked on stage.

      “Good morning everyone, I am Mrs. Smith, the head of the school board.” she began, “There has been a sudden change in employment. Mr. Jason Sfenden-whatever just quit. So the board met, and decided that your principal Mrs. Spencer, in now the superintendent also.”

      Cassie looked at Mrs. Spencer whose mouth gaped open. Since no one else reacted, Cassie started clapping and cheering. Then Charlie got up and yelled, “Yay Miss Teacher!”

      Mrs. Spencer dropped her head and smiled. She once again was put on the spot, and was promoted.

      Soon, everyone clapped and cheered, and Miss Teacher walked on stage and waved. “I accept.” she announced.

      Charlie held Sky's hand. Charlie had so many mixed feelings. Cassie, Stella, and Sky. Ugh.

      Soon enough, the assembly was over, and the trio went to English.


      Alice Harper was a cool English teacher. She really got into the books. Like her family, she was great at literature and loved it. She had chestnut colored hair, and green eyes. Her own sense of style usually consisted of patterns and colors like pink and white polka-dots. On occasion, Alice would tell the class one of her crazy adventures she claims to be true.

      “The other day, Mr. Angla came back!” she would say, ending every story with, “It's true!”

      Cassie loved her way better than the guy they had on the first day.

      They went inside and sat down. Today, Alice was dressed in a snug horizontal rainbow striped dress, and splatter painted heels.

      “Ello, everybody!” Alice yipped, “Today, we will be learning more about parts of speech.”

      “Miss Alice?” someone called out. “Yes, Skyler?” Alice answered. “Do we have to?”

      Everyone went completely quiet. Sky just asked a teacher if we had to do what she said.

      “What do you suggest we do, Miss Gledhill?” Uh oh. You know there is going to be trouble when Alice refers to your last name.

      “Well,” she began, “You always say how we know this already, so can we just talk today?”

      Nobody moved as Alice Harper paced around the room. Suddenly, she broke into laughter! “Yeah, sure! I didn't want to teach today anyway.” Though everyone was curious, no one questioned it, for fear of losing the gift.

      Cassie looked around. Garrett wasn't here today. In all honesty, she was kind of losing interest in him. Ever since she started wondering about Charlie, her eyes were opened to new possibilities. Last night, when she kissed Charlie. She KISSED CHARLIE!!! She did something that other girls dreamed of doing! With his arm around her, she felt something that she never felt before. So she kissed him. And at that instant, she was the happiest girl in the world. It was like a spark. Like a really good spark. Whoa. That was her first thought. Her second was “SKYLER!'. She would have to be evil to introduce a girl to a boy, and then steal that boy away!


      She kissed him. Cassie really kissed Charlie. He was ecstatic! There was that single moment, as he felt her lips touch his cheek, that Charlie felt like he could do anything! It was so, so, so magical!!! Right afterwards, he thought one word, 'Whoa.' Once he got his bearings straight, he remembered he had a girlfriend. A girlfriend that Cassie set him up with! He was so confused.


      Sky was so happy Charlie was her boyfriend. Cassie was the nicest girl in school by far!


      Meanwhile, in Mr. Bulnk's English class, Stella scribbled spasmodically on a piece of paper. So Charlie likes Cassie, Stella, and Skyler. Skyler and Charlie are dating, after Cassie introduced them in order to keep Stellar Stella from getting Charlie. Cassie now likes Charlie, but is confused. Just like Stella. Enraged, Stella snapped the pencil and threw it across the room. Cassie is by far, the worst person on Earth!


      Charlie is so hot! Sky was so lucky that Cassie introduced them.


      Cassie wished she never introduced Sky to Charlie! The more she thought the more she wanted to smack a kiss right on Charlie's lips. So she stopped thinking about it.


      Imagining the kiss on the cheek, Charlie dreamed about one on the lips. Just like the long, romantic ones on the soaps his grandma watches. Charlie sighed.


      “Okay class,” Alice announced, “I need to go to the copier, I'll be back in ten minutes!”

      As soon as the door shut, Sky jumped out of her seat. She scooted over to Charlie and sat on his lap. Charlie didn't mind, it was his girlfriend after all. Secretly, Charlie wished Cassie was sitting on his lap instead.

      Sky had the sudden urge to kiss her boo, so she did. She held his head in one place and kissed him with enough passion for the both of them.

      Cassie wished she was in her position. NO! Charlie was her friend and no more!

      Still kissing, Charlie thought about how much better this would be if he was doing it with Cassie. Ah, Cassie. Or even Stella. Stella would lean forward and drape her luscious hair over Charlie as they made-out.

      Finally stopping, Sky put her hand on Charlie's cheek before returning to her seat.

      When Alice came back in the room, she returned to complete and utter silence. “What happened here?” she interrogated, receiving no answers. The class was acting suspicious, but she gave up. After all, everybody was still alive, and everything was still intact.

      She went into her 'magic closet' for the rest of the class period. Alice Harper claimed that whenever she went inside, she was transported to a different time and place. She even had props in there. One time, she claimed that she went to a beach, and then poured sand out of her shoes. Though Cassie thought it was funny, she no longer believed in that kind of stuff. In regards to the teacher's craziness, the students nicknamed her 'Mad Alice', though no one said that to her face.



Alice Harper's Closet


      Whenever Alice found herself in a situation where she didn't feel like being in class anymore, she would go in her closet. She was not mad as everyone said. It was true, she was no longer in her closet when the door shut. Every time she closed the door, she found herself in a strange and unusual place, just like magic.

      Today, when she felt like the class wasn't telling her everything, she decided to take a trip. Closing the door, she found herself standing in a huge library. She was excited. As an English teacher should, she loved to read. So she grabbed a book off the shelf. The title was 'The Bug World'.

      Alice decided to take a peek. Opening the book a crack, a bug flew out. “Why not!” she yipped as she opened the book all of the way, releasing thousands, no, millions of insects all shapes and sizes! Freaking out, she threw the book at a table, and it fell in a closed manner. Alice sighed, she hated bugs, but she still loved this place.

      “Who is in the king's library?!” a voice thundered. Seeing no exit, Alice picked a random book up. It was called 'Bigger on the Inside'. She took her chances, put the book on the ground, and jumped in, pulling the book shut.

      King Albert rushed in when he heard of an intruder. He was on high alert with the threats of Evangeline. Running in, he saw the book on the floor. An intruder! In his own magic library! He picked the book up and put it back on the shelf. “There,” he sighed, “All fixed!”


      Inside the book, Alice tumbled down a spiral of words and numbers. “Ouch!” she shrieked as a 'v' flew in her face, “Oh dear!” The floor came too fast, and Harper slammed on the ground. She was always known for having her nose in a book, but this was ridiculous!

      “Who are you?” a man demanded, helping Alice up. “I am Alice Harper, of Earth.” The man acknowledged her existence and introduced himself. “I am the author of this book, continuing my research on pocket universes, and the term, 'Bigger on the Inside'. We are in a pocket universe right now that I created with a friend's magical powers. It was stupid, but I was so amazed that I wanted to get a closer look, so I leaned forward, and fell in. My friend didn't help me, he just put the book on a shelf.” the man sighed, “My name is Dr. Stephen Chanington, by the way.”

      “Okay, whatever, Mr. Author Dude,” Alice bickered, “I need to find a door.”

      Whenever Alice found herself in a closet situation, she looked for a door, because the next door she opened, was always the door to leave her closet.

      “Um,” gulped the author, “There are no doors in here.”

      “WHAT!?” she wailed. The author put down his head and walked away. “Oh no you don't!' Alice retaliated, tackling the man. The two rolled down a tear in the page and landed in a garden illustration.

      “Look what you've done!” the author moaned, letting out a sneeze, “I'm allergic!” Alice gawked, “It's just ink!” Dr. Chanington looked at Alice. “Magic ink,” he explained, “as in ink that you can interact with.”

      “Wait,” Harper paced, “If you can interact with this ink, why can't you just draw a door?” Stephen thought for a moment before shouting, “Hallelujah! You're right!” Dr. Stephen Chanington skipped around the garden picking flowers. He gave the flowers to Alice and said, “Squeeze the ink out of these flowers, we have some finger painting to do!”

      When they had enough ink, they started drawing a door. The two worked for twenty minutes or so, and soon enough, finished their project.

      As they removed their hands, the door took form, and a handle popped out.

      Alice hugged the inky man. “Do you want to come?” she offered.

      Dr. Stephen Chanington thought about it. He had been trapped in here for nearly ten years. “Yes!” the author accepted, “I would love to!”

      Alice grabbed his hand, and opened the door. Stepping through, she yanked Stephen through.


      Back in her classroom, two people tumbled out of the closet. Alice and Dr. Chanington. “I'm free!” he yelled, “Thank you!”


      Alice had an idea. She took the remaining ink from their hands and wrote a slip stating that Dr. Stephen Chanington is now the new science teacher. She figured that the slip would allow the author to easily slide into a new life here. The paper sparkled brightly, and then Mrs. Spencer walked in the room.

      Smiling, she shook Dr. Chanington's hand. “Welcome to your first day as our new science head. I hope you fit in nicely.”

      Dr. Chanington smiled, “I hope I will.”


Field Trip To Ithaca


      Today was the day. Cassie's class was going to the Ithaca Space Place to study the mysteries of the universe. Cassie had left NYC many times before, but never for more than one day! The trip was going to be about four hours long one way, so the school had them staying for two days at the local Shady Tree Hotel.

      Technically it was a three-day trip. They would leave today, after lunch, to get to the hotel by five for dinner. They would then spend the next day at the Ithaca Space Place, and be back at the hotel by seven. The next morning, they would load the busses and return to school.


      Susan was a nervous wreck. Her baby never stayed away from home before, and if anything were to happen, she'd be hours away! They took as many chaperones as they could, but sadly, Susan wasn't one of them.


      Cassie couldn't wait. For the first time in her life, she would be out of the city for longer than a visit to grandma's! The only thing that could make the trip better, was if Stella wasn't going. Unfortunately, that wasn't true, since Cassie's roommates were Stella, Sky, and Riley.


      Charlie was also excited. Three days of Chyler time! He needed it if their relationship was going to last. If only Stella and Cassie weren't going to be there, so he could focus only on his girl. He figured since Cassie didn't like him as more than a friend, and Stella was just Stella, Sky was the only eligible girlfriend. He could end the relationship, but that would just fuel the war between Cassie and Stella.


      Sky was so happy! Not only would she get to spend three whole days with her boo, but she would also get to sit with him on the bus for four hours straight! Cassie was officially her favorite blonde in the world.


      Stella didn't want to go, that is, until she had a chat with her mirror.


Hey you mirror that shows my face!

Why should I go to the Ithaca Space Place?


      The mirror showed a video of smoke for effect and said,


Little one so young and new,

Why haven't you thought this through?

Your crush you love so much will be there,

As well as the one with the fantastic hair.

If you really want to get your dream come true,

Then this is the perfect trip for you!

Suppose that Cassie and Charlie's bae,

Got lost in town for all day!

With your lover in such panics,

He'll be easy to show your dynamics!

Trust in me,

And then you'll see!

And if you want for some extra fun,

Suppose that those two got left on the run!


      The mirror cackled in delight as Stella hashed out the brilliant plan. That just might work!

      Stella took the handheld version of her Magic Mirror, and shoved it in her pocket. Now was the perfect opportunity to get her Charlie all to herself!


      The chaperones gathered everyone up. There were 400 or so people in their grade, and about 15 chaperones. That allowed for about 26 students per adult. Lucky for Stella, her, Cassie, Sky, and Charlie had Mad Alice, so it would be easy for two of the group to get very lost in a short amount of time.

      Each group got on a bus. Because they got forty-seaters, they had to get eleven busses. Mrs. Spencer’s group got on Bus 1, along with Alice's and Dr. Chanington’s. Once the busses were filled, a honk signaled their departure.

      Cassie was so eager to get on the open road. Since Charlie sat with Sky, and Garrett was on a different bus, Cassie sat with Will. This was going to be a long trip. Cassie and Will never talked, so there was no conversation to be had. Luckily, Cassie had sat on the outside, so she was close to Charlie.


      Stella sat with Riley, half of her entourage, right behind Chyler. Every now and then, she would play with Charlie's hair, earning a scowl from Sky. Scowl all you want, Sky, pretty soon you'll be far, far away, where you won't be able to stop Stella from getting her man.


      Charlie wished Stella would stop playing with his hair, because it distracted him from Skyler. If Sky wasn't there, he'd probably give Stella a romantic, soap-opera-kiss. 'No, stop thinking like that,' Charlie thought, 'Skyler is your one and only love!'


      Charlie grabbed Sky's hand. “Just ignore her,” he reassured, “You are my one and only.”

Sky smiled as butterflies filled her stomach. Charlie gave her a kiss on the cheek.


      'Where's a teacher when you need one?' Cassie thought, wearing a fake smile. She whipped her head to talk to Charlie, hitting Will with her hair.


      Spitting hair out of his mouth, Will thought, 'These people are so confusing! I don't see the problem in telling someone how you feel!'

      Cassie turned to Will to apologize, but before she got a word out, Will kissed her, right on the lips! And she didn't pull away!


      WHAT WAS WILL DOING! Charlie watched in amazement as the kid who had barely any significance made-out with Cassie. Charlie didn't believe it! She wasn't even stopping him! In fact, she was kissing him back!


      Sky smiled her adorable smile. She loved seeing people find love now that she has found hers!


      Stella's mouth dropped. What in the world was Cassie doing! That pig! Kissing another boy to make Charlie jealous! Will must be a good kisser, though, since they were kissing for almost a minute already.


      What was happening? Will was just thinking how easy it really was to tell someone how they felt, and BAM! He kissed Cassie, and was enjoying it. His first kiss shouldn't be with the mystery girl his dad was studying! Too late now.

      Cassie wanted to stop. She wanted to pull away and explain herself, but she didn't. She couldn't. This was her first real kiss, and there was no way she was ending it too soon. Not to mention that Will was a GREAT KISSER!!!


      To Cassie's, Will's, and Sky's dismay, and Charlie's and Stella's glee, Mrs. Spencer stood in the aisle and cleared her throat. Cassie looked at her out of the corner of her eye, and slowly pulled back. “Am I in trouble?” she asked her old teacher.


      Mrs. Spencer was thinking. Cassie and Will were kissing like they had some connection, but as far as she knew, they never talked. “Okay,” she began, “Why don't you and Skyler switch seats okay?”


      Cassie was so happy! Best trip ever already!


      Poor Cassie, she was so happy with Will! Now she had to switch seats with her. Sky frowned slightly.


      Stella gaped. That was her punishment! To sit with her BEST FRIEND, just so they could start smooching down the road!


      Charlie was filled with glee. He got to sit with Cassie! Oh no, how is he supposed to strengthen Chyler with Cassie right next to him, and Stella behind him!


      Stella growled as the two switched seats.


      Will was so lucky he didn't get in trouble! Now he just had to figure out what made him do it. As soon as possible, he has to talk to Sir Arthur. Maybe he would know.


      “Hi!” Cassie smirked, sitting next to Charlie. “Did you have fun over there?” he joked, “How did that happen?” “Okay, Charlie, he kissed me!” Cassie admitted, “But that doesn't mean I didn't like it.”

      Cassie looked at Will. He had green eyes, and longish blonde hair that swished side to side when he moved. Cassie didn't deny he was cute, and now she couldn't deny she had a crush on him. She kissed King William. Cassie chuckled. If they were to date, that would make her Queen Cassie of Ezekiel Jacobs Middle School! Not that that isn't a reason to go out with him, but it wasn't the main reason. There was something about him that was a mystery. He had always intrigued Cassie, but not this much. Who randomly kisses someone? Unless, he likes her and is super confident. Cassie loved confidence. She waved to Will who grinned and waved back.


      Will didn't care what his guard thought now! Cassie clearly liked him, and there was no way he was going to make her wait. She was a mystery, a very pretty mystery, with a beautiful smile. She was also obviously nice, so why not go out with her?

      Will scribbled a note down and gave it to Sky, who gave it to Charlie. “Is that for me?” Cassie asked innocently. Charlie saw 'CASSIE' written on the paper. “I guess,” he sighed as he gave her the love note.


      Best Field Trip Ever! Cassie opened the letter and saw a number. Under it was a message that read 'Wanna be my girl? :)'. Woo-hoo! Cassie got out her phone and texted one word to the number. That word was 'YES'.


      Will's phone vibrated in his pocket. He opened it up and saw the word 'yes' written in all caps. He smiled and texted back.

      'Hi Cas, I hope we can continue what Mrs. Spencer interrupted sometime ;)'

      He hit send and added her to his contact list.

      Buzz-buzz went Cassie's phone. It was Will. Reading the text, she giggled and showed it to Charlie. She was already heads over heels for her new boyfriend. She texted back.

      'Hope so'.


      What were they texting about? Charlie had been watching them text since 3 hours ago when it started. Both Cassie and Will had big smiles on their faces.


      Sky sighed. Young love, so precious! She was happy her friend had a boo of her own now.


      Stella finally ended her three-hour growl. Riley handed her a bottle of water. Any growl that long had to make Stella's throat dry! Stella seized the bottle, got out her Magic Mirror Mini, and held it in her hand.


Hey, little mirror in my hand,

Show me the text messages I can't stand!


      The mirror hacked into Cassie's phone and displayed the messages. Stella scrolled through.




Hi Cas, I hope we can continue what Mrs. Spencer interrupted sometime ;)


Hope so


You're amazing


U 2, ur so cute!






      Stella frowned. Bleh! She hated when Cassie was happy, especially when it was this gross!


      Cassie had forgotten all about Garrett, and Charlie, and Stella, and the fact that she was on Earth.


      'So I guess this makes u a queen'

      Cassie smiled and texted 'I guess so!'.


      “I guess so!” Stella mocked. That girl was infuriating! Stella put the mirror away. She reached forward and pet Charlie's hair. Twirling the hair, she looked at Sky. Soon, Cassie, Skyler, and now Will would be gone, and there would be only Stella! And Charlie.

      The busses pulled into the parking lot of the local diner for dinner. The hotel didn't serve food in the evening, so they stopped on the way.

      The mirror vibrated to get Stella's attention. She pulled it out and saw an identical bus to the one they were in. The mirror said one word, 'NOW'. Stella smiled an evil grin.


      Will and Cassie got off the bus and held hands just like Charlie and Sky. Stella planned her scheme.

      They all went inside the diner. Their group was so big, that they had to rent the whole building.

      Will and Cassie sat together, as did Charlie and Skyler. Stella sat near to eavesdrop and plan.


      Once everyone was done, Will, Sky, Charlie, and Cassie went to the restrooms. Stella followed stealthily. When Sky and Cassie were the only ones in the restrooms, Stella struck. She jammed the door shut, and waited for Charlie.


      Charlie washed his hands and left the bathroom. “Hello Char-Char!” Stella teased, “Sky and Cassie are on the bus already, and they are getting ready to leave! Hurry up!” Charlie ran to the bus with Stella.

      Will received a text from his guard. It read 'Tell your friends to get on the bus behind the diner, Bus 1 broke down'. Will sent a text back that said 'K'.


      Stella's mirror vibrated. It intercepted the text from Will's phone. The mirror then switched and sent a text to Charlie from Cassie saying that they got put on a different bus. To top it off, all of the chaperones received texts from others about the arrangements.

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