Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) (3 page)

It was much
more beautiful than Jane’s normal home, and much more luxurious. Her benefactor must have been very wealthy.

Khelsey and Jane
quickly became close companions. They spent many hours talking about life, and how completely different their two worlds were. But Jane didn’t hear more than she needed to. She was still clueless about the stranger who came to her that night. All she knew was that he was an immortal, and probably ranked somewhere high in the hierarchy. That’s why he had to remain secret.

Khelsey learned
a lot about her new mortal friend, and felt a deep compassion, knowing the difficult course which lay ahead for her. She knew she would have to give up the child who grew within her womb, and not by choice. It was a necessity to keep it alive.

Jane cried a
lot, and it was difficult for Khelsey to try and console her. Mortal females were very emotional during pregnancy, and Khelsey found herself put in an uncomfortable position when Jane hammered her for questions about the baby’s father. But Khelsey was sworn to silence and didn’t break her vow.  

knew that the child in her belly was a Halfbreed, and she wasn’t prepared for what was to come. The child grew at an astounding rate, and within two months she was already at full term and ready to give birth.

time drew closer to the delivery, a midwife was sent along with one assistant. The assistant was the one who would escort the child to its new family immediately after the birth.

The inside of the cabin was
carefully sterilized, and everyone was prepared for the birthing. It was a cold September night and the moon was full. The wind whistled through the cracks in the windows making the cabin seem a bit eerie.

lay on her bed, while the midwife wiped the sweat from her brow.

“You can do it Jane
. Push!” the midwife said, lifting her forward.

Jane moaned loudly
and pushed with all her might, and then fell back exhausted onto her pillow.

Jane. You’re strong. I know you can do this. You’ll just have to push a little longer,” Khelsey urged, holding tightly to one of her hands.

strained as she pushed again, screaming to release the child. After an hour of hard labor, the baby was finally born.

“It’s a girl,” the midwife announced
. She held the child, wrapped tightly in a blanket, out to her.

“Oh, she’s
beautiful, Jane,” Khelsey gasped. She stood and caught a glimpse of the child’s beautiful porcelain face, rosy cheeks, and bright red lips. Her hair was a soft brown.

you like to hold her, to say your last good-bye?” the midwife asked Jane.

closed her eyes, and shook her head. She turned her back to the midwife and the room immediately filled with her sobs. Khelsey rushed back to her side to try and comfort her, but nothing at this moment would be able to console her breaking heart.

knew she couldn’t bear to look into the eyes of the child she couldn’t keep. The child she could never speak of. The child she carried in her womb over these past months, and would soon be taken away from her, never to be seen or heard of again.

he child had to be taken from her and hidden away so that they both could live, especially with the dark and evil powers lurking about.

The midwife glance
d at Khelsey.

alright. Go ahead and take the child,” Khelsey said softly to the midwife.

The midwife carefully handed the beautiful baby girl
to her assistant, who wrapped another warm blanket around the child. She turned, nodded at Khelsey, and then disappeared into the night.

It was over.

The child was gone, and Jane would have to come to terms with what had happened.  She would have to keep reminding herself that her child was going to live a wonderful life, a safe life, but also a life of never knowing who her real mother was and of her true descent.

thundering boom shook the cabin and a horrible stench began to consume the air.

“Damn it!”
Khelsey immediately knew what was happening. She jumped up and reached for her weapon, her trusted sword. The same sword she’d used throughout many battles. It had become a part of her, moving as fluently as one of her own limbs.

It was
a gift, given by her father who was a highly respected warrior in the Angel’s army. When he noticed how naturally his daughter fought and defended those she loved, he had the sword created and fashioned specifically for her.

Khelsey was
one of the best of her kind, and thus, the reason she was assigned to this particular mission. She was sent to protect Jane and her baby, and would defend them at all costs.  

Khelsey knew
what stalked them outside was very evil. An evil she hated, despised, and had fought against many times before. This evil had come for one purpose and one purpose alone. To kill Jane and her newborn child.

“Shhhhhh,” Khelsey whispered, placing her finger over her mouth as she headed for the window. A dark shadow passed across it and she froze. She made a motion to the midwife, who quickly turned off all the lights. “Take Jane out the back. There should be another Guardian waiting. They’ll need to take to the air, because the Darkling are out there.”

The midwife
nodded. She already knew what to do. She and her assistant were also immortals. Angels in disguise within the mortal world. She ran over to Jane and threw a blanket around her.

“We need to leave, dear,” she urged.

“What’s out there?” Jane whispered, wiping her tears, and instantly pulling herself from her sorrow.

“Darkling,” the midwife answered.


“Yes, a terrible
evil sent to kill you. We must leave at once,” she urged.

Jane’s heart began to hammer against her chest. Her breath quickened, and she suddenly felt faint.

he midwife took hold of her and led her quickly and quietly to a chair at the back of the room. She pushed the chair off of a circular rug, and then kicked the rug away. Under it was a secret trap door. She quickly yanked it open and urged Jane to get in.

Is it safe?” Jane whispered, her eyes wide with terror, staring into the darkness below.

The midwife shrugged,
“I don’t know, but there are Watchers and a Guardian outside who will help us. Khelsey will give us time, but we have to move now.”

Jane glanced o
ver to Khelsey with a deep look of concern.

“Are you going to be okay?”

Khelsey nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.”

“Thank you,” Jane whispered.

Khelsey nodded. “Take care of yourself, Jane,” she responded with a smile. 

Jane nodded,
and the midwife nudged her.

jumped down into the dark hole first, and then the midwife followed right behind her. As soon as they were gone Khelsey ran over, shut and locked the hatch, and quickly covered it over with the rug and the chair. She then made her way back toward the door.

Footsteps scuffled
around outside. Khelsey quietly stepped toward the window to catch a glimpse. The stench of the Darkling seeped right through every crack, burning her nostrils. It was a smell of death and rot she could never get used to. She grasped her sword, hoping there were only a few. She’d managed to slay a few on her own, but right now, the main thing was to keep them away from Jane as long as possible, and hopefully to kill them all in the process. 

Khelsey had no fear. She was used to battle,
and this was just another one. The only difference was that this time she was alone. She usually had a partner.

steps pounded letting her know they were right outside.


They struck the door.

knew they could kick it in with no problem, so she stood to the side and gripped her sword tightly.


Suddenly, the door came flying right off the hinges crashing into the back wall.

A Darkli
ng rushed in, and as it took a second step into the room, Khelsey swung her sword and removed his head. It came down with a thud, and rolled across the floor. Thick tar-like blood splattered everywhere. Two more charged in, bigger than the last. They must have sent the smaller one first, knowing it would be a casualty of war.   

The second
Darkling was over six feet tall and muscular. Its head was huge and its arms were bulging with muscles. Its eyes were black and evil, its razor sharp teeth were bared and dripping with hate. Its pasty white face sniffed the air, and his eyes snapped to Khelsey as he caught her scent.

Khelsey held her ground
as the Darkling charged. She swung her sword and sliced his arm, but he continued and struck her chest with a great force. She flew backward crashing hard onto the ground. She struggled for breath as it charged at her again. It leapt into the air, a small dagger targeted at her heart.

It dropped, about to land on
her chest, but at the last second she twisted sideways, and the blade plunged into the floor, missing her by inches.

The thir
d Darkling was the largest and most grotesque. Its face was hideously disfigured, like it had been bashed in, sliced, and burned during previous battles. One eye hung halfway down its face and was a whitish color. But its body was massive and bulging with unnatural muscles and huge veins which were on the verge of exploding.

went around sniffing the room, trying to catch the scent of the others. It stopped at the chair, hunched over, and let out a beastly laugh as it pushed the chair away. It found their scent, and Khelsey knew she needed to divert its attention. It was much too soon.

She kicked away from the Darkling who
struggled to release its blade from the floor, and jumped up, charging at the third Darkling. She swung her sword, but it dodged the blade with ease, and kicked her in her gut sending her sailing backward. This time the bed caught her fall.

e third Darkling roared. “They’ve escaped! Go out back.”

The second stood and nodded.

Khelsey had fought many Darkling before, but these seemed like a different breed. They were a lot bigger, stronger, and a bit smarter than the others she’d come across during her years of contact with them.

As the second Darkling started
for the door, Khelsey aimed and threw her sword at it. Her aim was precise, and before the Darkling had a chance to step out the door, her blade swiftly took its head off. Its eyes were still wide open with confusion as its head rolled out the door, and its body dropped to the ground with a thud.

he last Darkling snarled, deep and terrifying, and then withdrew a weapon hidden within its chest. It was a longer curved dagger, and its razor sharp blade gleamed in the darkness, seeking its next victim.

Khelsey knew she didn’t have a chance with
out her sword. It was much too far from her reach, and even if she tried to make a dash for it, the Darkling was much closer.

Its eyes were locked on its target,
dark and dangerous, and filled with hate as it made its way toward her. But Khelsey showed no fear. She jumped up and ran to meet him head on, in hope that she could knock his weapon free.

But the
Darkling was much too strong. It reached out with its long arm, and wrapped its fingers around her throat, and flung her across the room like a rag doll. She hit the wall with such great force that it cracked the side of the cabin, making the wood split and splinters fly everywhere.

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