Read Don't Let Go Online

Authors: Michelle Lynn

Don't Let Go (23 page)

“Think about it, Sadie. This could be our room.”

I turn around quickly and wonder how the change of topic happened so fast. “Brady, I told you. I have to stand on my own,” I say, hating to turn him down again.

“You can stand on your own while being by my side. Just keep thinking about it.” His head is down now, staring at the floor.

“I promise, I won’t.” I walk slowly toward him.

“I want you with me,” he says quietly.

“Brady, I’m with you. But I don’t want you to wake up one day thinking ‘Why did I let this crazy girl move in here?’” I say, placing my hand on his cheek.

“You just don’t get it, Sadie. In my whole life, I have never felt like this. Since that moment I saw you, I felt like there was a purpose in my life. I no longer feel alone and I never want that feeling to leave.” He places both his hands on either side of my cheeks. “I knew I was no good for you, but I was too selfish to stay away,” he whispers and bends down to kiss me.

His confession reminds me of the lyrics to one of the songs that he put on my iPod: ‘I now walk alone…’

“Brady?” I ask while he rests his forehead on mine.


“When you told me you have never written a love song, what did you mean?”

“Exactly that. I never wrote a love song…at least at that point, I hadn’t,” he answers, smirking down at me.

“Those songs you put on my iPod, they were slow love songs,” I softly argue.

“No, they were slow songs but there was no love in them. I wrote those songs out of pain, not love.” He starts to kiss my neck.

“Oh, and here I thought some girl had completely destroyed you,” I say.

“You’re the only girl that could destroy me,” he admits and I capture his lips.

“I love you,” I murmur against his mouth.

“Say it again,” he requests as his lips make their way down my neck.

“I love you, Brady Carsen,” I whisper again.

“I don’t think I will ever stop wanting to hear you say those words.” He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” I confess and lick his neck up to his earlobe. “Now…fuck me, Brady.” I try to say it straight-faced and with a sexy voice.

“Yes, ma’am.” He walks us over to the bed and places me down before climbing on top. “Just think, baby. I could do this to you every night.” He grabs the hem of my shirt, raising it up to expose my blue lace bra. “I could make you come every morning.” He starts to unbutton my jeans and then scoots them down my legs. “Staring at you with only your panties and bra on makes me want to kidnap you and lock you up here until you agree,” he jokes and I giggle in response.

“Why don’t you show me what I get if I decide to move in?” I smile up at him.

“Do you want me to do a strip tease?” he asks, slowly pulling the hem of his shirt back and forth. I scoot to the top of the bed and rest my body against the headboard to enjoy the show.

“I would never deny myself seeing your body,” I answer.

“Well then, baby. I believe you asked me what you would get if you moved in.” He slowly moves his hips side to side, a playful smile spreading across his lips. “You see this flat, amazingly defined stomach?” he teases and I nod in response. “You could touch, rub, kiss, or lick it whenever you want.” He throws his shirt to the floor while kicking his shoes off. “If you move in with me, these smooth, large feet can warm your small ones on cold winter nights,” he continues to talk, slowly taking off his socks and I giggle, enjoying this immensely.

“Hmm…as appealing as it is to see you shirtless with those jeans hanging low, I think I need more convincing,” I say, leaning forward.

“I’ve been waiting to pull out the big guns, baby.” He unbuckles his jeans and undoes his zipper, his eyes never leaving mine. The mood is starting to get more intense and less playful. When his jeans hit the floor, my eyes fixate on him. The tight, grey boxer briefs show me how excited he already is, making the ache grow inside of me. “Ready?” He smirks at me and my eyes jerk up to his.

“Come here, Brady,” I say quietly, motioning with my finger.

“Did I convince you?” he asks and climbs toward me on the bed.

“It’s not just looks, babe. I need to see how you use your body,” I state, surprising myself how easy this feels.

“Sit back my darling and enjoy. After I finish, you will be begging me to move in,” he softly says and starts to take my bra strap down, kissing my shoulder. “Let’s see, do you want me to show you with my tongue or cock?” he questions, and I think I just became wet from his words. When I don’t answer, he asks, “Sadie?”

“Tongue…please,” I desperately request and he licks down my body, unclasping my bra and throwing it off the bed. His tongue moves in circles around my nipple before his mouth closes over it, twirling my nipple around.

I moan when he moves over to the other breast, doing the same thing. Then his tongue licks down the center of my stomach and over my belly button, moving slowly under the top of my panties. When I feel his tongue graze over my clit, I realize I never felt him take off my panties. Placing his hands against my thighs, he pushes my legs farther apart against the mattress, displaying me in front of him.

“Is this what you want, baby?” he asks and I groan an inaudible yes.

He slowly licks all the way up and back down, inserting his tongue inside of me before moving to my clit. He sucks and twirls it around his mouth, making it hard for me to keep control. My body rapidly approaches an edge I won’t be able to hang on to. “Please, Brady.” I squirm underneath him, desperate to find my release.

“You asked for tongue…,” he teases me, peeking up at me through his eyelashes.

Taking his fingers, he widens me more, giving himself better access inside of me. His tongue feels incredible as he moves it teasingly from my clit and then back again inside of me. I grip his head and twirl his hair around my fingers, trying to keep him in place. He starts working faster, urgently thrusting his tongue into me while moving his hands to my ass, holding me in place. As soon as I hear him moan, I shudder, feeling the tingly sensation flow through my body.

“Do you want me to ask the question now?” he asks, moving over me and I can feel him at my now slick opening.

“Not yet…you still need to prove one thing,” I taunt, already feeling relaxed.

“Thank God,” he says, and thrusts into me deep as I grab his biceps to hold myself steady. “I love fucking you, Sadie.”

“I want to see you, Brady,” I say and he picks his head up, staring into my eyes. He moves back and forth inside of me and I raise my hips to join in. “I love you,” I exclaim.

“I love you…so, so much,” he responds and stills inside of me before collapsing. I think that was the fastest and quietest Brady has ever come. He runs his fingers through my hair, resting on his forearms above me. “So, Sadie. Did I convince you?” he asks and, although he still seems to be playing around, I see that he desperately wants me to move in.

Right before I’m about to answer, loud footsteps hit the stairs and I suddenly remember that we never shut or locked the door.

“Why the hell is this door open?” Dex’s voice asks.

“I don’t know, do you think Brady…” Trey’s voice trails off when he reaches the top.

In those two seconds, Brady was able to turn to the side and shield me from their view. “Fuck, sorry guys,” Trey says laughingly, turning around while pushing Dex down the stairs. “Nice ass, Carsen,” he calls out before we hear the door slam shut.

“You might as well move in; all three of the roommates have already walked in on us having sex.” Brady laughs and stands up to hand me my clothes.

I quickly get dressed before someone else walks in, thankful that Brady hasn’t asked me again. I was about to say ‘yes’, but I don’t know if it is from looking in his eyes while he pleasured me or if I truly am ready to take this next step. The last thing I want is to disappoint him, so when I say yes, I want to make sure it’s for the long haul.


Chapter 25


It’s Friday and The Invisibles are playing Grant’s frat party tonight. To say I’m less than thrilled would be an understatement. After all this time, the last place I want to be is a frat house. Not only because of my past experiences in them, but also because of Theo. He loved his frat. It was the brotherly bond he always wanted when we were younger. He begged my parents to have another child after us, praying they would have a boy but that never happened. When we were young, he would bribe me to play baseball, basketball, and football. He had turned me into a tomboy of sorts, but I secretly loved it. Not to mention, I never told anyone all the times he played house or Barbies with me.

Brady could feel my apprehension so he already told the guys the set would be short and we would be leaving right after. I said it would be okay and Jessa jokingly told Brady that she would protect me, not letting any frat douchebag touch me. He insisted on driving me, even though Jessa said she would bring me right before the show started. ‘I want all those fuckers to know she’s mine when we walk in,’ was his response to her.

When I open my dorm door to Brady, he looks me up and down while I wait for his signature smirk. Instead, the first words out of his mouth are, “You aren’t wearing that”.

I look down at myself, confused. I’m wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a looser fitting pink blouse that falls off one shoulder. My hair is pinned up into a messy bun style with fallen strands down the sides of my face. “How about, you look beautiful baby?” I tease, smiling up to him but his face is serious and his lips are tight.

“Sadie, I will be up on stage. If I was going to be by your side tonight, I would say okay. But do you know how many guys are going to look at your shoulder and neck, imagining what it would be like to kiss it?” He walks into my room, clearly thinking I will change my outfit.

“You only think that because it’s your favorite spot to kiss,” I inform him, and turn around to my dresser, putting my earrings in.

“I wouldn’t say my favorite spot.” He comes up behind me, starting to kiss my shoulder. “Definitely the top five though,” he agrees and I catch his eyes smiling at me through the mirror.

“It’s yours, Brady…all yours,” I answer, and place my hand on the back of his head while he continues to trail kisses up my neck.

“Don’t forget it, baby. When you see all those frat guys tonight, don’t forget who you belong to.” I see the insecurity in his eyes. He’s suddenly afraid that I’m going to change my mind about him. How could he ever think that?

“Hey,” I say, turning around. I place my hands on either side of his face and bring it down to me. “I’m yours…always. You never have to question that.” I get up on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Okay?”

“Okay, it’s just…we are going to a place that holds good and bad memories for you. Maybe you will think I’m not enough,” he admits and my heart breaks.

“For once, it’s you who doesn’t get it,” I laugh.

“What?” he asks with no trace of humor.

“You are it for me. Game over. I’m yours…and you’re mine.” I wrap my arms around his neck and rest his forehead against mine.

“Well, those guys wouldn’t have gotten you disowned by your family,” he sadly says, revealing where this sudden insecurity comes from.

“Brady, it’s not your fault my dad disowned me. I don’t care about the money or the car. All that matters to me is you. If I can only have one in my life, I prefer it to be you. It’s my dad’s problem, Brady, not ours.” I give him a chaste kiss.

“But your degree, Sadie. I wish I had the money to pay for your last semester. I feel guilty because I get mine for free.”

“It will all work out. If I have to take a semester off, it will only give me more time to spend with you,” I joke, holding him firmly against my body.

“Sadie…” he sighs.

“No, Brady, let’s just enjoy tonight. I will have enough heavy conversation with my mom tomorrow. Take me to your gig,” I say and Brady chuckles at the wording I use. “Then take me back to your place and make love to me all night,” I request.

“With pleasure, babe,” he says and holds out his arm for me to take. I grab my purse and position my arm through his, letting him escort me out of the room.


Cars align the street and co-eds mingle in the front yard. The shadows of people fill the windows of the house and a sudden pain fills my stomach. Brady entwines his fingers with mine, looking down at me. “You sure?” he questions and I nod my head in agreement. “Let’s get this over with,” he says and guides us up the walkway.

The stares are automatic but for the first time, I realize it’s mostly girls, admiring my boyfriend. I remind myself this isn’t Drayton. Just because we are at frat party doesn’t mean it will be the same. This is just a college party, nothing more. What happened at Drayton was because of the people, not because it was a fraternity.

Walking through the doorway, I’m taken aback by how crowded the room is. Wall to wall college students fill every inch of the house. Brady squeezes my hand harder, leading me to the makeshift stage. From the way he knows his way around, I assume he has been here before. The rest of the guys are already setting up and Jessa sits on the stage, observing them.

“Hey, guys,” she says, sitting up straighter. With one more squeeze of my hand, Brady bends down and kisses me before hopping up on the stage. I walk over to Jessa and ask, “Hey, how long have you guys been here?”

“Not long. Don’t take this wrong, but how on earth did you hang out with all these people,” she comments and glares across the room.

“I didn’t know any better,” I joke and knock her shoulder with mine.

“Now that you do, let’s keep it that way,” she laughs, knocking me back.

I look up when I hear a familiar deep voice. It’s Grant talking to the guys and I’m surprised to see Brady speaking back politely. After he finishes telling them some stuff, Grant makes his way to me and I notice Brady’s eyes follow.

“Hey, Sadie,” he says, looking at me, then Jessa, and back to me.

“Hi, Grant. This is my roommate, Jessa,” I inform him, motioning back and forth. “Jessa, this is Grant.”

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