Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

“Maximus! Do not be so rude to Charity. Leave us be.”

Celeste pulled Charity along firmly as Maximus stood in one place, his large fists by his side.

As if sensing Charity’s discomfort, Celeste broke the silence as they entered the Backus room.

“Do not be afraid of him. He will not cause you harm, my dear.”

“He did not seem too happy about me coming back here. Perhaps I should meet back up with Val,” Charity stated, pausing a moment before entering the doorway.

Celeste locked gazes with Charity.

“No. There is something I want you to see.”

Charity felt confused but followed the woman inside the room.

Charity gazed in awe at the exquisite artwork.

Numerous paintings of members and supporters of the Venificus pack were depicted throughout the room. She recognized faces and family emblems of the Crimson packs, McFay and Sinclair. She absorbed it all as she took in her surroundings and noticed a large, solid wooden door with numerous locks.

Charity was caught up in viewing the many pictures, feeling the spirits of their souls come alive at her viewing. She wanted to touch the paintings and the sculptures but was afraid of revealing her identity to Celeste. There would be no way to explain her ability to see the past and foresee the future.

In that moment, Charity heard the numerous locks on the door come undone. Turning toward Celeste, Charity waited for her direction.

“Few have seen this room.” That was all Celeste said as she motioned with her hand for Charity to enter over the threshold first. Charity instantly felt the tightness in her chest.

* * * *

Celeste watched in awe, knowing that Charity was sent to Venificus for a purpose. Her ability to sense magic and her gift of being a visionary told her Charity was important.

She watched as the beautiful young woman absorbed the literature, the pictures and memories of the past. If the spirits wanted her to learn the young woman’s identity, it would be at their discretion and pace. She waited patiently.

It was at the one location in the room where Charity paused and tears pooled in her eyes that Celeste knew who she was.

Charity watched as Celeste gasped then covered her mouth. The tears rolled down Celeste’s cheeks.

Charity offered her hand to Celeste. She smiled, and Celeste bowed to Charity before accepting Charity’s hand.

“Do not be afraid of me, Celeste. I mean you and your loved ones no harm,” Charity whispered.

Celeste had difficulty controlling her emotions. She heard and had known that the one child born to the two great warriors had been murdered.

Charity glanced back at the small painting and the picture of her mother and father standing beside Celeste and Marcus.

“I understand why the spirits have revealed my identity to you. They know, as I do now, the love you had for my parents.”

“But you were killed the day of your birth,” Celeste cried, still holding on to Charity.

“My parents knew that I needed protection. If the wrong people or beasts got their hands on me, it would mean the end of the universe. It was a sacrifice they needed to make, and not soon after they were killed as well.”

“I know. Marcus and I tried to find out who was responsible. There was so much evil and black magic that many of our family members died. We had no choice but to cease our investigation and rebuild our pack. We have been doing so since.”

“I know you have. It is why I had developed Caliber. To protect all packs without anyone knowing I was protecting them.”

A tear escaped from Celeste’s eye.

“You have taken a risk by coming here.”

Charity turned away from Celeste a moment, for no words needed to be spoken.

“My parents trusted you and loved you. It is their spirit that has led me here.”

Celeste wiped her eyes despite the fact that the tears continued to fall. This was obviously a shock for her, and Charity empathized.

“What do you need me to do? I will do anything for you, my princess,” Celeste bowed her head.

Charity placed her hand on Celeste’s shoulder.

“Do not cry. You need to be strong and to continue on as if I am only an assistant to Val.”

“I understand, but—”

“Yes, Celeste, what is it?”

“Whom are you protecting us from?”

Charity sighed then slowly walked near the other paintings, letting her hand softly glide across the carved wood.

The walls of the room were custom carved with a series of wolves weaving out from behind large forest trees. There were so many wolves hidden among the carvings, Generations of Venificus.

“Not just whom, Celeste, but what.”

Celeste cringed as the uneasy feeling consumed her soul. Instantly she thought of her sons and was filled with concern. Charity was next to her again, taking her hand.

“It seems the spirits have guided me to your home for many reasons. Trust in those spirits, and be confident that I will protect your sons from harm. They are the main reason I am here. They are the future, the permanent leaders of all packs both here in the United States and in Europe.”

“This person or thing must be a very powerful threat for the spirits to have summoned you.”

“The evil ones are responsible for many deaths, including my family.”

Celeste covered her face with her hands.

“But, Princess, the evil was so powerful back then that many packs were destroyed. How can you be sure that it won’t happen again? I’m worried about my sons and about the Venificus blood line. They are the last hope for expanding the pack and our future as leaders.”

Charity consoled her.

“You must remain strong and be certain to keep our secret. When it is time for my presence to be known, there will be no turning back. Right now the belief that I am dead has our enemies preparing for a takeover that can never take place as long as I am alive.”

Celeste was about to ask more questions, but Charity stopped her.

“I promise to protect them. I know you have questions, but now is not the time. We need to return to the party, and I need to convince everyone that I am merely an assistant.” Charity smiled, and Celeste took her hands into her own.

“My princess, you could never pass for just an assistant. You are gorgeous. Your parents, Pasarra and Lukon, would be so proud.”

Celeste embraced Charity.

“Thank you.”

The two women headed out of the vault and into the Backus room. .

Chapter 6

Ferlow, Delta, Dante, Luther, and Maximus gathered in the meeting room. They went over the recent attacks to pack members and other business while waiting for Val and Charity to arrive.

“How do we know that Caliber is not somehow connected to these attacks?” Ferlow asked.

“Val did not come across as capable of such deceit.” Dante stated.

“And Charity, the blonde goddess of the evening?” Delta inquired.

“No. She can’t be connected,” Dante replied calmly, but his brothers could feel his anxiety and defensive emotion.

“How can you be sure?” Delta asked, leaning against the wall near the window.

“I suppose it’s gut instincts.”

Delta smirked.

“I believe she went to her room alone,” Delta teased.

“She didn’t go to Val’s room either,” Ferlow added.

“Enough!” The sound of Maximus’s voice echoed through the room just as Val and Charity approached the doorway.

* * * *

“Damn, Charity, I don’t know if I can take this. That Maximus can toss me with his finger. One look from those dark, evil eyes and I’m road kill.”

Charity placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Just do what I told you. If he gets too pushy or you feel scared, push the question off to me as if you can’t even be bothered. You must do most of the talking. After all, I’m just—”

“An assistant! I know. So does everyone else who was at the party last night.” Val sighed then cleared his throat.

The sound caused the men in the room to stop speaking immediately. They were greeted by Luther.

Charity smoothed out her black wool skirt and slim-fitting emerald green sweater. The high-heeled boots gave her a little height, and she was thankful for it as Luther approached.

* * * *

He lost his breath just from the sight of her. The deep green sweater brought out the emerald color in her eyes. It also accentuated her perfect breasts. He could only imagine how glorious they would feel and taste. His mouth watered, and Luther cleared his throat in an attempt to calm his wolf.

He licked his lips and focused on the one negative to Charity’s appearance. Her long golden locks were pulled up tightly to the back of her head in some fancy, sophisticated style. He liked her hair down, flowing behind her back or as a shield to shy away from his stare.

“Charity, Val, please come in,” Luther gestured toward the two empty chairs on the opposite side of the large, oval, cherrywood table.”

Watching Charity cross the room behind Val, he absorbed her perfect little ass and high heel black boots. The woman was driving him wild with want.

“Stop staring at her as if you want to devour her!”
Maximus interrupted Luther’s thoughts.

Luther turned toward his brother and smirked. Dante was pulling out the chair for Charity.

“I can’t help myself, brother. Her backside features are as enticing as her front.”

Maximus released an annoyed sigh.

“She looks incredibly hot in those boots,”
Dante added.

“I think I like her breasts the most,”
Luther replied.

“Focus brothers…focus!”
Maximus stated firmly.

* * * *

“Thank you for meeting with us, Val. I believe that you met everyone last night at the party. Shall we get right to it?” Maximus asked as he sat at the head of the table and locked gazes with Val. Charity nudged Val to remind him not to allow Maximus the advantage of hypnotizing him.

Val cleared his throat and quickly readjusted himself in his seat.

“Let’s get on with it. I am certain you are looking forward to the hunt at the end of the week and the festivities this evening,” Val replied more confidently.

“Yes, we are. I hope you will be joining us,” Luther stated trying to confirm that Val was indeed a werewolf.

“Let’s see how the meeting goes first.”

Charity was thrown for a moment but glad to see that Val was trying to keep up with Maximus and his attitude.

“Well then, we’d like to know, what is your interest in Selcon?” Luther asked.

“I think the better question would be, why are you losing clients at Selcon?” Val stated.

Charity watched the facial expressions change between the brothers. Ferlow just looked plum angry.

“It seems that you must be offering Selcon’s clients something for taking their security needs to Caliber.” Dante spoke up this time.

“Yeah, we offer better service, and our referrals are up.”

“It is not your place to solicit business from other packs. Selcon is a subagency of V-Con,” Ferlow stated abruptly, looking about ready to reach across the table and hit Val.

“Your service is poor, and your personnel are not happy.”

“What do you know about my personnel?” Ferlow yelled.

“I know that many of them have inquired about jobs with Caliber!” Val responded with a more angry tone.

This was not going as smoothly as Charity hoped. If Val kept this up, there was going to be a fist fight.

Ferlow growled. “Where is your respect for your Alpha? V-Con owns Selcon.”

“But they do not own Caliber. We are an independent company, and our agenda is the same as your Alpha’s. We intend to protect all clientele from evildoers.”

“You do not even have the Council approval,” Ferlow retorted, outraged.

“Charity, do you have the numbers we discussed earlier?” Val asked, and Charity nodded her head then began looking through the files. She passed the paper to Val.

“I can tell you in the last three months alone that more than half of your clients have moved their business to Caliber. Charity, you speak to most of the clients. Is there any particular reason they seek our services?” Val asked, and all eyes were on Charity.

“Most of our clients refer their family and friends. They are pleased that we can represent all types of individuals and creatures. With the increase of random attacks across this realm, people are scared, and they want the best protection possible.”

“V-Con is the best!” Dante exclaimed, sounding utterly insulted. He held her gaze, and Charity felt compelled to continue since she could hear Val’s heartbeat hammer against his chest.

“None of our clients have been attacked while under Caliber protection. Times are changing, Dante. Plus, keep in mind that we are talking about Selcon, not V-Con. Selcon is a small, let’s say for argument’s sake, sister company. They are not nearly as organized or respected as V-Con.”

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