Read Embracing His Syn Online

Authors: A.E. Via

Embracing His Syn (10 page)

Excuse me,” Day said
loudly. Surely, the man heard him, but ignored him.

Sir, can you stop
walking, we’d like to ask –”

Day didn’t get to finish
his question before the suspect whipped around, pulling his hand
out of his pocket, a shiny object coming into view.
The three of them
ducked down. Knowing exactly what the man held, God hit the gas and
cut the wheel hard to the left, spinning them around. A single shot
rang out in the night, the bullet sounding like it hit the bed of
the truck. The heavy footsteps of military-style boots told them
the man was on the run, moving away from them quickly. Day and Syn
jumped from the truck, almost completely in sync and gave

Day was fast, but Syn had no problem
keeping up with him. Syn heard the squeal of God’s tires, and was
sure he was circling the block to try and cut off their

Stop. Atlanta PD!” Day
yelled, and the suspect doubled his efforts to elude

The guy still had his gun out and Syn
watched it as he ran. This was a residential area; he didn’t want
the suspect firing his weapon, bullets going through a house,
hitting an innocent.

The armed man cut through a yard,
jumping a low fence. Day and Syn increased their speed and both
hurdled the fence, closing the distance fast. The man had cleared
the next fence, putting him on the other side of Puttman Street,
when he turned and raised his gun in their direction.

Down!” Syn yelled as he
and Day both dove to the ground; three shots rang out. Bullets
whizzed by him and Syn cursed. He heard God’s powerful turbo engine
revving then the loud sound of tires skidding across asphalt. They
stayed low to the ground, peering carefully around the trees
scattered throughout the yard. The next shot sounded like thunder.
That shot, fired from God’s Desert Eagle had Syn breathing rapidly,
tensing in anticipation of another shot from that damn

Day. Sydney,” God’s deep
voice carried to them. His concern for his lover clear in his

Syn and Day jumped the fence and
jogged around the corner.

Damn that sight makes my
dick hard,” Day said straightforwardly.

God was leaning out his window. Both
huge guns still in his hands, one with smoke rising from the
barrel. The suspect was on his knees with both hands behind his
head. Syn breathed a sigh of relief that God had only fired a
warning shot. He didn’t think he’d ever want to see the damage
God’s gun could do to a person’s chest, or what would be left of
their chest.

Day approached God’s door and Syn
watched as both men just looked at each other, neither man
speaking. God pulled his guns in the truck, his eyes roaming all
over Day’s body, making sure he was indeed alright.

I guess I’ll just secure
our perp, while you guys have your moment,” Syn said dryly. He
holstered his weapons and yanked the man up to pat him down. He
pulled the suspect's arms down and secured them behind his back. He
yanked off the guy's hood and was stunned by the long flowing hair
that came with it.
Holy shit. This is a
“Umm. Guys?”

God and Day turned to look at Syn and
noticed at the same time. The looks on their faces said it all.
What the fuck? The woman was strikingly beautiful. Despite the
baggy clothes, Syn’s pat down told him she had a body that could
stop traffic.

Day walked over and stood, eyeing the
woman curiously. Syn moved to stand in front of her again. Although
sirens could be heard, God radioed a 10-26; informing dispatch that
the suspect had been detained and gave the operator their location
so a squad car could come to transport the suspect. God stepped out
of the truck and Syn noticed the woman’s brave façade disappear at
the sight of him.

So why were you shooting
at us, GI Jane?” Day asked her.

The woman stuck her chin in the air
defiantly. Syn figured he may as well and place her under arrest
and read her Miranda rights now.

You carrying?” God

Fuck you,” she snarled

Day smiled, glancing at them. "You pat
her down good?” Day looked at Syn, waiting for an

Yep. She must’ve tossed
her weapon before she rounded the corner. She’s clean,

Uh, huh.” Day looked at
her again.

Syn knew Day was a people reader, a
profiler. He noticed body language, mannerisms, things other people
often over looked. It was obvious he saw something that Syn and God
didn’t. He watched Day move in until he was practically on top of
the woman. She looked Day in the eye for several seconds before she
let out an exasperated huff, shifted her weight onto her left foot
and rolled her eyes up and to the right.

Yep, she’s carrying,” Day
said with confidence. He squatted and patted the many pockets on
her pants and stood back up, grinning at her. “Oh, you’re really
gonna make me go there?”

Two squad cars pulled up, followed
closely by two more, lights flashing, coloring the neighborhood in
red and blue. Syn was glad he didn’t divert his attention away from
his Lieutenant. Day unzipped the dark hoodie, boldly lifted the
woman’s black tank top over her large breasts and dug his hand
roughly underneath one boob then the other. He yanked a small
plastic bag of blue pills stamped with a dolphin.

Syn cursed himself for not checking
her more thoroughly. He knew better.

Day chuckled deeply. “Women have the
best hiding spots.”

Did ya enjoy that ya
bastard?” she spat. Her accent and slang told Syn she was from up
North; Newark, New Jersey, maybe Brooklyn or Queens, New York. She
jerked away from Day but God was there fast, tightly gripping the
back of her neck. She hissed at the hold.

Calm the fuck down.”
God’s harsh glare told her that was his last warning.

I’m sure ya enjoyed it
more than me hot ma’,” Day quipped back, already mocking the
woman’s northern slang. She pursed her lips angrily as she was put
in the back of a squad car.

God instructed the patrol officer to
get her processed and into a holding cell until he was ready to
interrogate her. He sternly told the officer that no one was to
question her except him. The officer nodded his understanding and
drove off.





All Work
and No Play’



Syn couldn’t help feeling angry about
his role in this arrest. He’d been left completely in the dark. He
didn’t wait for God and Day to finish their quiet exchange before
he interrupted. “Hey!” Syn shouted, shoving God's shoulder,
spinning him around to face him. God’s glare had little effect on
Syn. “If I’m going to be a goddamn Sergeant under your command,
then I demand to know what the fuck is going on at all times.” Syn
vaguely registered that Ronowski and several more members of their
team had arrived in two dark unmarked Suburbans and were standing
behind him.

You break into my goddamn
apartment; almost get me killed on the way to a crime scene that
seen, to apprehend a suspect who I was not informed about before
finding myself getting shot at. I need to know every fuckin’ thing
that you know, and then I want to know even more. I want to know
why the fuck are we responding to a homicide any goddamn way? And
don’t fucking tell me because you say so. You outrank me, but if
you don’t treat me with the same fuckin’ respect that you demand
yourselves I will whip your happy, in-love asses, and that’s not
because I said so, but because it is so.”

Syn turned and barked at the crowd of
officers gathered nearby to do a complete sweep of the path their
suspect had taken and to bag and tag all evidence. He ordered two
of their men to get statements from the witnesses that had called
in the 10-32 and to meet him at the station in an hour. He walked
determinedly to one of the Suburbans yelling over his shoulder for
Ronowski to take him to the original crime scene on

I can drive you,” God
said sarcastically while giving Syn a ‘fuck you’ look.

Syn gave God the finger before
slamming himself inside the large vehicle.

Damn, I like him.” Day

Syn walked under the yellow police
tape and told one of the uniformed officers to move the perimeter
back further. He didn’t want reporters this close to the body. Only
a few feet away the coroner was standing next to their victim with
a clipboard in his hand.

Syn turned to Ronowski. “Why’s the
body still here?”

God said to leave it
until he surveyed the scene,” the young Detective said waving over
a couple of uniforms that were nearby.

Syn huffed his frustration as the
officers approached looking a little green around the gills. Syn
thought this might be their first DB. They looked fresh out of the

Were you the first on the
scene?” Ronowski asked them.

Y-yes. Are you the guys
from G-god’s team?” the smaller of the two stuttered.

Yes, we are. I’m First
Officer, Detective Ronowski and this is their third in command,
Sergeant Sydney. God and Day will be here soon. You can tell us
what you observed after responding to the call.” Ronowski folded
his arms over his chest and waited for the men to stop staring at
them in awe and answer his question.

One of them pulled out a small
notebook and began reading off some information to them. “Um, um.
T-the s-suspect, I mean v-victim.”

Ronowski put both his hands up and
shook his head slowly, cutting off the nervous cop's stuttering.
“Whoa, calm down buddy. Just tell us what you saw.”

The other officer began speaking for
his anxious partner. “We responded to the 10-10 that came over the
radio, expecting to find a fight in progress, but when we pulled
up, there were two people standing over the man in the alley. They
fled on foot when we flashed our lights."

Were they male or female?
Did you get a look at either one?” Ronowski asked.

They had on dark, baggy
clothes and hoodies. I radioed that both appeared to be about
five-six or five-seven. That’s all I got. My partner gave chase but
lost them when they separated. He called in a vague description and
came back to me here at the scene. I checked for a pulse and
radioed in the victim was DOA. The victim had sustained multiple
blows to the head.”

Was that your observation
or is this from the coroner?” God’s deep voice immediately followed
the green officer's report.

Everyone turned to look in their
direction. God and Day walked ahead of six of their men. Although
God was unapproachable and threatening, towering at almost five
inches taller than his partner, everyone knew how deadly Day could
be. Both men wore black shirts with the APD emblem over their left
pectoral. God had on black cargo pants, while Day wore tight, dark
denim jeans. God’s thigh length leather coat stretched tight over
his broad back and swayed along with the gold badge hanging from
his neck. Day’s tight red and black leather biker jacket looked
like he should’ve rolled up to the scene on a Ducati Diavel. If
anyone saw this group walking down the sidewalk, that they were
cops would be the last thing they'd think of. Thugs was more like

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