Read Engaging (Alluring Book 2) Online

Authors: Sarah Curtis

Tags: #rock star, #secret baby, #alpha male, #New Adult

Engaging (Alluring Book 2) (9 page)

Cassie gave him a glare, but she walked to a chair and sat her ass


Cassie sat on the swing on the front porch, enjoying the warm nighttime air.  A soft breeze blew, bringing with it the scent from the honeysuckle vines crawling along the side of the house.  Everyone was gone, the house was clean, and Logan was asleep curled around his new guitar that Gage had given him for his birthday.  Logan had a blast at his party so as far as she was concerned, today was a success. 

Gage stepped out the front door, carrying a beer in each hand.  Seriously, she couldn't get rid of him.  He sat on the swing next to her and handed her a beer.

"What are you doing here, Gage?"  She asked, taking a sip of her beer.

Gage gave a bark of laughter.  "Trying to get you to like me.  I figure if I hang around you long enough, I'll grow on you."

She gave him a
like that will ever happen
roll of her eyes.  "I meant, what are you doing in Vegas."

He gave her a surprised look.  "I live here.  I have a house in the Gable Estates.  I bought it four years ago.  The house has a studio, and the band does all it's recording there.  I'm here most of the year."  He continued even though she didn't say anything.  "We don't do world tours anymore.  Everyone has families now and like to stay close to home.  We only do short, few week tours, in the US a few times a year."

This was all very surprising to Cassie, but she kept her face passive.  She couldn't let these facts have any bearing on her decision to keep him at arms length.  Just because he was home most of the time now, didn't mean that she could trust her heart to him again.  There were a hundred other reasons to break up with someone.  Long distance wasn't the only factor. 

But a small voice in the back of her head kept nagging at her.  He had forgiven her for not telling him about Logan, shouldn't she forgive him his mistake in leaving her?  She wasn't sure what to do anymore.  The attraction she felt for him was still strong.  Anytime he touched her, her body went up in flames.  But was that enough for a relationship?  Because she sure as hell wasn't giving him her heart.

Cassie took another sip of her beer then set in down on the wicker side table.  She turned her body so she faced Gage.  "Listen, it would be petty of me to stay mad at you when you forgave me for not telling you about Logan.  Also, I want you to be a part of Logan's life, so you're welcome here anytime.  And we can be friends.  Maybe even friends with benefits but nothing more.  I'm not risking my heart on you again.  I just can't.  Can you be happy with that arrangement?"

Gage picked up her hand and held it tenderly.  "Okay, Sunshine, we'll do it your way, for now.  I won't hassle you about getting married, but I have a few conditions."

"And those are?"  She asked, trying to extract her hand from his grip, but he held on tight.

He gave her hand a squeeze.  "We're in an exclusive friends with benefits relationship, and I'm going to want a lot of benefits."

Cassie gave her hand another tug, but he still wouldn't let go.  She gave him a glare.  "That kind of defeats the whole friends with benefits idea, don't you think?"

"It is what it is, Sunshine.  I don't like to share."

"So, are you trying to tell me every relationship you've been in has been exclusive?"

Gage paused for a moment.  "Let me amend, I don't like to share you.  You're mine."

"This is ridiculous."

"You're damn right, it
ridiculous.  The whole
friends with benefits
thing is ridiculous, but I'm willing to give it a go, for

"Maybe the whole thing was a bad idea.  Maybe we shouldn't even be friends.  We can't seem to agree on anything."

"Oh no, we definitely agree on one thing.  We both like the idea of the benefits part."

"Yeah well, maybe I'm changing my mind about that, too.  You're not looking all that attractive at the moment."

Gage tugged her hand, causing her body to fly forward, colliding with his chest.  "What are you doing?"

"Proving you wrong."

He let her hand go and tangled his in her hair.  The other skimming down her back, drawing her body even closer to his.  He tilted his head and brought his mouth to hers.  It wasn't a gentle coaxing of his lips, but a ravenous attack.  His lips consumed hers.  His tongue did wicked things to the inside of her mouth, pulling a groan from her and causing very specific places to tingle.

His lips traveled along her jaw, stopping at her ear where he whispered, "I have never wanted something as much as I want you right now."

His words and five long years of not having such intimate contact with someone did crazy things to her mind and body.  "I want you, too," she whispered back.




Chapter Seven

Gage stood and pulled Cassie to her feet before scooping her into his arms.  He went into the house and straight back to her bedroom where he kicked the door shut with his heel and deposited her on the bed.  He followed her down, cradled her face in his hands, and stared intensely into her eyes.  "I dreamed of this but never thought my dream would become a reality."

Cassie wasn't sure how true that was, but they were pretty words, so for tonight, she would believe them.  She wrapped her arms and legs around Gage, bringing him closer.  She wanted to feel his weight covering her.  He kissed her then, long and deep and oh, so toe curling.

He scraped his fingers into her hair, tilting her head, giving him access to her neck.  God, that felt good.  He could do that all night, and she would be perfectly content.  Well, almost.  He didn't stay at her neck long.  His mouth was soon breathing short, hot pants into her ear.  His hands dived under her shirt, his fingers traveling over her ribcage.

"Are you wet for me, Sunshine?  Are you ready for my cock?"

Cassie whimpered.  His words created more wetness between her legs, and she knew she was more than ready for him.

He whipped her shirt over her head.  Her bra was mostly lace, mostly see-through, and Gage growled when he saw it.  He enveloped her breasts with his hands and squeezed.  She arched into his hold silently pleading for more.  He unclasped her bra and sucked her nipple into his mouth, slowly twirling it with his tongue, and nipping at it lightly with his teeth.

"Gage please, it's been so long."  She practically groaned.

"Okay, baby, I'll take care of you."  He reached down and unfastened her jeans, diving his hand in and hitting the target first go.  She didn't want to even think about how he knew how to do that so well.  She was just going to enjoy reaping the benefits.

He leaned over, taking her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard while at the same time spearing her with his fingers.  And that was all it took.  She shattered, coming hard.  He softly licked her breast while slowly fingering her, gradually bringing her down.

Gage lifted his head.   "I want you to do that again."

"I don't know if I have another one in me,"  Cassie said, feeling totally relaxed.

"We'll see."  He gave her a cocky grin before stripping her of her jeans.  She helped him pull off his T-shirt.  He sat on the side of the bed, removed his boots and socks, then shucked his jeans.  He came back to her, covering her with his body.  It felt wonderful, skin against skin.  She trailed her fingers up the hard muscles of his arms then down the sleek skin of his back. 

Not wanting to ruin the mood, but knowing someone had to voice this, she asked, "Do you have protection?"

Gage stopped nibbling on her neck and raised his head.  "I didn't think to bring any.  I didn't exactly plan this.  I promise you, I'm clean."

Cassie shook her head.  "I'm not on birth control."

Gage dipped his forehead to hers and sighed.  "Monday, you go to the doctor and get on something.  I'll take whatever test you want and in the meantime, I'll be sure to keep a condom in my wallet."

Cassie couldn't help but feel the evidence of his arousal resting against her stomach.  She gave it a little nudge.  "But what about you?"

"Sunshine, I'm a thirty-year-old man.  This will not be the first time I've gone to bed with a hard-on.  I will survive."

"I can take care of it for you."

He gave her a light kiss on the lips.  "After waiting five years for this, I want to come in your pussy, not your mouth.  Although, coming in your mouth at a future date is definitely an option I want to keep on the table."  Gage reached under them and pushed down the covers before flipping them back up to cover them.  He reached over, turned off the bedside lamp, then scooped her back into his arms.

Cassie snuggled close to Gage.  She rested her head on his shoulder, draped her arm across his stomach, and entwined her legs with his.  It had been a long time since she'd had a body to wrap herself around, and she had to admit, it didn't suck.  She held Gage just a little tighter and sighed.  This was another one of those things she didn't want to get used to, but for tonight, she would enjoy it.  She closed her eyes and felt sleep sucking her in.

"I want to tell Logan I'm his dad."

"We'll tell him tomorrow," she said, sleepily.

She felt Gage release a long breath and relax into the bed.  The arm cradling her tightened in a quick squeeze.  "Thank you."

She thought it was a little strange that he was thanking her, but she was too tired to inquire about it.  That was the last thought she remembered before she fell into a deep sleep.

* * * * *

Gage lay awake, listing to the distant sounds of dogs barking and the not so distant sound of Cassie's gentle breathing.  He'd spoken the truth when he told Cassie he'd dreamed of this moment, holding her in his arms.  He just never thought his dream would become a reality.  That it had, was something he wouldn't take for granted.  This time, he would hold on tight and never let go. 

She didn't trust him, and he could understand that, but he would prove to her he wasn't that same stupid kid he had been before.  He would prove to her he was a man in love with his woman.  Yes, he loved her.  He had never stopped, and he would do whatever it took to win back her heart.

He was relieved she was willing to share with Logan that he was his father.  Not knowing her thoughts, he had worried she wouldn't want to tell Logan just yet.  He wanted them to get married, to become a family.  Not just so Logan would have his name, but so Cassie shared his name as well.  He wanted them to belong to him, and he wanted to belong to them.  His eyes drifted shut, Cassie's slow, steady breaths lulling him to sleep.  His last thought, before he drifted off, was any day that ended with Cassie in his arms, was a good day.

* * * * *

Cassie felt the bed dip and a warm body hit her back.  Soon, a little face appeared above her.  Cassie tucked the covers under her armpits, never more aware of being naked.

"Did you and Gage have a sleepover?"

Cassie picked her head up and looked at the clock.  Five of five.  She heard Gage groan.  She looked over at him.  He had one eye open.  "It's not even light out yet."

Cassie giggled.  "Welcome to my world."

Logan crawled over Cassie and sprawled on top of Gage.  "What's ya doing here?"

"I was sleeping."  Gage stretched his arm out and turned on the bedside lamp, dislodging Cassie's head from his shoulder.

Cassie got up on an elbow and squinted into the light.  "Why don't you go into the living room and turn on your cartoons, so Gage and I can get dressed.  Then I'll make you some breakfast."

"Can I have French toast?"



"Shh, Aunt Laurie is still sleeping.  Now, go on.  We'll be out in a minute."

Logan scooted off the bed and ran out the door, leaving it wide open behind him.  Cassie sighed.  Gage chuckled.  "Don't worry, I'll shut it."  He got up, picked his jeans off the floor, and slid them on.  He closed the bedroom door before heading to the bathroom.

Cassie got out of bed and went to the dresser.  She got out a pair of panties, a bra, and a T-shirt and slid them on before going to the closet for a pair of jeans.  Gage came out of the bathroom just as she did up the button.  He came at her from behind, his hands hit her stomach and she froze.

His lips hit her ear as he whispered, "You got dressed already."  He drew her body closer, his hands roaming higher.  "I missed the exciting part."

"What part is that?"  Cassie asked, leaning back closer to his bare chest.

"You walking around the bedroom naked."

"Believe me, that's not the exciting part.  I'm not nineteen anymore and have the body of someone that's had a child."

Gage gave her breast a squeeze.  "I think you're perfect.  I love the curves.  I think they're sexy."

"You think that's sexy, wait until you see the stretch marks."

Gage moved his arms back to her waist and lifted her, walking over to the bed.  He flipped her around and pushed her onto the bed.  She landed on her back with a huff.

"What are you doing?"  She asked, as he unfastened her jeans.

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