Read Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Six-Alarm Sexy Book Two

Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) (9 page)

“Subs, chips, and drinks.” She turned and glanced around his office, a frown growing between her brows. He followed her gaze, noting the custom Caldwell desk, cabinets, and bookshelves. “But uh… it seems a little too pedestrian for your décor.” She rolled her eyes and tried to pull out of his embrace. “This was such a

Why did she keep doing this?
Narrowing his gaze, he tunneled his fingers through her long soft hair and gripped her nape. “Have you forgotten the stipulation to our agreement?”

“The what?”

“You agreed to stop putting yourself down.” He lowered his head, pausing when their lips were a mere breath away, and whispered, “For the record, I’m
happy you came to see me.”

Her lips parted as if she were going to respond, but he didn’t give her a chance. He melded their mouths together, his tongue sweeping against hers in an erotic dance that brought back all his pent-up desire in seconds. His cock hardened at the taste of her, the scent of her, the feel of her in his arms. Her moans flowed through him, fueling him. He needed to touch her, to have her skin against his. Now.

After a quick glance to make sure the door was closed, he dragged her around his desk and sat in his chair. Her eyes blazed as she straddled his lap. No words were spoken. No words were needed. His hunger for her had to be as evident as hers for him.

Wrapping his hands around her slim waist, he yanked her against his chest. His cock nestled at the apex of her thighs. She ground against him, increasing the pressure, driving them both mad. “I love seeing you in uniform,” he murmured against her lips. The dark blue of her house pants and shirt set off the creaminess of her skin, and her eyes stood out like two perfect Godiva chocolates.

“Wait until you see me in my bunker gear,” she teased, and he wanted to eat her all over again.

But Danielle seemed to have something different in mind. She squeezed her hands between their bodies and began to tug at his belt. “I love seeing you in these fancypants suits. Do you have any idea how hot you look? Those Armani models have nothing on you.”

She paused in her efforts to undress him and traced the erection that ruined the perfect line of his trousers. He groaned and laughed at the same time. “I’ve got a lot of suits.”

“Thank God.” Leaning in, she licked his chin and pressed her lips to his in a scorching kiss that threatened to make him explode on the spot. Finished with his belt, she popped the button and went to work on his zipper.

When her hand slipped inside his pants and snaked down to grip his cock, he let his head fall back. A groan tore through his clenched teeth. “Your hand feels so fucking good.”

Her chuckle had his eyes snapping open. “What?”

“You cursed again. It’s cute.”

This was the second time she’d laughed at him about swearing. Did she think he was a wimp? Not as tough as her firefighter coworkers? Perhaps it was time to teach her a lesson, give her a taste of the man beneath the veneer. “
, Ms. Harris?” he said, pinning her with a glare, his voice low and controlled. “Would you like to know what I plan to do to you?”

Her smile faded.

“I’m going spread you out on my desk and pound my cock into your sweet pussy. I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll scream. So hard you’ll come until you’ve got absolutely nothing left.” With her legs wrapped around his waist, he pushed to his feet and shoved his papers aside as he lowered her to the polished surface of his desk. “Still think I’m

Eyes-wide, mouth slack, she shook her head. He fought the urge to grin.


Yanking the hem of her shirt up, he exposed her breasts, encased in a serviceable cotton bra. The peaked nipples poked through the slim white material, making his mouth water. “So beautiful.” He lowered his head, eager to suck one into his mouth when a noise at the door caught his attention.

Reality crashed back as he heard Larissa calling after Torval, who was no doubt beelining for the door.

“Quick, under the desk.” He helped Danielle up and pointed to the enclosed space at his feet.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

She rolled her eyes, then crawled under the desk. He dropped into his chair and scooted forward, careful to avoid kneeing her in the face. He was going to hell for this, and Danielle would be the one to point out the way.

Grabbing the stack of papers he’d shoved aside earlier, he spread them out in front of him and pretended to read. When Torval barged into the office, slamming the door against the wall, William pasted a surprised look on his face.

A harried Larissa followed close on Torval’s footsteps. “Sir, I tried to stop him.”

She stepped farther into the office and seemed as though she were coming to stand beside him, her usual place in meetings. “No!” he said, practically shouting. She froze, shocked by his outburst. He swallowed and lowered his voice. “I’ll take care of this, Larissa. Thank you.”

Under the desk, Danielle’s hands fumbled with his trousers. Good idea. Last thing he needed was for the union leader to catch him with his pants down. He could only imagine the headlines: “CFO caught jacking off on company time.” And if Torval discovered Danielle hidden beneath his desk? He shuddered. The President of the United States might have survived it, but William wouldn’t.

As soon as Larissa exited the office, Torval moved forward, brandishing what appeared to be the talking points memo William had sent him that morning. “Caldwell, I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”

“I don’t have much time. What’s the pr—”

Cool air hit his cock, and all ability to speak or even form thoughts, disappeared as Danielle’s hot, wet lips closed over his own

Was this hell? It sure felt like heaven.



Thought he’d hide her under his desk, did he? Thought she’d quietly follow his orders, did he? Ha! Just went to prove he didn’t know her at all. Trapped and cramped, her ego more than a little bruised, Dani got to work. She’d tease him a little and satisfy her own curiosity at the same time. She gripped Will’s very erect cock at the base and slowly swirled her tongue around the swollen head, dipping into the slit for a taste of him. Will’s quad muscle tightened under her hand.

Oh yeah, Mr. CFO. You’re going to pay for this.

Will cleared his throat. “On second thought, I’m a little busy right now. Make an appointment with Larissa and we’ll talk later in the day.”

A little busy?
She’d show him a little busy. Dani ran her tongue along the shaft, using her teeth to gently nip here and there. When she swiped at the underside of his cock in that sensitive spot all men had, he gasped.
She fought to keep from doing a fist pump.

She heard something—the bag of food?—hit the desk above her head, then some shuffling and the groaning of wood as Will’s guest settled into a chair. “We’re talking now,” Torval said.

Will tensed and his voice sounded strained. “You’ve got two minutes.”

“I’ve got as long as I need,” Torval shot back.

Dani bristled for Will at the man’s tone. Why was Will taking this guy’s shit? Who was he anyway? She rubbed Will’s thigh to show her support. Her heart seemed to burst with warmth when he reached under the desk and threaded his fingers in her hair.

“Get started. You’ve got one minute and forty-five seconds,” Will said in

A surge of need washed over her and she was suddenly desperate to taste him, to please him, to please herself. And despite the tension in the office, Will’s cock was still fully engorged and fully engaged. Unable to resist the temptation, she kissed and nibbled her way down his erection to the root, then made her way back up to the crown.

“These talking points are unacceptable. Only a three-percent salary increase a year for the next three years? The union members will never vote for this.”

“It’s what we can afford.” Will’s fingers tightened in her hair.

“We demand three-and-a-half percent the first two years, then five percent the third year.”

Poor Will.
Union negotiations were such a pain in the ass. She loved her union, but she hated all the haggling. Wanting to ease his struggles, she opened her mouth and loosened her throat before swallowing him deep. He shoved his other hand into her hair and gripped her head.

His voice strangled, Will said, “That’s not going to—”

When his cock hit the back of her throat, he cut himself off and she heard the grinding of his teeth. She pressed her tongue against him and slowly pulled back. He groaned, then coughed in an obvious attempt to cover it up. Had Torval heard it?

No one spoke.

Will let go of her head and clutched the armrests of his chair. She didn’t move. Just waited.

“Three-point-five percent isn’t going to happen,” Will continued after several long moments. “I’ve run the numbers and Caldwell Fine Furnishings can’t afford more than three percent. If the union forces us higher, there will be layoffs.”

“You make it sound like we’re in financial trouble.”

Will blew out a stuttering breath that had Dani’s chest aching in sympathy. She knew how much the company meant to him and his family. “The budget is very tight.”

Guilt made her stomach queasy. This conversation was getting way too serious, and Will certainly didn’t need to be distracted by her teasing. What the hell had she been thinking anyway? This was his workplace. His
business. They weren’t conducting a scene, for Christ’s sake. This was
real life
. Shit. She sat back on her heels and released Will’s cock, cringing at the slight popping sound.

Torval snorted.

“What?” Will snapped.

“The company’s budget may be tight, but you certainly don’t seem to be hurting. I guess a CFO makes good money.”

“You know I didn’t accept the CFO salary when I took this job.”

Now this was interesting. Will certainly enjoyed fine things. How did he afford them if he wasn’t being paid a full salary?

“Even more curious then, wouldn’t you say?” Apparently, Torval had the same question.

Given the tight quarters, Dani felt Will’s entire body stiffen like a used hose left in the cold. “What are you implying, Torval?”

Torval chuckled, the nasty sound pissing Dani off. What was the bastard getting at? Just when Will’s legs had tensed to the point where she was sure he was going to spring on his unfortunate employee—and what a sight that would have been with his equipment hanging out—Torval added, “Relax, Chief. It was a simple observation.”

Relieved, Dani let out the breath she’d been holding. Right onto Will’s still-exposed cock. Oops! He hissed and thrust into her mouth.

“You okay, Caldwell?” Torval asked.

She massaged Will’s thighs and accepted his demands, taking him deep. Unbelievably, his cock seemed to grow even longer and thicker in her mouth, and it pulsed like a heartbeat. She eased back until her lips were wrapped around the tip, then swallowed him again. His musky taste excited her, invaded her mind. Would that Torval dude never leave?

Will’s knuckles were white against the dark wood of his chair. “This meeting is over,” he ground out. “Next time we talk, it will be in the presence of CFF’s lawyers. Now get out of my office.”

A rustling sound indicated that the other man had risen. She hoped he’d make a quick exit. Will was close, so close. Coming in the presence of the union leader would not help Will’s case at all. Although… Shit. That was sexy. Damp heat warmed her thighs. She wanted to be the one watching Will. To slip off his pinstriped suit jacket, to loosen his silk tie and unbutton the designer shirt that probably cost more than her rent. She wanted to see if his face darkened when he came, if he kept his eyes open or if he closed them. Did he make any noise? Did he shout, or just groan deep in his throat as hot jets shot from his cock?

There were so many things she wanted to know about him, and not only what he was like in the bedroom—or in the office as the case may be. She wanted to learn about his past. Why he was so different from his brothers, why he’d wanted to be an accountant, what he did to relax, what foods he preferred. What his dreams were. And whether she had any place in them.

Dani slid her tongue around the cock stretching her mouth and stifled a moan. She was in way over her head with this man. Questions like these would get her only one thing—trouble.

Chapter 6



The office door slammed, startling Dani. She jerked and her teeth closed on Will’s cock. Not tenderly, but rather… involuntarily.
She released him and ran her fingers over his length, searching for any injuries.

Moaning, he grabbed her hands and his thighs flexed as he pushed the chair back. “Get up here,” he practically growled.

A shiver skittered over her skin as Dani stumbled out from under the desk, off-balance without the use of her hands to steady her. Was he pissed? His face was tense, the flesh tight over his cheekbones and jutting jaw. A muscle jumped in his cheek. But his eyes? They burned. Now it was her turn to suck in air. Her blood turned molten as she took in the sight of a fully aroused Will. How had Torval not known what was going on? He had to be the least observant turd on the planet.

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