Read Falling For The Player Online

Authors: Leanne Claremont

Falling For The Player (6 page)

“Hi Meg,” she answered trying to sound normal knowing full well Meg might have found out about last night.

“Hello, I’ve heard you have been a naughty girl.” Meg giggled.

“What have I done?” Imogen replied sitting back knowing it could be a long phone call as Meg was persistent in trying to get gossip.

“Well I heard on the grapevine that you were at Aaron’s house.”

“I have no idea what you are on about!” Imogen decided to have some fun with Meg and make her beg for information.

“Yes you do. You spent the night with Aaron. I want details.”

“Well I don’t have details as I wasn’t there.”

Imogen smiled to herself hoping her nose wouldn’t grow.

“Come on, please tell me.”


“Why not?”

“Because it’s my private business.”

“But you always tell me.”

“No I don’t.” Imogen laughed.

“Spoilsport,” Meg pouted, “Can’t you give me a little bit of detail.”

Imogen urmed and arhed, “Well he was a nice car.”

Meg burst out laughing, “Does it compensate for something?”

Imogen laughed along with Meg, “No it doesn’t.”

“So he’s big?”

“God you are relentless. All I will say is that I enjoyed myself and I won’t answer any more questions.”

“Ok that will do for now, but I won’t give up.”

“I know but I’m just as stubborn.”

“True. Can I persuade you to come to the game Friday night, I got a spare ticket and you can see Aaron in action.”

Imogen had an image of a sweaty and dirty Aaron come to mind and it made her hot and needy. It would be interesting watching Aaron in action and find out what Meg was on about all the time.

“I will come.”

“Yay, I will ring you during the week to make plans.”

“Ok talk to you later.” Imogen hung up and tried to get back to work but Aaron was invading her mind once again.

It was going to be on interesting week thinking about seeing Aaron again.

What would happen, would he be happy about seeing her. She shook her head and tried to work for the rest of the day.

Chapter 6


Imogen sat enthralled as her and Meg sat in their seats at Headingley stadium waiting for the game to begin. It was the first time she had come to a game.

She had the opportunity before, but never being a big fan of any sports she had always declined. Now that she met Aaron she wanted to see him in action.

Meg was telling Imogen from their seats in the North Stand she would have a good view of Aaron during the half where they attacked towards the East Stand. Imogen was trying to understand what Meg was telling her about the game but most of it went over her head.

She was just enjoying the atmosphere and the pre-game entertainment. There was a huge cheer as the players came out for their warm up. When she caught sight of Aaron her heart did a little leap which she was starting to get used to. The team started the warm up in front of their seats. Aaron was wearing a tight training t-shirt and shorts and her mouth watered at the sight of him.

She wondered if Aaron would know if she was there or not and if he would be happy about it. Their seats were a few rows back but still close enough to see everything. Imogen spotted Neil and Kyle, both of them also looking good in their kit. She was starting to understand why Meg enjoyed coming to the games.

The display of pure strong men was thrilling and heart stopping. There was another big cheer when the team went back in to finish preparing for the game. It wasn’t long before the cheerleaders come back out, spread out to cheer the team for the start of the game. The teams set up and it looked like the Leeds team were attacking towards the West Stand as Aaron was on the other side of the field. The whistle started the game and the players started forward.

As the game progressed Imogen was soon engaged in the game asking Meg loads of questions about what was happening. Also she loved the atmosphere from the stand opposite where the fans were the loudest and really livened up the stadium.

“So what’s happening now?” Imogen asked the same question what felt like the millionth time as the teams seemed to be at a standstill at the other end of the pitch.

“They are waiting to see if Kyle’s try was a valid one.” Meg explained.

“What do you mean?”

“The referee couldn’t see if Kyle got the ball down or not, so they went to video ref for confirmation.”

As Imogen tried to absorb that information, video referee’s decision was displayed up on the big screen and stadium erupted into a cheer and clapping as the players went back to the their starting positions. She saw Aaron on the big screen clapping Kyle on the back as they walked back up the field.

There was another cheer and Imogen turned to Meg to ask the question but Meg cut in, “That is for Neil kicking the conversion over.”

Imogen smiled, “Thanks I am completely hopeless at sports.”

“That’s ok but I am sure Aaron will be happy to give you pointers.” Meg smiled but Imogen just rolled her eyes.

She tried to follow the game but she was clueless. The only way she worked out if the game was going well was by the cheers and boos from the crowd. After half time it was time for Leeds to attack towards the
Stand. Meaning Aaron would be in front of them when they were at that end of the field. It seemed she wasn’t going to have much luck seeing Aaron in action as they spent most of the first 15 minutes down at the other end before there was a break and Leeds charged up the field. She saw on the screen Aaron catching the ball and running up field and dodging the opposite team players before scoring a try in front of them.

Imogen couldn’t help herself and got up to cheer along with everyone else. She hollered and cheered as Aaron celebrated with his team mates.

She then watched Neil line up to take the conversion kick and sensed Meg tense as Neil ran up and connected the ball and watched it go over the goal scoring another
conversion putting Leeds 12 points ahead of Hull. The rest of the game passed with Hull scoring a try and then Leeds scoring again making the final score 30-18 to Leeds.

Imogen thoroughly enjoyed her first game even though she didn’t really know what was happening in most of it, but it was still engaging and entertaining. Even the roughness in parts where the players tackled each other had her gasping and cheering for the Leeds players to get the better of the Hull players.

“Well what did you think?” Meg asked as she lead them to the players’ lounge to wait for the guys.

“Loved it, even though I didn’t understand what was going on.”

“Don’t worry, it took me years and I still don’t understand everything and been coming to the games for years.”

“Well I think I might have to come to some more games.”

Meg laughed at that, “It’s easy to get hooked watching. You don’t have to understand everything to enjoy the game.”

Imogen sat down as Meg said hellos to the other wives and girlfriends that came up to the bar.

She took a sip of her lager as she waited and looked round the room which just looked like any other bar but with rugby memorabilia hanging on the walls.

She felt nervous at seeing Aaron again and Meg was busy talking to the others, so she couldn’t ease her nerves talking to Meg. She wondered how he would react to her being here especially as she kind of ran away again the week before.

She saw the players start to come in and she kept an eye on the door waiting for Aaron to come in. When he appeared in the doorway laughing with Neil her heart started beating wildly and hands become clammy and she had to wipe them on her blue jeans. Just seeing him had her pussy pulsing in need which she never felt before with her ex. Aaron was different and her body seemed to reacting to him every time she saw him. She watched Neil and Aaron spot Meg and greeted her and it seemed like a lifetime before Aaron spotted her. When his eyes landed on her, she gave him a nervous smile and he lit up in response before walking towards her.

Watching him coming towards her had her body melting. His tight black t-shirt and blue jeans showed off his muscular build which she was starting to love. Her ex was half the size and now making her think he wasn’t man enough for her. She was luckily to escape and find this man that was looking at her with hunger in his eyes. Aaron was certainly making her feel attractive.

“Hi,” she greeted him as she stood up on shaking legs.

“Hi, this is a nice surprise.” Aaron hugged her and her body welcomed his hold.

“Well Meg had a spare ticket and I thought I would find out what goes on and find out what the big fuss is.”

He smiled, “Well what do you think?”

“Still not too sure, it look very brutal and confusing but I enjoyed myself.”

“Good, I will have to explain the rules to you sometime. Did you want a drink?”

She looked down at her empty glass and picked it up, “Yes please, another half of lager.”

“Be back in a minute.”

She sat back down, pleased that it went well and she spotted Meg looking at her mischievously and she just ignored her.

“Here you go,” Aaron placed her drink on the table in front of her and sat down.

Aaron was shocked to see he here as he found out through Neil that Imogen hated sports. So to find her sitting in his club’s players’ lounge was surprising and pleasing as he hoped it was because she wanted to see him. He was extremely pleased as he had a brilliant game.

“How are you?” He asked as he moved his seat closer to her so no one could overhear them, as he noticed Neil, Meg and Kyle were hovering. Glad his brother wasn’t here as he would have butt in by now.

“Good, thanks. Be better in a couple of weeks.”

“Why is that?”

“School will be finished for the summer. How about you?”

“Well seeing you makes me feel a lot better.”

“Oh really, why’s that?” Imogen asked while taking a sip of lager.

Aaron laughed, “It’s always good to see a beautiful woman.”

Imogen blushed, “Thank you, you charmer. I bet you say that to every woman.”

Aaron leaned closer, “Not everyone just the ones I’m interested in.”

Imogen warmed with need and she really wanted to kiss him but laughter behind them brought her back to reality. Aaron moved back as one of his team mates came over.

“You going to introduce us, Aaron?” His make asked.

“Imogen, this is Mickey, Mickey this is Imogen.” He turned to Imogen, “Do not believe anything he says or spend any time with him. He’s trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?” Imogen asked jokily.

“The trouble where women aren’t safe as he charms them into bed.”

“Nonsense, it’s all lies.” Mickey laughed as he sat down and Aaron sighed with annoyance as he wanted to be alone with Imogen.

He quickly finished off his pint as Imogen finished her drink and before Mickey could engage them more into a conversation, Aaron grabbed Imogen’s hand and pull her up.

“See you later Mickey,” and walked out with Imogen behind him.

He didn’t miss any of the looks from his friends as he left.

He wanted to take Imogen home and spend the night exploring her body again.

As they reached outside and got to his car, he apologised, “I’m sorry for dragging you out.”

“It’s ok, well I better get going.”

Aaron didn’t want her to leave again. “Do you have to?”

Aaron felt nervous waiting for her response and it seemed like ages before she did.

“No, but you can join me at mine for a drink.”

Aaron hardened at the thought of being truly alone with Imogen again. He pulled her into his arms, “You sure?”


“Good,” he bent his lips to hers to seal the plans but as soon as he did, he wanted more and teased his tongue along her lips wanting her to open up for him. When she did he didn’t waste any time and delved in and hungrily took her mouth. He cheered when she responded and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her tighter and felt her full breasts squashing against his chest and he couldn’t wait to get his hands and mouth on them. He very nearly took her right there and then, but laughter and whistling made him step away from Imogen and release her from his grip.

“We better get going,” he opened the card door for her and waited for her to get in before getting in and driving off. He couldn’t stop seeing some of his team mates standing by the door laughing and waving at him. He just gave them the bird and drove towards Imogen’s flat.

They arrived at Imogen’s and she led him inside. He was shocked when he walked into her flat as he thought it would be girly but it was very neutral and plain with a few decorations dotted around. The main thing that took over the place was the three very full bookcases across one wall.

“You like reading?”

Imogen looked over, “Yes, I’m an English teacher so I have to read loads for work and then I love reading other books as well.”

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