Finding Sweetness (Sweet series) (4 page)


Chapter 2 {one years later}

Yaz woke up to the sound of something hitting her window. Yawning she sat up and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up. Looking over at her alarm
clock she glanced over at her window with a frown on her face. It was 1:00am in the freaking morning. She already knew who it was. Standing up slowly she stretched and walked towards the window, pushing the thick drapes back, she unlocked the window and pushed it up. She leaned out and looked down at the boy she had, had so many dreams about. Too chicken to tell him how she really felt about him she committed to staying in the safe friend zone only with him. Umm…she wondered how he managed to sneak out this time without getting caught. His father was not a nice man and his poor mother coped with a racist husband that couldn’t stand black people let alone other races. To him white was right, and the rest of us should burn in hell. She was scared for Alton; if his father caught him here he would beat him for sure. Whispering, she said …what are you doing here at this ungodly hour? Why aren’t you asleep? I’m not sleepy, now come down here I want to show you something. What is it? It’s a surprise, hurry up! You don’t have to be so bossy about it! Hey I am older than you so that makes me “he pointed his thumb at his chest” the boss he said smirking. Oh yea…forget it, I’m going back to bed, show me whatever it is… at a decent hour. Lord knows she wanted him to go back home before his father checked his room. She stared to turn from the window, his voice although it was no more above a whisper held authority… Yazmine Danielle Carmichael don’t leave your best “boyfriend” standing out here looking like a fool when all he wants to do is give you something for your birthday at the time you were born! She paused, closed her eyes “thinking that was so him to remember the exact time she had told him she was born” she turned back around she watched him rake his fingers through his hair and look back up at her with pleading eyes. How could she deny him, ugh… give me a minute to get dressed you big baby she said shaking her head and smiling. She quickly dressed, eased passed her parent’s room then quietly crept down the stairs and out the back door. He was standing there waiting for her. He held his hand out for her and she took it, intertwining her fingers with his they took off running. They made it to the hidden old run down shack by the railroad tracks that he and her brother called a man cave in record time. He unlocked the door and held it open for her. She didn’t move. She looked at him then at the sign that was nailed to the door. She put one hand on her hip and pointed to the sign” I thought you and my idiot brother said that only girls with big boobies and a nice rounded butt were only allowed inside”? Even though she thought that was such a stupid rule she looked down at her small breast then back at him. He grinned… glanced at her butt and shrugged “one out of two isn’t bad.” She pinched him, “ouch” just kidding… your beautiful you know that! Even a blind man could see that. He brushed the back of his hand down her cheek. They both stood there with their eyes locked on one another. Over the last couple of weeks he had become more “touchy feely” with her and even though she liked it he never outright said how he really felt about her. She assumed, it was his way of letting her know how he felt, without really having said the words she longed to her. She turned away first and stepped inside. Wow, she had never been inside before. He and his friends always made her stand outside and talk to them through the door. Idiots… she thought to herself. Over the years her brother had formed some sort of pact with Alton and they had each other’s back in secret. It was dark inside, she couldn’t see anything. Hold on he said. He moved around her and started lighting some candles. As the room lit up she gasped. Alton…wh… how? You did all of this for me? He had made a big happy birthday banner and decorated the room with balloons and streamers. On the table were two cups, a bottle of apple juice… her favorite juice and one gigantic cup cake with a candle stuck in the center of it. He lead her over to the table and pulled out her chair,” it’s not every day you turn 18. He pushed her up to the table and then sat in his chair he took out a lighter and lit the candle. Okay he said… close your eyes and make wish. If he only knew, she had already made a wish that would most likely never come true, still she closed her eyes and made the wish again. Before she could open her eyes she felt something press against her lips. Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped. Alton took that opportunity to slip his tongue inside her mouth to taste her fully. He hadn’t had the opportunity to kiss her in while. They had, had to stop seeing each other for a while due to his extracurricular activities with the brotherhood. He hadn’t wanted her to see him afterwards after some of things he had been forced to do. Since his father was pimping  him out he would always go to the health department and have himself checked out. Alton’s head was so fucked up with some of the shit the brotherhood tried to instill in him about black people, but every time he looked at Yaz all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms, he could never hate her for being black, hell he could never hate her at all. Yaz’s moans bought him back to the present, he hadn’t realized he had moved from his chair and was now kneeling in front of her, one hand gripping her hair and the other hand wrapped firmly around her waist. He pulled back enough for them to suck in some air. He knew this was going to be their last kiss. Touching her lips with his fingers it killed him knowing that a lot of men wanted Yaz, be it black, white, or other but she never gave any of them the time of day. Thank the lord! He had wanted to be the first and only one to have her. He nibbled her lower lip a few seconds longer before he released her and moved back to his chair. She had a heated look in her eyes, as if she wanted more, but didn’t know what to do about it. She was still a virgin, that he knew, but tonight was not that night she was only 18 he had just turned 21. Yes his dumb as had failed a few times for skipping class so many times. He was wrong to have kissed her but he had to taste her lips again before he moved back home. His father had taken another leading role in the Neo Nazi brotherhood and decided it was time to go back to his hometown to start recruiting more followers, the bastard! He had forced him attend some of those fucking sessions with him. If he didn’t he would threaten to beat his mother in front of him and then blame him for it and turn around and pound on him for making him threaten to beat his own wife. His father hated him as is…he had already caught him walking home from school with Yaz then proceeded to kick his ass in from front of her. She had yelled and screamed at his father to stop, but being the asshole William Sr. was he just continued to pummel him with his fist even more. After he was done beating the shit out him, his father had turned to Yaz and told her that if she didn’t stay away from his son that he would kill her nigger ass and bury her body where no one would ever find her. Yaz… God bless her soul straightened her back held her head up high and told his father with a clipped tone in her voice to kiss her black ass; and that his son was not a racist like he was! He would always have a place in her heart, home and among her family and friends no matter what color he was, she had screamed. Half smiling she poked her finger in his dad’s chest and told him she would stay away from Alton when hell froze over. She then preceded to bend down and place a kiss on his bloody head apologized for the pain his father caused him and apologized again for her not being able to take the pain away, then she turned and ran away with tears in her eyes. She had stood up to his father for him no one but his mother had ever stood up for him before. His father had turned back to him and kicked him some more then drug him back to their home and made him scrub his skin almost raw with a brillo pad screaming that s
he probably gave him a disease. Alton… hello… earth to Alton. He shook his head again to snap back to the present “sorry sweetness that kiss has my mind all messed up.” She actually blushed and ducked her head down. Damn him but he pulled her to him and sat her on his lap. Alton, I… I liked it very much. She touched her lips and smiled I loved it actually. I didn’t think you wanted …she clamped her mouth shut. Yaz, look at me; he tilted her chin up so that she was looking at him. I thoroughly enjoyed kissing you. I’ve wanted to do that again for a very long time. His thumb brushed her lip. I care about you so very much, more than you know. She smiled. He leaned in again and took her lips in a blistering kiss that would be seared in his mind forever. He then laid her down and slowly pushed up her dress. She didn’t have any panties on.  Shit Yaz? She tried to clamp her legs together but he wouldn’t allow her. Woman what are doing to me?  He bought her leg up to his mouth and kissed them all the way down to her the most sacred part of her. He stilled and looked up at her. Please Yaz please let me taste you. I’ve never done this before. I’ll take care of you I promise. She nodded her approval and before she could brace herself for the onslaught of his tongue, he swept down spreading her pussy lips and licked all the way up to her clit and back down again. Yaz shook from head to toe. She threaded her hands into his hair and held on for dear life. He came back up and suckled her clit and she thought she would die! She had never felt this feeling before…Alton I…I… let go sweetness, let go. Then he did something with his teeth and tongue at the same time that had her flying apart and she called out his name as he pulled on her clit with his lips. Alton lapped up her sweet cream and wanted more. Her entire body shook uncontrollably… He continued to lightly suckle her clit until all the tremors in her body stopped. … He slowly slid her dress back into place and pulled her to him. He closed his eyes…it was now or never. I have something to tell you. Something in his voice made the words, “something” sound very distant. He ran his hands once again through his hair. He couldn’t look at her “we’re moving back home in two weeks.”  She pushed away from him and stood up on shaky legs shocked. What… In two weeks?  You’re leaving… her insides started twisting, tears formed in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Alton stood and pulled her to him. Yaz… don’t… we can talk on the phone every day, write letters to each other hell… once I save enough money I will buy a car of my own and then I can drive down to visit with you as often as I can. She shook her head and pushed away from him again. Your father will not allow that! You know that she screamed! He will do anything to keep you away from other races, to keep you away from black people… to keep you away from me. She had to tell him how she felt about him maybe he would stay. Alton, please don’t go. You don’t have to go with them. My grandmother has a small apartment above her house she will let you stay there for as long as you need to. I will help you look for a job… I can even ask my dad if he has any openings at their bike shop. Please don’t go. I have to Yaz, it’s a lot going on that you don’t know about me… about my family. Her
dad knew everything, he had confided in him and Rodney, and they understood what he needed to do. She didn’t know that his dad beat his mother on occasions. He never hit her in the face it was always on her body. He had to protect his mother. He had to protect Yaz… his father was dead serious, he would kill her or he would have a member of the brotherhood to do it quietly, he couldn’t allow that to happen to either of them. He wanted to stay, to be with Yaz, she would start college soon, and he would miss her. Hell, if it were not for her, he would not have graduated. He owed her a lot, which was why he had to go because if anything happened to her he would go to jail for killing the motherfucker who dared to harm her. I’m sorry Yaz… but I’m leaving with them. The tears poured from her eyes, now she was angry! She pounded her fist on her chest” am I not worth staying for” she yelled! I would do any to help you! She reached for him then screamed …”I love you” Alton please, please do not leave me! Hold on to me and I will hold  you harder, bring me your problems and I swear I will listen, tell me what you need and I promise I will do my best to give it to you, love me and I will always love you back…you have held my heart for so long, I need you. There it was… what he had longed to hear. He had been too much of a coward to express how he really felt about her. Now he was going to break her heart. Letting her go and walking back to the table he said…I have too Yaz my family needs me right now. You would actually go with your father and continue to let him… she turned away from him. She couldn’t even say it. She would never forget his father beating him in the street for walking her home from school. Then it dawned on her that she had been the cause of some of those beatings. Alton would sometimes tell her to stay away from him but she would always manage to sneak and see him but someone was always watching every move Alton made and his dad would find out and beat him some more for it. Maybe he was right… he needed to leave, maybe his dad would stop beating on him. She headed for the door to leave but then turned back to him… I’ll always love you Alton never forget that. Don’t ever let anyone decide who or what you should be. Don’t be forced into believing the lies that others will sometime tell you for their own personal gain. Listen and follow your heart and no matter who you choose to be with be it black, white or any other color. She couldn’t hold back the tears. You mean the world to me, you will always hold a special place in heart. She cupped his face, kissed his lips one last time and said… keep yourself safe, and with that, she turned and walked out and didn’t look back. She heard him say… “I promise I will find a way to come back for you ”, but she couldn’t bring herself to even acknowledge what he said, it just hurt too much knowing he was still leaving anyway and that there was nothing she could say or do about it. He had made his choice.

She loved
him, Yaz actually said she loved him. Like the fool that he was he couldn’t even it say it back. He had been too shocked by her words. She had never told him how she felt about him, even though he had known, he had really wanted to hear her say it, but he guessed in return that she had wanted to hear the same from him. He loved her too, but he would not risk getting her or any member of her family caught up in his BS. He turned and looked up at the birthday banner with her name on it, whispering to himself “I love you Yaz always” he blew the candles out and took his time walking home where he knew his father would be waiting on him at the door. Only this time he would fight him back, not for him, not for his mother but for Yaz…his Yaz.

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