Finding Trust (Finding Series, Book 2) (9 page)

“Alarm guys,” he said against Dane’s mouth when he tried to retreat but Dane refused to let him go.

Dane sighed and dropped his head to Jax’s chest, then released him.

“Tonight,” Jax whispered before giving Dane another hard kiss and then going to answer the door.



Jax smiled as Dane sat awkwardly on the horse as Finn led him around the arena, his arm no longer in the sling.

“Say hi to Daddy,” Jax said to Emma as Dane rode past them. Dane waved at his daughter and then sent him a heated look. Jax was increasingly glad he’d decided to change into jeans before coming out to the ranch since they were somewhat more effective at hiding his seemingly ever-present erection.

“A vet who’s never been on a horse before,” Callan said as he appeared next to them and leaned his arms over the fence. “Wish I could say he was a natural,” Callan chuckled.

Jax wanted to say that the only thing he cared about Dane riding was him but kept the thought and the images that went with it to himself. “Barn looks good,” he said instead as he glanced at the nearly finished barn behind them.

“Yeah, people keep showing up every day to put the finishing touches on it.” Jax wasn’t surprised by the disbelief he heard in Callan’s tone. He knew the ranch foreman wasn’t going to be able to easily brush aside all the cruelty that had been heaped upon him and Finn.

“He doing okay?” Jax asked as his eyes fell on the younger man who was in the process of explaining something to Dane about his position on the horse.

“Pretty good. Still a few nightmares. More about her than the actual shooting,” Callan said as he motioned to Emma. “You mind?” he asked as he held his hands out.

“Sure,” Jax said as he handed the baby over. He wasn’t surprised when Emma easily accepted Callan. “Where’s Rhys?” he asked as he glanced around the property.

“He went to go check on the herd when he heard you guys were coming over.” Callan turned Emma so she could watch her father. “He’s feeling pretty guilty about the things he said to you.”

“He told you about that, huh?”

Callan smiled. “No room for secrets in our family. There were too many of those for too long,” he remarked as his eyes went to Finn. Just like with Rhys, Finn looked up as if sensing his lover’s gaze and the young man smiled.

“He’s got nothing to feel guilty about. He was just saying it like he saw it.”

“He said you were planning on leaving today.”

Jax’s eyes went to Dane and he felt a well of emotion when Dane drew his attention away from Finn long enough to send Jax a warm smile. “How did things go in Chicago?”

Callan sighed but Jax was grateful when he didn’t argue the change of subject. “Good. Charges were dismissed and the city is offering a really generous settlement. The press is having a field day. Even the national news has picked it up. He granted one of them an interview in the hopes things would settle down but he’s worried they’re going to track him down out here.”

“That’s a pretty good possibility,” Jax said.

“Your name never came up. Not even by the FBI when they offered their apologies for not believing him about Rawlings.”

Jax sighed. “Doesn’t surprise me. Not like they want to admit one of their former agents went to extremes to catch the killer they let slip through their fingers.”

They both fell silent as Dane rode past again. Once he was out of hearing Callan said, “He’s a good man.”

Jax readied himself for what he knew was coming next.

“I’m glad you two found each other.”

That was it? Jax glanced at Callan who was bouncing Emma gently in his arms. When he saw Jax staring at him he said, “What?” though his tone indicated he already knew what Jax was thinking.
Smart bastard

“Nothing,” Jax said before turning his attention back to the arena. After a moment he said, “Tell Rhys we’re good.”



“I’m gonna put her down,” Dane said quietly as Jax disarmed the alarm system. He went upstairs and carefully put Emma down in her crib and let his hand rest on her back until she settled again and then he left the room, softly closing the door behind him. It was ridiculous to suddenly be this nervous around Jax considering what he’d said to the man this morning. He’d woken up still wrapped in Jax’s arms and if he hadn’t heard Emma stirring over the baby monitor, he would have gladly stayed where he was. He’d loved how tight Jax had held him but he’d had a hell of a time disengaging himself from Jax’s strong grip without waking him up. He supposed it had been cowardly to sneak out the way he had but he was just too emotionally raw from their night together and had needed the time to build up his walls before facing Jax.

His routine with getting Emma ready for the day had been the same but he’d been tense and unfocused as he waited for Jax to come down the stairs and walk out of his life forever. The anxiety had kept building and building and Dane hadn’t even realized he’d picked up his cell phone and dialed until Rhys answered. He’d given Rhys a quick order not to come and hung up before the man could even ask why and then Dane had waited and worried and doubted. And then Jax was standing there in the doorway, his black bag in hand and Dane had somehow managed to get the words out, though he’d been unable to face Jax when he did it. When Jax had kissed him mid-sentence, Dane had finally felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest and he felt the relief in every cell of his body.

Between the alarm guys installing the system and the impromptu riding lesson, he and Jax hadn’t had much time to talk and the air had been awkward between them during the car ride. Dane had no idea what their relationship was or if they even had one. It seemed unlikely that Jax would stay just for the sex, even if it had been mind-blowing sex. At least for him – maybe it was just okay for Jax.

Isaac had always reassured him that what they had was great but he’d looked to someone else for something Dane apparently couldn’t give him. So what the hell did he have to offer someone like Jax? What kind of future would Jax have in a hick town with one stop light and no job prospects for someone who carried guns around like they were an accessory? And what would happen when Jax got tired of him and saw him for the man he really was?

“She go down okay?”

Dane snapped his eyes up and realized he’d been so lost in thought that he’d walked down the steps without even realizing it. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Jax was sitting on the couch, his glorious, naked chest on display. A bottle of lube and a condom sat on the coffee table. Dane’s mouth went dry at the sight but he managed to choke out a “Yeah.”

“Thought you might want to show me what you learned in your riding lesson today,” Jax drawled as he shifted his body so his legs were slightly spread in invitation. Dane’s cock went from semi-hard to downright painful almost instantly and his body was moving before his brain could even catch up. He stopped between Jax’s legs.

“What’s the first thing you learned?” Jax asked.

Lust slammed through Dane as he said, “How to properly prepare my mount.”

Jax seemed relaxed but Dane saw a tremor go through him. “Show me,” Jax ordered, his voice uneven.

Dane didn’t hesitate and dropped to his knees. He let his hands glide along Jax’s thighs and then brush over his cock as he reached for the button on his jeans. He managed to get it free and then pulled the zipper down slowly as he let his fingers trail over Jax’s abdomen. The muscles rippled beneath his touch and Jax sucked in a breath. Dane grabbed the waistband of Jax’s jeans and tugged and Jax lifted enough so he could work the pants and underwear off. Jax had been insightful enough to remove his shoes and socks so Dane had him completely naked within seconds.

Dane didn’t know where the hell to start because every part of Jax was tempting him. Dane reached up and ran his fingers along Jax’s chest and then down to his sides, testing every muscle as he went. He let his tongue follow the path of his fingers and felt Jax’s cock pressing impatiently against him. But Dane had a lot of ground to cover and he took his time biting and licking and sucking every surface of Jax’s chest and abdomen. His thighs were next and he enjoyed the feel of the rough hair on his tongue. His hands kept busy too and Jax stiffened when Dane finally used them to spread Jax’s legs open wider. When Dane ignored Jax’s cock in favor of his abdomen once again, Jax said his name in warning.

Dane looked up to see Jax’s eyes dark with passion and his fists were clenched where they sat on the back of the couch. Dane kept his eyes on Jax as he stroked his fingers over Jax’s stiff flesh. Jax hissed but didn’t close his eyes. Dane teased him with a couple of brief strokes that he knew wouldn’t give Jax any kind of relief and just as the frustrated man opened his mouth again – probably to curse him for the torment he was inflicting – Dane dropped his head and licked his way up from the base of Jax’s cock to the tip.

“Yes,” Jax moaned as his head fell back against the couch. Dane did it a few more times, relishing the strong, musky flavor that flooded over his tongue. He stopped at the crown and licked over the slit there a few times, then sucked on it gently.

“Jesus,” Jax shouted as he tried to thrust into Dane’s mouth. But Dane had a hold on his base and refused to take him any deeper. He kept alternating swirling his tongue around the flared head and sucking just the tip into his mouth. As Jax’s moans increased, Dane took him further and further inside and then finally relaxed his jaw enough so that Jax could slide all the way down his throat. He released his hold on Jax’s cock and was instantly rewarded with an upward thrust. Dane dragged his mouth up and down Jax’s dick over and over, increasing the pressure each time. After several torturous drags, he let Jax’s cock fall free of his mouth and made sure Jax was watching him when he stuck a finger in his mouth. He used his free hand to pull Jax’s body further down the couch so his ass was hanging off the edge.

Jax was transfixed on the finger in Dane’s mouth and he held his breath when Dane took the wet digit and began probing Jax’s crease. He felt the wrinkly skin around Jax’s opening and applied pressure. Jax groaned and lifted his legs so that his feet were braced on the edge of the couch giving Dane an unfettered view of the small hole fluttering in anticipation of his touch. Dane brushed over it a few times before changing his mind and pulling his hand away and using his tongue instead.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jax yelled as Dane licked him over and over. Dane hadn’t been sure if this was something Jax would go for but the man’s enthusiastic cries made it clear that it wasn’t off limits like it had been with Isaac. Dane kept up his sensual torture until Jax warned him he was about to come. Dane sat back on his heels and licked his lips as Jax lowered his legs. The forbidden flavor had his own dick leaking in his jeans and he quickly stood and pulled off his clothes. Jax watched hungrily and shifted himself so he was sitting further back on the couch again.

The hold Dane had on his desire began to quickly disappear and he grabbed the lube and condom. His fingers trembled as he rolled the condom down Jax’s shaft and he quickly put some lube on the latex covering. He reached around to prepare himself with a generous amount of the lube, aware of Jax’s lust-filled gaze on him the whole time. Whatever game they’d been playing was over as Dane straddled Jax’s lap and grabbed the man’s nearly purple cock. He felt Jax’s hands on his hips to help steady him and then he was bearing down on the thick flesh that was pressed up against his slick hole.

As Dane’s body began pulling Jax in inch by inch, a firm grip closed around his cock and began dragging up and down in rhythm to Dane’s motion. Dane closed his eyes as he sank the rest of the way down until he felt Jax’s balls pressed against his ass.

“So good,” he moaned as the burn intensified and began to change over to pleasure. He managed to force his eyes open and met Jax’s intense gaze. Suddenly everything else was gone except for that look in Jax’s eyes and the corresponding heat that flooded Dane’s system. Dane tried not to believe he was seeing more than desire or need in that haunting gaze because getting his hopes up that Jax was feeling the same things he was feeling was too much to wish for. And he knew what he was feeling was the one thing he’d promised himself he’d never feel again after Isaac’s betrayal.



Jax could see he was losing Dane to his thoughts so he forced back the overwhelming emotion he’d been struggling with as Dane had welcomed him into his body and yanked Dane’s head down for a kiss. The move seemed to do the trick because Dane began moving his body again even as he made love to Jax’s mouth. Jax knew he wasn’t going to last long thanks to Dane’s earlier sensuous torture so he started thrusting up on Dane’s downward motion.

Dane’s hands clamped down on his shoulders as he began to desperately twist his hips in an effort to take Jax in deeper. But Jax knew there would be no deeper so he increased the leverage by grabbing Dane’s ass with both his hands and driving into him over and over. Dane’s hand dropped down to stroke his own cock and his head fell back as moans of agony tore from his lips. “Harder,” he begged as he viciously pulled and twisted his cock.

Jax held off his orgasm and slammed into Dane several more times until he felt the first spurt of semen hit his chest. It was all he needed to let go of his control and his body snapped back against the couch as his orgasm ripped through him. Dane kept riding him as the waves went on and on and Jax forced his eyes open to watch the last jets of come drip down Dane’s cock and over his hand. His own body continued to convulse as Dane’s throbbing ass pulsed around him. Dane’s hips finally slowed to a gentle rolling motion before stopping all together. Brown eyes clashed with his as a satisfied smile spread over Dane’s mouth. Jax knew in that instant that he was in deep shit because there was no longer any doubt that he was completely in love with this man.

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