Read Game Saver Online

Authors: BJ Harvey

Game Saver (10 page)

Her golden hair is a mass of loose curls, pinned to the side and flowing over her bare shoulder. My lips ache to kiss her neck, and I clench my fists to stop myself from reaching out and trailing my hands down her sides. My cock strains against my suit pants, unfortunately reminding me that I can’t stand on her doorstep all night, or ensconce myself inside her apartment and spend the night buried inside her.

“Uh, Cade? Do you plan on standing in the doorway all night staring at me or are we gonna get this show on the road?”

My eyes clear from their lustful appreciation and drift up her body until I reach her face. “One look at the club that first night and you had me. Had you worn
dress, I would’ve dropped to a knee and asked for your hand in marriage.”

We stand there staring at each other, sparks coursing through me along with thoughts I
shouldn’t be having about my—what did she call it?—mother buffer.

Without giving her a chance to hand me a sassy reply, I hold out my hand, and I grin when she laces her fingers in mine. Her eyes blaze with unspoken emotion, and as much as I’d love to walk her backwards, slam the door, and process whatever just happened between us, I know we have to get out of here. It’s the danger zone right now. Pissing off my father would be more than worth it, but with her looking like that, there’s nothing I want more than to walk into a room filled with the who’s who of the city and know that for all intents and purposes, she’s mine.

“Let’s go, Spitfire. I have a feeling tonight is going to be fun.”

Walking into the ball room of the Peninsula Hotel, having already made our way through a gamut of photographers and reporters, I lead Abi towards my waiting parents. They’re immaculate in their appearance, as always. Abi’s breath hitches when she sees them, and my fingers instinctively draw her closer into my side.

“It’s just my parents, Spitfire.”

“They look like the Graysons from
” she whispers, turning her head towards me.

I chuckle because she’s not far wrong. “The difference is they’d never dare try and double cross each other. It would be uncouth.”

Looking down, I’m met by wide eyes and her cute-as-fuck slow-growing grin. “Uncouth? Are you serious?”

“Unfortunately so.”

“So I better get my best mother-buffer game on?” she asks with a knowing glint in her eye.

“Just be yourself, Abi. I’ll never ask you to be anything you’re not.”

A strange look crosses her features before she hides it. “The exception being your fake girlfriend,” she says quietly, and I fight not to grit my teeth, second-guessing my decision to put her in this position.
Too late now, Carsen.

I look down at her, determined to keep this show moving along. “Be the woman who kicks ass and takes names.”

I can do,” she says before planting a beaming smile on those perfect lips of hers—the ones I love seeing wrapped around my cock—and facing forward.

“Caden,” my mother croons, stepping towards me. Letting Abi go, I place a hand on Mom’s arm and kiss her cheek. “Mom.”

“And is this the mysterious Abi?” Mom asks, turning to her. “You’re beautiful. No wonder my son has kept you a secret.”

Abi’s body tenses before she checks it and sets about her task. “Mrs. Carsen, it’s wonderful to meet you.”

“And you, my dear. I’d love to get to know you better. You and Caden should come for dinner one night. Don’t you agree, Cade?” she asks my father.

“Indeed. Hello, Son,” he says, holding out his arm. I shake his hand but don’t miss his calculated scan of my date.

“Good evening, Mr. Carsen,” Abi says warmly. Something weird passes behind my father’s eyes as he focuses on Abi’s face before he quickly schools his features and turns on the charm.

We’re saved by Thomas, Noah, and Zoe, who magically appear by my side.

“Annabel, you look ravishing,” Thomas says, embracing my mother and giving her a peck on the cheek. “You must let me steal you away from Cade Senior one day.”

“Oh Thomas, behave,” Mom gushes, giving my father a sideways look. She turns to Noah. “And Doctor Taylor, I’m so pleased you could make it. Your parents are already here.”

“Thank you for inviting us. It’s not often my wife and I get to go out like this now, so we’re making the most of it.”

“Caden told me you had a new baby. I hope all is well?” Mom asks, directing the question at Zoe.

“Yes, thank you. Misha is perfect.”

“Such a pretty name,” my mother replies saccharine sweet, and I struggle not to roll my eyes at the pretense of the situation, knowing full well that my mother doesn’t care if Noah has had a new baby—or if she even remembers that Misha is my goddaughter.

“Is this the lovely Abi?” Thomas asks, turning his attention towards the woman at my side.

“You know it is, TJ,” I reply. He smirks at me before holding out his hand to Abi, lifting her fingers to his mouth, and placing a kiss on her knuckles when she acquiesces.

“Nice to finally meet you, Thomas,” she says.

“You haven’t met my son’s friends yet?” my mother asks inquisitively.

“Unfortunately Thomas and I keep missing each other,” Abi replies, not missing a beat.

Thomas grins and winks at her. “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other,” he says, earning a knowing laugh from Abi.

My shoulders tense and my jaw tightens instinctively, something Thomas doesn’t seem to miss. “Don’t worry, Cade. I’d never try and steal her away.”


“I think the bar is calling me,” Thomas announces once my parents have made their excuses and moved on to the next guests waiting in line to greet them. “Are you guys coming?” he says to the group.

“Considering you gave us a reprieve from the impending inquisition of my date and our surprise relationship, I think I owe you one.”

He moves to my side and claps me on the back. “You know me—I’m never one to turn down a free drink.”

“It’s an open bar,” Noah adds dryly.

“Even better. My shout then,” Thomas says before turning and making a beeline for the bartender, Noah and Zoe following closely behind him.

I reach down and lace Abi’s fingers in mine, giving her a meaningful squeeze.

“That was intense,” Abi says, walking beside me.

“Welcome to any interaction with a Carsen,” I reply.

“Hey,” she says, stopping both of us in our tracks and turning to face me. She moves in close, wrapping one arm around my back and lifting her hand to my jaw. She sweeps her thumb across my cheek, and my taut muscles instantly relax.
How the hell does she do that?

I lift my hands up to her hips and look into her now soft eyes.

“You’re strung so tight it’s a wonder you don’t snap,” she says.

I lean into her touch and drop my forehead to hers, not caring that we probably have an audience. “Chalk and cheese have got nothing on me and this life.”

“I can tell,” she says quietly, wrapping her other arm around my back. “I’m here for you, Cade. Just focus on what happens
the night is over. That’s what I’m doing.”

My lips curl up. “Are you telling me you’re a sure thing?” I ask with a grin.

“No, I’m saying I know I’m gonna get laid because
are. Besides, you owe me at least one orgasm so far.”

“I do, do I?” I ask dryly.

“At least.” Her lips curl up into a sexy smile.

“I always pay my debts,” I murmur, my eyes locked on her lips as my head moves lower.

“I might charge interest,” she adds, her voice sounding the same as it does when I’m building her up to climax—rough, raspy, and hot as hell.

I can pay.” I drop my mouth to her ear, dragging my hands around her waist, holding her hips against my now very hard cock. “Don’t turn me on when it’s hours until I can get inside you again.”

“Fair’s fair. I’ve been wet since I opened the door and saw you in your tux,” she whispers before nipping my jaw, her hands roaming up my arms and sweeping down the lapels of my jacket. “And I’m looking forward to feeling that stubble against my thighs, too.”

“Fuck,” I groan. I’ll let her have that one. It’s a sweet loss though, one that I know will turn out to be a win for both of us once we’re back behind closed doors.

“Are you two gonna come up for air long enough to have a drink or should we just leave you to your show?” Noah quips, and both Abi and I turn our heads towards him, neither of us moving away or letting go.

“I’ll move when his pants aren’t going to cause more of a scandal than the fact he turned up with a date,” Abi jokes.

Noah and Thomas’s eyes go wide before they snigger and Noah looks at me, nodding in silent approval. “Finally, a woman that keeps you on your toes, Carsen. About time you were kept in line.”

Before I can offer a smartass retort, Zoe butts in, one hand on her hip and eyes narrowed on her husband. “Are you saying I do that?” she asks tersely.

Noah—being the smooth operator he is—immediately switches to ass-saving mode. “Sweetheart, you tie me in knots and turn me upside-down all while keeping me in line, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I watch Zoe go from haughty to soft in the blink of an eye, her eyes now gentle and gazing at her husband. “Sweet talker,” she murmurs. His hand moves around her back and into her hair as he slants her head and kisses her long and deep, right there in front of everyone.

I swear to God there is a collective swoon from every woman within a ten-mile radius—single or otherwise. He’s just that damn good.

“Damn he’s good,” Abi murmurs.

“Never thought I’d see Noah settled down and happy, but meeting Zoe was the best thing that ever happened to him, even if it did involve him getting drunk, making out with her, and forgetting he’d done it.,” I say.

It isn’t until after the dinner and speeches—including my father’s unsurprising mayoral announcement—that my mother decides to pounce, this time using my sister, Callie, as a shield.

“Callie, have you met Cade’s date, Abi . . . ?”

Abi and I both look up to see my still perfectly poised mother and my grinning sister—small baby bump and all—standing beside our table, instigating a sneak attack.

“Cook,” Abi replies before I can stop her, and I stifle a groan.

There’s a reason why I keep my private life secret and that reason is my mother’s need to find out
about anybody involved in her children’s lives.

Cameron is of the same mindset as me—don’t tell the parents anything they could, and would, use to further their own agendas.

And from the look on my mother’s face right now, this is definitely an information-gathering exercise. By the end of the night it wouldn’t surprise me if she had already found out Abi’s full history, college GPA, and credit score.

“I apologize for not being able to talk to you more when you arrived but now that things are quietening down, I just had to come over and get to know you better,” my mother says. My eyes dart to Callie’s, catching the word ‘sorry’ crossing her lips.

“Can I at least sit down first, Mom, before you grill her?” Callie asks. “I know I’m only four months, but my feet are killing me.”

My mother’s head jerks to my sister, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

I stand up and hold my chair out for my sister and move to stand at Abi’s back. “Take a load off then, Cal.”

“Thank you,” she says, collapsing in the seat and breathing out a huge sigh of relief. She turns her body towards Abi and holds out her hand. “Hi, I’m Callie, the older sister. My husband, Jonathan, is probably at the bar, drinking his fair share of the bar tab—and mine—but if he comes over, I’ll be sure to introduce you.”

Abi laughs and grins up at me before turning her attention to my sister. “Hi. I’m Abi.”

“Oh, I know. My mother rang me straight after she got off the phone with Cade last week. She was beside herself.”

“Callie,” my mother warns, and a quick glance over at her face shows her obvious discomfort.

My sister ignores my mother’s warning. “That dress is
Please tell me it’s not off the rack and you had it fitted to look that good on you.”

“I borrowed it, actually. Off Zoe, Noah’s wife.”

“Wow,” Callie breathes. “And the shoes . . . I’d kill to be able to wear those right now. My feet get sore at just the thought of heels.”

“I bet. Do you know what you’re having?”

“Thankfully not twins, that’s for sure,” Callie says, shooting a quick glance up at me and poking her tongue out, making me chuckle. “One bouncing baby girl.” She leans over and quietly adds, “Much to my parents’ annoyance.”

“Callie!” Mom gasps. “We’re over the
that we’ll be having a granddaughter soon.”

“Of course you are, Mom,” she replies.

“And Abi . . .” my mother says, switching her attention back to my date, “what is it that you do? Cade wasn’t very forthcoming with information about you.”

“I’m a hotel manager,” Abi replies cheerfully.

“Oh . . .” Mom’s voice giving away her opinion of Abi’s answer. “And you’re from Chicago?”

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