Read Gentle Control Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Gentle Control (4 page)

The urgency…the intimacy…it was everything she’d imagined for years. Heat licked at her core, softening her body for him. Suddenly, her clothes seemed tight over her breasts as her body begged for his attention. Almost as if reading her thoughts, he held her in place with his hips while he insinuated his hands between them. His fingers tore at her shirt. She couldn’t bring herself to care that he might rip the fabric or pop off a pearly button.


Brynn Paulin

A tremor racked through her womb. She
him to wrench them off. She wanted the wild abandon. Her entire life was control and politeness. Josh freed the animal in her. As her cream flooded her cleft, she nipped at his lips, lifting into his kiss and the heady taste of his demanding mouth.

Impatiently, he pulled her shirttails from her waistband. A moment later, he wrenched back his head and growled as he stared down at where his hand splayed over her silk-covered abdomen. Frowning he plucked at the camisole. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” he complained. Reaching up to where it came to a vee above her breasts, he bunched the fabric in his hands and wrenched them apart. The hiss of tearing material filled the room. Her knees buckled. His body was all that held her up.

Desperately, she tried to regain her strength. If he stepped back, she’d fall into a pudgy lump in his entryway. Unaware of her struggle, he shoved her blouse and destroyed camisole down her shoulders, leaving them hooked on her elbows. His fingers spread over her neck. She swallowed, remembering when she’d worn the mark of his possession there. The sudden vulnerability aroused her as did the slight pressure of his fingertips. His thumb explored the slight hollow at the base of her neck. Josh could do anything to her—his strength surpassed hers and their position left her open to his whim. With her clothes tangled around her elbows she could barely move her arms let alone fight him.

Her breath shallow, she waited.

“Do you remember?” he asked.

“Yes.” The warm cloak of their past wrapped this moment and dragged her back to other times when they’d been like this. Instinctively, her thighs parted so her feet were shoulder width and she was open to him. If he touched her now, he’d find a quivering mass of want.

He raised an eyebrow. The small silver ring there winked at her. “Yes? I don’t think you do. You seem to be forgetting…”


Gentle Control

“Master,” she added. Arching slightly, she pressed her aching nipples against him.

The position pressed her neck a little more into his hand. Forbidden excitement stalked her. She shouldn’t enjoy what this position did to her, but only Josh understood how much she liked to be physically restrained. Nothing got her off like being tied or held still by his hands. Josh would never choke her, but the danger of his hand on her throat made her wet faster than anything else in the world.

He wanted her right now. That’s what this meant.

Never easing the pressure, he took her lips again, mashing her to the molded metal door with his entire body. Tempest gasped into his mouth. A violent storm inside her stole her breath. Desperately, she met his tongue stab for stab, adjusted to every tilt of his head. Surprising him, she sucked her lips around his tongue. She wanted his thick cock surging to her throat and stretching her mouth wide.

His free hand curled into her ass, dragging her tight to his rock-hard arousal. Oh yeah, it would feel so good in her mouth. Almost as good as he felt when he drove inside her pussy, claiming every tender fold as his own.

Suddenly, he stepped back. She nearly slithered down the door before she braced her knees.

“Get undressed but don’t move from that spot,” he ordered, making the submissive in her shiver in delight. She liked when he stepped into his Dom persona. It fit him so well. He fit her so well.

Her delight, however, turned to icy despair when she realized what he’d said.

Undressed. He wanted her naked. With all her layers of clothes stripped away. Josh knew. He knew how she used the layers to disguise the weight she couldn’t get rid of.

He wanted that disguise peeled away with all her skin showing.

It would have been so much easier if he’d dragged her to the bed, both of them blinded by passion as they ripped their clothes away and fell on each other. It was so much harder when she stood like a slave on the block, waiting for inspection. Every 27

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insecurity would assail her. Damn him, he knew that, too. This was part of his asserting the upper hand.

He caught her chin between his thumb and fingers. “All your clothes, Tempest.


More than she wanted to. She couldn’t turn her face from him, but she shifted her eyes away. Her jaw locked, her teeth clenched together. “Yes, Master,” she replied through them. She wanted closure. If he was disgusted by her appearance, that would be that. She straightened her arms and shook free her blouse and camisole.

Josh turned and walked toward the doorway across the room. “Stay there. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

She reached for the clasp of her bra.
And I’ll be here. Clinging to my shredded pride.

Too bad it was invisible.


Gentle Control

Chapter Two

The cool metal of the front door chilled Tempest’s overheated skin while she waited for Josh at slave-attention position, feet parted and hands tucked behind her back. Her clothes were tossed onto an overstuffed chair several feet away. She eyed them longingly. Josh wouldn’t let her go unpunished if she disobeyed him. Some things were never forgotten.

Cream trickled to her thigh. Even punishment aroused her? Was there nothing about him that didn’t turn her on? Wryly, she wondered if he still stuffed his socks down the couch. That didn’t turn her on. It pissed her off. The recollection, however, lead to thoughts of his perfectly shaped feet.

Her mind raced with questions. How would he react to her nakedness? Would he notice her shaved pussy or her fat? Would he like her shorn folds? What would he do to her?

Her clit itched with the possibilities. Hearing him moving around in the other room, she dropped her hand and trailed her fingers over her thigh. With a sigh, she leaned her shoulders against the door and slipped her palm over her mound. Just a little touch… She’d stop before he returned.

The gentle slide of her fingertips over her clit drew a silent sigh and she dropped her head against the door, closing her eyes. God, she was wet. Opening the dream file where all her fantasies starred Josh, she pretended it was his fingers sliding over her, spreading her folds. Release coiled tightly in her belly. Her other hand slid up to her breast. She pinched and rolled her hard nipples just as Josh always had. Relentlessly, she worked the peaks while she plunged her fingers into her pussy. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip.


Brynn Paulin

A choked sound shocked her from her play. Eyes wide, she snapped back to her position leaving her needy flesh open to the chill of the room.

Josh stood in the doorway watching her, his own teeth sunk into his bottom lip. Her mouth watered at the sight of his bare chest and feet. His unbuttoned jeans dipped low on his hips, revealing the black tattoo over his navel and an enticing curve of hip bone disappearing into his pants.

“Go ahead,” he said. “Finish.”


His brow raised again cutting her off. Pleasure herself in front of him?
While he
Oh man. Slowly, she returned her hands to where they’d been when he’d re-entered the room. And froze. She couldn’t do this. She had to. Her eyes started to close.

If she could pretend to be alone—

“No. Look at me,” he commanded.

Her eyelids heavy, she gazed at him. He had a tiny gold ring piercing one nipple.

Good lord how many other piercings did he have? One in his cock? How would it feel abrading her pussy? Her fingers began to move, gliding over her slippery folds.

“So fucking beautiful,” he said. A ribbon of happiness worked through her. Of all the things she’d expected him to say, all the reactions she expected him to have, that wasn’t one. Empowered by his admiration, her touch grew more aggressive and she stopped biting back her small cries at the sensations arcing through her body.

He walked toward her. “What do you think about when you touch yourself?”


“Hmm.” He dropped to his knees before her and pulled her hand from her folds.

Slowly, he sucked the juice from her fingers.

Tempest’s breath hitched in her throat. All the muscles in her pelvis pulled tight as he continued to draw on her fingers. Slowly, he let them slide free. “I’ve missed the taste of you, Tempest. I want more.”


Gentle Control

She could only nod as he parted her with his thumbs and pressed his mouth to her.

Her palms pressed flat to the door as she widened her stance for him. No one had done this for her since Josh. Certainly not Phillip. She pushed that thought away, focusing on the white-hot sensations Josh elicited as he scraped his teeth lightly over her clit before sucking at it. As the pinnacle of release raced closer, he released the bud and gathered her cream with his tongue, before plunging inside her.

Her whole being quivered, her lips moving in silence as her world dimmed, narrowing on the coming storm. Suddenly, he thrust two fingers into her while his teeth closed around her throbbing clit. Her hips jerked toward him and toward the completion that had waited so many years. She needed him beyond reason. Inside her.


Desperately, she tried to stay still as he drank of her. This position brought back memories of submission she hadn’t realized she’d forgotten. The welcome helplessness, the overwhelming pleasure, his effortless control over her…

She’d never forget again.

Josh delved deep inside her, finding the place that jerked her hips forward again. A tiny cry shuddered from her, heralding the start of the orgasm about to boil forth.

Immediately, he pulled back. “No, not yet, angel.”

The firm command dragged her a few inches from the chasm waiting to engulf her.

Release taunted her, dangling in his hand just outside of her grasp. This was her punishment. He wouldn’t let her come.

“Please,” she begged.

“No.” He stood and held out his hand. “Can you walk?”

“Since I was ten months old,” she snapped.

Josh sighed and trailed his fingers on the outside of her hip while he held her gaze.

He didn’t say a word, but he didn’t need to. She remembered. The simple touch was a warning—one he’d often used in public places to preserve their privacy and dignity.

She knew what it meant. Pull back this behavior or be punished.


Brynn Paulin

She bit her lip and lowered her gaze. She wasn’t one who deliberately sought punishment. Josh had a way of turning it into pleasure in the end, but she still avoided it whenever possible.

“I’m sorry.”

He gave a single nod. “Come with me.”

Josh led the way toward the bedroom, knowing Tempest would be surprised not only by the room but by what awaited her. She likely expected him to fall on her like a ravening beast, and truly that was what he wanted most, but instead he had other plans. Not-so-sexual plans. Sex between them had always been explosive. Her intense reactions to his domination fueled the fire until they both burned out of control. It was outside the bedroom where her submission needed work.

As he’d predicted, she came to an abrupt halt inside his bedroom. Her eyes wide, she surveyed the black and white décor but barely noted the furniture. She gazed transfixed at the black and white vintage prints that banded the room at eye-level. Each print, dating back to the 1950s, showed scenes of BDSM and featured women with the same beautiful physique as Tempest. When he’d first come across them at an auction, he knew he had to have them. How many times had he touched himself and envisioned Tempest as the woman and himself as the Dom?

“Pick one,” he rasped. “We’ll play it out later.”

“There are so many…”

“There are lots of games for us to play then.” Perhaps more than they had time for if she insisted on leaving in two weeks. He picked up the shirt he’d tossed on the bed and shrugged into it. He’d been in the process of changing when he heard the suspicious sounds from Tempest earlier. When he’d seen her…it was as if a train had slammed into him. A lust train. “We’ll play later. Right now, we’re going out. You need clothes for our trip and I want to pick them out.”

“I have—”


Gentle Control

He pressed a finger over her lips as she started to protest. “Your submission. For two weeks,” he reminded.

Tempest sighed, the breath wafting around his finger in a warm caress. Silently, she nodded. The way she’d easily returned to the practices they’d had eight years ago amazed and delighted him. When he’d given her the warning touch earlier, he hadn’t been sure she would remember. She had. Instantly. Keera’s words returned to him.

Gentle control. He shoved aside the thought. He didn’t believe in that hocus pocus. It was a coincidence that the card had come up. Just because he preferred to dominate his sub through quiet signals, it didn’t mean the card was right.

He followed Tempest’s gaze which was fixed on a photo of a submissive draped over an ottoman, her hands tied to the furniture’s legs. What the woman awaited was left to the imagination.

He nuzzled Tempest’s ear. “Do you want to do that? I bet you want to know what comes next. I do, too. Do you think she’s waiting to be punished? Or maybe she’s waiting for her Master to return and fuck her. Or maybe there’s something we can’t see.” He reached into his pocket and removed a small egg-shaped vibrator. “Something like this.”

“Maybe…” she agreed.

“Shall we find out later?”

She nodded. “I’d like that.”

He slid the egg through her molten folds. “I think we should investigate this now.”

“How?” she whispered.

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