Read GianMarco Online

Authors: Eve Vaughn

GianMarco (20 page)



Chapter Eighteen


“So, how long will you be away this time?” Oliver looked at GianMarco with a wary
expression in his eyes.

“I’m not sure. I hope I won’t be gone long, but this thing with Maggie ... she’s my
number one priority.” GianMarco patted his friend on the shoulder.

“It’s understandable. You know, it’s funny because I didn’t think she was your type
when I hired her.” Oliver smiled humorlessly.

“I know what you were thinking, and one day I’m going to give you that explanation
I owe you. I know I’ve asked a lot of you by not being around the office much lately,
but I want you to know it’s appreciated.”

“I don’t mind. It seems like work is all I have anyway.” Oliver seemed to be carrying
a heavy burden and had GianMarco not been caught up in his own problems, he would
have noticed something was going on with his partner.

“What’s the matter?”

“Theresa left me.”

In GianMarco’s opinion, Oliver should have been jumping for joy, but he kept that
particular opinion to himself. Guilt suddenly assailed him. Maybe all the extra time
Oliver had put in at the office contributed to the breakdown of his marriage. “Is
it because of all the extra hours you have spent here, picking up my slack?”

“No. We’ve been having problems on and off for the past year. I was just too stubborn
to admit it.” Oliver shrugged.

“What happened?”

“I came home late one night to find Theresa packing her bags. She basically told me
she hasn’t been happy for a while and that she’s met someone else. But that’s not
the worst part.”

“There’s more?”

“She says Johnny isn’t mine. Apparently, she’s been seeing this man for a while.”

“Do you believe her?” GianMarco had thought Oliver’s wife was a bitch before, but
now he revised his opinion. She was a mega-bitch. Knowing how much Oliver loved his
son, it was cruel of her to tell him that another man had fathered their child. Any
fool could see little Johnny was the spitting image of Oliver.

“At first I did, but when I called her bluff she became belligerent. I think she just
told me that shit to hurt me. I never realized how spiteful she could be. No, I take
that back. I always knew, but I ignored it. I guess I stuck with her out of habit
more than anything else. I’m not even sure if I ever really loved her. She entered
my life when I was getting out of a long-term relationship and she stroked my ego.
I think I mistook gratitude for love, maybe she sensed it too.” Oliver sighed heavily.

“So, what’s your next move?”

“I guess divorce is our only course of action. And as much as I hate to admit it,
Johnny should be with his mother. Despite her faults, Theresa is a good mother, and
babies need their mommies. I only hope she’s reasonable with visitation.”

GianMarco smiled knowingly. “She will be.”

Oliver’s eyes narrowed. “You had better not harm one hair on her head. She is still
my son’s mother.”

GianMarco batted his lashes. “I wouldn’t dream of it, but I’m sure she’ll see the
light. And if you need any help financially for legal fees or anything like that,
let me know.”

“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You don’t have to ask. I’m offering it and I want you to hire someone to help you
out around the agency in the interim. I’ll put some funds into our business account.”

“Okay.” Oliver shrugged again, looking as if his mind were somewhere else.

“It’ll be okay, Oliver. You’re better off without her. I’ve wanted to tell you that
for a while, but I didn’t think it was appropriate to say anything until now.”

“You knew about the affair, didn’t you?” Oliver accused.

GianMarco couldn’t to lie to his friend “Yes, I knew. I saw her with another man when
I was on a stakeout, but I didn’t think you would believe me, since you already knew
I’ve never particularly cared for her.”

“Maybe not, but a heads-up would have been nice, not that it matters anymore. I guess
she and I are finished.”

“Things will get better. It seems like I waited a long time for someone like Maggie
to come into my life, but she is here, and she makes me very happy. You’ll find that
someone who’ll make you just as happy. Look, I have to go home and check something
out. I drove straight here from the airport.”

“Is everything okay with Maggie?” Oliver asked.

“She’s fine. She’s with my brothers.”

“Damn. I still can’t believe you’re married. She’s a good woman. Treat her right or
you’ll have to answer to me.”

“If anything were to happen to her, I would gladly let you kill me. Okay, I have to
get going. Hopefully, I’ll be back in the next couple of weeks. When I take care of
business, I owe Maggie a proper honeymoon. Maggie, of course, won’t be returning.”

“Another administrative assistant?”


“Well, I guess on the bright side I don’t have to worry about you fucking any more
of our employees.

“Never again. I found one who I’m keeping on a permanent basis.”


Maggie looked out the window of Dante’s Manhattan apartment. She pined away for GianMarco.

“Maggie, you have to feed. There’s no use fighting it,” Dante whispered in her ear.

Maggie continued to stare out the window. She was worried sick. What the hell was
going on? Who was that caller?

“Marco can take care of himself, Maggie. You don’t want to make yourself sick by not
taking care of yourself, do you?”

“I’m fine. Why didn’t one of you go with him? I thought you had his back.”

“As I’m sure you’ve discovered, Marco can be very stubborn. I thought one of us should
go with him, but he feels you are the one who needs the most protection. You’re a
very young vampire, Maggie, and that makes you very easy prey to rogues. Marco is
not one to be crossed when he’s on a mission. If he’s in danger, I will feel it, and
I’ll be there in a hurry. Stop worrying and come with me so you can feed. You have
to think of.” He took her hand and led her to the couch.

Nico and Romeo played a game of chess in the corner of the room. “I feel kind of weird
about this,” Maggie expressed her concern.

“Are you not hungry?”

“Starving,” she admitted.

“Then you have no choice.” Dante unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his throat to her.
Her breathing became shallow as she noticed the pumping of a blue vein through his
skin. God, she was hungry, but all she could think about was GianMarco. “Relax, Maggie.
Marco knows that this needs to happen. He won’t blame you for it. Remember when I
asked you to trust me before?” Maggie nodded her head. “You can trust me now.”

Maggie hesitated a moment more, but as she grew dizzy with hunger, she let her incisors
descend. Leaning forward, she sank her teeth into his flesh. She drank his blood as
he gently stroked her hair. She ignored his intimate act, focusing solely on fueling
her hunger.

“That’s enough, Maggie.” Dante said after nearly half an hour. Maggie grunted. Still
hungry, she continued to suck. Dante touched her mind with his.

The abrupt command made Maggie relent. “I’m still hungry,” she protested.

“If I let you keep this up, I’ll have no blood left. You can feed from my cock if
you’re still hungry,” he suggested.

“No!” She stood up. “Can’t I feed off them?” She pointed to Romeo and Niccolo. It
would feel too much like cheating if she did what he suggested despite having GianMarco’s

“It’s not cheating, Maggie,” Dante assured her.

“I would rather not.” She shook her head. Another wave of dizziness hit her. She needed
more blood.

“It’s okay, Dante. I’ll feed her,” Nico offered, leaving the chess game to join them.

“You give up too easily, Nico. You knew I was about to win,” Romeo taunted.

“Put a sock in it, Ro,” Nico
flung back at his brother.

Maggie licked her
lips in anticipation as Nico
revealed his white throat to her. Without hesitation this time, she sank her teeth
into him and drank, but again, it was over too soon for her. She found that she was
still hungry when Nico pushed her away. It was Romeo’s turn then. Once she was done
with her, Maggie’s hunger still remained unsatisfied.

Dante looked at her with an amused gleam in his eyes. He sat on the couch with his
pants unbuckled and his cock hanging out. He jerked it in his fist. “Are you ready,
? You can’t fight this. I know you’re hungry.”

“I can’t.” Maggie bit her lip. She knew this was part of being a vampire, but she
had been human most of her life, and the prospect of taking Dante’s cock in her mouth
while she wore GianMarco’s ring disturbed her.

“Maggie, it’s okay. Marco will understand,” Nico said from behind her.

As white drops of pre-cum spewed from Dante’s rod, Maggie could no longer resist.
She was hungry. She walked over to the couch and dropped to her knees. She grabbed
Dante’s stiff member in her hand before taking him into her mouth. One hand stroked
the rigid shaft while the other squeezed his balls. Dante moaned softly as Maggie
worked her mouth up and down his dick.

She was so engrossed in the task at hand that she didn’t notice Nico and Romeo join
them. As Maggie sucked hungrily on Dante, Nico came behind her and slowly removed
her panties. Maggie was too damn hungry to care. Besides, by now, she was extremely
aroused. Nico lifted her dress, exposing her bottom, and slid his finger up her thighs
until he reached her moist center. Maggie stiffened, but only for a moment. The feel
of two long fingers rubbing her slit drove her beyond the edge of reason.

She continued to suck Dante’s cock as Nico slid his fingers deep inside her wet pussy.
Just as his thumb grazed her clit, Dante ejaculated into her mouth. Maggie relished
his essence and drank every drop. When she had drained his cock dry, he pushed her
off him, getting up from the couch to undress.

In the meantime, Nico
removed his fingers from her cunt so that he could completely undress her before
pulling Maggie onto the couch. He sat down with her facing him, fitting her over his
rock-hard dick. Maggie gasped. He was nearly as big as GianMarco and Dante. Holy shit,
if two Grimaldi brothers had worn her out, then three were going to make her comatose.

Nico grasped her hips to bounce her up and down on his hardness while Dante positioned
himself behind her. Spitting on his fingers, Dante rubbed them against the puckered
bud of her ass. Maggie squeezed her eyes shut as the head of his cock pushed past
her tight ring. “Oh, my God.” She cried out as she was filled with two large cocks.

Just when he didn’t think she could take any more, Romeo moved beside her. He turned
Maggie’s head toward him, and guided it to his own large member. Maggie’s greedily
latched onto it, sucking in earnest. The three brothers moved their cocks in and out
of her holes, working her body into a frenzy. She was so damn hot! The delicious sensation
of three vampire cocks pushing her to unbelievable heights of shameless pleasure was
nearly more than she could take.

They fed each of her holes with their cum—Dante in her ass, Niccolo in her pussy,
and Romeo in her mouth. Maggie had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn’t the first
time they had done something like this. They fuck-fed her until she was too weak to
participate any further.

She tore her mouth from Romeo’s cock and fell weakly against Niccolo’s chest. They
must have been at it for hours, she thought in a daze. Finally she was sated. Her
body was slightly sore but it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. Warmth spread throughout
her body. All she needed now was to fall asleep so she could dream of GianMarco.


Reluctantly, Dante pulled out of her, taking her limp body off of Nico’s. Dante lifted
her into his arms and cradled her abundant body against him as he carried her upstairs
to her bathroom. Maggie remained silent as he set her down to turn on the shower.
Once he got the temperature just guided her into the stall and stepped behind her.
Maggie leaned passively against Dante’s chest as he washed her body with reverence.
When his hands lingered over her breasts and pussy a little longer than they should
have, she didn’t protest. Briefly he touched her mind to gauge her thoughts. Dante
winced when he saw clearly her mind was on GianMarco.

More than anything he wanted to turn Maggie around to face him, and make love to her
instead of fucking her as a means to satisfying her hunger, but he knew it was a line
he couldn’t cross. She belonged to Marco, and she carried his child. He didn’t understand
why he felt this way about his brother’s bloodmate. As far as he knew, vampires only
had one bloodmate at a time. There were always exceptions but he doubted this was
the case. He’d have to suppress his feelings when he was around Maggie or else it
might cause a rift between him and GianMarco. He kept her in the shower as long as
he dared before carefully toweling her body and carrying her to the bed.

She finally spoke once he tucked her in. “Dante?”


“I’m new to this vampire thing, but what we did down there, it was okay, right?”

“Of course, Maggie. You were hungry and needed to feed. Don’t feel guilty for something
that is in our nature.” He leaned over to kiss her forehead.



“Thank you,” she said drowsily. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

He caressed her cheek and gave her a light kiss on the lips. “Mmm, GianMarco,” she

Dante flinched. Even in her dreams, he would never mean more to her than his brother.

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