Read Give Up On Me Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood

Give Up On Me (5 page)

Chapter Six

att lived in a four-bedroom
, six-bathroom house. Janae didn’t see the need for more bathrooms than bedrooms, but the place was amazing. The location on Chestnut Street made the house’s worth unimaginable. She’d looked it up and been blown away. The area in his house though that she loved the most was this small section on the second floor where a good portion of the roof was a sky window. A glass door led out to a balcony where she could sit eating breakfast.

Matt’s tub in his master bedroom was enough to make her want to stay in there. The shower was separate, but the prizewinner was the tub. One had to climb two steps to get into it, and it was so deep, Janae swore she could swim around. Matt had laughed when she said it, giving the excuse that he used it for when he was stressed and needed to unwind. Since her first visit, Janae decided she needed to “unwind” as well.

Matt liked preparing the bath for them to share, and she undressed in the bedroom while he ran the water. Vanilla and some other scent she wasn’t sure of filled the air. She breathed it in, getting excited.

“Honey, the water’s read—”

He stopped speaking, and she hung the dress she’d worn on a hanger to turn and see why he stopped. His gaze clung to her ass, and when she faced him, it lingered at her pussy before moving up to lock on her breasts. She’d never been able to pin down whether he was an ass or breast man, but with the tent in his pants, she figured on both.

“Like what you see?” she asked, hands on her hips and striking a pose.

“Hell, yes,” he breathed. “Come here.”

He held out his hand, but she shook her head. “No, you’re still dressed. I’m getting in before you. If you don’t hurry up, I’m going to be done.”

The crazy man broke records getting his clothes off. She tried to dart past him, but he captured her around the waist and swept her back. Her ass fit snug against his groin, and they both moaned.

Matt nuzzled her ear. “Let’s forget the tub and make love right here.”

“Let’s do it
the tub,” she counter-offered.


Janae sank beneath the bubbles. Matt wasn’t huge fan of bubbles, but when she introduced him to a scented bath, he was fine with it. She had to have her bubbles, too, and he gave in.

“Mm, this feels so good.”

“Don’t do that while I’m gathering the stuff,” he said.

She checked out his ass as he grabbed the body wash and sponge off the shelf. Matt’s maid insisted on putting things back where they belonged. At her apartment, Janae just piled whatever she used regularly on the four corners of the tub. She’d had a caddy hanging from the showerhead, but her razor and certain bottles slipped through the gaps in the bottom to land at her feet. She hated bending over and getting her hair wet on the very day she didn’t want to wash it.

Matt turned around and she got an eyeful of his cock. Semi-hard, it stiffened all the more when he realized she stared at it. Janae raised her gaze from his shaft to his face and deliberately licked her lips. The body wash and the sponge hit the floor. She laughed.

“If you’re just going to stand there in shock, you’ll miss out on these.” She ran her hands over her boobs and tweaked her own nipples. A soft moan escaped her as she closed her eyes, and she bit back another laugh when the water splashed. He was so easy.

A shadow moved behind her lids, and she opened her eyes to find him above her, a hand on either side of her head. His chest was just inches from making contact with her breasts, and her nipples strained to cross that last bit of space.

“If you’re going to tease me, you’re going to reap the consequences.” His voice was deep and rumbly, and her pussy clenched. He lowered his head and ran his tongue along her throat. She couldn’t do a thing other than raise her chin and offer herself to him.

Matt nipped at her skin, and he moved in just enough to graze her nipples. She gasped, but he was gone again. She reached out for him, but he removed her hands from his shoulders and held them down. Once again, he brushed her, skin against skin. Her body caught on fire. She lifted her knees to wrap her legs around his waist, but he shook his head.

“Not yet.” He clicked with his tongue and then raised her out of the water to sit on the side of the tub. With a strong grip, he held her hip on one side so she wouldn’t fall. He brushed bubbles aside from between her legs, and his thumb glanced off her clit.

She whimpered. Janae knew she could demand he let her touch him or insist on being satisfied, but Matt was too quick to do whatever she wanted. The game he was interested in pleased her more. Let him lead. She was a strong woman, but she loved her man to take charge, especially during sex.

“You know, I came earlier. You should let me do you,” she suggested, knowing he wouldn’t go for it.

“I’m going to eat your pussy and make you scream.” He eased a thumb into her heat, wiggled it a few times, and brought it back out. She shuddered while he licked away her cream. “Any objections?”

“N-no.” Damn, she was already a mess, all melted heat and ready for him to do just what he said. No man could eat her like Matt. “Eat me, baby. I want it so bad.”

“I know you do.” He dragged his tongue over her slit, and she keened before biting down on the sound.

“Uh-uh, honey. I like to hear you. Don’t fight it.”

She kept her lips together, and he narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, is that how we’re playing it? You think you can resist me?”

She didn’t answer. Oh, crap, he was going to do it. Her body was already on fire, and she felt like just the slightest touch would set her off. Matt was a wiz at flicking his tongue over her clit, and the bastard knew it. He wasn’t arrogant but fully confident that he could get her to forget about staying quiet.

She had told him from the beginning she wasn’t a screamer. He’d nodded, and she’d wondered if he got what she was saying. Then they had sex the first time, and she’d gone hoarse from yelling her head off. The neighbors must have thought she was a dirty ho with the noise she made because they had done it at her apartment. After that first time, she had insisted they have sex only at his place. She still tried to keep quiet, and failed miserably.

Matt looked up at her as he rubbed his wet thumb over her clit. She shivered and wriggled, not sure if she wanted to escape the tantalizing sensation or to beg him not to stop. In the end, she couldn’t find words at all because Matt sank his finger inside her sex and stroked with such expertise, she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out.

When he added two more fingers, she started to work them. Pushing him to penetrate her deeper, she rocked her hips, but Matt clenched her thigh. “No, honey, don’t do that. The tub’s slippery.”

“I can’t help it. It feels so good.” She threw her head back, willing herself to stay calm but losing the fight.

Matt pulled his fingers from her pussy and held them up for her to see. “Look at all this come, honey. You haven’t even climaxed yet.”

“You make me hot. I can’t help myself.”

“Don’t fight it. Give in to me.”

Matt inched her thighs farther apart while holding onto her. She panted when his head lowered, and he ran his tongue over her slit. A gentle suck of her bud between his lips had her keening. She was going to lose it before he got started.

He flicked her clit slow and gentle and then he sped up, his tongue lashing with precise movements. A lick, a suck, a moan against her heat, he drove her insane. Then he was back to that damn rhythm that stole her ability to think.

She shrieked and pressed a knuckle to her mouth.

“Take it down,” he ordered.

She ignored his words, but he threaded fingers in her pussy and sucked her clit at the same time. Now he was playing dirty. She had no choice but to cry out again and again. Matt took her pleasure to another level. Her core contracted, and she tried to find somewhere to hold on. He guessed her thoughts and tapped his shoulder. The moment she sank her nails into his skin, he sucked harder. She screamed down the walls as an orgasm shattered her reason.

When he raised his head, he was wiping his mouth shamelessly and licking remnants of her come from his hand. He scooted away in the water to lean on the opposite side of the tub. Through a gap in the bubbles, she saw him grab his cock and begin to pump it. A jolt ran through her. One would have thought she hadn’t just come, but the thing about her was, the second orgasm was always much more powerful than the first.

“Can I offer you a lift?” he said, pumping his cock until he was stiff and super thick. For a white boy, he was pretty hung, and she loved it.

Yup, definitely perfect.

“I don’t have any money.” She lowered her lashes and slipped into the water.

“It’s a free ride. All you have to do is get on.”

He was killing her. “Oh, yes! Don’t mind if I do.”

Janae straddled his hips and held onto his shoulders. Matt grabbed hold of one of her hips and guided his cock as she slid down on it. She threw her head back and shut her eyes as he stretched her pussy. Moaning, she shifted to get him deeper. She wanted all of him, as much as she could take.

Sitting on his lap with his shaft buried inside her, she lost strength and fell against his chest. He ran fingertips up her spine and into her hair. Ordinarily she would have clocked him for putting wet hands in her hair, but right then she didn’t care. All she wanted was to ride his dick all night long.

“Matt, baby, it’s so good. I want all of it.”

He crushed her to him and arched his hips, grinding upward. She tried to bounce, but he kept her motionless while he did the work. “We have to go slow first, honey, or I’m going to let go. Not yet, I need it to last. You feel so incredible, I’m not sure how long I can wait.”

“Don’t wait. Come in me hard and fast.”

“No, not yet. Feel me, Janae. Give me your body.”

“It’s yours. All of me belongs to you.”

They moved as one, and Janae dropped her head forward so she could kiss him. He parted her lips with his tongue, and they hungrily tasted each other, moaning into each other’s mouths.

Janae caught Matt’s bottom lip between her teeth, and she gave it a tiny nip. He punished her by pumping harder and then slowing down. She cried out his name, arching her back. He squeezed one breast and stuffed the peak between his lips. His nip sent spasms through her core, and she shook on his lap.

“You’re close,” he said, glancing up at her.

“You know my body.”

“I do, and I’m going to study it more, like your response when I do this.” He ran his hand down her back to her ass, and one finger pushed against her rear entrance. She couldn’t help herself. The second orgasm ripped through her core. She screamed, feeling like the sensation would go on forever, and hoping it would.

“Mm, yes,” he moaned, “that’s how I like you. Screaming for me.”

“You’re cruel. You like me to come apart when you fuck me.”

“When I make love to you, yes, definitely. I can’t get enough of seeing that expression on your face.”

“What expression?”

“Pure ecstasy.” He drew her forward and kissed her until she was dizzy. “Now my turn.”

Matt made love to her for the rest of the night, over and over. She couldn’t get enough of him, and she loved his expressions, too. The sounds he made when she sucked his cock and when he came gave her a sense of power over this sexy and amazing man. He made her want to pleasure him all the more, but not once did he ever stop thinking of returning the favor—with interest.

Chapter Seven

anae sat
in her chair at work with her shoes off and her feet drawn up. She hugged her knees and buried her face against them. Turning her head, she realized she hadn’t stopped smiling all morning. If she didn’t get a hold of herself, the people she worked with would notice and tease her.

Last night at Matt’s house, she had come to a decision. She would marry him, and funny enough she didn’t feel scared about it. In fact, the biggest surge of joy had overcome her this morning. She couldn’t concentrate on work and had spent the last couple of hours daydreaming about Matt.

Janae had considered telling Matt about her decision but put it off. She wanted to give herself more time to marinate on the idea, but as the day wore on she became more and more convinced.

This was what she wanted, even after that crazy blow up at his grandmother’s party. What did they matter? She was mature enough to allow Matt to have a relationship with his family and one with her. The two didn’t have to overlap. She would never interfere because she knew he loved his brother and grandmother. On the other hand, she wouldn’t feel obligated to ever attend their events again. Matt might have something to say about that part, but she would convince him it was the more peaceful route. She hated the old woman, but she didn’t wish a heart attack on her from either Janae’s smart mouth or her and Matt getting it on in a back room somewhere.

Janae laughed at her thoughts and spun her chair around. The door to her office opened, and her dad paused in the opening with one eyebrow raised. “Having fun?”

She thrust her feet to the floor and sat up straight. “Dad, can’t you knock?”

He chuckled and shut the door. “Don’t get all ruffled because I caught you playing like you used to in my chair.”

“Oh lord, here we go. Dad, please, I was a kid.”

“But you’re still doing it.”

She cleared her throat and shuffled some papers. “Was there something you needed? Oh right, how did the meeting go? Any good news?”

“Great news!” His grin broadened, and he grabbed a seat on the other side of her desk. “It looks good, baby girl. I think we’re going to turn things around with this client. I’ve been schmoozing him and selling him the dream of what we can offer. I think he bought it. All we have to do is draw up a contract.”

“No bidding?”

“Not this time. He and I hit it off personality-wise. Hell, I think we might be friends when it’s all over.”

“Careful, Dad. You always try to mix business with pleasure, and it can get you in trouble.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Don’t say it like I’m trying to date the man.”

She laughed. “You know what I mean. It’s all business. We need his money bad.”

“I know. If I didn’t have you to keep me on the straight and narrow path…”

“You got it.” She hesitated. “George stopped by the office. Did you catch up with him last night?”

Her dad’s face fell. “I did. To hear about Annie breaks my heart. The two of them and their kids are like family. We have to look out for them, Janae.”

“We don’t have the money.”

He frowned at her. “I didn’t raise you to care more about money than about people.”

“You know me better than that,” she snapped back at him. “We. Don’t. Have. The. Money! I can’t pull it out of my a—”


“Well it’s true. I keep the books, and I promise you I’m not being stingy or whatever’s running through your head. George wants overtime, but there’s nothing to give him.” She sat back in her chair and folded her arms over her chest. “By the way, when were you going to tell me about the apartment complex?”

Guilt flashed at her from the chocolate brown eyes. “I was getting around to it. Don’t worry. I’ll work it out soon.”


He rubbed his nose, his gaze blurring as if he was deep in thought. “What if I give up my salary except for a few basics?”

“Basics like food?”

“Janae, please, try to work with me on this. Think of the kids.”

She groaned. “All right, let’s try to brainstorm over lunch.”

“Good. We can go to my favorite restaurant.”

“Um, no. We can eat right here. If you’re going to cut your salary yet again, you’re going to start learning to budget better.”

“But I didn’t bring my lunch.”

She almost laughed at how he sounded like a little kid. “Not to worry, Dad. I brought lunch for both of us.”

He looked doubtful until she walked to her mini-fridge and pulled out the goodies Matt had given her from his hotel restaurant. She lay out butter basted lobster, crispy sweet potato, and spicy rice. Too bad he didn’t give her any green veggies. From her stockpile, she provided them with paper plates, napkins, and plastic cutlery.

“Oh wow, this looks as good as what I would have ordered at the restaurant. That Matt is a good man. Hold on to him, Janae. We might be able to eat good like this more often.”

“I’m not using him for leftovers, Dad. That’s tacky. We can heat this in the microwave. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring anything to drink, but I can run down the hall to the soda machine. What do you want?”

“No, stay right there. I’ve got something.” He disappeared from her office and returned with a bottle of wine.”

“Dad, drinking on the job?”

“This is non-alcoholic. It’s one of the products Bennett manufactures at one of his other holdings. He offered it to me when we met.”

“Sounds good. Let’s break it open. I bet I have some cups around here, too.” Janae pressed the buzzer on the phone. “Monique, we’ve got some good food here, and there’s extra. Feel free to come in and fix yourself a plate.”

“Thanks, Janae, but I’m good. My boyfriend is picking me up for lunch.”

“Okay, well, have fun.”

Finding herself starving and ready to eat, Janae piled her plate with food and sat down. She shoveled a big bite into her mouth and groaned when her cell phone rang. The number looked unfamiliar, so she let it go to voicemail and continued stuffing her face. When her meal was half devoured, she set her plate aside.

“Okay, let’s get down to business, Dad. I want to help George and Annie, but I’ve got nothing. Have you come up with something that doesn’t mean you starve to death?”

They kicked around ideas, her dad making suggestions and her shooting them down. When she came up with something, he shared information about another employee that might be adversely affected. They ran around in circles, getting nowhere.

“Be honest with me, Dad. How likely is it that you’ll get the apartment complex back online?”

He dropped his fork to his plate and set it down. “It’s not going to happen. This kind of thing happens sometimes.”

“That’s bullcrap, Dad. We had an agreement. I didn’t like that jerk, Larry, but we were desperate. I had a feeling he was shady, and it turns out I was right, wasn’t I?”

“Yes, you’re always right, Janae.”

She sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off all superior. You know your stuff, Dad. It just burns me up that he tried to take advantage of you. We should sue.”

“You of all people know we can’t even afford that much.”

“He’d have to pay our court fees and for our lawyer
we win.”

His handkerchief appeared to mop his head.

“Dad, I know you don’t like going to these lengths, and seriously neither do I. We can’t let clients walk all over us. How about this? We get the contract with Bennett. With the advance he pays, we use most of it to catch up with bills. The rest can go to whatever we might need to retain a lawyer. Then when we win, that money can be used to give George some overtime.”

“Hm, it could work, given that securing Bennett might get us more contracts even before we complete the job. I think we can pull it off.”

“Me, too.” Janae started to feel a little more hope about their situation. Her cell phone rang again, and she sighed seeing that it was the same person. “Dad, I might have to get this.”

“Let it go to voicemail,” he ordered. “We’re having a father-daughter luncheon, and I’m not sharing you right now.”

She chuckled. “Fine, but if Ed McMahan was calling, and you caused us to miss it, don’t blame me.”

“I’ll try my best.”

They both laughed, and went back to eating. Janae’s phone beeped, indicating she had a message, but she ignored it and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with her dad.

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