Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (16 page)

Christian frowned. He wasn’t sure he liked the way this conversation was headed. “And?” he asked cautiously.

“We want a day, just one day, that we can all spend together,” Dobry explained. “We want a picnic down by the lake, skinny-dipping, fun, and our mates.”

“All of our mates,” Matt added.

Christian was confused. “And why bring me in on this?”

“We’re sort of the least listened to around here,” Dobry said. “It’s not anything our mates mean to do and we know that. That’s why we try not to complain too much. But let’s face it, between Matt, Owen, and me, there’s not a one of us that is taller than six feet.”

“Okay, I’m really confused now. What does your size have to do with anything?”

“We all get treated like spun glass,” Matt said. “By trying so hard to protect us, they forget sometimes that we are equals.”

“I’m not over six feet either,” Christian said. “How can I help?”

“Because we want you on our side when we confront everyone.” Matt waved the cinnamon roll under Christian’s nose. “If we get together and demand a day of fun, we might be able to wrangle it out of them.”

“What about Alastar and Aiden? How do they feel about this?”

Matt frowned. “As big as they are, they kind of add to the problem.”

Christian looked at the three eager faces staring at him, then reached out to snatch the cinnamon roll out of Matt’s hand and popped it quickly into his mouth. He groaned again as he chewed, wondering if bribery was such a bad thing.

“Fine, I’m in,” he said once his mouth was clear. He eyed the men jumping and laughing while he snuck another cinnamon roll. Being newly mated, he hadn’t realized that he might not see his mate as often as he liked, and he liked seeing
whenever he wanted to. This would take some time to get used to.

“Thank you.”

Christian looked down to see Owen staring up at him. He reached over and stroked the side of his face. “Not a problem, sweetness. You know I’d do anything for you, cinnamon roll or not.”

“Are you saying you didn’t want the cinnamon roll?”

“Do I have ‘idiot’ tattooed on my forehead?”

Owen looked perplexed for a moment. Christian knew he didn’t have a tattoo on his forehead. He felt pretty sure that he would have noticed it this morning when he was brushing his teeth. “Owen?”

“Can werewolves keep tattoos?”

Christian blinked. “Um, yeah, but we have to use a special kind of ink. Why?”

“How do you feel about them?”

Christian shrugged. “I guess I never really thought about it.”

“Do you think maybe you could?”

Owen looked hopeful, but Christian couldn’t understand why. “It’s not that I have a problem with them, Owen. I just never thought about getting one before. I never really had a reason to.” Christian peered closer at Owen’s hopeful face. “Do you want me to get a tattoo?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of all of us getting a tattoo.”

“All of us?” Christian suddenly had visions of everyone in the pack getting matching Delta Pack tattoos, like a biker gang.

“Just you, Constantine, and me,” Owen said. “Something that said the three of us belong to each other.”

“Baby, everyone knows we belong to each other.”

“Everyone here does,” Owen waved his hand around the room. “But what if
goes on a mission or if you get called away on business? It’s not like we can wear rings or anything. Where would you put it when you shifted?”

“So, a tattoo would be permanent and everyone would see it even if we shifted?”

Owen nodded. His moss-green eyes were so huge they dominated his face. Christian could read so much hope in them, determination, and just a hint of uncertainty. He knew that his answer was important to Owen.

“I think the idea is great, but it would have to be something tasteful, not one of those gaudy
I heart such and such
tattoos, okay?”

“Yes!” Owen launched himself out of his chair and into Christian’s arms. Christian laughed as he caught Owen and wondered how something so simple could make his mate so happy. “I’ll draw up several different ideas, and we can all decide together, okay?”

“You draw?”

Owen nodded rapidly. “I had to do something to keep myself from going crazy in the asylum. One of the other patients taught me how to draw. I’ve been doing it ever since. You might say it’s a stress reliever for me.”


“Since meeting you and Constantine, though, I seemed to be relieving stress in a different manner.” Owen’s face turned red as he spoke.

“Are you feeling stressful, baby?” Christian said, pressing Owen closer to his.

“I’m feeling something.” Owen groaned.

Christian growled. He could smell the arousal pouring off Owen. He set Owen on his feet, grabbed his hand, and quickly pulled him past Matt and Dobry, laughing, and down the hallway to the room they were sharing with

Christian was attacking Owen’s clothes before the door fully shut behind them. He whipped Owen’s shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor, then went to work on the man’s jeans. Owen laughed as Christian shoved them down his legs and off his feet.

“Oh, you think this is funny?” Christian pushed Owen back until he fell on the bed with a little bounce. Christian stripped his own clothes off and let them fall to the floor, then climbed up onto the bed to straddle Owen’s waist. He grabbing Owen’s wrists, pinned them above his head, and leaned down until they were almost nose to nose. “Now what do you have to say?”

“Bite me.”

Christian grinned. “Gladly,” he said then started to bend down and bite Owen in the neck but the man turned his head away. Christian frowned and leaned back, suddenly concerned that the words Owen spoke were not in pleasure. “Owen?”

“Uh-uh, Matt and Dobry told me about a different kind of bite. I want to try that.”

Christian arched an eyebrow at Owen. Being a werewolf, he was pretty sure what kind of bite Owen was talking about. He just never thought his little human mate would be interested in such a thing.
, yes, but Owen, no way in hell.

“Are you sure, baby?”

“Truthfully, no, but it sounded interesting enough to give it a shot.” Owen’s face flushed, and he lowered his eyes for a moment. “Matt and Dobry said it’s very…”

“Intimate,” Christian supplied when Owen seemed at a loss for words.

Owen’s eyes flickered back up to meet Christian’s. “Yes.”

“Scoot up to the top of the bed, baby, and spread your legs for me.”

Owen grinned and did what Christian asked, scooting to the top of the bed. His skin flushed when he spread his legs and bared himself to Christian’s hungry gaze. Christian wasted no time in crawling between the man’s legs. He settled down onto his stomach, his face directly over Owen’s hard cock.

“This is nice, Owen,” Christian said, stroking the hard shaft.

“It feels nice.”

Christian chuckled, then swiped his tongue across the head of Owen’s cock. He groaned when droplets of precum blasted across his tongue. In the small amount of time they had been together, and with all of the things they’d done in that time, somehow Christian missed the taste of Owen. It was a mistake he wouldn’t make again. Christian imagined that Owen’s cock would be in his mouth a lot in the future.

Starting with right now.

Christian swallowed down every bit of Owen’s cock that he could fit into his mouth. Owen cried out above him, and humped wildly in the air. Christian grinned, feeling Owen’s hands curl in his hair.

Starting at the bottom, he slowly moved his lips up the long shaft until he reached the mushroomed head. Owen’s hips bucked, shoving his cock deeper into Christian’s mouth. Christian swallowed as much of it as he could.

He sucked and licked until he felt Owen’s balls draw up closer to his body. Owen clenched Christian’s hair. A low keening came from his lips. Just as Christian felt Owen’s cock swell in his mouth and the first drops of come hit his tongue, Christian sank his fangs into the shaft in his mouth.

Screaming, Owen went stiff. Copious amounts of come filled Christian’s mouth. Christian swallowed it all, then licked away any stray drops. Once Owen was cleaned up, Christian climbed to his knees between Owen’s legs and grabbed his cock, stroking it furiously while he looked down into the dazed eyes of his mate.

He was almost there, almost at the edge of the cliff he would fall over into his orgasm when Owen reached down and cupped his balls, gently massaging them. Christian cried out, his head falling back on his shoulders. He tensed and he jumped over the edge with both feet.

He continued to stroke himself until his cock became too sensitive then slowly let the pleasure coursing through his body fade away. Christian looked back down at his mate, his eyes nearly crossing when he saw Owen run his fingers through the cum on his chest and stick them in his mouth, licking them clean.

“Yum!” Owen’s eyes twinkled.

Christian dropped his head down to rest against Owen’s as he laughed. “Jeez, Owen, you’re going to kill me.”

“Not my intention, certainly,” Owen said, rubbing his hands over Christian’s shoulders. “But it would be an interesting way to go.”

Christian chuckled and pressed his lips against Owen’s, giving him a small kiss. He settled against Owen and felt his cooling come squish between him and Owen. “Was that what you wanted?”

Owen nodded. “I wish I had fangs so I could show you what that felt like.”

He looked almost sad. Christian decided he couldn’t have that, not when Owen had been so happy moments before.

“Sweety, I’m not sure I’m brave enough to let someone bite my dick.” Christian brushed the strawberry-blond curls back from Owen’s beautiful face. “But I certainly wouldn’t mind having my cock in your mouth, just no teeth.”

Owen giggled. Christian’s eyebrows shot up. Owen had actually giggled. It sounded like sunlight and pure joy. Christian fell in love with that sweet sound right there and then. He wanted to hear it again and again every day for the rest of his life.

“You’re beautiful, you know that?”


“Yeah, you. I could look at you every day…I
to look at you every day.” Christian stroked his fingers across Owen’s plush lips. “Christ, Owen, every fucking time I look at these lips I imagine them wrapped around my cock.”

“Yeah?” Owen sounded breathless.


Owen’s moss-green eyes began to twinkle again. He opened his mouth and sucked Christian’s fingers in, running his tongue over them. Christian groaned. He felt his cock start to take interest in what Owen was doing, starting to harden.

“I am so fucking doomed.”

Owen giggled.

* * * *

“Anything else you need me to grab?” Christian asked as he placed the last food container in the large picnic basket Matt had supplied him. The basket was pretty much full, but this was Matt’s show. If there were more to add, Christian would do it.

So far, they had fried chicken, homemade potato salad, fresh sliced fruit, and warm cinnamon rolls. A cooler full of ice, soda, and beer already sat by the kitchen door. Several blankets and pillows sat stacked on top of the cooler.

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