Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) (9 page)

Darryl pulled back and rested his forehead on hers. Her gaze matched his. Neither broke eye contact as he slowly worked the shirt free from her hands.

Covering her hands with his, he worked them up the front of the shirt toward the collar. “Maybe Mason should join us.”

He glanced to where Mason sat, confirming his interest.

Mason swallowed hard and met Darryl’s eyes. Watching him and Val was hot. Hotter than he expected. Darryl’s smile and nod toward Val punctuated his statement.

Mason scooted the chair away from the table and rose. “A mutual strip—hhhhmmmmm—hot stuff.”

He sidestepped Darryl and moved around Val, pressing close to her side. “How can I help?” He leaned down and nipped her neck.

Val arched her neck, and a low moan escaped her lips.

“Shall I help you with your robe?’ Mason slipped his hand over Val’s wrist, lightly trailing his fingers across the inside of her wrist.

“How about you help her with my shirt? She seems to be all thumbs.”

Darryl hunched one shoulder, then his other. “These tight sleeves are hampering our progress.”

Mason paused as he carefully searched Val and Darryl’s faces. Neither appeared hesitant. Val grinned and kissed him. Darryl shrugged and spoke. “Anytime, dude. These sleeves are tight.”

Mason kissed Val and touched Darryl’s shoulder. “Sure it isn’t your swelled ego or too much steam heat?”

Darryl’s snort and grin eased Mason’s apprehensions. Sharing two women at the same time or in the same bed was different from one woman taking on each of them separately as they lay close by each other. A lot more touching up close and together made sense and peaked his curious voyeur side, given Darryl’s earlier comment. Besides, he agreed with Darryl, seeing Val pleasured by someone he and she cared about added to the experience.

Moving behind Darryl, his placed his hands near Val’s.

“All right, you move with me on the count of three. One—”

“Three,” Darryl blurted out.

All three burst out laughing.

* * * *

Twenty minutes later, both men, down to their underwear, sandwiched Val back between them.

“Damn, you two shuck clothes faster than my kid brother’s toddler.” Val gasped as Darryl pulled her to him, unbuttoning two of her robe’s six buttons.

“And your gripe is?” Darryl’s hot breath feathered down her neck into the open
of her robe.

“Yes,” Mason chimed in, working his hands inside the robe’s collar, rubbing her shoulders. “Just because we made it a show for you, you want to complain?”

His words warmed her neck and worked their way down her back.

“No,” she managed to whisper, wondering how much more she could take.

Watching them take turns slowly stripping made her wet. So damn wet. And hot.

Darryl’s challenge to toss and reveal, along with Mason’s acceptance, had sent warm ripples up and down her spine, their overflow steaming her desire to higher levels. How much wetter could a girl get?

“So now it’s our turn to assist you,” Darryl hotly whispered in her left ear. His hands worked another button open.

“I do believe you’re too dressed for what we have in mind,” Mason’s voice purred in her right ear.

Val reminded herself to breathe and tried to inhale deeply.

“Cat got your tongue?” Darryl quipped and leaned closer.

Mason’s hands mimicked Darryl’s moves, massaging in unison across her neck and shoulders.

Lips and tongues captured various parts of her exposed neck and ears. A hand moved lower, stroking the top of her breast, and roamed back toward her shoulder. Another worked the three remaining buttons of her robe open.

She couldn’t tell whose hands were whose unless she opened her eyes and attempted to look. Not that she could. Desire kept her tightly wrapped in its embrace. She really didn’t care who touched her where and stoked her molten core closer to eruption.

“Oh yes. So beautiful.” Darryl’s voice whispered across her cheek and partway up her ear. His voice ebbed and flowed almost in rhythm to his caresses.

A set of hands worked her loose robe off her shoulders and down her arms. Lips feathered kisses across her exposed shoulders, stopping short of the gauzy straps of her pajama top. Wet licks and flicks of a tongue traced the outer edge of each side of one strap. Hands stroked down the tops of her breasts, edging closer to her tightly pebbled nipples. How much hotter and tighter could they get? It was like her heart and pussy connected her pulse points. She swore they thrummed each time the guys touched her.

“God, so soft and tasty.” Mason nibbled along Val’s shoulder, moving toward her arm. Each nip and kiss brought her strap closer to sliding off.

Darryl slipped his hand beneath her top, bunching it against his wrist the higher he stroked. The heat of his palm scalded its way along her stomach, moving upward. He slid his other around her waist and pulled her tighter to him. “Too much clothing and so little exposure.”

Grabbing her top in both hands, Darryl pulled it up to her neck, exposing her breasts.

* * * *

Mason raised his head. His warm breath caressed Val’s shoulder. “Oh, I like this view!”

He took Val’s hand and raised it to his shoulder. “Hold on, sweetie. I think a southern reveal is needed.” He trailed his fingertips over her stomach, tracing a path around her navel and inched toward her waistband. As he reached the edge of her panties, he worked two fingers under the elastic and snaked his palm below her navel, stopping short of her mons.

He felt Val’s sharp inhale as she gripped his shoulder. “Like that, do you?” Dragging his nails along the edge of her hairline, he leaned closer. “Wait until my tongue gets there.”

Val bit her lip and panted. Darryl tweaked and pulled her nipple in between strokes of his other hand up and down her bare back. Currents of sweet need rippled down her chest and straight to her pussy. Mason’s touch and innuendos added fuel to her growing desire. How much more could she take and not come from sheer anticipation?

“God, yes I love what you’re doing. Both of you.” Val tried to turn her head toward Darryl. A need to kiss him and feel his heat built up in her. Then Mason and back to cradled between them both. She wanted them naked. Every stitch of clothing gone, eliminated and nothing between them.

“Naked. I need to be naked. It’s so hot and sweet.” A low moan began deep in her throat as Mason worked his fingers between her legs. Two more strokes and her clit—

“Ye–ss–ss.” His fingers hit pay dirt. Her clit thrummed with each swipe. “Much more and I’m going to come. I’m so wet.”

“That’s no problem if you want me to stop.” Mason began pulling his hand out of her panties.

Val dropped her hand from Mason’s shoulder and grabbed his arm. “Don’t stop. Not yet.” Her gaze met his. “Make me come. Plee–aase.”

“Who am I to deny the lady her wish?” Mason wedged his cum-covered fingers back over Val’s clit, circling it twice before pinching the nub between his fingers and mimicking Darryl’s movements on her nipple.

“Darryl, a kiss please. Share my come with me.” Val panted and puckered her lips.

“I can’t deny the lady either.” Darryl turned sideways, anchoring Val against him, and he captured her lips with his.

“Oh, what a sweet cream this is going to be.” Mason stroked firmer, nudging his fingers lower between her legs.

“Hmmm,” Val groaned as Darryl broke off their kiss. “Ye–ss do no–tt stop.”

Darryl wrapped his arms around Val’s waist. “Let go, sweetie. Go for it. Come hard.”

Val nodded, inhaled, and cried out. “So good. Oh my god. Mason, that is so damn good.” More moans and deep ahs sputtered out until Val leaned limply against Darryl.

Darryl reached up and tucked her hair behind her ears, getting it out off her face. He kissed her cheek and winked at Mason. “Good job, my friend. I think the lady approves.”

Val’s weak
brought a smile to both men’s faces.

“I don’t think I could move if I wanted to.” Val sighed and started fanning herself.

“I think I can assist with that.” Darryl straightened Val upright against him. He moved backward, Mason coming with them—his hand still in Val’s panties, until Darryl felt the bed touching his legs.

Easing Val off him, he held her loosely in the bend of one arm. “Mason, how about we strip the lady and cool her off a bit?”

Mason’s grin and exuberant nod were contagious. Darryl chuckled. “Eagerness is not vastly overrated, eh, my friend?”

“No, not at all. You take the top? I’ll take the bottom.” Mason worked his hand free and stepped back.

Darryl grasped Val’s hand and helped her sit on the bed. “Are you ready for the next phase?” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “I think it’s time to work on your earlier suggestion. Get you naked.” Darryl drew out the word
before tugging Val’s arm upward.

“Off with this offending piece of clothing.” He worked her arm through the strap of her top and bunched it on her shoulder. Leaning across her, he raised her other arm and glanced at Mason. “I was going to ask for your help. But I see you’re busy.”

Mason’s boxers hung low on his hips. His cock stuck out over the top, peeking out of his fist as he stroked downward. “Never let a good scene go to waste, I say.”

Darryl let go of Val’s arm and stood. Moving between Mason and Val, he worked her other arm free of her top. Reaching back, he tapped Mason on the hip. “Watch where you’re stroking, dude. Don’t want to wear that thing out.”

Mason snorted and offered a cheesy comeback. “Haven’t yet and doubt I will before the night’s over.”

Darryl toss Val’s top on the chair with her robe. Turning around, he caught Mason’s glazed look. “Hey, waste not, want not. You ready to take this off, Val?” Darryl snapped the elastic of her panties, getting both their attentions.

“Ouch! That smarts.” Val cuffed him on the arm. “I’m a participant in this, too.”

Mason slipped his hand down to his balls and released his cock. He leaned forward and kissed Val. “Wanna help clean up my fingers?” He pressed two fingers against Val’s lips. She opened and laved her tongue across the bottom of them. Mason thrust them in and out as she puckered her lips around them.

“Damn, that is hot. I want to feel your hot, greedy mouth milking me dry, babe.” Mason shook his hips, swinging his cock back and forth. “Arrgh, got to get those panties off you and your legs over my shoulders. You’re gonna cream another sweet taste for me. Aren’t ya?”

* * * *

Val shivered and ducked her head. She looked up, trying to act coy by peering through her lashes. She caught Mason’s grin and him shaking his finger at her.

“Shame, shame. You wanton thing. You know that is gonna cost you. Maybe I’ll make you come twice or three times before I let you taste this.” Mason grabbed his boxers and shoved them down his hips. His cock stuck out, hard and beautiful. Even his balls seemed to swell as she gazed at them. Wetting her lips, Val reached out.

“Oh, no. You have to wait. These come off first.” Mason pointed to her panties and worked his boxers the rest of the way off.

Val began to stand. Mason snickered. “I’m taking them off. You lay back and spread those lovely legs.” Mason moved forward. He caught Darryl eyeing their interaction as he fondled his cock. “See, you’ve got him hotter, too.”

* * * *

Darryl stood and stripped off his shorts. “I’m going to enjoy the show.” He moved to the head of the bed and propped up two pillows. “Go ahead and play at will.”

Lying back against the pillows, he squeezed the end of his cock, urging more pre-cum out. As he coated his cock, Darryl spread his legs, easing his bloated balls into a more comfortable position.

* * * *

Mason tugged Val to her feet. Helping her stand, he fisted the elastic waistband of her panties in his hand and yanked. Rips and tears filled the room and died as rapidly as they began. Val’s gossamer panties hung in shreds from his hand. He offered Val his empty hand and eased her down to the bed, dropping the shredded garment to the floor.

Mason quickly glanced to Darryl as his sharp hiss sounded. His wink and brief nod indicated no harm or foul done. Taking two quick breaths, Mason knelt on the floor. “Lay back and enjoy.”

* * * *

Val leaned back on her hands, keeping her upper half where she could see both. She reached back with one hand and touched Darryl. A quick reassuring rub, she tilted her head back to make sure he was all right. She noted his airborne kiss and smile before he settled back into the pillows at his back. Easing down, she snapped her fingers at Mason and spoke. “I don’t think you’re up to your own challenge.”

* * * *

Mason chose to ignore Val’s taunt and worked one hand under her hip and buttocks. He pinched and fondled her firm ass before easing one leg over his shoulder. Leaning forward, he puckered his lips and blew.

Val squirmed, raising her hips as she tried to wriggle away. Mason caught her ankle as she attempted to gain her footing on the bed. “Nope, you don’t get away from me that easily.”

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