Her Billionaire Secret Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (4 page)

She dropped her head back allowing the spray to beat against her face. How long she stood there she didn’t know. It could have been less than a minute or it could be five minutes or more. Her mind was full of Tevis. The way he moved. The way he’d smiled at her across the room. The way he’d gazed at her when he thought she wasn’t looking.

The whole evening had been a dance between the two of them. She knew for certain what the final outcome would be.

She only had to ask.

In one day they had come a long way from the lust of last night.

Had it been lust or had her body pre-empted what her mind refused to believe? That somehow over the last twenty-four hours she’d fallen for a man so totally unsuitable, so far away from the life she’d created for herself, she was in danger of losing herself forever.

She lifted her head.

Tevis stared back at her with hunger in his eyes. How long had he been there?

“I want you.” His voice wasn’t demanding. It was a plea.

“Yes. I know.” Now wasn’t the time for lies.

“I want to taste you. I need to fuck you, to feel your body squeezing my cock.”

Claire knew she had the power to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. She didn’t hesitate. She was no longer in control. She couldn’t resist him.

She lifted her hand in an invitation to join her.

He clasped it and stepped under the water. There was no going back.

He pulled her up against him, his shirt and pants already soaked as he dropped his head to hers. His lips demanded her surrender. God, he had no idea he’d already won.

Parting her lips she took him in, responding to the softness of his breath and his persuasive kisses. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her against his body. He was ready for her, but she knew tonight would be different. The dance started between them wasn’t finished yet.

Lifting his head, Tevis stared into her eyes. His were dark with passion, full of undisguised need. Lord only knew what he saw in hers.

She quivered as he placed his hand on the back of her neck, every nerve ending fired under his gentle touch.

“I meant it when I said I want to taste you.” His other hand trailed over her breasts, traced a line across her stomach and only stopped when his finger slid between her legs.

She couldn’t suppress her moan of need, gripping his shoulders and ripping at his wet shirt with her nails.

“I want to flick your clit with my tongue…”

Oh dear lord.

“…slide inside you…taste your body, your juices…” he said slowly, tauntingly, “…to tongue-fuck you until you scream.”

A long sigh escaped her lips.

He stood back and her mind and body screamed ‘no.’

“Don’t go…” she gasped, her breathing ragged as he stared at her.

But he wasn’t stopping; he was no more capable of that than she was. He dropped to his knees, and placed his hands between her legs and parted them, looking up at her with desire.

There were no more words as he trailed a path of kisses across the top of her thighs, only the sound of the moan forced from her lips as his mouth found her swollen clit.

His lips pulled at her, his teeth scraping across the hard nub as he teased her into submission. She had no control under the domination of his mouth, her hands grasped at his scalp, her fingers tangling in his hair as he lapped at her slit.

His tongue teased and tormented, dragging every emotion to the surface and pushing it to the edge. Claire lost herself in the pleasure of his touch. She couldn’t get enough of what he was doing.

“I want you to come,” he demanded, his voice vibrating against her clit.

“I can’t… it’s too much,” she cried.

“You will,” he ordered, intensifying the sweet ordeal.

Her climax was inevitable, her scream long and hard as she reached the peak and fell into an explosion of light and pleasure. Her body would never be the same again.

His mouth kept up the torture.


Her hands raked his scalp as her orgasm seared through her body. He grasped her ass as she arched hard against him.

Claire realised the little whimpering noises came from her. Her body still pulsed. The only other sound was Tevis’s ragged breathing. His head was pressed against her stomach, his lips nuzzling her skin.

He looked up. The dance was still on.

Standing, he took her hand and led her out of the shower. Peeling off his wet clothes he dropped them on the floor, not caring what happened to them. Dragging a soft towel from the heated rail, he dried the water from her body. Every touch, every brush of his fingers over her skin seared through her once more until, no longer able to stand it, she placed her hand on his hard cock.

She looked into his eyes and gave him a coy smile.

His cock jerked beneath her fingers. The power she had over him was like a drug. Intoxicating. Addictive. She stroked his length, discovering the slick liquid at the tip she lifted her finger to her mouth. Staring at him, she flicked her tongue over her fingertip exploring the salty taste. Now she was a new daring Claire, created by this man for his pleasure.

His reaction was instant. Scooping her into his arms, he strode out of the bathroom and across to the bed. Dropping her onto the covers, he pushed her legs apart and lay between them with his cock pressing against her slit.

Not one word was uttered. No protest. No plea. Their eyes communicated their need, their desire.

Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Tevis pushed his cock deep into her. His head dipped to take her nipple.

Claire whimpered, she could barely breathe. This was what she’d been waiting for all evening. Tevis inside, taking her.

He sucked hard at her breast, his teeth teasing the hard nub as he released it.

“You’re so fucking wet,” he groaned as he pulled quickly out and rapidly forced himself back in again.

He was bigger than any man she’d been with before. It was such sweet delicious pain as he plunged into her.

“Too much?” He sounded concerned.

“No,” she whimpered, “more.”

He laughed. She loved that deep sexy sound. Guttural. Satisfied with her answer.

“I want to fuck you all night.” His voice said he meant it.

“Please,” she whispered.

His next thrust told her she was going to get what she asked for. His balls crashed against her ass as he pumped, changing her whimpers to incoherent demanding words.

The sound of his flesh slapping hers played a beat to their fuck-dance. The grinding of his hips matched the arching of her body.

Her nails ripped at his shoulders, as he thrust into her harder and harder.

“Claire…” Her name ripped from his lips as he came long and hard.

She was with him every second, her body and mind exploding as they melded. Emotion overwhelmed her and tears streamed down her face.

Tevis collapsed down onto the bed beside her, pulling her close to him and kissed the tears away.

She lay in a content half slumber, her body sated, her mind meandering.

“I think I’m falling for you,” she whispered drowsily, thinking Tevis slept.

“I already have,” Tevis murmured. “Go to sleep darling…” His voice drifted away and his breathing became even.

Chapter Six



“You’re never going to be able to finish all those.” Claire flicked her gaze down the line of glasses.

He’d never been able to resist a challenge. The first had been to find the best milkshakes in London. Surprisingly Boyd had come to his rescue, calling around his friends. Ivan’s Coffee Bar had come out top of the poll. This second one came straight from Claire, the stakes were high. She’d told him he’d manage two at the most, so he ordered four.

He’d been like this from an early age. Competitive.

This was going to be fun.

“How much do you bet?” He hoped it would be sex. Even though they’d made love several times during the night, he was willing to prove to Claire he had an even greater appetite for her.

Her eyes twinkled in response and she grinned as if she knew exactly where his thoughts were going. Though if his face reflected what was going on in his pants, she didn’t need to be a mind reader. His dick hardened whenever he thought of her beneath him. The possibility of her being on top riding his cock made it worse.

“You make me breakfast and bring it to me in bed,” she responded.

“Lady, if you win, I’ll do it for a week.”

She looked down, “I won’t be here after the wedding.”

Damn, she still isn’t convinced.


She looked up but didn’t answer. He saw the uncertainty in her eyes.

“If I win, I’m only asking for a promise.”

“What is it?”

“That you’ll stay until Tuesday.” He held his breath. This was the biggest gamble of his life. His recent difficult business negotiation with an American conglomerate had been a piece of cake compared to this.

“Only till Tuesday? I’ve already agreed to that.”

“Longer, if you want to.” He wanted it but he wasn’t going to force it on her. The more he’d got to know her, the more he wanted this to be what she desired as well.

The teasing smile was back. She held out her hand across the table. “Tuesday, it is.”

He grasped it and gave it a firm shake. “You know, we could come here every Sunday afternoon if you stayed longer.” He knew he was cheating as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed each of her fingers.

She shook her head at him and pulled her hand away. “Stop trying to bribe me.”

He looked across at the single strawberry milkshake the cafe owner had placed in front of her, and then at the row of four different flavoured shakes in front of him. He was determined to win the bet.

As he lifted the first glass, he smiled. “Claire Bretton, be prepared to forfeit.”

He never even paused between each flavour. Her eyebrows had raised higher with each glass he ended and when he put the final one down he muttered a single word.



“My favourite flavour is chocolate.”


“You don’t seem very interested in the fact I’ve made a decision.” He gave her a look of amusement. “That’s why we came here...,” he looked around the tidy, but shabby, fifties-style coffee bar, “...to find out what flavour I like best. It’s chocolate.”

“So it’s chocolate. How do you feel?”

“Fine.” No way was he going to admit the queasy rolling feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“How did you do that?”

He looked down at the empty glasses. “Practice. Lots of practice. You should have seen some of the concoctions I drank at boarding school. I never refuse a challenge.”

“So you were never going to lose?” she accused.

“No.” He licked the last of the milk from the top of a straw.

Claire cocked her head at him. “Have you ever lost anything?”

“No, never.” Where was she going with this?

“It’s going to hurt badly the first time you do.”

He couldn’t read the look in her eyes. He didn’t think this was about him, but he wasn’t sure.

“Have you been hurt badly?”

An emotion flickered across her face and then it was gone, hidden behind a wry smile. He’d swear it was pain and sadness she’d revealed in those short seconds.

“Yes. You beat me, you cheat. You never had any intention of making me breakfast.”

He stood and held out his hand to her. “Miss Bretton, I have every intention of making you breakfast.” As he stood, he pulled her close, kissed her and then put his lips to her ear. “And I’ll serve it to you naked.”



Tevis was wrapping himself around her heart and her mind. As they walked together back to Belgravia, all she could think about was how she could work out a way of remaining with him a little longer. It had been so tempting to give in and agree to stay a week, but she had a life to get back to. A job she needed and plans for her career. And it would be difficult to mesh her needs with his . His life was worlds away from hers. His lifestyle was also a risk to the privacy she’d sought so hard to keep.

They walked hand in hand in comfortable silence, but occasionally he would look down at her and smile. Every time he did he chipped away at her resolve.

What they had might not last long. He’d said he’d fallen for her, but what did that mean? It would break her heart to walk away from him now. If she couldn’t work this out, she would have to live with the pain.

As she followed him up the steps and into the house, she knew that her words ‘falling for you’ had meant, ‘I love you’. The biggest commitment to anyone she would ever make in her life.

Josie was in the hallway, laying a large bouquet of white roses on the reception table.

Claire paused and pushed away the dark thought trying to creep into her mind. It was coincidence, it had to be. They were for Ellie.

“A man from a magazine delivered these for you.” Josie was looking at her, her features held compassion.

“Which magazine?” The words were difficult to say.

“Citrus Gem. At first, he said they were for Fay Tyler. When I said there wasn’t a Fay Tyler here he said to give them to Claire Bretton… that you would know who she was.” Josie’s eyes told her she knew it was true.

There would be no Tevis. No forever love.

It would be out in the open who she really was and she couldn’t walk that path again. She’d take a huge risk when she’d agreed to stay and now everything was crashing down around her.

She closed her eyes. To shut out the sight of the flowers. To shut out the sympathy on Josie’s face. The older woman had worked it out.

Tevis stroked her arm gently. “Who is Fay Tyler?”

She looked up at the man who she could no longer stay with, no matter how much she loved him. No matter how much he cared for her. Just as she'd realised how much she loved him, it had been taken away. 

“I am. Claire Fay Tyler Bretton.”

He frowned. “Why do use them as two names?”

“For a long time, everyone knew me as Fay Tyler, it was my stage name.”

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