Read His Need, Her Desire Online

Authors: Malia Mallory

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

His Need, Her Desire (4 page)

Marcus caught her eye. "I'd love to know what you're thinking about."

Tabitha blushed deeply and smothered a cough. "Ask me later."

He nodded. "Okay. I will. Did you enjoy your meal?"

"I did, but I was a bit distracted."

Marcus gave her a knowing smile and took her arm, leading her from the restaurant. Once in the car, he held her hand and traced the edges of her fingertips with his. Tabitha had always thought of her fingers as an instrument of pleasure, but he was showing her just how sensitive they were to another's touch.

Tabitha searched for the resolve to make a decision. Sex had only been self-pleasuring for so long. She was on vacation, but that wasn't a license to be reckless. Her mind whirled between caution and desire.

Soon they arrived at the hotel and headed up in the elevator. She still hadn't made up her mind when they reached her door. He took the key card from her and then slid it into the slot. After a slight click, he opened the door a crack.

Marcus leaned in and gently took her mouth. His firm lips molded to hers and Tabitha opened, luring him inside. He accepted her invitation and glided tip of his tongue along the edge of her top lip. He slid his hand from her hip to her ass and squeezed as he pulled her forward against him.

Just as Tabitha's resistance crumbled, Marcus pulled back. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers a moment, then straightened and stepped away.

"Thank you for a lovely evening. I'm going sailing tomorrow. Would you like to join me?"

Tabitha was stunned and barely pushed out a
before he steered her through the doorway, shutting the door between them. Tabitha stood, alone and dazed, trying to catch her breath.
What just happened?
He was aroused. She knew he was. She'd felt it.
Isn't this what I want?
She hadn't planned to hop right into intimacy with him. It turned out he didn't want that either. Paradoxically, she felt slightly offended. Her body still tingled with arousal.

Tabitha shed her clothes and fished the vibrator out of her suitcase. "Well, it looks like just you and me tonight." She climbed into bed and spread her legs wide. She pressed the vibrator to her clit and closed her legs around it. Her mind drifted to Marcus.

Tabitha rolled over onto her stomach, cradling her head in the crook of her arm while pressing the vibrator against herself with the other hand. She imagined Marcus crawling up behind her. The warmth of his body scorched her skin as he drew close without quite touching her. His hot breath tickled her ear as he whispered how much he wanted her. Tabitha pulsed deep inside, his weight crushing her. His knees nudged her legs apart. He spread her lips and dipped one finger inside her, testing her readiness. He eased himself inside and Tabitha gasped and came. Rolling waves of muscle contractions spread through her body. Tabitha let them flow through her, relishing the tingling pleasure.

In the aftermath, Tabitha succumbed to her post orgasmic lethargy and fell into a deep slumber, dreaming of sailing on the ocean with Marcus.


Tabitha slept in the next morning but made it to the restaurant in time for the tail end of breakfast service. As she finished her papaya, she felt a sudden tingle of awareness. She glanced up and saw Marcus crossing the room toward her. She set down her spoon and waited. What a picture he made. Female heads swiveled in his direction. A few male ones too. It wasn't only that he personified tall, dark, and handsome, but there was a magnetism about him that drew people into his orbit.

He slid into the chair opposite her. "Are you enjoying your breakfast?"

"Yes. The fruit is amazing."

"I imagine it's local. Still up for a sail?"

Tabitha's heart jumped in her chest. "I am."
How does he manage such mundane conversation?

"Great. When do you want to go?"

"Isn't your charter for specific time?" Tabitha considered bringing up the previous evening but didn't know how to broach the subject.

"It's open. We'll go when you're ready."

"Okay. I need to get a few things together. Meet in the lobby in thirty minutes?"

"Sounds good." Marcus stood and left Tabitha to finish her breakfast and contemplate his behavior. He'd been almost brusque, as if they were acquaintances instead of being … whatever it was they were.

Tabitha shook her head as he walked away, puzzled and confused.
Will I ever understand men?


When they arrived at the pier, Tabitha wondered which boat they were taking. Marcus guided her along the walkway toward a slip containing a large yacht.

Tabitha stopped and laughed. "Marcus, that is not a sailboat."

"I said we were going sailing. I didn't say on a sailboat. If I'd invited you to go yachting, it might sound pretentious." He smiled with good humor.

Tabitha shook her head ruefully. This man charmed without even trying.

Marcus escorted her on board. It was only a few moments before the crew cast off. The yacht wasn't the biggest that she'd seen, but it was clearly luxurious. She didn't know the crew complement, but she imagined a vessel of this size took a few people to operate.

Marcus caressed her hand. "I've asked the captain to see if he can take us to a good spot for whale watching."

Tabitha took a deep breath to steady herself. "That would be terrific."

"Come. Let's sit on deck a while." Several different groupings of deck chairs occupied space on deck. Some were in the sun, some in the shade, and one was partially shaded.

Tabitha stepped out of his grasp. "I vote for partial shade if that's okay with you."

"That's fine. Do you have sunscreen?"

"I put some on before we left the hotel. I probably need to reapply."

"I'd be happy to help." He leered at her broadly.

Tabitha laughed, delighted by this playful side of Marcus. She slipped off her sundress. The swimsuit underneath was a bikini - her pre-vacation splurge. It hugged and revealed the curves of her body. She dipped into her tote bag and pulled out a bottle of suntan lotion.

Marcus took the bottle from her hands. He popped open the top and poured a generous portion into his palm before setting the bottle down.

Tabitha gathered the long strands of her hair together and lifted them out of the way as Marcus's hands grasped her shoulders. He massaged the lotion into her skin, and Tabitha bit back a moan. Her reaction to him continued to astonish her. She realized she was more sensual than she'd ever suspected. The strength of her attraction to Marcus was outside her previous experience.

Marcus made his way down her back and, just when she anticipated that he might touch her ass, his hands swept up her sides instead. When he reached her bikini top, his hands glided around to her abdomen then began to stroke in large, slow circles. Tabitha trembled against him. Marcus pressed his lips to the hollow below her ear and kissed her lightly. Tabitha grasped his forearms for balance and then tried to force his hands lower, toward the apex of her thighs. Marcus resisted and she could not budge him. Deliciously trapped within the circle of his arms, she longed to feel his touch in the most intimate of places and tried again to guide him there without success.

"Marcus?" She leaned back into him.

"Yes, Tabitha?"

Her eyes fluttered closed. "Why do you tease me so?"

"I can't resist. The anticipation is … exciting."

Tabitha pulled herself from his arms, frustrated by pent-up desire. "You seem to be able to turn on and off easily enough."

"No. It's not that simple, Tabitha."

Tabitha didn't hide her exasperation. "Why? Why isn't it that simple? Is there someone else?"

"I'm not committed to anyone." Marcus kept his voice low and even.

Tabitha breathed a sigh of relief. "Then what?"

"Let's sit down." Marcus situated himself in a deck chair and Tabitha did likewise. She picked up the suntan lotion and applied it to her arms and legs.

Tabitha waited, but it was so difficult to be patient. She had to bite her lips several times to keep from speaking. She sensed he was thinking, choosing the words for whatever it was he wanted to express.

"I look for certain things in a relationship."

Tabitha nodded. "Everyone does, don't they?"

"Yes." Just when Tabitha thought he might not continue, he spoke. "Are you looking for a vacation fling?"

"I'm not looking for anything. I met a guy. I'm enjoying his company. It doesn't have to be complicated." Tabitha tried to convey a blasé attitude but suspected that she failed.

"You're right. I'm overthinking this. But I need to let you know, I'm used to a certain amount of control."

"That's rather vague. Besides, I'm heading back to New York in a few days. Who's to say we'll even see each other again, right?" She struggled to inject a breezy note into her voice.

"We're dancing around the issue here, Tabitha.
know what's between us.
know what's between us. If we continue to spend time in one another's company, we both know where it will lead."

Tabitha's usual reticence seemed to desert her. This man - he just felt
. "Alright. All cards on the table? You … make me
. You make my body quiver and want like no one else has. It's … scary and exhilarating all at the same time."

"Yeah it is." Marcus took a deep breath. "I want you, Tabitha. I can't deny that. Hell, I need to take you. Being in your company and … restraining myself. It's agonizing."

"Then why? Why are you doing it? Why are you holding back?"

"I want you so much. Too much. I don't want to … shock you. What I desire from you is not something I'm sure you can give."

Just when she thought she was getting a handle on the conversation, Marcus pushed her back to square one. "What are you talking about?"

"Tabitha, I respect women. I respect you. But in the bedroom, I like certain things. That's it. That's me."

"Marcus, just spit it out. You're being so vague I can only guess at what you mean."

"Okay. Do you like to be dominated? Spanked? Do you like to be like to be tied up?"

Whatever she'd anticipated, this wasn't it. "You're getting all worked up because you like to be sexually dominant?" Her body involuntarily tingled.
Tabitha found the idea unexpectedly appealing.

"It isn't for everybody. I don't like surprises, and I assume my partner doesn't either. We only have a short time together, so honestly, I didn't know if it was worth it to get into this."

Tabitha barely hesitated as she stood and walked to the chair where Marcus reclined. She looked into his face, dear to her already. She lifted her leg over him and then sat, straddling both Marcus and the chair. She leaned forward and took his face in her hands. "I totally think it's worth it and I can't wait." She kissed him, pressing herself against him and his arms came around her.

A tremor passed through him and he grabbed her ass in both hands, pulling her closer.

Marcus reluctantly lifted her away from himself. "Privacy. We need privacy." They untangled themselves from the deck chair, and Marcus took her hand and led her below. He guided her into a stateroom and firmly closed the door.

Tabitha turned toward Marcus and the look on his face froze her. It was predatory, blatantly sexual. His gaze trapped her and her heart raced. Everything that was female inside of her responded to the purely masculine intent in his crystal blue eyes.

In a flash, he captured her in his arms and plundered her mouth. He pulled her down to the carpet, and his hands grappled with her clothing. He tugged her bikini top off and seized her nipple with his mouth. Tabitha surrendered under the onslaught. She gloried in the strength of his need, which sparked in her an answering desire.

As he dragged her bikini bottoms off, she lifted her hips to assist him. He tossed them to the side and hooked his thumbs in his own swim trunks, pushing them to his knees. He forced her legs open wide and stared at her glistening flesh.

Before she could protest, his mouth was on her, sucking her clit and lapping down to the origin of her wetness. He thrust his tongue inside and she reared against him. The unexpected pleasure stunned her, and she teetered on the edge of orgasm.

Marcus slid up her belly nibbling and biting his way to her neck. His hips forged between her legs, and his erection nudged her. "I'm going to take you now, Tabitha. Tell me you want me."

"Yes … Marcus! I want you!" She ached to have him fill her.

Marcus thrust completely inside with one stroke. Tabitha dug her heels into the carpet and lunged back against him.

Marcus groaned. "You feel so good. I knew it would be like this."

The suppressed longing of the last few days welled up inside Tabitha. Desire electrified her body. She had craved his touch, his unrestrained touch. Now she had it, and it consumed her.

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