Read His Stand In Online

Authors: Rebecca K Watts

His Stand In (17 page)

Get here. I’m going inside to see where they’re headed.” She hung up.

Pains stung her chest. Damn him. Here she was, ready to work through his infidelity, and he gets a room with
. No wonder he didn’t bother coming to her office. He wasn’t even in the same building.

Egypt whipped her car over to the shoulder and bypassed the other vehicles to get to the nearest exit. If it hadn’t been for the traffic, she’d have been at home and have to back track. From her location, she would be at the hotel in a few minutes.

Her head throbbed, and she found it hard to concentrate on the road, but her anger got her through. Screw finding a parking in the spot reserved for her. She pulled up to the valet. He barely had a chance to hand her the ticket before she made a mad dash into the lobby.

No sign of anyone but the employees. They made eye contact and smiled. She ignored the pleasantries and called Tasha. The phone rang several times and then went to voicemail. She hung up, and a text came through.

They’re in the bar.

She dropped her phone in her purse and changed her course. She’d planned on shaking the hotel clerk down for answers. If she had to she was prepared to threaten their job for the room number. Her legs grew wobbly as she neared the door. Egypt knew once she walked through, her life would change. The fear of actually seeing them two together set in. She hesitated. No. They would see her and Christian would know without a shadow of a doubt that she was leaving his no good ass. She forced her legs forward.

They did the deed, and now it was time to pay. She burst through the doors.

Happy Anniversary!” a room full of people shouted.

She flinched, and her eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights. Her hands flew to her face. Tasha stood next to Christian. Both held huge grins on their face.

What’s going on?” Her words came out barely above a whisper.

Christian pulled her into his arms. “It’s been three months since the day I met you. I wanted to prove to you I love you and ask you to renew our vows. I don’t just want a contract holding us together.”

I thought…”

That I’d actually cheat on the woman I love?” His eyes twinkled.

Egypt glanced from him to Tasha. She held a sheepish grin. “So, I didn’t bother telling you what all the money was for.”

You…” her words were silenced.

Christian’s lips found hers, and she accepted them willingly. She’d been silly to think the man who held her in his warm embrace would ever do anything to hurt her.

Get a room,” Tasha said behind them.

Christian freed her lips. Egypt turned to face her. “I can’t believe you.”

Yes, I was in on it.” She gave Egypt a hug. “You’ll get over it.”

She glanced around the room. Ramona waved from a corner. So many familiar faces mingled about as the hotel staff passed about trays filled with finger foods. Her heart warmed, and she found herself overwhelmed. She laughed to herself. Too busy being caught up in the hussy who wanted her man and scared she was only a stand in.

Christian’s arms wrapped around her from behind. “Go ahead and mingle.”

You sure?” Now that she knew for a hundred percent he wasn’t cheating, she didn’t want to leave his side.

Yes. We have plans later.”

She cocked her head to the side.

Tasha said get a room. I did, just in another state.” One side of his mouth curved up into a sly grin.

They both laughed. He gave her another small peck on the lips before ushering her along.

She mingled about, but her eyes never straying too long from the love of her life.


The End


Also by Rebecca K. Watts


Fire and Desire



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