If Tomorrow Never Comes (Harper Falls Book 2) (5 page)

," Alex continued, "my leave could be canceled at any moment, no warning. I can't promise to be here tomorrow, let alone for the whole two weeks."

"If you promise to kiss me, I'll take my chances on the rest."

Pulling her close, Alex laughed. "God, you are so young."

Because she was enjoying being in his arms, Dani decided not to take his comment as an insult. "I'm twenty-two," she said reasonably. "Tell me again, what’s your age, old man?"

"A year's difference might not seem like much, Dani, but I've seen and done too much to ever think of myself as just twenty-three."

"So what you're saying is, I would be getting involved with a
older man."

"Does that appeal to you?" He could play along. In fact, playing with Dani sounded like a damn fine idea.

"Maybe." She smiled, slow and inviting. "Are you going to kiss me?"


Patience had never been her strong suit so Dani decided to take matters into her own hands. Since he wanted what she did, Alex let her.

As first kisses went, this one was off the charts. Later, when she was able to string more than a couple of mumbly thoughts together, Dani would decide that after Alex Fleming, no other first kiss would be

It started off oh so soft, barely a brush of lips, but the touch went through her like lightning, jolting every nerve in her body to life. She pulled back, startled—her green eyes wide.

"What was that?" she breathed.

"Hell if I know." Alex was equally shaken. "But let's see if it happens again."

He claimed her lips, this time deeper. Her open lips were an invitation he couldn't pass up. His tongue traced the edge of her teeth before plunging in alongside hers. She tasted like coffee and cinnamon and Dani. Sweet, spicy and oh, so addictive.

Dani didn't feel the jolt this time—she felt an earthquake. And she never wanted it to stop.

"Stop." Alex pulled away, his breathing ragged. Less than a minute and her kiss made him feel as though he'd run a marathon.

"More." Dani tried to bring him close again. They couldn't stop now, her teeth hadn't even gotten to his bottom lip.

"Later." Alex looked into Dani's slightly glazed eyes. He knew exactly how she felt. Dazed and slightly off balance. And eager for another round of the same. But the lobby of a Lisbon hotel was not the place to show her all the places besides just her lips that he wanted to kiss.

"You could come up to my room." Dani felt her cheeks heat. Maybe she
blush. Propositioning a man she hardly knew was a first for her. It made her feel bold and terribly grown up. But she also felt vulnerable. If he rejected her, it would be devastating.

"Dinner first." Alex brushed his lips across her cheek. "Get some sleep and I'll pick you up at seven. If you haven't changed your mind after we eat, I promise, nothing will keep me from your bed."

Dani waited until Alex was almost out the hotel door before she called out.

"I won't change my mind."

He paused, looking back at her over his shoulder.

"I'm counting on it

imaginary wrinkle from her skirt and checked her reflection in the mirror. Nothing had changed in the past five minutes, but that didn’t stop her from looking one more time. She wanted everything to be perfect.
wanted to be perfect.

For the first time in her life, she was nervous about a date. She couldn't remember this many butterflies playing havoc with her stomach when she had been fifteen and her father had finally agreed to let Crank McCoy take her out. He had first asked the year before, but her father had promptly listed three reasons for saying no. One, she was too young. Two,
?—really? And three, well, he was her father so the first two reasons were all he needed.

It turned out she could have waited a lifetime and wouldn’t have missed a thing. Crank had been an egocentric bore. Or as her mother later put it, a typical teenage boy.

Since then she had been on better dates, some that even qualified as great. She never would have lost her virginity to Lou Lancaster if he hadn't been special to her. But she had never known a man like Alex Fleming, one who sent her spiraling in a thousand different directions all at once. She felt dizzy and anxious and scared. In other words, totally alive.

She had joked about the lack of difference in their ages but deep down she knew Alex had been right. He
seen and done much more than she. She had grown up in a small town and then gone to college in a small town. Lisbon was her first taste of the world outside her backyard and Dani wanted to take a big, juicy bite—starting with Alex Fleming.

He arrived precisely at seven. Reaching for the doorknob, Dani admitted to herself that she had been a little afraid Alex might not show up. Now that he was here, she was going to put all her fears, and butterflies, aside. She was ready to enjoy herself.

"All set?" Alex was all in black. Casual, but well-fitted slacks, a t-shirt, and a sports coat. It was the kind of outfit that would be appropriate almost anywhere.

With a nod, Dani grabbed her purse, happy with her own choice of a summery cotton dress. The color was a vivid ocean blue and gave a warm glow to her skin.

As they waited for the elevator, Dani felt it. The
was still there—she hadn't exaggerated it in her mind. And she would have bet the bank that Alex felt it too. No words were exchanged as the doors closed and they took the quick trip to the lobby. They just grinned at each other like loopy fools. Dani found it comforting—and exciting—to know she wasn't alone. Whatever these crazy, mixed up rollercoaster emotions were, Alex was riding right beside her.

Dinner was delicious but uneventful. Alex had found a place that was a little funky and had a live jazz band. They picked up right where they left off that morning, and just like then, there was never a lull in the conversation. It didn't matter the topic or who got the ball rolling—sometimes they agreed and sometimes their opinions were on opposite ends of the spectrum. Either way their words never got heated.

As she savored the delicious lobster bisque, Dani decided that this had to be what heaven was like, only she had been lucky enough to find hers here on earth.

"They are supposed to have an amazing dessert here. It's unique to the restaurant and can't be found anywhere else in the city." Alex raised her hand to his lips. "Want to get a piece and share?"

Be bold. There was zero chance that when Dani's mother had given her that advice that she was thinking ahead to a moment like this. But the words still rang true. She couldn't expect Alex to read her mind. It was up to her to ask for what she wanted.

"I'd rather go back to my room." Her throat felt tight, dry, but she forced the rest of the words out. "I'd rather have sex than dessert."

Silence. If this had been a cartoon, the sound of crickets would have filled the room. The only thing that kept Dani from jumping up and running, embarrassment and disappointment dogging her every step, was the flare of heat she saw in Alex's eyes. It was what kept her rooted to her chair. It was what made her breath come faster and her palms damp. It was what made her want to scream, "
Say something, damn it."

"Let me pay the check and we'll be on our way."

Not exactly a declaration of undying passion, but close enough.

This time, Alex reached for her hand. Dani loved walking. It slowed the world down, gave you time to think. She didn't want this first time with Alex to be rushed. She planned on making some special memories tonight, and that meant taking their time, savoring every kiss, every touch.

"I don't want to take advantage of you, Dani."

"I am the one who propositioned you—twice." Dani imagined there was some outdated
girl guide
that frowned on a woman being the aggressor, but it wasn't a book she had ever read.

Alex laughed. Dani was such a light soul. It was tempting to bask in her warmth and forget about everything else, but he refused to be the first one to put a dent in her shiny outlook on the world. The inevitable shades of gray that life would throw at her would have to start creeping in on someone else's watch.

"I'm not a virgin, Alex."

"Good to know." He stopped just outside her hotel. "If we do this—"

"If?" Was he serious?

"If," he continued but couldn't help grinning at her outraged expression. "You need to understand a few things. I can't tell you what my job is, but I won't lie to you either. When I said that I could be called away at any time, I wasn't exaggerating."

"Then we'd better hurry. I'd hate for your phone to ring mid—you know." Dani grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the hotel.

She was strong. In fact, she was close to getting her black belt in Karate. But she couldn't budge Alex, not an inch.

"Let me finish."

"Fine," Dani huffed. She stopped pulling but kept hold of his hand. "You know I'm a sure thing, right?"

Alex raised his eyebrows.

"Not with
Jeez, why are you making this so complicated?"

"You're right," he admitted. "It should be simple. We're young and unattached. And I
complicating things. But you need to understand. If I get that call,
I get that call, I won't be back. I can't promise you anything more than tonight."

"You're leaving tomorrow?" Dani suddenly felt like bursting into tears.

"No, maybe." Alex growled in frustration. Why was he making such a mess of this? Because he wanted her. Because he wanted to make outrageous promises that he knew he could never keep. Because when he looked into her sparkling emerald eyes he could see himself throwing away his career if it meant seeing her smile every morning for the rest his life.
because he knew that was never going to happen.

"I want you." That was simple enough. "I'm asking you to take what I have to give and not ask for anything more. No tomorrow, no next week, nothing beyond tonight."

Dani knew what he meant, and she appreciated his honesty. She could turn and walk away, spend the night alone, and regret it for the rest of her life. Or she could be bold, take a chance on being hurt. What Alex didn't understand was that the choice had been taken out of her hands from the moment she saw him.

This time when she tugged his hand there was no resistance.


ALEX HAD RELEASED her hand to take her key and open the door to her hotel room. Dani waited while he followed her in and closed it behind them, engaging the locks. She suddenly realized that she had known this man for less than twenty-four hours. In that time, she had told him more about herself than she had to men she'd dated for months. Still, she didn't know him. It was one thing to change your life, it was another to go against who you were.

As if sensing her doubts, Alex cupped her cheek with his hand, tipping her chin just enough to bring her eyes level with his.

"You can change your mind."

"So can you."


They both said it—together

Backing into the room, her eyes locked with his, Dani began to undress. Shoes first. The lack of heels brought her down to her natural height, and for the first time she became aware of the difference in their sizes. No longer an inch below eye level, she knew this man could do physical damage without breaking a sweat. But she felt no fear, no trepidation. What Dani did feel surprised her. It was primitive. He was strong, she was weak. He could protect her, take care of her. For this one night, Dani forgot her need to be self-sufficient. Girl power be damned. She wanted Alex to take her, make her his. If he had pulled out handcuffs and a whip, she would have acquiesced to his every command.

Alex felt the tension in the room rise. There was no doubt or reluctance. There was heat, need—want. He stalked her, watching with heated eyes as she revealed inch after inch of tantalizing skin. Creamy and pale, there wasn't an inch of her that he would leave untouched. If they only had tonight, he was going to suffuse his memory with her taste, her smell, her very essence.

"All of them," he rasped out. He needed for her to be bare. He couldn't stand the thought of one piece of clothing blocking his view of paradise.

Dani didn't argue or hesitate. She had never taken her clothes off for a man. She had never removed everything while he stood and watched. It felt sexy and a little naughty. She let the straps of her bra slowly slide down her arms, her hands keeping the cups in place. It was a tease—also new for her. She waited for him to tell her—make her—go further.

"Don't make me take that off you, Dani. Not unless you want it ripped to shreds." Not unlike his patience. Every ounce of control was hanging by a very slender thread. He needed her naked—now.

She let the garment fall to the floor. She knew her breasts were top notch. Firm and highly placed, with rosy nipples, they were just big enough to please any man. But seeing Alex's reaction made her grateful they were pleasing to
. She felt every inch of her body belonged. Knowing he approved elevated her pleasure to a new level.


"For you." Dani breathed the words. She had never been perfect until tonight, in his eyes.

"You haven't finished."

Dani ran a finger along the waistband of her white lace panties. Alex's smoldering gaze followed the movement, his tongue licking his bottom lip.

"I want to bite it."

Pulled away from his own erotic thoughts, Alex frowned in confusion.


"Your bottom lip," Dani explained, her eyes glued to his mouth. "Please?"

"Lose the panties, baby, and you can bite me anyplace you like."

Remembering what he'd threatened earlier, wanting the brief violence of material being torn from her body, Dani pouted.

"I can't seem to get them off." Her fingers pretended to try but failed to slide the material down her hips. "I need the help of a big, strong man."

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