Impacted (Conflicted Encounters #2) (21 page)

"But that's how I like you," she said simply as she pulled the shirt down my arms. I continued to let her undress me because it was kinda hot. "Tonight you can wear a tux, but today, you aren't pretending to be someone you aren't."

She tossed me a pair of jeans and a black shirt. "But you look adorable," I argued, taking in her white summer dress and sexy heels.

"And you will look sexy," she laughed. "Plus, I'm dressing for you, not them. Don't pretend for them, Ry. You can't do it forever, and it only kills you inside. Believe me on this." She smiled and left me in the bedroom wearing nothing but my boxers.

I sighed and put on the clothes she gave me. After I dressed and brushed my teeth, I met Kallie in the kitchen. We had enough time for a quick cup of coffee before we had rush out the door. She gave me directions out of downtown and we drove another half an hour until we pulled down a long driveway. The yard was perfectly manicured and a dark green. A large house came into view, and I pulled up front.

"Wow," I said as I shut off the engine. The place was bigger than our high school. I knew she was wealthy and spoiled, which is why I called her Princess, but seeing her home was a reminder. What the hell was she doing with me?

"Ready?" she asked me, twirling her bracelet.

"Yep. Don't be nervous," I whispered and squeezed her hand.

She nodded and we walked up the stone steps to a tall set of double doors. They swung open before Kallie's hand touched the knob. The woman in the doorway was obviously related. She was just as short, had short blonde hair, and the same piercing blue eyes. She wrapped her arms around Kallie and squeezed her tight.

"I didn't know you had an older sister," I whispered in her ear once she backed away.

Kallie gave me wide-eyes and laughed.

"Oh! Bless you," the woman sang out. "I'm her mother, but I'll take the compliment." Her smile was wide, but her face was still.

"Oh, I'm Ryder. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Adams," I said politely and offered her my hand.

"Please, call me Nichole. Come on in." She waved us in, and we followed her into an open foyer.

A large chandelier hung above us and marble tables flanked the entry way. Kallie held my hand as we walked down the hall to the kitchen. The kitchen was large with stainless steel appliances and a huge island in the center. The kitchen opened up to a dining room with an elegant glass table. Sliding glass doors lead out to patio and a pool.

"Your father should be in soon," Nichole called over her shoulder. "It's so nice out that I thought we could eat out back?"

"Sure, Mom." Kallie nodded and led me out to the outdoor table setup with fruits, pastry, and breads.

"I stuck with something simple and light, since we have that thingy tonight," she told us, almost looking apprehensive.

"It's great, Mom. Are you nervous?" Kallie asked.

"Kallie," a deep voice boomed behind me. Kallie dropped my hand and ran to the older man, giving him a hug.

"Hey, Daddy," she cooed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. The man melted under her eyes, and I could see how she had him wrapped around her finger as well. "Dad, meet Ryder Brooks."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Adams. Thank you for having me," I offered. I kept eye contact and fought against backing down under his stare. His eyes traveled over my entire body, judging, assessing. He was a big man, with light eyes and a hard face. He was intimidating and I could easily see how he made it in the business world. His stature, clothes, and determined eyes screamed power.

"Nice to meet you, too. Have a seat." He didn't seem pleased, but didn't look angry either. I really wished she would have let me wear the preppy outfit. I felt like he could see right through me and see my future of car work and bar hopping.

"I'm so excited for tonight," Mrs. Adams said, playing with the diamond bracelet around her wrist. She was definitely nervous, and now I see where Kallie got the habit.

"You know, Kallie," her father started. "I promised your mother I wouldn't say anything and I wouldn't lecture you, but I just want to say that I didn't appreciate you running out the way you did."


"I would never force you to do something you didn't want to do. You could have quit, but I taught you better than breaking promises and trust. You should have given notice, transferred files, and finished on some projects. I taught you finish what you started and do your best at it. I didn't want you here if you don't want to be. I wish you would have handled this differently."

Kallie nodded and gave him a shy smile. I watched as the hardness in his face broke down, again melting for her.

"You did a great job on the event, honey. It's going to amazing," her mom smiled. She looked a little relieved, and I assumed that was the outburst she was dreading.

The tension eased around us and we began to eat. Kallie picked at her fruit and I had to nudge her to make her take a bite. I knew she was nervous, but I knew today would be a long day. She needed to eat something. Kallie's mom chatted away about a book club she joined and her dad inhaled carbs, occasionally being scolded that he needed to eat more healthy. The man did what he wanted though, shoving muffins and bagels in his mouth.

"Is that your car out there, Ryder?" her dad asked. It was the first direct question to me. I was really hoping I could make it out of here without telling him anything about myself.

"Yes sir," I nodded.



"He restored it himself," Kallie spoke up.

"Is that so?" her dad asked. "You good with cars?"

"Yes, sir. I'm a mechanic." I cringed, realizing how that didn't sound good enough for their daughter. I glanced at Kallie, who was looking at me like I was the best damn mechanic in the world. I got lost in her blue eyes and a smile tugged at my lips. Kallie's dad cleared his throat, so I pulled myself out of the daze and told him the story about the Comet.

The rest of the visit went smoothly. Kallie held my hand, and I would occasionally run my fingers down her back or over her exposed thigh. My nerves were at ease because as much I wanted to impress her parents, I don't really care anymore. Kallie was making me feel like I was enough for her and that was what mattered. I caught Mr. Adams watching me at times, but I let him look. I had a feeling it didn't matter what her dad thought of me. Not to Kallie, and definitely not to me.



I let out a huge breath when we cleared my parents doorway. I didn't get nearly the amount of lecturing I was expecting. I was sure it was coming eventually. My parents didn't pry for information about where I was or when I would be coming home. I didn't have answers for them and would hate to have to lie to them.

Ryder drove us to the mall downtown in Tower City. A heavy feeling settled in my chest from being in the parking garage. I had to tell myself that I was here to shop, not to work. Still, the familiar sinking feeling was weighting me down and suffocating me.

"You okay?" Ryder asked once we parked.

"Yeah," I said too quickly. He raised his eyebrow at me. "I get this crappy feeling, like I'm heading to work even though I know I'm not."

"Well, let's just get in and get out," he smiled. I relaxed seeing his face, and we walked to the mall entry.

We took the escalators up to the second floor. I pointed out our store and Ryder stopped to peek inside. I stayed outside, not wanting to talk to any former employees or surround myself with the familiar smells. I tugged him past and we walked into the tuxedo rental store next door.

"Hey, Kathy," I called to the manger. Our stores were next door to each other, and I often referred customers here for their wedding tuxes. She owed me a favor and agreed to get Ryder suited up for tonight.

"Kallie, you look beautiful," she smiled as she walked from behind the counter to hug me. "You brought me a model I see," she winked.

"This is Ryder," I introduced, and then laughed at her. She was older than my mother, but always gawked at guys like she was my age.

"I would disappear with him, too," she tried to whisper in my ear. Ryder chuckled and smiled at me. "Let's get you all measured up. Just make sure you get this back to me in the morning," she told me.

"I promise. Thank you," I said. "Hey, you aren't going to be touching my man inappropriately now, are you?"

She put her hand on her chest and widened her eyes in fake shock before bursting in to laughs. "No, I will have Alan fit him."

"Thank you. I'm gonna run next door," I waved.

"You need your fix?" she winked, fully aware of my lingerie addiction.

"You know it." I blew Ryder a kiss and left him at the mercy of Kathy.

I power walked passed my store and slipped into my heaven. It didn't take me long to find the perfect nude set to wear under my dress tonight. I pretty much had their line up memorized, so I knew what I was looking for. I grabbed a sexy black corset and matching panties to wear for the wedding as well. I made it back to the tuxedo store just as Ryder was walking out of the dressing room with a garment bag over his shoulder.

He eyed the pink bag and a knowing grin spread across his face. He leaned down and planted a kiss near my ear. "Do I get to see what's in that bag?"

"Maybe," I teased as I walked backwards, away from him.

We grabbed lunch at a bar on the corner and went back to the apartment. We only a few hours until the limo would show up to pick us up. My father insisted that we should come in a limo to the event. He said I was the guest of honor and would be treated like one. I left Ryder to entertain himself while I started a long beauty regimen.

I took a long shower, making sure to shave and cover my entire body with lotion. I dried my long hair and straightened it before pulling in up into clips on the top of my head. Several chunks of hair hung loose from the undo, and I curled them into delicate twirls. I applied my make up with aching precision.

I walked over to the walk-in closet and pulled out the dress that I bought months ago for the event. I put on the nude colored thong and slipped the dress over my body. I adjusted the plunging neckline so my breasts would stay covered. The open back didn't allow for a bra, so I hoped with my small boobs, I would be able to stay in the dress.

I looked in the mirror after putting on the nude pumps to complete the outfit. An intricate lace covered the sheer material that clung to my body, pooling around my ankles. The neck plunged low and hung on my shoulders in a halter style top. The back was open and dipped down as low as it could. A slit came up my leg to mid-thigh. It was sexy, but still elegant enough to wear to a work function.

I opened the door and found Ryder standing in the living room. He was dressed in his black tux with a beige vest and white collared shirt. His tie was draped over his shoulders, and his hair was gelled into his signature messy style. I wanted to be the one to run my fingers through it and give it that sexy look. His dark eyes traveled up and down my body and his mouth opened slightly.

"Damn," I whispered. "I would have talked Scarlett into tuxedos if I had known you would look this sexy."

"You look stunning," he said in a low voice. He came to me and gently touched my hip. "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

My heart thundered in my chest and I ran my fingers over his chest. It's the sweet things he says that make me feel he still loves me. When he forgets about keeping me behind his wall, the Ryder that loved me peeks through, giving me all the hope I would ever need. I tied his tie for him and fought to keep myself from attacking him right there.

"You can take this off during the night," I told him. Everyone started to untie and loosen up as alcohol worked it's way through the guests.

"Ivan dropped this off," he said, pointing to a black box on the counter.

"Oh, that’s right," I said, pulling the lid off. "I'm supposed to wear Pandora. Help?" I held up the necklace with dangling diamonds and beaded charms.

He nodded and I turned so he could clasp it around my neck. His fingers trailed down my bare back when he was finished, sending shivers over my skin. I felt his lips graze my shoulder, moving to the back of my neck, before tickling down my spine.

"Ry," I warned.

"Be mine."

I turned to look into his face. "What do you mean?" Please mean what I think he means. I needed to hear him say it.

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