Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set (2 page)


Chapter 3


I remained out of sight for the rest of the day, only
returning as the sun set. Father was seated at the table. No tankard was
visible, never a good sign. Of Maude, there was no sign.

“Where have you been?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

“Nowhere.” I pointed at a sack on the floor beside his chair.
“What’s that?”

He tossed the sack across to me. “I heard a story about you
today Lizzie, a story I hoped never to hear.”

“What story?”

“Do not feign ignorance. Is it not true you indulged in
carnal relations with a man in the very bed where you were conceived? How could
you, you little whore!”

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. “I haven’t, I
swear. Who told you I had?”

“Maude of course. She saw you in there with her coach
driver. I ask you again, how could you shame me in this way?”

“But father…”

“Get out of my house and never return.”

“Please father, don’t do this to me.” I leaned out towards
his hand but he snatched it away. “Don’t do this!”

“Get out before I throw you out, you little whore. Go find
the driver to take care of you. For my part, I never want to see you again.”

He shoved the sack into my hand. “Take your clothes and go
and may God have mercy on you for I shall not.”

He threw me into the yard as Maude walked towards the house.
“Leaving are you Elizabeth?” she smiled, taking a kick at a too close chicken.
“Perhaps that will teach you not to be a peeping Tom in future.”

“I will get you for this.” I said, hoping to draw a flicker
of fear from her at least but she only laughed.

“I’m sure you will,” she said, walking into the house and slamming
the door shut behind her, the key scraping home and leaving me locked out of
the only place I’d known for eighteen years. With tears rolling down my cheeks,
I slung the sack over my shoulder and walked towards the forest in a daze.

I’d been moving for less than an hour when I stopped to
urinate. As I squatted on the leaf strewn ground I heard a twig snap to my
left, the sound echoing loudly in the stillness of the wood. I remained
crouched down after I’d finished, well hidden behind a hawthorn as a woman
burst into view, eyes wild as if the hounds of hell were pursuing her.

“Help!” she cried, glancing frantically around. “Someone
help me!”

I stood up and her eyes fixed on mine. “Hide me, please, I
beg you!”

I glanced around and spotted a dead oak where I’d often
hidden from chores as a child. “In here,” I said, slipping her hand in mine and
leading her into the hollow trunk, the leafy branches falling back into place
just as two armed men came crashing through the undergrowth.

“Where did she go?” one asked, pistol brandished in his

“I don’t know but when I find her I’ll teach her a lesson
for mocking me that she’ll never forget.”

The woman squeezed my fingers with hers as the two men
headed off in the direction of the marsh. When she was sure they’d gone, she
pushed past the branches back into the open, wiping her brow and giving me a
chance to look at her properly. She was tall, slender, and utterly beautiful,
so different to the girls in the village. Her long blonde hair cascaded like a
waterfall down her back, passing over a long grey gown, the sleeves down to her
wrists. It was a light, soft fabric and she seemed to wear nothing under it for
there was no line of underwear and her nipples were visible as hard points in
her dress. The hem may once have brushed the floor but it was torn and mud
stained, no doubt a result of her frantic run through the forest. Her round
cheeks and cute button nose drew my eyes towards her luscious red lips and I
felt a sudden urge to kiss her, a feeling I didn’t understand and one which
scared me as I knew it was sinful to desire a woman in such a way.

“I thank you for your assistance,” she said, grabbing my
shoulders and planting a soft kiss on my lips. It went on for a moment too long
and our eyes met as we parted. “I was in my carriage when they attacked. I
thought they were brigands but then the driver turned to me, he tried to tear
my dress from me as they lunged at me. I saw each of their cocks and they were
so small I couldn’t help but laugh. I ran…I ran and…” She stopped, breaking
down into a sobbing fit that lasted for some time before she was able to
continue. “If you hadn’t hidden me, I don’t know what would have happened.

I put my arm round her shoulder and guided her onto a fallen
tree trunk. “It’s all right,” I said, hoping her tears would stop. Her dress
felt wonderfully soft under my fingertips, it distracted me even as her chest
continued to hitch up and down.

“Do you know who I am?” she asked, wiping her eyes.

I shook my head.

“No matter. I owe you for this kindness though and you will
be well rewarded if you help me reach my home. Do you know of a way out of this
infernal forest? Is there a town or village nearby?”

I nodded. “There is a village back that way but I would
rather not return there.”

“Running away from home?”

“Not exactly.”

“If you would at least show me the way I would be eternally

“Please,” she begged, taking my hands in hers and staring
into my eyes.

“All right,” I sighed, melting in her gaze. “I will take you

“Thank you!” she said, grabbing my cheeks and kissing me
again. This time it lasted even longer and as she pulled away, an urge took
over me, one I could not control.



Chapter 4


I wasn’t even sure what was happening but I was kissing her
this time, my arms around her back, the two of us embracing passionately. Our
tongues began to entwine in her mouth as she stood up, stumbling towards me
until my back was pressed against a tree trunk. Her hands were all over me,
sliding down my sides to my legs and then up underneath my dress, sliding their
way to my breasts.

She squeezed them softly in her hands as she kissed me, my
nipples hardening under her ministrations. Her mouth moved to my neck as I let
out a sigh of pleasure, shivers spreading through me at the feel of her soft
lips on my neck.

Her hands slid lower over my stomach as she knelt down in
the thick carpet of moss, lifting my dress to expose my body. She stared at my
pussy for a moment and I felt certain she would recoil in disgust at the sight
of me. Instead she leaned forwards and kissed it with those soft lips of hers,
her tongue rubbing over the hardened nub of my clit, bringing moisture dripping
from me which coated my thighs as she stood back up.

She kissed me again, my mouth filled with the taste of my
own sweetness. As we embraced, she dragged me towards her and we stumbled to
the ground. She was on her back, looking hungrily up at me as I stared at her
exposed legs, the gown sliding up to her waist.

I placed a nervous hand on her ankle, as if expecting her to
yell at me to stop. When she only smiled I moved slowly up her calves, drawing
up her leg until I was able to slip off her shoe and bring her toes to my lips,
kissing and sucking on each one in turn.

She sighed happily as I rubbed the soles of her feet one
after the other, loving the feel of her skin. “Kiss me,” she said, pulling me
on top of her.

“I’ve never…”I began but she silenced me by placing a finger
on my lips.

“It doesn’t matter,” she smiled, rolling me onto my back and
spreading my legs apart, my knees bent as she stared at my glistening wet pussy
lips. She slid her hands up my thighs and used her fingers to pull my labia
apart, blowing soft air onto my clit which began to tingle with desire.

She glanced up at me from between my legs, continuing to
stare at me as her tongue suddenly slid straight inside me. I closed my eyes
and arched my neck, thrusting my hips towards her. The sensation of her tongue
lapping inside me made me lose control of my senses, only aware of my pussy and
her mouth, nothing else.

Her hand moved to my clit, rubbing it in such a way as to
fill me with burning heat. I began to writhe underneath her, holding the back
of her head to keep her in place, a pressure building up inside me.

She kept licking and stroking me until my entire body was
tensed up, my fists clenching, nails digging into my palms. The pressure inside
me built to unbearable levels and then a moment later I experienced my first
ever orgasm, a climax which made my clit feel like the centre of the entire
world, pleasure coursing through me as her tongue became trapped by the
contracting spasms of my pussy.

“Oh…” was all I managed to gasp as it hit. Glancing down I
caught sight of the woman grinning back at me, her lips shining with my juices.
I staggered upright, sitting on the tree trunk, my hands shaking uncontrollably
as I burst into tears, the emotions overwhelming me.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, it’s just…I know it’s sinful to do that with another

“Did it feel sinful?”

“No, it felt right.”

She kissed the tears from my cheeks and helped me to stand.
“Then think no more on it. Now come on, show me the way to this village of



Chapter 5


As we stepped out of the treeline I caught sight of the one
place I thought I’d never see again. “That’s him!” the woman hissed, pointing
across the fields to the same coach driver who’d brought Maude into my life. We
watched in silence as he stepped down from his carriage, walked towards my
house and vanished inside.

“Come on,” the woman said, grabbing my hand and running
through the fields. We reached the carriage and she hopped neatly up behind the
horses. “Get in,” she said, taking the reins and urging the horses on. I made it
through the door just in time as the wheeled groaned forwards and we began to
trot along the dirt track that led out of the village.

“Oi, stop there!” a voice cried out behind us. I leaned out
of the still open door to see the driver and Maude half naked outside my house,
starting to give chase but giving up as soon as they realised their state of
dress. I pulled the door closed and sat down as the carriage rolled on past
fields filled with ripening wheat and barley. We reached a crossroads soon
afterwards and the horses slowed as the woman turned them to the left, leading
us towards the city. Hours passed and I grew steadily hungrier until at last we
came to a halt outside a coaching inn. By the time I stepped out, the woman was
already inside and I left the horses in charge of a stable boy, walking into
the inn and taking a seat near the fireplace. The woman was in quiet talks with
a man in a long brown coat near the bar, taking from him a leather purse of
coins and carrying it over to me.

“Hungry?” she asked, smiling.


She called over the innkeeper. “Two of your finest dishes
for me and my companion.” She handed over a gold coin, worth ten times the
price of two meals and sending the innkeeper scurrying away.

“Where did such funds come from?” I asked as we waited for
our food.

“I sold the coach and horses to that gentleman over there,
no questions asked in return for a low price. In exchange we have a ride to the
city after dining and enough funds to last us until I am home once more.”

“But we stole the coach.”

“Hence the low price. Ah look, our food is here.”

Plates piled high with steaming beef and vegetables were set
before us, the innkeeper returning with tankards of ale shortly afterwards,
bowing his way away from us.

“Who are you?” I asked, marvelling at her ingenuity as she
tucked into her food.

“Have I not introduced myself,” she said as she swallowed.
“Maria Engleton. And you are?”

“Elizabeth. Lizzie.”

“Well Elizabeth Lizzie, don’t let your food get cold. We
have a long journey ahead of us.”

After we’d finished eating, she led me out to the stable
where the brown coated man was waiting for us. “This is Edward,” Maria said.
“He’s very kindly agreed to lead us into the city.”

The man nodded under his hat, little more than his eyes
visible. I climbed into the carriage and was surprised to find a respectable
looking couple occupying the opposite seats. “Good afternoon,” I nodded as
Maria squeezed in beside me, draping a blanket over our legs.

The carriage rocked gently along the arduous route to the
city. The hours passed and as the sun began to set, the couple opposite us
drifted off to sleep. I was on the verge of doing the same when I felt Maria’s
hand on my leg. Her fingers stroked my knee, moving slowly higher.

“What are you doing?” I whispered as she reached under my
dress to tease my inner thigh.

“Nothing,” she replied, using her fingers to edge my legs
apart just enough to place her hand on my bare pussy. I bit my lip to keep
quiet as the tips of her index finger and thumb brushed over my labia. She
teased me nonstop although the blanket never moved, hiding her hand. The woman
opposite stirred before settling back down to sleep once more.

“Stop it,” I hissed but the strength had gone from my voice.
I could no longer resist what she was doing, easing my legs further apart and
slouching down on the seat so she could gain easier access to me. I kept my
mouth tightly closed, my nostrils flaring as she began to stroke my clit. She
kissed my neck as she pushed a finger into me, using a beckoning gesture inside
my body whilst her thumb continued to rub at my clit. Her motions remained slow
and steady, a delicious torture that kept me aroused but wouldn’t let me
progress to an orgasm. The sensations were only heightened by the proximity of
the two strangers opposite us.

I slid my hand across to Maria’s dress, scooping up handfuls
of fabric until her legs were exposed to my touch. She let out a quiet gasp as
I shoved her knees apart and slid two fingers straight up into her dripping wet
pussy. The man opposite stirred and yawned, blinking across at us. We remained
perfectly still, fingers inside each other but hidden beneath the blanket. His
eyes began to nod and a moment later he was softly snoring, his head leaning on
the wall of the coach.

“That was close,” I whispered and Maria giggled in response.
I began to slowly fuck her with my fingers, all the while becoming more
desperate for my orgasm. The blanket slid to the floor but we were too aroused
to care. All I wanted was to come, spreading my legs wide apart so she could
push her way deeper into me, adding another finger to the first. My clit ached
for release as she continued to glide her way back and forth over the top of
it. I was on the verge of climax when I noticed a movement from the corner of
my eye. I glanced across the coach in time to see the woman wide awake and
staring at us both in shocked silence.

There was a tense moment whilst we all seemed to wait to see
what happened next. Maria nodded to the woman and she nodded back. My companion
began to fuck me again and the throbbing within me grew all the more
overwhelming at the thought of this strange woman watching us both. I felt a
second pair of hands on me and looked across to see the stranger on her knees
between my legs, staring at the fingers on their journey in and out of me. She
licked her lips as she stared just as an orgasm hit me. It was all I could do
to keep quiet as all the breath left my body and my legs began to twitch. I
immediately wanted more even as the waves of pleasure were still fading away.
My nipples felt rock hard against the fabric of my dress, tingling just from
the feel of rubbing against my clothes. All I wanted was to come again.

Maria slid her fingers out of me and the woman took them into
her mouth, maintaining eye contact with me as she licked my juices before
moving her head between my legs, her tongue lapping at every drop of moisture
that had formed there. My fingers remained in Maria throughout and she rocked
against them whilst the woman reached over to stroke her clit, rubbing it
furiously whilst licking at mine.

Maria gripped my wrist and brought my fingers in and out of
her ever faster, wet sounds and smells of sex filling the coach. “Oh my god,”
she whispered. “I’m coming!”

She rammed my hand into her and held me in place as she
came, her hips thrusting and grinding on my wrist, the walls of her pussy
contracting around my fingers. The tongue on my clit brought me to my own
climax moments later and I couldn’t help letting out a moan as it hit me, my
bottom almost sliding from the seat as the stranger continued to kiss my labia.

“What on earth?”

I looked up to see the man staring in disbelief at the sight
before him. Two women were sat with their legs wide apart. His partner had her
face buried between my legs and her hand on Maria’s clit. I went to cover
myself but before I could do, the woman turned to her partner. “Fuck me,” she
growled. “Now!”


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