Read Indulgence Online

Authors: Mahalia Levey

Indulgence (6 page)

“That’s flirting.” Her husky words taunted him. Leaning up, she moved so that her breast dipped into the wide rim of the goblet before she leaned back. Wine covered her nipple and areola, which she presented to his mouth.

Khristos cupped the offered bounty and flicked his tongue over her distended flesh. A low moan of pleasure left her mouth as he suckled the area, cleansing her of the red, flavorful selection. She repeated the action with her other breast, and offered herself as sacrifice to his unappeased hungers.

Instead of licking right away, he fed her a bite of food and flicked the bud with his finger, kneading the flesh in his palm. Each time she opened her mouth to sigh, he fed her, then gifted her with a sip of wine.

“Not the thirst I need quenched.”

“I know, Iliahtida. Your pussy is dripping wet, and I feel it each time you glide your lower lips over me.” He ate another bite and cupped her bountiful breasts in his palm. He drew the two together, poured his wine down her cleavage, leaned forward, and sucked the valley dry. His stubble ghosted across her skin.

“Fuck eating.” Zoey lifted her body up, grasped his dick in her hand, and impaled herself. Khristos slid his arm around her waist. Her hands splayed on his chest as she withdrew and plunged over him, setting a furious rhythm.

Watching her became his new favorite pastime. Lost in the throes of lust, she was more beautiful with each passing second. He knew she never let go of control, and damn if his dick didn’t lurch, knowing he’d be the one who taught her the pleasure of being controlled, being free. Fuck, she looked good, riding him hard, her bouncing tits rubbing against his chest, her thighs squeezing his, and her heat wrapped around his cock, gripping him with a choking tightness enough to force his seed out. The fluttering of her orgasm crashing around her hit full force. Locked in her heat, he grabbed her hips and rocked her over his pelvis, his short hairs abrading her clit. She cried her release and leaned forward.

“You didn’t think we were done yet, did you?” He lifted them off the floor, with his arms holding the brunt of her weight, as he slipped out of her long enough to carry her to his bedroom. She let out a sigh as Khristos carried her across the house to the stairs.

“Where are we going now? A bath?”

“Nah, Iliahtida, we’re heading to my bed, where I will work your sexy body to a fever pitch and deny you release. I’m going to take my time licking, tasting, stroking you; my cock, my hands, and my tongue will be very busy. Then, when I’m ready to allow you to come all over me, I’ll take out the tiny vibrator I bought to use on you and wear you out, stuffing you full, giving you permission to come, and come, to your pretty, little heart’s desire.” He walked into the room and dropped her in the middle of the bed. “I’m going to enjoy your punishment.” He reached for the four corner restraints and looped them around her hands and feet, leaving her spread-eagled in front of him.

“Fuck, I could come just looking at you, bared for my pleasure. Khristos crawled over her on the bed, sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, and thrust his tongue in. “Any questions?”


“Good, no talking, the only sounds I want to hear are your screams, and sexy gasps.” He winked and slid his fingers into her soaking core. “I’m going to enjoy giving you what you need but don’t know how to ask for.” He went to work to feed the beast in him, wanting to be unleashed.





Chapter Six



Zoey startled awake with a jerk. Bright light flooding the room blinded her. She moved off the bed to go relieve her bladder, sneaking out without making a sound so as to not wake the slumbering beast next to her. And what a beast he was. In all her years of fucking her few select lovers, she’d never been taken the way Khristos took her, restrained and unable to touch, only to feel what he chose to give her. She came back to bed and gasped when she glanced at the clock. They’d slept the day away. The clock read three in the afternoon. Two empty bottles of wine lay scattered on the floor amongst their discarded clothing. He must’ve left to bring up their clothes up after she’d passed out from the countless orgasms that left her weak and satiated.

In the center of the bed, the man she couldn’t get out of her mind, lay sprawled, the bedding tangled over his torso, his sexy ass left uncovered for her viewing pleasure. She approached the bed and slipped back in, ignoring her protesting body, pushing back the wince she felt with each movement. Khristos mumbled unintelligible words, then his arm snaked out, bringing her flush with him as he rolled to cradle her body with his.

Facing him, she stared at the boyish peace on his face as he slept. The contrast between both sides of him intrigued her. She loved that he wrestled control from her and elicited her submission without manhandling her or forcing her, and he set the pace and let their attraction grow on its own. The use of restraints were new for her, and the inability to touch him drove her mad, but also gave her incomparable pleasure. And when he freed her and made love to her, nice and slow, his body undulating on top of hers, her hands trailing the contours of his lean physique, feeling those rippling muscles bunching under her fingertips, he gave her a whole new world of desire. How he knew what she craved when she didn’t even know herself, was beyond her. Settling against his body, she closed her eyes and drifted back off, thinking, it’d been way too long since she’d taken a day off and just slept.

The smell of coffee and food roused Zoey from the best dream she’d ever had. Voices drifted up the stairs, so obviously Khristos wasn’t alone. She slid from his bed, slipped on her bra, underwear, and his discarded T-shirt along with her yoga capris and hurried into his bathroom to splash water on her face and brush her teeth. When she came out, she ran into Khristos who swooped her into his arms and laid the mother of all good morning kisses on her.

“That was nice.”

“Been waiting all morning to do that.”

Zoey frowned.
She looked at the clock and saw that it was ten in the morning. “I don’t understand. I woke up and it was the afternoon. You didn’t want to get up and kidnapped me into your arms, so I guess we fell asleep, but to sleep the rest of the day and all night?”

“You had a long hard ride.” He winked, clearly the man had lost his mind, trying to take all the credit for their overly indulgent sleep.

“I can’t believe you. Hey, is there someone else here? I heard voices.”

Khristos dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Remember brunch? They decided to bring it to us. Lysandros let it slip that I’d slipped away.”


“Don’t start overthinking again. Every time you overthink, we end up arguing. Although make-up sex after my mother and sister leave would be a fun way to spend the afternoon, I’d rather just not.”

“I mean, are you sure you want me to meet your mom? We’re just getting to know each other. Really, I can stay up here until they leave.”

“I want you with me. I’m starving, and you have to be starving. No reason we can’t have some food and I can’t flaunt my sexy woman, is there?”

“Uh, don’t go that far.” Zoey laughed. “I should call Marie and make sure she’s surviving.”

“Marie is fine. My brother is helping her out and having a blast. Said he’d have come up too but wanted to spend some quality time with Marie who’s shackled to the job, with you gone.”

“There you go again, making me feel bad.” Zoey sighed. “I’m really not dressed to be meeting your mom for the first time.”

“You’re beautiful the way you are. Now, quit stalling.” Khristos nudged her out of the bedroom with his sexy growl and a slap to her ass.

“Meanie.” She shrieked and jumped away from him, taking quick steps downstairs, following the smell of java goodness. Khristos stayed hot on her tail, a few steps behind her. When she stopped at the bottom of the stairs, he collided with her, his arms wrapping around her, his hands cupping her breasts. “You put a bra on,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m glad, but damn, I can’t play with your nipples now.”

“Good, I’d hate to freak your mom and sister out with my girls popping out.”

“Junior, bring that lovely woman in here. I know what ya was all about, up them stairs, I was young once, too, but you’ve got to let your lady eat so she can keep up.”

“Ma,” Dariea scolded.

“You’d think your generation invented sex, by the way ya’ll act,” Mrs. Trakis mumbled quite loudly, as they walked into the kitchen.

Zoey couldn’t take her eyes off the beautiful woman. “Good morning, Mrs. Trakis. Breakfast smells so good.”

“Uh-huh. You could stand to gain a few pounds. It’s all in the padding, you know, darling.”

Zoey blinked. “I have a ton of padding, but thank you.” She accepted a cup of coffee from Khristos. “Junior, huh?”

“Shush, woman. Only my ma calls me that.” He dropped a kiss on his mom’s head and stole a pastry, only to get popped with a wooden spoon. Zoey didn’t know mothers still did that, and the shock on her face must’ve shone through.

“Hi,” Dariea smiled at her in such a sweet way that a glimmer of guilt passed through Zoey for her past behavior.

“I haven’t been welcoming, I hope you’ll forgive my bitchiness, and we can start over.”

“I understood, and it’s okay. Sit. We have bagels, cream cheese, fruit, bacon, and, of course, spanakopita for my spoiled brother.”

Khristos filled a plate for her and set it on the table, before he went back to the kitchen to get another plate and steal another pastry, with his mother chasing him out.

“My son has no manners, he’s always stealing food before it’s set on the table.” Khristos’s mom shook her head as he shoveled his favorite dish into his mouth, devouring it in a few bites.

Zoey laughed, but gave him a don’t fuck with me look as he eyed her fluffy pastry, like he hadn’t shoveled three into his mouth already. Taunting him was too good to pass up. With a wicked smirk on her face, she picked her spanakopita and bit into the flaky goodness. Mouthwatering flavors exploded in her mouth. When he leaned over to grab a bite, she slapped his hand away. “Mine. Go get your own.” Khristos didn’t play fair. He gave her his wounded, kicked puppy, sad eyes and she gave him a bite.

“You’re a goddess. They’re saving the rest for Lysandros. The cruelty of it all.”

“Junior, you could eat a dozen of these without batting an eye. Now, let your girlfriend enjoy her first Greek breakfast. You have an entire box of them on the counter, Dariea brought them with her.”

“You’re my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister.” Dariea rolled her eyes and picked up her coffee. “Zoey, don’t let him fool you. We have no idea where he puts it, but he can eat you out of house and home. I have to protect my shop when he visits, he wants one of everything.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She didn’t mention he needed all the carbs and protein for extracurricular activates spent with her. She saw his need for sustenance in order to keep his crazy stamina fueled.

They ate in compatible silence, allowing her to enjoy her food and drink. She grabbed a few packets of sugar, and added cream to her coffee, the greek beans too robust for her.

“My son looks relaxed with you around. I tell him he works too hard, and he works even harder. I tell him to take a vacation, bring home a pretty girl, and he hides himself away and works harder.”

“Mrs. Trakis. I’m the same way, I’m afraid. He had to conspire with my best friend to steal me away.”

“You young people need to enjoy life. Take my Dariea, for instance. She works Monday through Friday and only a few hours on Saturday. Junior works long hours and takes work home and still works, always on the phone or computer. It’s good to see him home instead of in the city.” Mrs. Trakis smeared cream cheese on a bagel and waved it in the air.

“I’ve been thinking, Sunshine, about your loss in revenue.”

Zoey put her fork down and looked at him. “You have? Why?”

He shrugged. “It’s what I do, process ways to bring more business or decide to shut one down. Have you ever thought of selling some of your favorite pieces in boxed sets? You can do a trial run with the holiday season coming up, and if the return on investment is good, you can expand by finding a factory or do special orders in the store and mail them personally.”

Zoey picked at her food. “I don’t know. I’m not a big risk taker. What if I spend too much and the product doesn’t sell?”

“Eat, Sunshine. If this is making you uncomfortable, we can talk about it later.” He pushed more fruit her way.

“I’m thick enough, without you pushing extra food on me.” She nudged him with her knee under the table.

He leaned over to whisper in her ear, “I love your body. I’m just trying to make sure you have enough to eat to sustain you after they leave.”

Dariea laughed while his ma gave him ‘the look’. Zoey broke out into peals of laughter. “I’m so embarrassed.” She pinched him. “Stop, before your ma thinks I’m some sort of tramp.”

“She knows I’d never bring a tramp here. Hell, I’ve never brought another woman here, period.”

“Why me?”

Khristos shrugged. “Felt perfect. Driving here with you. We’re so absorbed by work when we have coffee, we couldn’t truly unwind. Nice to have a chance to play.”

“I get why I’m attracted to you. You’re funny, smart, hot as hell, and well, I’d say I lust for your body, but after eating a Greek breakfast, I’m hooked on the food for life. Why me, though? I don’t have poor self-esteem, it just seems in the grand scheme of things, I’d imagine you with a homemaker or someone as driven, who’s on the Fortune 500 list like you, not a small-town, small bakery owner.”

“Hey Ma, let’s go clean the kitchen and give these two lovebirds some privacy.” Dariea cleared the table and nudged her mom out of the room. As soon as they disappeared from sight, Khristos spun Zoey’s chair around to face him.

“I told you how I became enamored with you. You have a smile that lights up a room. I’m jealous of that group of older men who’ve staked a claim, and if I know their breed, I bet they’ve had the notion to give me a verbal smackdown, or promise a reckoning if you get hurt.”

“Yeah, I told them no, I can handle you myself.” She crossed her arms to feel secure, since the way he regarded her, stripped her layers away, leaving her feeling naked.

He snorted. “It feels like we’ve had this conversation before, where you doubted my intentions. I’m not a shallow man, as you’re not a shallow woman. Nor am I one-dimensional. I enjoy my work, I enjoy the company of a good woman, who doesn’t have to have an emaciated appearance to think she’s beautiful. Money is nice, but in the end, I can’t take it with me, so what’s the use of obtaining my dreams or goals, if there’s not a beacon of light to share the experiences, the ups and downs with? You are that perfect ray shining in a hellacious storm filled with nothing but blackness. Your level of success or failure has nothing to do with why I want you, and want you I do, and have you I will, my way for life.”

Well, she’d asked, and he’d delivered an eloquent response that knocked her off-kilter.

“And your idea about my business? Why bring that up in front of the others, like I’m a failure? It was embarrassing to have your mom and your sister, who’s competition, hear about my business.”

“I should spank your ass a pretty shade of red for those words. You keep trying to make Dariea into some kind of villainess. It’s childish and silly. Quit creating problems to push people away, or the next time we fuck, I will put you over my knee and with the spanking I’ll dish out, there will be no orgasm.”

Zoey swallowed hard. His dark promise bespoke retribution. She edged back from his tumultuous glare. “I’m sorry, you’re right, and I just apologized to her for the same thoughts. Change doesn’t occur right away. I’m used to everyone wanting a piece of me, pieces of me I don’t want anyone to have, in my business or personal life.”

“Well, you should work on that, or suffer the consequences.” He stroked her thigh with his fingers. “Now, why don’t we kick my mother and sister out, and have some more quality time before returning to the real world.”

“You can’t do that. She’s your mother.”

“A man can wish. Instead, we’ll hear about her need to be a grandmother this year. Let’s get outta here.”

Khristos grabbed her hand and led her out of the back of the house. He picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and made for the dock. Dropping her on the plush seating, he untied the mooring and revved up the engine.

“Kidnapping is a crime, you know.”

“Yeah, imagine being away from prying eyes and ears, all the dirty things you want to do to me. But really, it’s a beautiful day, and I’m with a sexy woman, why not make the most of it? Plus my ma made us a basket of goodies for later.”

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