Read Just One Night Online

Authors: Hazel St James

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #alpha male, #spanking, #erotic romance, #bdsm

Just One Night (5 page)

Chris’ hands were a flurry of activity as he
kneaded and pulled on her aching nipples. Sara couldn’t help but
arch her back from the sensations. Chris released the stronghold on
her arms, caressing up and down instead.

“Good girl.”

He traced the curve of her breast with his
finger, sending more sensations rippling down to her sex. “Your
nipples are now almost the same color as your face when you flush.
They look beautiful, Sara.” Sara felt the warmth of his words
radiating across her skin and she gave him a sexy smile.

“You need to finish undressing now and
present yourself, Sara.” Chris walked over to the kitchen, grabbing
a folding chair from the table, pulling it over towards the bed.
Not sure what he meant, Sara remained standing in the same spot
with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Present myself?” Sara screwed her face up
tightly when she realized that Chris had told her not to speak.
Clenching her eyes together tightly, she waited for the retribution
for disobeying. A few moments passed before Sara had the courage to
peek out through her eyelashes. Chris stood there with his mouth
tweaked up in a grin. He had removed his shirt, revealing his
washboard abs and toned muscles plain as day even in the dim light
of the loft.
Drop dead sexy,
came to Sara’s mind as she stared at his features.

“Present yourself means that you are to show
me your beautiful body. Raise your arms behind your head, lace your
fingers together and stick your breasts out for me to view, to
inspect. You keep your legs shoulder width apart and eyes on the
floor. You always, always present yourself completely naked.”

Sara licked her lips and cleared her throat.
Was she allowed to ask questions?

“Sir, I don’t think…”

“That’s right, little one. You don’t think.
I take care of all that for you. Now do as you are told or it will
be 10 swats on that glorious ass of yours. I have given you enough
chances to be a good girl. I am going to soon assume that you are
just being bratty to get a rise out of me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I’m all in, I’m all in,
I’m all in,
was her mantra as she slowly began stripping
off what was left of her clothes…. and her inhibitions.


ara removed what was left
of her clothes, neatly folded them on the floor. She heard Chris
chuckle when she neatly folded the bra that he had flung across the
room a few minutes ago.

Rising from his chair, “If I didn’t know
better I would think that you were stalling. Now, I want to see
what my fucking sexy sub has to offer.”

“Why do you get to swear and I don’t?” Panic
flooded her system. The thought hadn’t even registered in her brain
at all before her mouth-filter let the words pass through her lips.
Not being able to swear was the least of her concerns. The few
curse words that had escaped her lips tonight were the most she had
used in ages. She braced herself, realizing that maybe she was
trying to provoke him into punishing her again.

“Well now, that would be 10 swats for
talking and another 5 for questioning me, little one.” Chris stood
from his chair, reaching her in two short strides. Sara could feel
her heart beating in her throat. There was no where to go, she had
taken one step backwards, pressing herself against the footboard

With panther like precision, Chris snatched
her wrists in one hand and tugged her around to the bed. Chris sat
down on the mattress and he pulled her across his lap. His right
leg lifted over her lower extremities and his upper arm pin her
down. Realizing too late that her bare ass was held high up in the
air and she couldn’t move, the first three hits rained down
quickly. There was no sensual rubbing over the skin to ease the
sting away; this was meant to hurt. Chris smacked her ass in rapid
fire succession, alternating cheeks, and counting each one. When he
called out ‘
, he stopped, letting
the warmth of his hand press the heat from Sara’s skin, deep into
her core. He was massaging the spots where the pain was the worst,
turning the deep boil into a slow fire burn. Chris dipped his
fingers in between her legs, into her aching sex, grazing her
swollen clit.

She moaned as he flicked the little nubbin
with his finger and then swirled around the outside of the hood,
making her moan and shake with need. The next swat came even harder
and now there was no longer the intense pain, it was searing,
burning pleasure. The remaining blows alternated between her cheeks
and her upper thighs. Calling out ‘
, he smacked her square on her pussy. She cried
out loud, her body tearing apart from the sensations. Her ass
cheeks felt as if they were absolutely on fire, yet it was no
longer pain, the sensations were definitely pleasure. Sara squirmed
and writhed on his lap as she waited for 15 to come.

Chris rested one hand on her back, one on
her thigh. Leaning down towards her ass, he moved his right hand
from her thigh, sliding it between her legs. His fingers grazed her
swollen lips, parting them to reach her aching clit, lazily making
circles around the outside. He moved down from her clit, sinking
two fingers deep inside her core. His lips brushed her ass,
muttering ‘
against her skin.
Pain shot through her backside as Chris bit down sharply into the
fleshy part of her cheek, while he rhythmically finger-fucked her
so deep that she thought he was actually touching her womb. She
cried out as an orgasm ripped through her body with such a force
that she thought it was going to shatter her soul. White speckles
of light flooded her eyes as all the tension release from her body.
A euphoria spread throughout her, making her as light as a feather.
A warm rush quickly blanketed her skin. Chris milked the orgasm
from her body with his fingers until the last shudder passed. She
slumped like a limp noodle across his lap, her arms and legs
dangling as if she had passed out. Sara felt her legs twitch and a
tremor radiated through her calves and thighs.

“Oh god,” she breathed as Chris lifted her
off of his lap, holding her in his arms. He cradled her as if she
was a little girl. He brushed her hair back from her face, wiping
the mascara that had smeared under her eyes. Sara hadn’t even
realized that she had been crying. Her legs twitched again and a
shudder ran down her spine. Chris held her close, whispering in her
ear, “Aftershocks.”

This Chris was so much different than the
man that had just doled out punishment mere moments ago. He was so
gentle and sweet. After a few moments of quiet, Chris began running
his hand up and down Sara’s back. It was a gentle caress that was
lulling Sara into sleep. She was so relaxed that she nestled her
head into Chris’ shoulder, closing her eyes. Chris tipped them
backwards on to the bed, holding her there against his chest,
caressing her hair.

“Rest your eyes, little one. We have all
night for me to continue your education.”


ara slowly drifted back to
consciousness with every rise and fall of her body. Realizing that
she was on top of Chris, she tried to keep still and match her
breathing with his to keep from waking him. Sara wondered how long
she had been sleeping. The bedroom area did not have any windows,
and there were no clocks. She couldn’t even remember where she
dropped her purse, to look at her phone to see what time it was.
Glancing over to the kitchen, Sara could see the window. She
relaxed when she realized that it was still nighttime. Chris was
gently holding on to her, but she was quickly becoming
uncomfortable. His embrace was smothering her, searing her

Desperate to get out of his arms and needing
a trip to the bathroom, Sara tried to slowly slip off of Chris.
Meeting resistance, Chris tighten his arms around her frame. She
froze in place, afraid that they were still “playing” and that she
was in trouble.

Chris’ voice was hoarse, “You’re not trying
to run away are you Sara?”

“No, Sir. I need to use the restroom is

“The bathroom is behind us. Don’t stray too
far in the dark. You never know what else I have in my loft.” There
was no mistaking the grin on his face.

Sara pulled her body from the bed, “I’ll
take my chances.” Pulling the bed sheet with her for some dignity,
Chris tugged it back out of her hands.

“Oh no, baby. I just got you naked. You
aren’t allowed any clothes while we are playing.”

Sara took a ragged breath, steeled her nerve
and she shot back, “I am taking a break from
right now to pee. Is that alright, Sir?” The
icy disdain on her words made her wince.

Chris tweaked her nipple as he stood up,
anger splashed across his face. “Permission granted. But before you
come back out, ditch the bratty attitude, or I will shove my cock
in your smart mouth and fuck it until I come down your throat.
Then, I will not allow you another orgasm until you fully give your
submission to me. No more of this half-ass shit. Do you understand,
little one?”

Sara could tell that Chris had tried to
soften his words at the end of his rant. She knew that she was
crossing the line when she smarted off to him, but she had to
assert herself. At first it felt right when Chris held her close,
lulling her to sleep like a child. But when she awoke disoriented,
she felt very on edge after being coddled like that. She was 20
years old, damn it, and didn’t want to be treated like a child.
That was exactly how she felt at this moment. There were enough
people back home treating her like she was a five year old with her
hair in pig tails, running around on the farm with her cat in her
arms, playing in the pastures.

But, she would give anything at this moment,
to take those words back so that she did not see the disappointment
in Chris’ eyes as he stared at her.

“I’m sorry, Sara.” Chris scrubbed his face
with his hands. “Your submission is very important to our evening,
but if you aren’t ready to completely give me that, I can
understand. You hardly know me. I can handle whatever submission
you are ready to give me. This is about educating you, right?”

Sara pulled her lip in between her teeth,
staring at Chris.
He’s not your family, he
doesn’t want you to be weak. He wants to help you.

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I don’t know what
happened there, but it was like a switch flipped in my brain and I
actually felt like you were smothering me. I know it sounds weird,
but that’s how I felt and I snapped at you. I really do like
everything that you have done to me and I know that you won’t hurt
me. I really can’t explain what came over me it was like a….” Chris
raised his hand and cut her off.

“I am the one that should be sorry, little
one. You are new to this, and I should have sensed that your last
orgasm had overloaded you. You fell asleep so quickly, I honestly
thought you were exhausted from the day, not your time with me.
What you experienced is called ‘sub drop’. You came down off of the
endorphin high of your orgasm and plummeted back to earth. That is
why after an intense scene, a Dom will simply hold his sub in his
arms for a time and soothe her until she is ready to continue. Tell
me, when you have had sex with other partners before, how did those
orgasms compare to the one I just gave you?”

“Seriously let me use the bathroom first and
then we can talk about this, ok?” Sara asked as she backed towards
the bathroom.

Taking a steadying breath, Chris forced a
smile on his face. “Yes, Sara, that is ok. What is not ok, is your
lack of respect for me. You need to remember to address me as
. Since that is obviously hard
for you to remember, you could try Master Chris, or maybe even God
would work too.”

Hoping that Chris would see the humor in her
words, Sara replied, “I could handle Master Chris, but God is a
stretch, Sir.”

“Why would calling me God be a stretch? I
bet I can make you say it at least twice in the next half hour

“Great, now something else I have to
remember not to say,
. Now,
unless you want to discipline me with a wet lap, you had better let
me use the potty, Sir!” Sara giggled as she closed the bathroom


ara sighed, peering at her
reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her hair was seriously
disheveled, she had black smudges of mascara running down her face,
her cheeks were flushed and she could see the faint traces of blood
on the corner of her lip.
I look like I have
just been fucked hard.
But they hadn’t even gotten to
that part yet. Thinking of what awaited her outside the bathroom
door, her stomach did a somersault, back flip and pirouette right
in a row.

Trying to regain some semblance of dignity,
Sara ran her fingers through her hair and wiped the mascara from
her cheeks. Wanting to appear brave, Sara held her chin up,
straightened her back, and walked back out into the bedroom. Chris
laid on the bed with his upper body propped up on his left elbow,
his ankles crossed with his bare feet hanging off the bed. He had
removed his shirt and socks, wearing just his jeans. In the dim
light of the bedroom, Sara could see a tattoo on his right upper
arm and shoulder, but couldn’t tell exactly what it was.

Chris was intently staring at the screen of
his cell phone. The soft, green glow illuminated his face. Sara
realized that he did not see her emerge from the bathroom. Not
wanting to startle him, she held her position. Chris was engrossed
in whatever was on the screen.
I must be boring
him, so he’s checking his email.
Wanting to regain his
attention, Sara crossed her arms over her chest, and cleared her
throat. Chris snapped his head up in attention, grinning at her
defiant pose. Tossing his cell phone on to the nightstand, he
jumped up, matching her pose with his arms crossed over his

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