Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (19 page)

“Oh, I’m sorry, Madison, I can see you’re not fully recovered.”

“Don’t patronize me, you sanctimonious prick.”

A long pause followed. She guessed Carson was weighing up the situation, eventually he said, “So what can I do for you, Madison? If there’s anything you need, just say the word.”

Gabe jotted a couple of words on a notepad and then handed it to her. “Corrupt politician.” She couldn’t help smiling and nodded her approval.

“This isn’t a social call, Carson.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Madison. Perhaps you’ll feel better when you’re fully rested.”

She hated the way he patronized her. He’d done it from the moment he’d married her as an inexperienced nineteen-year-old girl. She wouldn’t allow him to patronize her now. “Just cut the crap, Carson. You know I copied the files on your computer. I know where all the bodies are buried, Senator. I know about every shady land deal you’ve been involved with. I have proof of the payments you’ve made to hit men. I know you made people disappear.”

“If you say so, Madison. You were always prone to exaggeration.”

“Put it this way, Senator. If I, or any of my friends, meet with a suspicious death, this information will become public knowledge. Even the previously untouchable Senator Carson Delaware will be unable to stop the shit storm that will rain down on him. What I know is too big for even you to control.” She spat the words out with undiluted venom.

“You’re sounding a little hysterical, Madison. Dare I say, mentally unstable.”

“Call your attack dog off, Carson. I’m not asking you to do it. I’m telling you to do it.”

He laughed loudly down the line. “Attack dog? I really have no idea what you’re talking about, sweetie.”

She could feel her blood boiling with anger. “You’re a fucking liar, Carson. You tried to kill me. You know it, and I know it. But the man you sent was not up to the mark, and I’m alive and well. You are not going to ruin the rest of my life. Do you hear me, Senator? Do you understand?”

“I think we understand one another perfectly, Madison.”

“Good, because if what I know about you ever becomes public knowledge, you’ll be unable to get a job as a janitor, let alone become the President of the United States.”

She could hear him sigh. “I think we’re done talking, Madison. You stole something of mine, something very important. But I’m a big-hearted kinda guy. I’m gonna let it pass.” She could feel the coolness in his tone, coming all the way from Washington. “You and your two-bit cowboys, I hope you have a great life together, sweetie. This will be the last time we ever speak.” With those final words the line clicked dead.

* * * *

Tyler watched Madi as she finished the call. Her hands shook as she replaced the receiver in its cradle. “I’m so proud of you,” he said, hugging her tightly. He could feel her whole body trembling with anxiety, and knew it had taken a lot of courage to stand up to her ex-husband. He looked at his brother. “I think we can safely assume he wouldn’t dare bother Madi again. She has far too much on him, and he knows it.”

“Yeah, a contemptuous little prick if ever there was one, but he knows that his sorry ass will end up in prison if he ever tries to pull that shit again.” Gabe cupped Madi’s chin. “Are you all right, baby? I thought you were wonderful.”

Madi nodded and sighed deeply. “I’m glad that’s over. Thank you both so much for setting it up. I know Carson. He’ll be throwing things around the office now, spitting blood, and firing members of staff right, left, and center for no good reason. But for all his intimidation and power, I’ve got the better of him—we’ve got the better of him. It’s a wonderful feeling isn’t it, boys?”

Tyler gently kissed her lips. “The best feeling ever, Madi.”

“I feel so stupid. He had such a powerful hold over my life when I was much younger. Looking back, I guess I was always frightened of him, and with good reason, too.”

“Honey,” Tyler squeezed her hand. “That’s life. We learn by our mistakes. He was a mature, middle-aged man who married an impressionable young girl and whisked her off to Washington. It’s little wonder you were in awe of him.”

“To begin with, I felt like a fairy-tale princess. I was a spoilt little rich girl, and Carson played on it. That was, until he tired of me.” She shook her head. “That’s when I started to question his ethics. When I found out his true personality, I just didn’t want to stay married to him anymore. I guess that’s when I grew up. I realize now, not everyone is as they seem. Carson always came across as a regular guy to the average man in the street, but I knew that was just a charade. In private he was dismissive of the working man or woman earning minimum wage. He used to laugh, saying they were too stupid and ignorant to run their own lives, so he’d have to do it for them. He was cold, cruel, and calculating in real life.” She looked at them both and smiled. “You’re the only guys in the world I know I can trust. I love you both.”

Tyler knew he and his brother needed and wanted to protect Madi. It was her destiny to be with them now, and always. “Gabe and I were talking while you were in hospital. We’d like you to live with us, permanently.”

“You would?” Tyler noticed a teardrop clinging to her lashes. “Oh, boys, you’ve made me so happy.” She breathed in, composing herself. “But you need to understand that I’m an independent woman. I need to work for my own self esteem.”

“We’ve got plenty of work on the ranch that requires doing.”

“I don’t know anything about ranching.”

“We can teach you. You’re real smart. You’ll learn.” Tyler assured her.

Madi’s mouth spread into a wide grin.

“Does that mean yes?” Gabe asked.

“Yes, yes, yes.” She threw herself at him, wrapping her legs around his back, clinging onto him as though her life depended on it. “Now I know about my humble origins, I’m willing to learn anything you can teach me about ranching.

“I’ve been doing a little thinking myself. When I sell Mother’s house, and also my apartment in Washington, I’ll be a wealthy woman. Perhaps, I could invest in the ranch, become an equal partner with you and Tyler? What do you say? It would be an incentive for me to work hard, and really put myself into it.”

“I think that’s a great idea, Madi, but let’s see how you feel in six months’ time. That way you’ll know you’re investing in something you like.” Gabe’s words made sense.

“No need, Gabe. I’ll be investing in something I love more than anything else in the world, and that’s you and Ty. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Gabe held out his hand. “Then put it there, partner.”

As soon as Madi placed her hand in his, Gabe scooped her into his arms and twirled her around. Tyler loved the girlish giggle that tore from her lips. He knew then that she was well and truly on the mend. He watched her kiss his brother, and then she turned to him, holding out her arms.

“Come here, cowboy. I need you.” She laughed.

Their kiss felt wonderful, and so full of emotion. He’d come so very close to losing her, every day was a bonus now.

Chapter Twenty

Two weeks later

Madison marveled at how quickly the time had flown by. The weather had cooled, so working the ranch had become a little easier. She stretched, easing the tired muscles as she finished clearing out the stables. Gabe and Tyler would be back soon. They’d just taken delivery of a stud bull, which was to add stamina to their stock over the coming months and years. The way they ran their ranch was simply fascinating. It was all about refining the Texas Longhorn breed to get the best possible price on the market. There was more to running a ranch than she realized. She shook her head. And to think she’d never liked cowboys.

If she hurried, she might just get a shower in before they came home for dinner. It was Gabe’s turn to cook. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she had time, and she walked across to the ranch house. Good honest sweat was fine, but she knew that Gabe and Ty liked a nice, clean body to adore. She had some great news to share when they finally returned. She’d sold her Washington apartment last week, clearing some five hundred thousand dollars, which she was going to plow back into the business. Today, the real estate guy had phoned, informing her they’d found a buyer for her mother’s house, and for the full asking price, too. Now she could move on and leave all the bad memories behind her.

With no time to waste, she dashed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After sorting out a change of clothes, she laid them on the bed and then returned to the en suite. The water felt fabulous as it drifted over her naked body, and she ducked her head under the shower, soaking her hair. She closed her eyes as the water ran in rivulets down her face and reached out, feeling along the shelf with her fingertips for the shampoo. She just managed to locate it when she heard Gabe’s rich Texas accent behind her.

“Baby, let me do that.”

Her stomach immediately coiled in anticipation. She loved being with the brothers, especially when they were all naked together. They could do wonderful, unspeakable, delicious things to her mind, as well as her body. Although up until now, they hadn’t penetrated her at the same time. She guessed that delightful pleasure was yet to come. Her pussy moistened at the prospect of having them both inside her together.

“I’m all yours,” she answered, handing him the shampoo. She could feel her mouth spreading into a sensuous smile. She glanced over her shoulder at his athletic frame standing behind her and his huge erection bobbing against his stomach. She guessed she was in for a round of hot loving.

“You bet you’re all mine.” Gabe’s fingers traced the groove of her spine, from her butt to her neck. She could feel herself quivering from his exquisite touch. He began rubbing shampoo into her scalp, building it up into a foamy lather. “You’ve done a great job on the stables. You’re really not bad at this ranch work, honey.”

“That’s because I just love getting all hot and dirty for you, boys.”

Gabe laughed, guiding her under the flow of water to rinse the suds away. “Boy, have we got a treat for you. Isn’t that right, Ty?”

Tyler spoke as he came into the shower to join them, “The hotter and dirtier the girl, the more we have to wash her.”

In next to no time two pairs of hands were caressing her body with shower gel. Madison closed her eyes, enjoying the intimate contact, a smile on her lips. “Mmm, you boys are the best. Now it’s my turn.” She took the shower gel from Gabe, loading her hand with the contents and then smearing it over his body. She paid particular attention to his penis, circling her hand along his thick shaft, before rubbing her fingers over his tight balls. She could see the effect she was having on him.

“Careful, Madi. You don’t want to get me too hot, or I might fuck your cute little ass right here in the shower.” His eyes held hers. A sensual smile slanted his mouth, as she increased the tempo.

Madison bit down on her lower lip, acting deliberately coy. “I think I can handle you”—she tapped an index finger to his chest—“and your brother.” To emphasize her statement, she abruptly turned to Tyler and did the same to him, teasing his huge, veined cock with her fingers, just as she’d done to Gabe.

“Whoa, Madi.” Tyler smiled, lapping up her intimate touch just like his brother had. “What’s got into you today? Gabe’s right, you can’t keep acting this way without there being any consequences.”

“That’s just it, boys. Consequences be damned. I intend to grab life with both hands. I want me some hot cowboy loving, like right now.” Since her close brush with death, Madison intended to make the most of every day.

Gabe wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her back against his chest. He whispered low in her ear, “You are one very naughty girl, Madi, but we’ve got the corrective therapy for your wanton ways.”

She squirmed back against him, feeling her pussy spasm in anticipation. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Gabe’s hard cock pressed into the groove of her butt. Automatically she reached out, soothing her fingers over Tyler’s, huge, stiff prick. She could feel it pulsing beneath her fingertips. There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted them both, and she voiced her thoughts out loud. “Love me together, please. I want you both inside me.”

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