Read Lady Alexandra's Lover Online

Authors: Helen Hardt

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Lady Alexandra's Lover (21 page)

“Tell me, dear sister, how you came to fall in love with Evan.”

Ally warmed as she relived their love affair through words to her sister. “I never expected it,” she said. “It sneaked up on me, you know? I’ve always found him attractive, but we are so different. There’s this fire between us, this passion. At first I thought it was only lust, but I was wrong, Sophie, so very wrong. It is love of the highest degree. Lily and Rose were right. When you fall in love, you will know it with all your heart. I can no longer imagine my life without him. When I thought he might be…” She closed her eyes, and a tear slid down her cheek.

Sophie squeezed her hand. “He will recover. The doctor said so himself. You will be with your love.”

“Yes, I will be.” Ally smiled as she said the words.

Marrying for money seemed foreign to her now. She didn’t care if Evan was a second son with no inheritance. She didn’t care if he was a pauper. She loved him, and she would be his wife.

She had lived without before. She could do it again.

She would do anything to be with her love.

van was still
asleep several hours later, lying in his own bed in his own bedchamber in the townhome. Ally sat next to the bed, his hand clasped between both of hers. She had not left his side since they got home, and she would not. Dr. Stanton had said that Evan would awaken eventually this evening, and Ally was determined to be here to see it. She wanted her face to be the first thing Evan saw and for her “I love you” to be the first words he heard.

When Evan’s eyelids fluttered open, Ally smiled.

“I love you. Welcome back, my love. You had us all very worried.”

“Alexandra?” Evan’s voice was hoarse and raspy.

“Yes, Evan, I am here. And I love you.”

His face taut, he said nothing.

“I’m so sorry for everything that has happened. But I love you, Evan, and I want to marry you.”

His face showed no reaction to her words. “What happened? Why am I here in bed?”

“You were shot, my love. In the thigh, last night.” Ally squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears, to no avail. “But you’re going to be all right. The doctor got the bullet out, and you will be good as new in no time at all. Then we can be married, as you asked. I love you so much, Evan. I was wrong to refuse you. I was wrong about so many things. If you’ll have me, I promise to love you until the day I die and to devote my life to you and the children we will have.”

Evan wrinkled his forehead, a slight frown marring his beautiful face.

“I’m sorry, Alexandra, but it is over between us.”

Confessions of Lady Prudence
by Madame O

hristophe and Lars
laid Hattie on my bed.

“Grasp the posts on the headboard, Hattie,” Lars commanded.

Hattie obeyed, her body trembling.

Lars fastened one silk scarf around Hattie’s right wrist while Christophe secured the left. My whole body throbbed as images of what they might do to her swirled through my mind. My nipples tightened, Amelia, and I’m not sure I could’ve been more excited if I’d been the one lying supine on the bed.

Christophe pushed Hattie’s thighs forward and swiped his tongue along the crease of her arse. I quivered as Hattie did. Meanwhile, Lars went to work on Hattie’s cherry nipples, plucking one with his fingers and licking and kissing the other. Hattie gasped, arching her back. The sight was so beautiful, Amelia. Part of me wanted to strip off my silk robe and jump on the bed and join the fun while the other part of me was enraptured by the vision before me. I never knew how erotic being a voyeur could be.

For now, I decided to watch and let Hattie have her fun.

Lars ripped his mouth from Hattie’s nipple and clamped it down onto her lips, kissing her. As I caught a glimpse of their tongues entwining, I became so aroused that I reached for my clitoris and began massaging it. Christophe worked on Hattie’s pussy, licking and slurping, as Hattie arched off the bed. When Lars broke the kiss, Hattie squealed.

“Oh, kind sirs, it all feels so good!”

Christophe continued to lick Hattie’s sweet cunny, and I moved my other hand to my breast, cupping, teasing my hard nipple. Dear Amelia, I was so hot from watching the scene unfold that I was about to burst on the spot.

When Christophe thrust two fingers into Hattie’s pussy, and she came, screaming, I climaxed as well, squirming in my chair, moaning, groaning, wanting so badly a hard cock to fill me.

Christophe quickly freed his cock from the confines of his trousers and plunged it into Hattie’s cunt. Lars went back to Hattie’s nipples, kissing, sucking, plucking.

I could wait no longer. I stood, brushed the robe off my shoulders into a silky puddle on the rug, and walked slowly to my bed.

Chapter 21

lly’s heart sank
. “Evan, you can’t mean that.”

Evan turned his head away from her. “Leave me, Alexandra. I do not wish you to be here in my bedchamber.”

Ally leaned over and kissed Evan’s cheek. She turned his face back to her and pressed her lips to his.

“My love, only days ago you confessed your love to me and said you wanted to marry me. I was an idiot to say no. I loved you then, and I love you even more now. You are all I want in this world. I will not leave your side.”

“You are not the woman I—” Evan coughed.

“Easy, my love. Don’t try to talk too much. The doctor will come to see you tomorrow. What do you have need of right now? Are you hungry? I can get you a tray.”

Evan let out another dry cough. “All I need at the moment is for you to leave.”


“I said leave.” He turned away again, closing his eyes.

Ally sat back down in the chair. She was not going anywhere. She was made of stronger stuff. Evan was in pain. He was hurting. He didn’t know what he was saying. Ally would not leave his side. She would prove her loyalty to him, her love to him.

When Evan’s breathing became softer, she knew he had fallen back to sleep.

“Yes, sleep, my love. Everything will be better tomorrow.”

Surely he would be back to his senses by then.

lly paced
in the parlor while the doctor examined Evan. She had tried to see him earlier, but his valet insisted that she not be allowed in the room. The only information she had now had come from his valet. According to Redmond, Evan was faring well. But Ally longed to see him to make sure for herself.

“Ally, do sit down. Let me fix you a cup of tea or something.” Sophie patted the divan next to her.

“I can’t possibly, Sophie. I need to see Evan. I need to see with my own eyes that he’s doing better.”

“The doctor will be down soon, and he will let us know what is going on. You’re not helping anything by pacing around the room.”

“I can’t sit still. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. Just calm down. You won’t be any use to him in this agitated state.”

“That is my fear, Sophie. I fear he doesn’t wish me to be any use to him at all. I don’t know why he is closing me out like this. It can’t possibly be because of my writing for
The Ruby
, can it?”

Sophie shook her head. “I declare, I do not know, Ally. Evan is very conventional. I suppose that could be the problem.”

“But Evan knows me. He knows me like no other man does. And knowing me as he does, the little tidbit about
The Ruby
should come as no shock to him.”

Sophie’s cheeks pinked. “Please, go into no further detail. There are some things about my sister I do not wish to know.”

“I’m still the same person I always was. I am still the sister who protected you all those years ago, and I would do so again if I had to. Why do you think I went after you two nights past?”

“That is a good question. You knew Evan was going, so you knew I would be in capable hands. Why did you go?”

“It’s certainly not that I didn’t trust Evan to take care of you, but as it turns out, it was a good thing I was there. Evan got shot. I was worried about both of you. I had to make sure you were both all right.”

Sophie shook her head. “I shall always love you as my sister and also as my closest friend, but you don’t always think. Your impulsiveness is going to get you into trouble someday, I fear. You’re a gifted writer, and your interest in erotica does not disturb me overly much. But did you think about what you were doing when you tried to sell it to the paper? You do know that the distribution and publication of erotica is illegal.”

“A common misdemeanor, Sophie. And it is enjoyed by many. Most law enforcers look the other way.”

“They don’t all look the other way, Ally. And law enforcement aside, you seem to have caught the attention of a group of people who do not look the other way. Who knows how many other zealots are in the group with Ryland and the woman? I’m just glad they left.”

Ally opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the doctor coming to the parlor door.

“My ladies,” he said, “Lord Evan is doing well. He’s a bit feverish, which is common after a surgery. We need to watch for signs of infection. So far, everything looks good. He will be bedridden for the next few days. His movement is good, but his thigh can’t take his weight. In a few days, he will be able to get up and walk around the house with assistance.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Sophie said. “What should we be doing for him?”

“Just arrange for the servants to see to his needs. I understand his father and your mother will be returning soon, within a day or two. There is no need to send word to them and worry them unnecessarily. Lord Evan will be fine, barring any infection or other unforeseen circumstances.”

“I must see him.” Ally strode quickly toward the door.

“Ally…” Sophie hedged.

The doctor bowed politely. “I will leave this to you at this time. Send word to me if you have any concerns. Otherwise, I shall return in two days’ time to check on Lord Evan.”

Ally followed Dr. Stanton out of the parlor.

“Ally…” Sophie said again.

“Do not try to stop me. I am going to see the man I love.”

Ally briskly marched up the stairs, her nerves skittering, and stopped when she reached the door to Evan’s chamber. She hesitated and then boldly knocked.

Redmond opened the door. “Lady Alexandra, I’m sorry, but Lord Evan does not wish to see you.”

“Yes, yes, I know. But I have never let what Lord Evan says stop me from doing what I want.” She brushed past Redmond and entered.

Evan sat up in bed, a tray of food in front of him.

“My lord,” Redmond said, “I tried to stop her—”

“It’s all right, Redmond,” Evan said. “Normal people seem to be defenseless against Lady Alexandra. You may leave us.”

Once Redmond had shut the door behind him, Ally turned to Evan. She opened her mouth to speak, but he held up his hand to stop her.

“Alexandra, I have not changed my mind. I do not wish to see you.”

“Then you owe me an explanation. Only days ago you wished to marry me.”

“And only days ago, you wished to marry Landon. I do believe he has proposed marriage, has he not?”

“I am not in love with Mr. Landon. I’m in love with you, Evan.”

“So you have said. But again, only days ago that fact did not seem to matter to you.”

“I know, and I’m so sorry about that. I was wrong. I was interested only in Mr. Landon’s money. I wanted to make sure that Sophie, my mother, and I were taken care of, and that we would never ever have to live in near poverty again.”

“I see, and now you’re willing to live in near poverty with me?”

“Oh, Evan, I nearly lost you. It was a jolt to me. I always knew I was in love with you, but facing losing you… I realized how wrong I was to be focusing only on marrying for money. I want only to marry you.”

“Well, unfortunately, my offer is no longer on the table.”

Ally’s heart fell. Sadness rivered through her. “Are you saying you no longer love me?”

Evan cleared his throat. “I’m saying I no longer wish to marry you.”

“But you still love me?”

Evan did not answer.

“So I take that as a yes?”

“Take it however you want it. It does not change anything.”

Ally leaned over and pressed her mouth to Evan’s. She traced her tongue along the seam of his lips, which were tightly closed. She nibbled across his upper lip and then his lower. She could be patient if she had to be. She rained tiny kisses around his mouth, and then tried again to open his lips. This time he parted them, and she slid her tongue into his mouth. Oh, sweet warmth, sweet love. This was far from their first kiss, but it was the sweetest, because she knew now, without a shadow of a doubt, that this was the man she was meant to be with—her true love.

Evan responded and tangled his tongue was hers, his breathing growing more rapid. The kiss turned frantic. Ally didn’t want to stop, but Evan was weak. With all her might, she withdrew her mouth from his.

“You responded to my kiss, Evan.”

“That means nothing. You are beautiful. A man would have to be dead not to respond to you.”

Ally smiled. She turned her head. His cockstand was apparent beneath the blanket. Perhaps she could still reach him.

“Evan, I nearly lost you, and I realized how important it was to be with a man I was in love with. If you are truly in love with me, how can you not see things the same way?”

“Because, Alexandra, there are more important things in life than love.”

Her own words, hurled back at her, and they cut into her like a sword. She flinched. “Like money? You’re wrong, Evan. I was wrong. Please, can’t you see—”

“Damn it, I’m not talking about money. Not everything is about money.”

“Then what are you talking about? What on earth is more important than love?”

“Trust, Alexandra.”

“Trust? Are you saying you don’t trust me, Evan? How can you not? I took care of you. If I hadn’t been there the night you got shot—”

“If you hadn’t been there the night I got shot, you would’ve been doing what I asked of you. I told you to stay away for your own safety.”

“But Evan—”

“Damn it, do not interrupt me!” Evan sucked in a breath.

Ally cupped his cheeks. “Don’t exert yourself. Please.”

He swallowed. “I am fine. Please allow me to say my piece, and do not interrupt me again.”

Ally nodded. She owed him that.

“I asked you to stay away. I’ve asked you many things since our parents left on their wedding trip, and you have continually disobeyed me.”

Ally opened her mouth to disagree, but Evan shot daggers at her with his eyes.

“However, those are not the reasons for my lack of trust. You are impulsive and strong-willed. I accept that about you. It’s part of your charm. However, you have done something that I cannot forgive.”

“If you’re talking about my writing erotica for
The Ruby

“No, Alexandra, that is not what I’m talking about. I have no problem with your enjoyment of erotica. Clearly I’ve enjoyed your knowledge of the art of pleasure. Whether you learned from reading erotica or by any of the ways men learn it—of which there are more than a few—really doesn’t make a difference to me.”

“Then what—”

“I think you exercised poor judgment in selling your writing to
The Ruby
. The distribution of such literature is illegal, as you well know.”

Ally opened her mouth.

“Stop right there. I am not finished. You’re going to tell me it is a common misdemeanor and that most close their eyes to it. And you would be right. Yes, you exercised poor judgment in selling it. I stand by that point, but that is not the reason for my mistrust.”

“Then what in the world are you upset about?”

His face reddened. “Are you really going to stand there and make me spell it out for you?”

Confusion muddled Ally’s head. If he wasn’t upset about her writing for
The Ruby
, what was going on?

“I’m afraid you’ll have to, Evan. I don’t mean to be ignorant, but I haven’t the faintest idea what you could be talking about.”

“Damn it, Alexandra! You brought my business into this.”

Ally dropped her mouth into an O. “Evan, I don’t know what you mean.”

“Somehow you managed to get my business to print
The Ruby
. I don’t know how you did it, but do you realize I could be arrested for publishing obscene literature?”

Ally’s heart fell to her stomach. Evan owned a printing business? Yes, he had said something like that before… Here, in London? Or at home, in Bath?

“I don’t understand…”

“Do not act so innocent. Who else could be behind it? You are my new stepsister, and you write for
The Ruby
. Who else would have taken it to my business?”

She shook her head, confounded. “You need to back up a few steps. How is your business involved?”

“You really are something. My business is printing that rag—for free, no less. And it’s all your doing.”

“It’s not. I swear. You know of my involvement. It’s a servant at our home in Mayfair. I know nothing else, I swear to you!”

“Please, spare me the sinless act. Who else could have taken
The Ruby
to my printing house?”

“Why, I have no idea, but I promise you I will find out.”

“No!” Evan pounded his fist on the mattress. “You will stay out of this from now on. Once I am able, I will take care of it. In the meantime, I will have some trusted employees look into the matter. I should have taken care of this days ago. Instead, I had to follow you here to London. If I had known you were behind this from the beginning, I would have let you come to London alone and get into all the trouble you wanted. I would not have cared.”

Ally looked down, swallowing, and then up to meet Evan’s gaze. His eyes were misty as though he wanted to cry. Her heart shattered.

“Evan, I love you. I would never do anything to harm you.”

“I do not wish to hear it, Alexandra. Leave my chamber now, please.”


“I said now!”

She looked down the length of his bed. His arousal was still apparent. He was not as immune to her as he would have liked her to believe. He could not make love to her. He wouldn’t want to. Even if he did, he wouldn’t have the strength. But she had the strength…

She grasped him through the coverlet.

He winced, a small groan escaping his throat. “Alexandra…”

“Please, let me.” She removed the cover and unbuttoned his night shirt. His cock stood proudly from its golden nest. So beautiful he was, perfectly sculpted. A pearl of clear liquid emerged from the tip. She leaned down and licked it off.

He trembled. “Alexandra,” he said again.

“I love you, Evan,” she said, and sank her mouth onto his hardness.

“Ah, God…” His body stiffened.

His cock was warm against her tongue, the skin soft as velvet. He tasted of salt and cinnamon, with a touch of musk. Delicious. His low moans wafted to her ears, and she wanted more than anything to give him this. Though her nipples were tight and her loins aching, she only wanted his pleasure. Her own was unimportant, inconsequential.

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