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Authors: Denise L. Wyant

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Latin Heat (2 page)

He scanned the dining room but didn’t see any signs of the striking red-headed señora. He wondered if Ms. Blackburn had opted to go for a swim in the pool or maybe relax under the palm trees on the beach? He checked his watch; he still had forty minutes until he would eat. That gave him plenty of time to chat and keep an eye out for her. He hoped that she would join him, but after her travel, he understood if she decided to order room service instead.

The dining room wasn’t crowded. Peak season had passed, so fewer guests roamed the property. It didn’t take him long to visit with those present.

As seven-thirty approached, he made his way to the private alcove where he normally dined. He was pleased to see everything ready for him, including the extra place setting. He’d already left instructions with the hostess that Ms. Blackburn should be escorted to his table.

By eight o’clock, she hadn’t appeared. Roberto ate his dinner alone, wondering what happened.
Maybe she had dined in her room
, he thought. His mind wandered to the broken look that bled through her features. That angered him. No woman so beautiful and intelligent should carry that look, even if she tried to hide it behind a venomous tongue. Roberto wished he could get his hands on whoever caused her hurt. He pushed his mostly eaten dinner away with a sigh.
Time to get back to work


Simone awoke to a sharp repetitive sound. It took her several moments to register that someone knocked at her door. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and checked the clock on the nightstand. Eight-fifty.
Where had the time gone?

After Roberto left, she had changed into her swimsuit, grabbed her book and a towel, and lounged on the beach until nearly six o’clock. A rumbling stomach forced her inside and into the shower. She stayed under the massaging jets until the water cooled. She pulled on a soft terry cloth robe and dried her hair. Before she dressed, Simone relaxed on the bed. Just for a moment, she told herself. Well, according to the clock, that moment lasted almost three hours.

She stumbled to the door, trying to clear the cobwebs from her head. Her fingers fiddled with the lock before it finally released. Simone swung the door open and her eyes widened when she realized who stood on her porch.

“Señora Blackburn. I was concerned. You missed dinner and didn’t call for room service.” Roberto’s brows furrowed but then smoothed when his eyes flitted over her body, apparently taking in the state of her undress.

Simone realized she still wore the short robe that barely covered her thighs.
Girl, what were you thinking, answering the door in this robe?
She felt a blush creep into her cheeks.
damn fair skin showed all of her emotions as brightly as a neon sign!
“I fell asleep.” She continued sheepishly, “I guess the travel got the better of me.” However, she was sure it had more to do with the long, hot massaging shower. She imagined what it would have been like to share the shower with someone, like the muscular, confident man who stood before her. Simone felt her blush deepen.

Roberto nodded and gestured toward the inside of her suite. “May I?”

“Of course,” Simone answered automatically and stepped back to allow him to enter. Why did she let him in? She wasn’t dressed for company, and his presence made her much too aware of her nakedness beneath the skimpy robe. He stepped inside, and she noticed he carried a covered plate and a bottle of wine.
Huh . . . is that for me?

“I thought you might be hungry, so I brought some food.” He set the plate on the small table and uncovered the dish. Delicious scents wafted toward her nose.

Her stomach decided to rumble its appreciation. “Sorry about that.” Simone walked to the table to investigate. Scallops and shrimp served over a bed of rice. Simone plucked a large shrimp from the plate and moaned at the rich, tender taste. She eyed the remainder of the food ravenously.

Roberto stopped uncorking the bottle of wine and met her eyes. She noted his eyes went straight to her lips. His voice was deeper, huskier when he said, “I’m glad you’re enjoying your meal.” He pulled out the chair. “Please sit. There is no need to stand and eat.”

Simone laid the shrimp tail on the side of the plate, but refused to sit as she met the man’s smoldering eyes. “Are you this attentive to all your guests?”

A small smile crossed his lips. “Only to those who deserve it. La Isla Bonita prides itself on its exceptional customer service. I simply want to make up for the inconvenience you experienced before.”

“I see.” Simone wasn’t entirely convinced—especially the way his eyes seemed to gently caress her with every glance, but her stomach interrupted her thoughts as it demanded more food. She tightened the belt on her robe, took a seat, and picked up the knife and fork he had laid out. “Thank you for this.” She paused, and thought she should ask him to join her, but she didn’t know if that was a good idea. He poured her a healthy-sized glass of wine as her fork speared another juicy piece of shrimp. “Would you—”

Roberto’s cell phone chirped, interrupting her question. He answered in Spanish. As he addressed the caller, she consoled herself with her tasty food. Simone half-listened, unable to understand the words, but the sharpness of his voice indicated something was wrong. After a short, but heated discussion, he tucked the cell phone back into his pocket. “There is an issue to which I must attend. I hope you enjoy your dinner Ms. Blackburn.”

She hurried to correct him, not liking being addressed so formally. “Simone, please.”

“Simone it is.” He bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “
Buenas noches

It was a quick kiss, but as his lips touched her skin, it felt as though a fire erupted. Roberto’s lips scorched her to the bone. Goosebumps spread across her flesh as moisture pooled in an area long forgotten. Simone couldn’t recall the last time she’d felt any sparks after being kissed by a man. His touch felt natural and right, but the resistance to this gorgeous man, who so obviously wanted more than to make her a satisfied guest, nagged at her. Wouldn’t he just break her heart like Asshole?

Simone pushed the giddiness away. She was an adult, not some school girl. She controlled this situation and her emotions, damn it! It didn’t matter that he didn’t wear a wedding ring and could be available for the taking. This trip was to relax and refresh, not fantasize about the sexy resort manager. Simone jabbed another shrimp with her fork and popped it in her mouth, trying desperately to ignore the still burning spot on her forehead where Roberto’s lips had lingered.


The next couple of days proved busy for Roberto. More of the keycards didn’t work. He didn’t, however, have the desire to escort any other women to their bungalows. That had been reserved for the sexy Simone Blackburn, whom he couldn’t get out of his mind.

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. While he was good with computers, his mind drifted from the research required. Upgrading the key system would cost a lot of money. He needed to pay attention to the requests for bids he was sending out, instead of letting his mind wander . . . to a certain, stubborn American woman.

At least he had pleasant thoughts to distract himself. Simone had booked a massage appointment at the spa for tomorrow afternoon. Little did she know, Roberto was a trained masseur. Before he’d studied hotel-restaurant management, he’d trained in massage therapy. It looked as though he would get to put those skills to use. Soon.

His body came to life at the thought of pampering Simone. He hoped she would enjoy the feel of his hands on her lovely skin. Roberto noticed right away the few freckles that dotted her nose. He wondered if she had freckles anywhere else on her body.

Roberto gave up on research, propped his feet up on his desk, and leaned back in his chair. His eyelids drifted shut as he imagined caressing Simone’s skin. He wasn’t so careless as to unzip and take care of his throbbing erection—his staff could call or enter his office at any moment. Besides, he told himself, it would be worth it to wait and let the beautiful redhead quench the desire running like fire through his veins.


Simone strolled toward the spa, Roberto’s card tucked in the zipper pocket of her beach bag. It had been a while since she’d pampered herself. In addition to making a massage appointment, she intended to get a pedicure and manicure too.

From the moment she entered the spa, Simone truly begin to relax. The pale blue colors soothed her as soft New Age music played in the background. The staff was friendly and welcoming. Luz, who Simone learned would be her masseuse, led her to a small room lit with candles. More of the soft music filtered in as Luz instructed her to undress and lay face down on the table. Her masseuse laid a white sheet on the table and told her to pull it over her legs and up to her waist. Luz inquired about the room temperature before she left Simone to change.

She debated whether to remove her panties or not. Simone wasn’t normally self-conscious about her body, but since she was in a foreign country—and they might do things differently here —she didn’t remove her pink lace thong.

Simone got comfortable on the table and allowed her breathing to even and deepen. She normally remained alert during treatments, but the stress from her failed marriage had finally started to drain away since she’d been on the island. Swimming, reading, and sunbathing dominated her time. Although she had talked with Jenni, her best friend, several times, Jenni was kind enough not to mention Asshole. But she did want all the dirt on Roberto.

A quick knock sounded. Luz poked her head inside the room. “Are you ready, Ms. Blackburn?”

“Yes, I am. Thank you.” Simone settled back onto the table, willing her mind to empty and just enjoy the masseuse’s touch.

She listened as Luz moved around the room. Her footsteps were light and soft. Quietly she said, “I’m sorry, but we’re out of the lotion I prefer. I will return shortly.”

Simone murmured, “No problem.” She wasn’t going anywhere. Her body already molded itself to the table.

Several moments later, the door quietly opened. Simone sighed deeply and rolled her shoulders, trying to release the tension that remained. Her mind noted that Luz opened a bottle and rubbed lotion on her hands, but she felt content to relax and not pay further attention.

Strong hands gripped her shoulders; the thumbs found lingering knots of tension. Simone barely bit back a moan of pleasure. The hands continued to work their magic across her shoulder blades and down her back. When those talented fingers skimmed her sides, she flinched, ticklish.

A male chuckle filled the room as the fingers repeated the action. Simone’s reaction was delayed.
That was a male chuckle. What happened to Luz?
She pushed her upper body off the table and turned to see her masseuse. Her body jolted with the shock of seeing Roberto.

“Simone, please, lay back down. I’m not finished,” the sinfully smooth Latin voice commanded.

She caught a look of lust in Roberto’s eyes. Simone then noticed her breasts were bare. In fact her body betrayed her own feelings of desire as her nipples hardened under his study. He licked his lips. The spell was broken, and Simone tugged at the sheet until she covered her chest.

“Actually, Roberto, I think you are finished.” Simone’s tone didn’t quite carry the biting edge she wanted.

“Ah, my vixen is aroused and in denial.” He stepped into her space and caressed her cheek with a knuckle. “You face is flushed and your pupils are dilated.”

Simone tried to focus on his words, but her gaze was drawn to his smooth, defined chest. The man wore a pair of white drawstring pants and nothing else. For some reason the sight of his bare feet particularly appealed to her.
Maybe because your asshole ex never went without shoes
Dear Lord, this man is perfection and sexier than anyone I’ve ever been this close to!

She couldn’t deny that she desperately wanted to touch his perfect abs, just once, trace the ridges with her tongue. A little taste was all she needed. Hell, it wasn’t like she wanted to marry the guy. She just needed someone to fill the ache deep inside, even if for a moment.

“You’re thinking too hard, Simone. Please . . .” Roberto’s voice trailed off when Simone let the sheet drop and reached for him.

Their lips met and parted to begin a desperate battle of tongues. The passion only spurred her once she realized how much she craved a man’s hands on her as Roberto possessed her. And his hands did just that as they skated up to brush her erect nipples. Simone moaned and pressed harder into the kiss, not wanting to stop. Even for a breath.

“So sweet,” Roberto panted against her lips before kissing along her jaw and down her neck. 

Simone let her head fall back and shifted so her legs opened. The sheet fell away completely as Roberto stepped into her. The heat of his erection pressed insistently against her damp core. He kissed down her neck before he nibbled on the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Simone moaned while pressing her core tighter to Roberto. She ached with the need for relief.

Roberto tweaked her nipples with his fingers before his mouth returned to hers. The fury of the previous kiss had abated. This was a thorough exploration, a mingling of tongues and taste. Simone had never been kissed like this before. He could continue like this all day, and she knew she would never tire of it.

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