Read LIAM Online

Authors: Kat Lieu

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Teen & Young Adult, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

LIAM (5 page)


              “She’s such a demanding bitch.”

              “I know, right? It’s like she always has a fucking stick up her ass.”

              “What she needs is a dick up there!”

              Giggle, chortle, snort. So, it’s true what they say about how high school doesn’t end in high school. I flush the toilet and step out of the stall, clicking my Louboutins against the restroom tiles before planting myself between the two wannabe mean girls. Washing my hands, I study my reflection. Eyebrows on fleek, check. Makeup still clean. Eyes narrowed. I arch my eyebrow at the girl to my right. She looks like she had just seen the devil. I pucker my lips and air kiss the girl to my left. She should really pick her jaw up from the floor. It’s such an attractive look on her.

              “When you’re done talking about me here and things to stick up  my ass, come into my office. You can come in like this, a cute little twinsie duo, or if you’re braver, one by one. Up to you.” I smile at them and walk away. At the exit, I spin around and flip my hair.  


              “And just if you’re wondering, let’s just cut the bullshit. I’m going to fire both of you. Not because I’m a demanding bitch in desperate need of an ass fuck, but because you have horrible work ethics and are terrible interns anyway…” I waggle my finger at the girls. “Plus, I don’t tolerate little cliques and squads in my office.” I smirk at the girls. “See you in a few.” Whimper away, little bitches.


Who the hell comes into a job interview wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and flip flops? At least his toes are clean. I narrow my eyes at the candidate sitting in front of me. Part of me wants to snip off his thick beard an

He needs a haircut and a good shave. And who comes to a job








Ten: Liam
(26 years old)



The woman of my dreams wears a skintight red dress, and heels that make her legs look long and toned. Behind the mask are the same expressive and beautiful eyes. Only now, they don’t shine with innocence and wonder. It looks as if she might also have had some work on her face. Her nose seems a little straighter and sharper. The skin on her face seems impossibly smooth.

But she’s still the same Mandi that I’ve loved all along.

Only now, I want something else. I want Mandi to long for me, as I’ve longed for her. I want to fill her heart with regret, to fill her mind with wonder.

I want her to see that I’m better than Robin.

She’ll see all of this.

I’ve spent nights not sleeping, planning how I should make my entrance back into Mandi’s life. I bought the last remaining mansion on Gatsby Drive just so I could be her neighbor. I wondered how I should celebrate and attract Mandi’s attention. Should I throw an extravagant party that Jay Gatsby would be proud of? Or should I just invite Mandi and her asshole husband to an intimate dinner where I can flaunt my new life, like the White Prince flaunts his feathers when he thinks there’s a mate nearby. The White Prince is my peacock, by the way, and hell yeah, I’ve got a peacock. (Okay, fine, he’s a rental…)

I didn’t intend for our meeting to happen this way. Dammit, I had almost lost control. She made me so damn hard and I’ve never wanted her more than in that moment. I wanted to rip off her bra and suckle those amazing breasts. Kiss those soft lips of hers. And that perfect ass…

Focus, Liam, Focus.

The show must go on. I put my mask back on and make my way down the stairs, joining the party again as if I’d never left.  




Outside, my guests gather on the lawn to watch fireworks lighting up the night sky. Alice stares at the skies, an ear-to-ear smile on her face.

“Beautiful,” Alice says.

“Not as beautiful as you,” I tell her and I’m not lying. Her smile becomes even wider. She’s really a wonderful person. We actually met the day of Mandi’s wedding. Alice was one of the people who stopped me from beating Robin into a bloody pulp.

I keep staring at Alice. I think I’ve grown to love her. It’s easy to admire her long and soft blond hair. Those big gray eyes. Fit and sexy body.

The problem is that I’ve never been in love with her. When I look at her, I feel warmth in my heart, but it doesn’t race out of control or skip a beat. I don’t get nervous around her.

She’s very nice. Sometimes too nice.

I bring Alice pit to the lighted gazebo. On cue, the band plays soft classical music. Then they play a jazzed-up version of the wedding march, drawing all of our guests’ attention. With all eyes on us, I drop down to one knee and present Alice with an open ring box.

“Will you marry me?”

Alice’s lips tremble. She nods and extends her hand toward me so that I can slip the ring on her finger. She stares at the large diamond and then at me. “I love you so much, Liam. I can’t believe this is really happening!”

Our guests all have smiles on their faces, even Mandi. But her eyes betray her. She’s not smiling from her heart. Robin takes her hand and pulls her away from the crowd.

She disappears from the lawn, the way she disappeared from my life seven years ago, and with the same man. Robin Fucking Wickham.

Well guess what, Mandi?

I am over you.

Who the fuck am I kidding?

I am so not over you, Mandi....




…A week later...


“I can’t fucking believe it, Shaggy. You’re marrying Alice. Shit, I would marry her. She’s a keeper,” Carl says, patting my back.

I grin. “Take her, bro.” Maybe I’m serious here. Alice would have a happier life if she were to marry a man like Carl. Carl is simple. He doesn’t have secrets. He is fiercely loyal and dedicated to those he loves.

Carl rolls his eyes at me. “Whatever man. Anyway, this new pad of yours is sick. Beats that apartment over Central Park.”

I shrug. “I like living in the city. Alice likes it here.” I lie. Alice wanted me to save money. She was confused as to why I blew millions on a mansion on Gatsby Drive, and more than a hundred K on a housewarming party for strangers.

She stopped questioning me once she realized the party was for her.

We all know that that party wasn’t thrown for her.

Yes, I’m a fucking jerk. I know that.

Carl curses. “Oh man, he’s hitting her again,” he mutters.

“What? Who is hitting who?”

Carl takes a deep breath. “Only because you’re family, man… Here, read this.” He shows me the iMessages from Mandi. My blood boils as I read them.




—he hit me again… I don’t know how much more of this I can take. What should I do, Carl?

—fucking black eye…

—I hate this. I have to leave him…




Carl stands up from the couch and says, “I’m going to kill him. I swear. I have to go see my sis.”

“I’ll go with you,” I tell him, my hands curled into fists and my heart breaking for Mandi.






Eleven: Mandi



My Cartier shades barely cover my black and blue right eye.  Damn, it hurts.

“Come in,” I tell Carl. Imagine my surprise when I see Liam walk through the door of my manse with my brother. “Welcome to my humble abode,” I say to Liam.

“Humble?” he chuckles, almost nervously.

“Tea or coffee?” I ask them when we’re sitting at the dining table. Rosita waits patiently for our order.

“Just water, please,” Liam says.

“Same for me, Rosita. Thanks. Mandi, let me see what he did to you,” Carl says.

Rosita lays down our drinks and stands behind me.

I shake my head. “Seriously, Carl… this is none of his business.” I point at Liam. “So don’t make this uncomfortable for me.”

“You should call the cops,” Liam says. “He should not get away with abusing you. And this is my business, Mandi, because you’re… you’re family to me.”

I sigh and dismiss Rosita. Then I remove my shades. My face is devoid of makeup. The ugly bruise marring the area around my eye is staring right at the guys.

“See it? Happy now? And no, I’m not calling the cops on my husband.”

“You’re just going to let him get away with this? Like how Mom let that bastard get away with…”

“I’m not Mom, Carl. I have my reasons. Robin… he won’t hurt me anymore. He promised.” I rub my nose and can’t help but allow the tears to roll down my cheeks. My brother hugs me and pats my head. Through tear-blurred eyes, I can see a pained look on Liam’s face.

“Listen, sis, whatever you need, okay? Let me know. Come back home. Leave the bastard. I mean even if you don’t stay with us, Mom would be happy to see you.”

“Not tonight, Carl. I’ll wait until the bruise goes away. I don’t want Mom to worry.”

Liam breathes deeply and rubs his forehead. “Then come stay with me at least. What if he hurts you again?”

“I don’t want to impose. Besides, your girlfriend, no I mean your fiancée, might mind. And I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that idea. After all, you hate me now.”

“How can he hate you? We’re family, Mandi,” Carl says. “Besides, you guys are neighbors now and Shaggy’s finally over you… Shit.” That’s my brother for you, a blabbermouth.

“I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear the last part to save Liam some embarrassment,” I say. Liam, however, doesn’t look the least bit embarrassed. He casually shrugs.

“It was just a little crush. I’m sure you know about it.” He smiles at me.

I smile back. “Well, I had a little crush on you too, but you were always too young for me. Geez, Carl, don’t look at me like that. I’m just kidding.” I roll my eyes. “Look, I’m not a child. I’ll be fine. Robin won’t be home tonight. He’s going to Canada for business.”

Carl’s phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it, leaving me alone with Liam. Shrouded by silence, we just sit there. He looks around the dining room, studying his surroundings, but anyone can tell that something’s on his mind. He avoids looking at me, and I’m glad it’s not disgust that shows on his face.

He catches me staring at him and our eyes lock. Neither he nor I want to be the first one to look away. That shows weakness.

“Is this what you dreamed of? A beautiful house, affluence, and an abusive husband?” Liam sighs. He looks at me with pity in his eyes.

“No woman dreams about that. We only want to be loved. Robin doesn’t even look at me. When I don’t please him, this happens.” I point at my bruised eye.

“I guess that’s why I was so tempted by that masked stranger. You. An attractive young man stirred my blood and made me feel alive. It’s just unfortunate that it wound up being you…”

“I’m sorry, Mandi. I guess I’ve misjudged you.” Liam’s expression softens.

Carl walks back into the dining room. “Hey guys, I have to go. Jacob needs me at the shop. Mandi, if you need anything, let me know. I’ll give you a ring tomorrow. I still feel that you should call the cops on that bastard, but I respect that it’s your choice.”

“Bullshit,” Liam says. “Robin’s just going to keep hurting you. He’s been hurting you since day one. He fucking cheated on you the day of your wedding.”

“Please, I don’t need to hear this. Don’t you think I know that he’s been sticking his dick into whatever warm hole he can find? Both of you, just go. Thanks for coming, but I’ll be fine, at least until he comes back, but for now, I’ll be fine...” I remain in my chair, my head turned away from them to look out through the windows. The guys can see themselves out.

“Bye, Mandi,” Liam says, leaving my house with Carl.




…Later that night…


Since Carl and Liam left, it’s been raining. I love hearing the pit-pats of the rain against my roof and windows. The occasional crack of thunder and flash of lightning doesn’t bother me.

I’m minutes away from calling it a night when a visitor rings the doorbell. Bradford, my butler, answers the door of course, and lets me know that a Mr. Liam Daniels is at the door.

Directing Bradford to retire his old bones for the night, I wrap a pink night robe over my silk nightgown and go downstairs to meet my guest. Why is he here now? What does he want?

I could only imagine.

When I see a soaking wet Liam, I notice that he’s holding a black-feathered mask in his hand. He’s wearing a form-fitting white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He runs his hand through his dripping wet hair.

“This couldn’t wait?” I ask him.

“No, it couldn’t.” He takes a step toward me. “Can you pretend that I’m him again? The masked stranger?”

“What the hell are you talking about, Liam?”

“Let me show you.” He flings the mask away and closes the distance between us, cupping my face with his wet hands. He looks deep into my eyes and claims my lips with his. His kiss is hard and fervent. I try to push myself away, but a rush of helplessness floods through me as I feel my body melt. I return his kiss with equal fervor. My heart races, making every beat of my pulse thunder furiously. His lips insistently part mine. He could suffocate me with this kiss and I’d still cry out for more.

Liam breaks the kiss, for only a moment, to hoist me up into his arms. We’re still kissing as he makes his way up the stairs to my bedroom, albeit clumsily. With me on my bed now—the one I share with Robin—Liam is breathless, but only for a few seconds. He removes his wet shirt and tosses it aside before joining me in the bed. I can’t help but ogle him, his broad shoulders and muscular chest. Even rain soaked, he smells amazing, all musty and masculine. I want to drown in his scent.

“Mandi… I’ve adored you since… since we first met. You knew this. You’ve always known.” He’s so gentle as he trails a finger down my nose and across my cheek. “God, you’ve always been so damn beautiful. Still beautiful, even with that awful bruise.” He plants soft butterfly kisses over my right eyebrow, then even gentler kisses over my eyelid.

He removes my night robe and slips the nightgown over my head. My nipples rise for him. I’m so wet already. He studies my breasts and smiles. “You’re amazing,” he says. “I can look at you forever.”

“Don’t just look, Liam… Touch me. Kiss me. Make love to me.”

The storm has picked up. Perhaps it’s my imagination, but with every orgasm that ripples through me, a roar of thunder shakes the world outside. As the two of us lie, spent and sweaty, with our limbs entwined and our bodies locked together, I close my eyes.

Liam whispers three little words into my ear and kisses my earlobe.


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