Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1) (6 page)

  I walked into the kitchen and immediately smelled Mexican food. My favorite. He was just standing up so I put my arms around him from behind. He turned around and put both of his hands around the back of my neck and entwined his fingers in my hair. He put his mouth on mine and kissed me tenderly. He tasted like heaven.

  "Hey beautiful" He said as he broke away from my lips.

  "Hey yourself" I whispered. He had literally just taken my breath away and I found it hard to speak.

  "Is it crazy that I missed you?" He asked.

  "Not at all" I admitted and gave him another kiss. He smelled even better than the food. So manly and fresh. I suddenly had the urge to devour him.

  "It smells delicious" I said trying to collect myself.

  "You like enchiladas?" He asked.

  "Mexican food is my favorite" I said.

  "Good deal. Do you want something to drink?"  He asked as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a Corona.

  "I'm good thanks" I said. I realized that was the first time I had seen him drink anything. I watched him take a swig from the bottle and tried not to drool. How could drinking a beer look sexy? Jase pulled it off though.

  "What'd I tell you about biting that lip?" He said as he put his bottle on the counter and walked towards me. I didn't even realize I had done it.

  Jase grabbed me around the waist and put me on the counter. His mouth slammed against mine. It wasn't sweet or tender. It was intense and full of need. I wrapped my legs around his waist and immediately reached for his shirt. I wanted it off. Now. When Jase helped me pull his shirt over his head I couldn't help but drink him in. His body was sculpted and perfect. He had a huge tattoo of an anchor on his left side. I grabbed him by the front of his jeans and pulled him closer to me. We were kissing as if our lives depended on it. And in that moment, I didn't think I could survive if I didn't get more of Jase. He unbuttoned my shirt without moving his mouth away from mine and slid it off my shoulders.

  "I need you now" He whispered into my mouth.

  "Yes" I said as I threw my head back. It was already almost too much.

  Jase grabbed my ass and lifted me off the counter. I put my hands up to his head and ripped his cap off so I could run my fingers through his dark hair. But I was so turned on, I couldn't help but pull it. Jase groaned into my neck and started walking down the hall into his bedroom with me wrapped around his waist.  I don't think I had ever wanted anything so bad in my life.

  Jase put me down on his bed and hovered over me. He stopped and stared at me. Our eyes were locked and I could feel his chest heaving against me.

  "You're so fucking beautiful Lainey" He said is a raspy voice as he looked me up and down.

  I put both of my hands on each side of his face and pulled him closer to me. Our need for each other took over once again and we fumbled to get the remainder of our clothes off.
God, he was so beautiful.

  Jase put his hands between my legs and started rubbing my clit. His hands were magic. I couldn't help but moan and buck into his hand. I wanted more.

  "I want to taste that pussy baby" He said as he slowly moved his finger in and out of me.

  "Oh God" was all I could say. His dirty mouth would be my undoing.

  He put his face between my legs and started to lick me. He took his time and caressed me with his tongue.

  "So fucking sweet" He moaned into me as he continued to swirl his tongue around my clit.

  "Oh God Jase" He was going to make me come. I wasn't ready for this to end but I needed to give in. It felt too good.

  I screamed his name over and over and pulled his hair harder than I meant to. But it was too much.

  When Jase was sure I was finished he hovered over me and kissed me hard. That was a first but I didn't mind. I would do anything he wanted.

  Jase reached over to his nightstand drawer and pulled a condom out. He ripped it open with his teeth and pulled it out of the package. I grabbed it out of his hand and slid it over his cock. He was watching me with those intense emerald green eyes.

  "Damn baby" He mumbled as he grabbed my legs and put them around his waist.

  He slid himself inside me and we both let out a moan. Jase grabbed both of my hands, and pinned them above my head with our fingers locked. He rocked inside me until I felt another orgasm building. Another first. I arched my back and closed my eyes.

  "Open your eyes" Jase said. "I want to see you come"

  His words sent me over the edge again. He continued to thrust inside of me over and over again.  The way he slid in and out of me in a slow rhythm was the most erotic experience of my life. I ran my nails down his back and his pace quickened. The growl that came from his throat let me know that he was close.
So fucking hot.

  "Fuck" He said as he slammed into me one last time.

  He shifted his weight on top of me. We laid there, breathing heavy, our bodies slick with sweat. It was perfect.
HE was perfect.

  We didn't move for a few minutes, then I heard a beeping sound. What was that?

  "Dinner's ready" He said with a chuckle. "Stay right here."

  Jase rolled off me and stood up. First, he walked towards the kitchen and the beeping stopped.  I watched as he walked into the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. I heard the water running and he came out with a washcloth. He laid beside me on the bed and cleaned me. No one had ever done that before. It was sweet and sexy. Just like Jase. He threw the washcloth to the basket in the corner and started gathering up our clothes. Once we were dressed I started to get off the bed and Jase pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. This time it was sweet and tender.

  "I'm falling hard for you Jase" I said without hesitation. I didn't want to sound weak by admitting my feelings so soon but I had to tell him. A part of me was scared he would tell me we were moving too fast. Because the rational part of my brain was telling me just that. But my heart was screaming louder and my mind didn't stand a chance. Jase didn't speak. He just put his hands around the back of my neck and stared into my eyes.

  "I don't want to freak you out, I'm sorry." I blurted out and closed my eyes. I regretted saying it out loud.

  "Look at me." He whispered. "I started falling the minute I looked into those blue eyes of yours" He said as he caressed my cheek. "I can't even explain it. I wanted to kiss you before you even said a word to me. And once I got a taste, I was hooked. I don't want to mess this up, Lainey. I want this. I need this."

  "Me too." I said. I was so relieved. I put my lips to his. I could stay like this forever.

  Instead we walked back into the kitchen. Jase grabbed his baseball cap off the floor and adjusted it back on his head. It was so cute the way he always had a hat on. Then we walked over to the table and he pulled out a chair. He motioned for me to sit down.

  "Do you need some help?" I asked

  "Nope. Sit."

  I sat in the chair and watched as he maneuvered around the kitchen. He brought everything to the table. It looked delicious.

  "This looks amazing Jase. I should have known you could cook too." I said as I picked up my fork.

  "I figured out pretty young how to fend for myself." He said with a little sadness in his eyes. But it disappeared pretty quickly.

  "Oh my God." I moaned as I took a bite of the cheesy enchilada. "This is delicious."

  "Thanks" He said as he devoured his enchiladas.

  After we finished dinner, he started putting away the dishes.

  "No way, if you cook, you at least have to let me clean up" I said

  "How bout I let you help clean up?" He said with a grin.

  "Deal" I said as I took his plate out of his hand and walked over to the sink.

  He walked over to the pantry to grab aluminum foil to cover the leftovers when his phone began to ring. It was on the counter right next to me and I couldn't help but glance over. "Jay"

  Jase walked over to the phone, looked at the name, hit decline then put his phone in his pocket. He didn't say a word, just kept cleaning the kitchen. Was I just being paranoid or was that weird? Was "Jay" a female? God, Lainey. Yes you're paranoid. Every man isn't like Derek. I hated that I always had to remind myself of that.

  "Do you want to watch a movie?" Jase asked as we finished cleaning the kitchen.

  "Sure" I said. I put on a smile even though "Jay" was nagging at my gut. I wanted to ask but it wasn't my business. Unless it was a female, then it was my business. Wasn't it? Maybe? I don't know. Were we making this exclusive? Damn it! My stupid paranoid mind would drive me crazy.

  Jase grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to the couch. I snuggled up against him as he grabbed the remote. His phone rang again. Jase pulled it out of his pocket. Of course I was going to look. "Jay" He hit decline again and put his phone on the end table.

  "Who's Jay?" I couldn't help it. My curiosity and paranoia got the best of me.

   Jase exhaled but remained silent.

  "I know it's not my business" I said quietly.

  "Jay's my dad" Jase said after a couple of minutes.

  "Oh" I said. I was confused. "I thought he wasn't in the picture?"

  "He's not" He said quickly.

  "But he calls you?"

  "He tries." Jase said. "But I don't answer"

  "Why?" I asked. "I'm sorry Jase. I just want to know you more. I want to learn everything about you." I said as I scooted myself onto his lap and nuzzled into his neck.

  I could feel his pulse quicken in his neck. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

  "Ok." He said with a sigh. "I don't ever talk about this, but you make it pretty hard to tell you no." He gave me a tiny grin. He was trying to lighten the mood. I backed away from him a little so I could look at his eyes.

  He looked down and his shoulders slumped a little. My heart was already breaking for him. Whatever it was, this was hard for him.  I put my hands in his and gave him a squeeze.

  "My mom got sick when I was 11. She was a really good mom." He said as he looked into my eyes. "Before she got sick, she would sing all the time. She would sing while she did the dishes or cooked me breakfast. She would make up songs to get me to do my homework." He said with a little smile as he looked down. "She was a good mom. But when she got sick, she got real bad, real fast. She just wasted away in a few months. Jay was there for her though, I'll give him that. But once she died, he changed."

  Jase was rubbing my hand with his thumbs as he talked. I knew this was hard for him to talk about. But he needed to get it out. My eyes welled up with tears just looking at the brokenness on his face. I didn't speak, I just waited when he paused.

  "He started doing drugs. Speed I guess. He would leave for days at a time. I would be alone. I didn't have anybody else. He kept working and paying the bills though, he just wasn't around.  He would get groceries sometimes. But that even stopped after a while. I would mow yards in my neighborhood to get food money. It went on for years. He would take off, then come home acting crazy. He would talk about people following him or watching him. He wasn't my dad anymore. He was a junkie." Jase said. His eyes were full of hurt but his voice didn't show any emotion. But he continued.

  "When I was 16, I got a job at the local carwash. I saved up all the money I could for months to get a car. He came home one day while I was at school and stole it. My room was tore up and he left a needle in the bathroom. Who does that shit?" Jase said as he looked up at me.

  "I'm so sorry Jase" I whispered. My voice full of emotion as I pushed the lump in my throat back down.

  "He denied it, of course. He was so fucked up in the head, he probably didn't even remember. After that I got a bank account so he couldn't touch it.  Anyway, I graduated from high school, got a job on the rig and made my own way."

  "When is the last time you saw him?" I asked.

  "After my first hitch. I went home to get my stuff since I finally had the money for my own place."

  "You haven't seen him in 8 years?" I said.

  "Nope" He replied.

  "How does he have your number?" I asked.

  "An old buddy from school gave it to him a few years ago.  He didn't realize what a pain in my ass it would be. He didn't know how bad things were."

  "How often does he call?"

  "Couple times a week."

  "And you never answer his calls?" I asked. I knew I was asking a lot of questions but I had to know.


  "Ever?" I asked, a little shocked.

  "No, Lainey" He said with a little laugh. "Never"

  "Wow" It was all I could say.

  "Now. Can we please not talk about it anymore?" He asked, but it really wasn't a question. He was done talking about it, whether I liked it or not. I knew that for sure. "Let's watch that movie."

  "Ok." I said, even though it took everything in me to stop asking questions.

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